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Solaris Cluster How to Offline Resource Groups and Prevent Restarts While Troubleshooting (Doc ID


Solaris Cluster - Version 3.0 to 4.3 [Release 3.0 to 4.3]

Oracle Solaris on SPARC (64-bit)
Oracle Solaris on SPARC (64-bit)


I need to offline a Solaris Cluster resource group for troubleshooting and I don't want cluster to restart it (like cluster
sometimes does when a node re-joins).
How can I accomplish this ?


Prior to Oracle Solaris Cluster 3.2 for a resource group nfs-rg, configured as follows:

-- Resource Groups and Resources --

                   Group Name     Resources

                   ----------          ---------
 Resources: nfs-rg                nfs-lh-rs nfs-rs nfs-has-rs

nfs-lh            = Logical Host resource
nfs-rs            = NFS resource
nfs-has-rs      = HAStoragePlus resource

To offline the resource group so it would not restart when a node joined or left the cluster.
The following set of commands would have to be run:

nodeA # scswitch -F -g nfs-rg

nodeA # scswitch -n -j nfs-lh-rs
nodeA # scswitch -n -j nfs-rs
nodeA # scswitch -n -j nfs-has-rs
nodeA # scswitch -u -g nfs-rg

To enable one only has to run

nodeB # scswitch -Z -g nfs-rg

With the release of Oracle Solaris cluster 3.2,  the process is much simpler due to the suspend option. Only two commands
needed for nfs-rg and all its resources as outlined below:

nodeB # clrg offline nfs-rg

nodeB # clrg suspend nfs-rg

You can clearly see the status with the clrg and clrs commands as shown below:

nodeB # clrg status

=== Cluster Resource Groups ===

Group Name   Node Name               Suspended   Status
----------   ---------               ---------   ------
nfs-rg       nodeA                   Yes         Offline
             nodeB                   Yes         Offline

nodeB # clrs status

=== Cluster Resources ===

Resource Name   Node Name           State     Status Message

-------------   ---------           -----     --------------
nfs-has-rs      nodeA               Offline   Offline
                nodeB               Offline   Offline

nfs-rs          nodeA               Offline   Offline - Completed successfully.

                nodeB               Offline   Offline

nfs-lh-rs       nodeA               Offline   Offline - LogicalHostname offline.

                nodeB               Offline   Offline

To online, run the following two commands:

nodeA # clrg resume nfs-rg

nodeA # clrg online nfs-rg

Again, the status is clear from the clrg and clrs commands:

nodeA # clrg status

=== Cluster Resource Groups ===

Group Name   Node Name               Suspended   Status

----------   ---------               ---------   ------
nfs-rg       nodeA                   No          Online
             nodeB                   No          Offline

nodeA # clrs status

=== Cluster Resources ===

Resource Name   Node Name               State     Status Message

-------------   ---------               -----     --------------
nfs-has-rs      nodeA                   Online    Online
                nodeB                   Offline   Offline

nfs-rs          nodeA                   Online    Online - Successfully started NFS service.

                nodeB                   Offline   Offline

nfs-lh-rs       nodeA                   Online    Online - LogicalHostname online.

                nodeB                   Offline   Offline

nodeA #

What about the Resource Group property, Auto_start_on_new_cluster ? Will that work ?

The Auto_start_on_new_cluster property only applies when ALL cluster nodes are restarted simultaneously (i.e. rebooted).
Details on using that property is described in
Document 1156646.1 Solaris Cluster How to Disable Startup of a Resource Group with 'Auto_start_on_new_cluster' Flag upon
Cluster RebootDelete Reference

Still have questions? Come engage with the My Oracle Support - Oracle Solaris Cluster Community, to search for similar
discussions or start a new discussion on this subject.

NOTE:1156646.1 - Solaris Cluster How to Disable Startup of a Resource Group with 'Auto_start_on_new_cluster' Flag upon
Cluster Reboot
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