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Jason Richards Publishing Presents

BREACHWORLD Adventure Folio #1

(order #12649789)
Welcome aboard.
I sincerely hope you enjoy this adventure module, and Breachworld in gener-
al. What you find in these pages is written so that it can be used with the free,
introductory version of the game that is found on DriveThruRPG. All of the
relevant source information, like monsters and abilities, characters and vil-
lains, are all statted out in these pages.
This is a chance to test drive the setting and mechanics before fully com-
mitting, and I hope that this shows you enough for you to want more. That
said, let's jump right in and get this show on the road.
Game on!
- Jason Richards

© 2016 Jason Richards Publishing, All Rights Reserved. D6 and Mini Six
text, rules, and materials used per Open Game License (OGL). Maps by
Jason Richards. Digital v1.0 (February 2016).

(order #12649789)
The Scavengers
Of all of the unflattering names that this party of wanderers has been called
in their travels across the Civilized Lands, they chose Scavengers to be the
official name of their little band. The self-deprecating joke reflects in many
ways the makeup of the group, who on the whole are upbeat and, at the very
least, united in their efforts. Together, whether bound by friendship or busi-
ness agreement, they search for salvage of value to trade in the villages and
towns across the region. They scrape by, hoping for that big score that can set
them up for life, and maybe change lives for the better.
The joined association is only a recent one, only a few months old. In that
time, certain roles and relationships have either been designated or just
evolved on their own. Each member has a unique place in the crew, bringing
unique value. All work for an equal take of any salvage found, plus a few
special considerations in some cases, and are not bound in the long term.
Character Descriptions
General descriptions are provided for each character, including their role in
the group, and how each relate to one another. These may be used as-is, or
modified to fit the style of play for the game by the Game Master or indi-
vidual player. Additional or replacement characters may also be generated for
use in the adventure.
Character Sheets
After the descriptions, complete character sheets are presented for each of
the five characters. Some of the characters have various Perks, Complications,
or may perform Aether Feats. Descriptions of these aspects of the characters
are collected from the RPG and placed after the character sheets for easy ref-
erence. Additional character building materials are found in the Breachworld
RPG and the Breachworld Player Guide.

(order #12649789)
Lively Dru Shovelbum
Blue is an archaeologist hailing from Boot Fishery; not some stuffy academic,
but the type with practical knowledge and dirt under his fingernails. He uses
his knowledge of Earth's history to seek out lost relics of either historic or
intrinsic value. Mostly this means scrap materials or the odd bit of memor-
abilia to trade, but the goal is to unearth more significant artifacts. He is the
leader of the Scavengers, and recruited or hired each into the cause.
Relationship with other characters: Sees Ort-Ta as a great kid who can
benefit from his guidance. Appreciates with Alonso brings to the group, but
respects his distant and introverted nature. Hex is his best friend, whom he
trusts above anyone else in the world. Value's Copper Top's contribution to
the Scavengers, but views their relationship as strictly business; a little afraid
that he can't be trusted should a better offer come along.

Cheerful Tusk Laborer
Ort-Ta was the first to join up with Blueback, who needed a good all-around
companion to help with some of the heavy lifting, as well as serve as muscle
in a fight as required. Ort was passing through Boot Fishery when she and
Blueback became acquainted and started their partnership. She has proven to
be a resourceful companion, not just a pack mule.
Relationship with other characters: Idolizes Blueback and is envious
of his brainy skills. Feels the need to try and befriend Alonso to help him feel
welcome, perhaps being over-enthusiastic in doing so. Really likes Hex and
sees her as a kindred spirit. Curious about Copper Top and really doesn't un-
derstand his cold demeanor, but looks for ways to bridge the gap.

Alonso of IGA
Lonely Near-Human Epic
Alonso joined the Scavengers as a case of circumstance. In the early weeks of
Blue's and Ort's initial partnership, they stumbled across Alonso north of
Boot Fishery. He was living as a hermit, alone in the ruins of an ancient
crossroads town, making his way despite persistent harrassment by raiders.
He was able to point the Scavengers to a stock of useful building materials
that he had come across while exploration of the ruins. This score helped to

(order #12649789)
cement Blue's hopes that his enterprise would be a success. Recognizing his
resourcefulness, Blue asked Alonso to join the team.
Relationship with other characters: Grateful to Blueback for making
him part of the team. Intimidated by Ort-Ta, due to her size and strength as
well as her outgoing attitude. Nurtures a crush on Hex, but is incapable of
pursuing anything. Feels like he and Copper Top are the biggest outsiders and
should get along, and upset that they don't.

Carefree Pathos Fixer
Hex is a longtime friend to Blueback, having spent many an evening together
planning for a salvage operation, screens and maps and books scattered over
a table at Pub's Bar in Boot Fishery. Her only hesitation in joining up with the
expedition was fear that a now-distant romantic history with Blue might again
flare up and jeopardize the partnership. With Ort and Alonso on board,
however, Hex felt comfortable enough with the dynamic to sign on. Hex's
addition is of great benefit, as she helps to determine what salvage may be
worth taking, and is able to clean up or repair any equipment that is salvaged
so that it fetches the maximum possible value in trade.
Relationship with other characters: Deeply cares for Blueback and sees
him as a partner rather than a leader. Very amused and uplifted by Ort-Ta.
Distant from Alonso so as not to lead him on. A little uncomfortable with
Copper Top, who has no emotions.

Copper Top
Heartless Machine Man Merc
Copper Top, known casually as Top, is the latest addition to the Scavengers,
and something of an outlier in the group. Top is strictly a hired gun, with no
other interest in the work or the individuals involved. Carrying good salvage
makes the group a target, and a few run-ins with bushwhackers led Blueback
to see the need to hire on a soldierly escort. Top was available for hire out of
Trade Post, and the Scavengers' profitable track record convinced him to sign
up, provided he receive first claim at any ammo when dividing out shares.
This has been a fair bargain, as Copper Top is extremely proficient with rifle
and bayonet, and has served to get the Scavengers out of many tight spots.
Relationship with other characters: Respects Blueback as a leader and
planner. Totally indifferent to Ort-Ta and Alonso. Has sincere appreciation
for Hex's mechanical skills.

(order #12649789)
Starting Character (0 CP)
Template: Lively Shovelbum Age: 30
Race: Dru Height: 5 ft, 11 in (1.8 m)
Sex: Male Weight: 178 lbs (81 kg)
Description: Lean build with slightly brambly, dark brown fur. Wears a
light armored vest and padded jacket when traveling, or
loose-fitting cotton shirt and pants when working. Rarely
without his wide-brimmed straw hat, which commonly
has useful items such as a map, pencils, or a light snack
stuck in the band. His animal friend, a squirrel named
Rhodes, is usually on his shoulder or napping in his pack.
Personality: A confident and capable leader, dedicated to the pursuit
of lost knowledge. Cares for the well being of his team
and seeks to be fair in all things.
Objectives: To recover some of the secrets lost to his adopted world.
A Quote: "You never know what might be in there."
Might 2D+2 Perks
Dru Beast Tongue
Agility 2D+2
Dodge 3D+2 Complications
Handgun 3D+1 None
Wit 4D Combat Stats
History 5D+1 Block 8
Search 4D+2 Dodge 11
Parry 8
Charm 2D+2 Soak 8
Courage 3D+1
Persuade 3D+1 Gear
Screen with personal research and history
Move 15 texts, notebook and colored pencils, com-
pass, annotated paper map of the Civil-
ized Lands, collapsable entrenching tool, a
revolver (4D, 6 shots, 30/65/100 ft or
9/20/30 m) with 21 rounds of ammuni-
tion, hard vest and padded jacket (+3
Soak), some camping gear, and a few per-
sonal items.

(order #12649789)
Starting Character (0 CP)
Template: Cheerful Laborer Age: 18
Race: Tusk Height: 7 ft (2.1 m)
Sex: Female Weight: 356 lbs (161 kg)
Description: Tall, with a slight lavendar tint to her bony plates, and
simple silver bands around her tusks. Usually wears a light
ivory tunic and sturdy rust-colored wool trousers that
have been repeatedly patched and mended.
Personality: Energetic and positive with the naivete of youth. Eager to
please and generally uncomfortable in awkward or stress-
ful social situations.
Objectives: To travel the Civilized Lands and make her way in the
world by helping others.
A Quote: "Let me carry that for you."
Might 5D Perks
Brawl 6D+2 Armor, Heavy (already included in Soak);
Lift 6D+1 Unstunnable
Stamina 6D
Agility 2D+2 Enemies
Athletics 3D+1
Dodge 3D Combat Stats
Block 20
Wit 2D+1 Dodge 9
Parry 15
Charm 2D Soak 21
Courage 3D
Move 14 An extra set of work clothes, a canvas
poncho, an electric lantern, a week's ra-
tions, a simple bedroll, a large backpack,
and some personal items. In addition,
often carries comrades' gear and any salvage
that has been collected on a large pull-cart.

(order #12649789)
Alonso ofIGA
Starting Character (0 CP)
Template: Lonely Epic Age: 38
Race: Near-Human Height: 5 ft, 8 in (1.7 m)
Sex: Male Weight: 192 lbs (87 kg)
Description: Short and pudgy, with ash-colored skin, all-purple eyes,
and a bisected nose. Wears cobbled-together, homemade
metal and leather armor over sturdy wool pants and a
sleeveless shirt. Hatchets hang from his belt.
Personality: Isolated and alone, missing the homeworld he last saw as
a child. Despite a meloncholy demeanor, greatly appreci-
ates the companionship of his fellow Scavengers, and is
very protective of his friends.
Objectives: To travel the world in search of others of his race.
A Quote: "It's dangerous to go alone."
Might 3D+1 Perks
Axe 4D None
Agility 3D+1 Complications
Throw 4D+1 None
Wit 3D+1 Advanced Class
Epic 5D Epic
Charm 2D Aether Feats
Courage 2D+2 Accelerate, Deflect Projectile
Move 15 Combat Stats
Block 10
Dodge 10
Parry (Axe) 12
Soak 10
Homemade leather and metal armor (+4
Soak), four hatchets (+1D+1 in melee or
thrown), one Bump, some camping gear,
and a few personal items.

(order #12649789)
Starting Character (0 CP)
Template: Carefree Fixer Age: 26
Race: Pathos Height: 6 ft, 1 in (1.9 m)
Sex: Female Weight: 143 lbs (65 kg)
Description: Tall and lean, with the characteristic "mohawk" of hair
down her head and back, bright green in color. Subtle
raised ridges from each ear down her jawline. Often wears
grease-stained coveralls and carries around a huge
wrench, over 3 feet (0.9 m) long, which she can wield as a
two-handed club if the need should arise.
Personality: Happy and cheerful, with a view of the world that stems
from intellectual curiosity. Never happier than when
learning something new or discovering some new alien or
pre-Fall machine, no matter how ordinary. As a Pathos, is
aware of the emotions of those around her, and is
sensetive toward them.
Objectives: To tinker with the most interesting machines possible.
A Quote: "I wonder what this does..."
Might 2D+2 Perks
Blunt 3D+2 Pathos Empathy
Agility 2D+2 Complications
Dodge 3D+2 None
Wit 3D+2 Combat Stats
Computer 4D+1 Block 8
Repair 5D Dodge 11
Parry (Blunt) 11
Charm 3D Soak 8
Courage 3D+1
Streetwise 3D+2 Gear
Huge wrench (+1D+2), equipment repair
Move 15 kit, mechanic's coveralls and toolbelt, screen
with personal design notes and assorted re-
pair manuals, long-lasting rechargeable
flashlight, light traveling armor (+1 Soak),
some simple camping implements, and a
few personal items.

(order #12649789)
Copper Top
Starting Character (0 CP)
Template: Heartless Merc Age: 8
Race: Machine Man Height: 4 ft, 11 in (1.5 m)
Sex: Not applicable Weight: 241 lbs (109 kg)
Description: Extremely compact, short, and stout body, with slightly
long arms and legs. Overtly optimized for combat, with a
strong and tough look. Painted in a digital camoflauge
pattern of grays and browns, with areas touched up fol-
lowing battle damage and subsequent repair.
Personality: Emotionless, but exudes a certain meanness and a cavalier
disregard for organic life and concerns. Driven by a goal
of sustainable personal wealth to some unknown end.
Absolutely loyal to an employer, so long as payment is as
agreed, and no better offer comes along. Self-designed to
function uninhibited when facing long odds or violent
risk, or what organics would call "fear."
Objectives: To get paid, plain and simple.
A Quote: "Lucky it was you that hired me and not the other guys."
Might 3D+2 Perks
Pole-Arm 5D+1 Fearless, Recall, Quick Study
Agility 3D+2 Complications
Dodge 4D+2 Soulless
Rifle 5D+1
Combat Stats
Wit 4D Block 8
Navigate 5D+1 Dodge 14
Search 5D+1 Parry (Pole-Arm) 16
Track 5D Soak 11
Charm 1 D+1 Gear
Self-repair kit, combat rifle (5D+1, 15
Move 15 rounds, 65/200/400 ft or 20/60/120 m)
with bayonet (+2D), one spare magazine,
59 rounds of rifle ammo, plus another 127
assorted rounds and 4 pounds of precious
metals kept as currency.

(order #12649789)
Armor, Heavy. Thanks to some sort of natural protection, such as an ex-
tremely tough hide or heavy bone plating, you add +6 to your Soak total.
Fearless. You do not experience fear, or if you do, it does not affect you.
This could be for biological, chemical, or even paranormal reasons.
Quick Study. You catch on more quickly than most, and so it’s easier for
you to learn new skills or advance the skills you have. Wit skills require one
fewer CP than normal to advance. For example, if you have 4D in Lan-
guage, you must only spend 3 CPs to advance to 4D+1.
Recall. Any time you choose to recall anything you have experienced, the
GM must tell him you the truth in as much detail as you would have been aware.
Unstunnable. You cannot be Stunned or Dazed, and first take the effects
of damage at the first Wounded level. If hit with a weapon that deals only
stun damage, it has no effect; no Might roll required.
Enemies. Someone doesn’t like you at all, and is a credible threat. Maybe
they have more friends than you, or maybe they’re just bigger and meaner.
Either way, you have your own personal bully. You earn the bonus CP when
they complicate your life.
Soulless. You do not experience genuine emotions, be it love, hate, envy,
joy, or any other “feeling.” Earn a CP if your stoicism serves as a stumbling
block in your interaction with others.
Special Perks
Dru Beast Tongue
TN: 8
Duration: Concentration
Range: Self
Resisted: None
The Dru can communicate with animals via a crude sort of telepathy; this
is not an ability to command or control. The animal can give and receive
impressions and some basic information, but only within the limits of its
natural perception. This limits their abilities as scouts or agents, as complex
thoughts and the interpretation of instructions are beyond most animals.


(order #12649789)
Pathos Empathy
TN: Resist Roll
Duration: Concentration
Range: 100 feet (30 m)
Resisted: Epic skill, or Charm attribute
A Pathos can sense the emotions of those in the immediate vicinity. The
character gets a general sense of the mood of a group of people or animals
within the radius, as well as the presence of any particularly strong or out of
place feelings. A specific person or creature can be more specifically read, in
which case the Pathos can more distinctly determine the target’s emotional
Aether Feats
TN: 10
Duration: Instant
Range: Self
Resisted: None
By converting Aether into kinetic energy, the Epic can throw something
much harder than he or she normally could. Add a bonus of +1D to the
damage of any thrown object.
Deflect Projectile
TN: 10 + Attack Roll
Duration: Instant
Range: 50 feet (15 m)
Resisted: Special
The kinetic energy of a projectile such as a bullet, arrow, baseball, or other
such object is partially affected by the Epic, effectively deflecting it away
from its target and sending it off harmlessly in another direction. This is
achieved through a contested roll. The Epic must roll his or her Epic skill to
beat the TN of 10, plus the attacker’s roll to strike (e.g. Mavis the Terrible
throws a spear at Apoc Bill. Mavis’s Throw total is 11, so Bill needs a 21 or
better to deflect the strike). The Epic may attempt to deflect a projectile
aimed at another person, or something aimed at the Epic.


(order #12649789)
The Big Score
The beginning of the characters' adventure finds them holed up at the Car-
dinal House, an inn that is a frequent destination for those moving between
Trade Post or Boot Fishery and Arena. The Scavengers find themselves at the
reasonably priced, above-average house for the first time, having never before
traveled this far west in their exploration. Under normal circumstances,
camping would better suit the group's shoestring budget, but a thunderstorm
of considerable ferocity is passing through the region, and the party was glad
to find accomodations indoors.

The GM may read the following, or describe in his or her own words:
The storm rages outside, with thunderclouds so dense and sheets of
rain falling so thickly that they draw a blackout shade over the mid-
day sun. All throughout the main room of the Cardinal House, rest-
less travelers sit and try to busy themselves with whatever tedium
they can muster. Clothes are mended, weapons cleaned, and cards
dealt. You all have other places to be down the road, be it for work
or pleasure or simple wanderlust, but everyone must wait for a
break in the storm.
Few of last night’s guests have moved on for fear of the weather,
while another host hurried in from the road by mid-morning to seek
shelter in the inn, making for a packed house. As you look around
the room you can’t help but note the diversity of the crowd. About
half the occupants are human, or at least look it. A Grim, melan-
choly as usual, eats and chats with the landlady. A large and power-
ful Tusk, the bones extending from his chin banded in decorative
metal rings, spits on the blade of a huge axe to get a good polish. An

(order #12649789)
auburn-furred Dru is deep in mental communion with one of the
bright red birds that gives the lodging house its name. A Climber
snoozes in a hammock hung from the rafters above the assembly. A
Pathos sits by the stove in the middle of the room and fiddles with
some program on her Screen, while everyone tries not to be obvious
in keeping their distance. You know there are other aliens, many
likely without even a common name for their people, flopped in the
next room, trying to sleep through the booms of thunder and the
dripping of water through soft spots in the thatch roof.
The Scavengers all gather around a small table near a front window,
keeping an eye on the cart loaded with salvaged materials sitting
right outside the door. Two days ago, you pulled over 12 feet of
metal pipe and 75 feet of electrical wiring, plus some assorted odds
and ends, from an ancient ruin exposed by a recent grass fire. You
hope to be able to trade for fresh supplies, a bed for a night, and
maybe some information on the area.

Encounter 0
Mechanics Basics
If your players are new to Breachworld, or to role-playing in general, there
are a number of opportunities for introduction to the world and the mech-
anics of the game while sitting around the Cardinal House. Feel free to skip
directly to Encounter 1 if this is too rudimentary for your group.
Barter is the trade of the day, and providing services is often a good trade
for room and board. Also available for trade are the crew’s salvaged materials.
To demonstrate the use of a variety of skills, consider using some of the
following scenarios, or construct your own. Some of the tasks presented lend
to the strengths of the provided pre-generated characters, but others do not.
Payment for any of these tasks will be in some combination of comfortable
lodging for the night, food during the stay, and provisions to be carried out
upon departure. The landlady is notoriously stingy.
Flue Fixer. The stove in the middle of the common room smokes,
thanks to a rusted flue that runs up through the roof. It can be repaired
with 5 feet (1.5 m) of salvaged pipe, and an Easy check of the Repair skill.
Rat Catcher. The heavy rain has chased a pair of rats into the kitchen
that need to be removed. Each has a Dodge score of 8 and a Soak of 3.
Characters are free to keep the rats if caught or killed. Cleaning and
cooking them is an Easy check of the Survive skill.

(order #12649789)
Paul Bunyon. The storm has an oak tree that stands near the rear of the
house leaning precariously over the back porch. It can be moved away
from the house with a Heroic check of the Lift skill, or a Difficult Lift
check combined with a Moderate Wit check (or just a good plan role-
played by the players).
Haggler. The landlady really low-balls the players on her first offer and
can be convinced to improve compensation through use of the Persuade
skill. The TN of the check is determined by rolling her Persuade skill
(2D+2) and adding +3 to the total due to her inherent advantage as the
property owner. Results ares relative to the degree of success.
Bad Help. A drunken barmaid instigates a fight with a patron and needs
to be physically restrained or otherwise convinced to stand down. She has
a Might of 2D and a Brawl skill of 3D (Soak of 6, Block of 9). She has a
Charm of 1D+1.
Fixer Upper. A laborer who works at the House has dislocated his
shoulder hauling some firewood, upping his wound status to Severely
Wounded. A Moderate check of the Medicine skill will improve him to
simply Wounded. In another day, an additional Moderate check of the
Medicine skill will restore the patient to health.

Encounter 1
A Job Offer
The storm still rages, and patrons enjoy the bread and stew included as din-
ner in a night’s board, with the bonus of a plum for big spenders or those
patrons who may have been particularly helpful. As is often the case in such
establishments, strangers make small talk and tell stories of their adventures
over the meal.
A bearded man approaches your table and politely asks for a word
in private. He’s human, in his mid-30s, and is wearing traveling
clothes. He has a high-tech looking handgun holstered at one side,
and a knife hanging on the other. Waiting for any other patrons to
excuse themselves, he begins, nodding toward the group’s cart of
scavenged goods visible through the window.
"I see you’re a salvage outfit, right? You’re in luck. I just came in
from the road today looking for someone just your type. I figured
I’d have to make it all the way back to Arena. Hopefully you’ve
saved me the trip."

(order #12649789)
Questions and Answers
The following are some answers that Jose will give if certain questions are
asked by the characters. If they don't ask, some of the basics will be
provided, but few details.
Who are you?
"Name’s Jose. I’m in the same business as you, more or less, but I
specialize in higher-end items than scrap metal. No offense. Arti-
facts from before The Fall. Tech stuff, mostly."
He pats his holstered sidearm to punctuate the point.
What’s the job?
"Got a good lead on some sort of buried bunker full of goodies. Not
sure exactly what, but real Golden Age stuff, for sure. A little dig-
ging and we’re in and out. No problem. I just need some extra
hands that know what they’re doing."
What’s the catch?
"Only trouble is that my source says there’s a Breach there. My
normal crew won’t go anywhere near those things and skedaddled,
but in my experience, most of them are harmless. Some funky
lights, maybe some weird plants. Nothing to worry about. It’s good
news, if you ask me. If the Breach wasn’t there, the place probably
woulda been raided a hundred years ago."
What’s the pay?
"We go in for shares, with a double share for me, and I get first pick
of the loot. That’s on account of me bringing you the job, and hav-
ing to pay my source. Plus, if you’re interested, my guy says he has
more where this came from, and he can keep giving us work. Trust
me. It’s a square deal."
If pressed on pay, Jose will finance the travel, providing provisions for the
journey out of his own pocket. If really pressed or sufficiently persuaded, he
will acquire a pack burro from another guest at the Cardinal House to help
carry the load and pull the cart.


(order #12649789)
Who’s the source?
"He’s in Arena, but you don’t know him, even if you know Arena
like the back of your own eyelids. Likes to keep things quiet. If
people know you know too much, you’d rather people not know, ya
know? He’s never steered me wrong."
Jose can’t be persuaded to say any more about his source.
Where is it?
"Aw, you don’t expect me to answer that, do ya? It’s not far. I’ve
never been there, myself, but should be only a couple days’ hike,
once this weather clears. I expect we can leave in the morning."
Taking the job
Assuming the group accepts, Jose retires to one of the few private rooms for
the night. The next morning, Jose is ready bright and early, wearing very im-
pressive-looking composite armor that he claims is pre-Fall, but with no hel-
met. He checks one last time to see if all is in order, then leads his
newly-hired Scavengers off to the northeast.

Random Encounters
This is a good opportunity to use a random encounter or two, to provide
some action or to demonstrate some of the setting. Select one of the follow-
ing, or come up with one of your own.
Trapcat Ambush. The traveling group is attacked by a pack of four wild
Trapcats. They will use coordinated attacks and basic strategy such as
feints and distractions to try and take out the most vulnerable or isolated
of the group, including a pack animal if one is present, and then run off
with their kill. If one is Incapacitated, or if two are Severely Wounded,
they will retreat.
Bushwhacker Trap. There is a light truck in the road, with what appears
to be a broken axle. There are no signs of the owners. The cells that
power it have been removed. Attempting to open either the driver’s or
passenger’s door will detonate a fragmentation grenade; a Moderate
Search check will spot the trap. If the trap detonates, a group of three to
five bushwhackers will take bow and rifle shots from cover at long range
and assess the risk posed by the party. If they like their chances, they will
attack. If met with strong resistance, they will quietly retreat.

(order #12649789)
Allosaur Aftermath. A pair of Allousars are seen, feasting on what ap-
pear to be the remains of a farmer and a horse. Cries of another victim
can be heard, from beneath a smashed cart. The dinosaurs are distracted
and may be skirted by the group if they so choose, or the party may at-
tempt to intervene. Any attack on the dinosaurs will make them forget
their current prey. They will retreat if one of them is Seriously Wounded,
or if both are Wounded.
The remaining victim, a teenaged son of the deceased farmer is only
Wounded. He is distrustful of strangers, even if they save his life, but can
be persuaded to say that he lives in a rebuilt ruin of a house not far away.
Also living there are his mother and his younger brother, as well as his
mother’s second husband and their two daughters. He had a cart full of
cut and dried grass that he and his father were transporting to Trade Post.
The family has a few bows and a rifle with a few rounds of ammo, but no
other valuables. He will gladly offer a hot meal, some dried provisions,
and a bed for the night in the barn.
Resistance Expedition. A group of five pack-laden figures can be seen
far ahad, traveling in the same direction as the Scavengers. They are vigil-
ant, and unless the Scavengers take measures to avoid detection, the other
party will take notice of them and find some excuse to stop for a while
and allow the Scavengers to pass.
If passing closely enough to get a good look, it will be clear that all
five are humans, and they are transporting some cargo on a litter. They
will be unwelcoming to anyone they do not know, particularly aliens, but
will not start a conflict. If drawn into a fight, they will battle fiercely, and
are extremely skilled and well armed.
BRAC Squad. An ancient ruin of a highway overpass is ahead, making a
good place to seek shade or shelter for a break or the night. A mixed
group of five aliens is already camped there, however. They seem
equipped for a long journey.
If approached, they will be cautious, but polite, and allow the
Scavengers to camp some distance away under the overpass without any
argument. They are also willing to trade intelligence about the area and
any electronic copies of books or maps with very generous terms; they
seem eager to spread what knowledge they have of the world. They will
say only that they have come from Arena and are on a map-making ex-
pedition. They are well armed and will respond in kind to shows of force.


(order #12649789)
Encounter 2
MiraiCorp Station 9
By afternoon on the second day, barring any major delays from encounters,
the party sees part of a monopole tower rising in the distance. Clear that they
are making for it, Jose encourages all to pick up the pace.
Upon reaching the tower's foundation, Jose take a new bearing nearly due
West, and leads the group in an attempt to reach the site with time to spare
before dark. With a couple of hours of good daylight remaining, the party
arrives at its destination.
The area is wooded, but the wide-branched trees are spaced far enough
apart to allow light to filter through the canopy. Ruins of several buildings
can be seen among the foliage. Jose's information was correct in that there is
Breach activity at the site, but fell short in the sense that there is not one, but
two Breaches. One glows innocently, though the air is thick with some sort of
tiny gnat which could possibly come from across its dimensional boundaries.
The other oozes a sort of orange slime that hardens at the edges of its flow,
like some sort of alien adhevisve spill that sets up after enough contact with
Earth's atmosphere.
Jose pulls a folding spade from his gear and walks toward the corner of
one of the ruined concrete foundations jutting up from the undergrowth. He
takes a reading from his compass and paces off seven steps, then plunges the
shovel into the dirt. With the help of the rest of the Scavengers, a few
minutes of labor is rewarded with the metallic clank of shovel hitting metal.
A thick metal sheet is moved away, exposing a ladder down into a bunker.
Questions and Answers
Now that the objective has been located, the group will likely have some fur-
ther questions, and Jose some new information to impart.
Well, now what?
"Well, now we go down there and do what we came to do: strip the
place! We have time before dark, so I say we get to it. If we all head
down, it will go faster. I have no idea how big it is."
What's down there?
"Some sort of ancient bunker, is all I know. Should be plenty of
good tech to recover, and failing that, at least some scrap."
Some close observation and probing will reveal that the access

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down is concrete at the top, but changes to metal after about ten
feet. There also seems to be about two feet (0.6 m) of water at the
bottom. Anything beyond that will require proper reconaissance.
How did your source know about this place, again?
"I didn't ask. Too many questions is bad for business." Jose glares at
any who might have been overly inquisitive.
Diving Into the Past
All who pile in, led by Jose, find themselves about knee-deep in cold water.
There is no power, but handheld lights and/or torches illuminate the small
space well enough to see. Doors and hatches open easily enough with a
crowbar and some muscle. The facility is obviously some sort of
prefabricated unit, made of several modules, all buried here by some secretive
or paranoid group. Judging by the markings and logos all over everything, the
facility was mnufactured and/or operated by something called MiraiCorp, and
the facility that the party finds themselves standing in is known as Station 9.
Jose will insist on starting the search immediately, and will begin
systematically searching through any of the ruin that is above water.
The Facility
As the group explores, they find the facility to be as follows:
1. Pod #1: Domestic. The first pod contains a living, sleeping, and din-
ing area for the scientists that lived in the facility. It is mostly a large single
room, though shower and toilet facilities stand apart, as does a modest
sleeping area with two sets of triple-bunks. The rest of the large room
contains the remains of a dining area, sitting area, media area, and a kit-
chen. There are bookshelves full of ruined, moldy books, some wrecked
personal electronics, and three rusted exercise bikes. There were once vast
stores of a wide variety of packaged food, but most was consumed while
the facility was still operational.
Loot of note: A random assortment of twenty ceramic dishes and
mugs remain plainly displayed in a cupboard, bearing the MiraiCorp logo,
though most are broken and cracked under the feet of the explorers. An
Easy Search check uncovers nine tubes of a emergency ration paste are
still in a sealed aluminum package on the topmost of some wall-mounted
shelves; it is perfectly edible and each small tube contains enough nutri-
ents to sustain six adults for a day, but it tastes terrible.
2. Pod #2: Research. The working center of the facility is full of alloy
furniture that has held up remarkably well to the passage of time and the

(order #12649789)
watery conditions. A high hexolganal table is at the center of the room,
above which dangles an arachnoidal bundle of instruments, tubes, wires,
and other assorted implements for robotic and biological experimenta-
tion. Six standing desks surround the central table, and then four large
seated desks beyond that. A work counter covered in broken equipment,
overturned shelves, and random scrap line the walls of most of the room.
An egress ladder is through a door in one corner of the room, but the
hatch to open it to the surface is held down by the ground that has shifted
above and filled in the escape shaft.
Loot of note: In the middle of the central work table, there is a cyl-
indrical, pressure-sealed vault with access points from each work station.
Turning the knob to open any of the small doors illicits a release of pres-
sure from inside. Within the containter sit eleven gray, metalic vials, each
with a unique serial number and bar code. Scattered around, there are a
few books, molded and worthless on shelves and tabletops. A Moderate
Search check finds that three Screens are in working order, but without
power. If activated, each contains over 1000 digital books, ranging from
popular fiction to scientific texts to cookbooks.
3. Pod #3: Hibernation. This sparse room contains a couple of items
of rotted out plastic furniture, but is otherwise dominated by six giant
machines. Each is a hyperbaric hibernation chamber, consisting of a large
sleeping section that evokes the image of a large over-the-counter pill,
with a series of pumps and computers attached. There is an egress ladder
in the back of the room, but the access is full of soil and rock. Two of
the pods are cracked open at the seal of their lids, leaving only grime and
mold inside. The other four are sealed. If forced open, one will be empty
and three will be found to contain corpses (two female, one male) mum-
mified with age in perfectly preserved MiraiCorp coveralls.
Loot of note: The water has ruined the fine, delicate circuit boards
and wiring of the machines and their controlling computers. An Easy
Search check reveals that the male corpse wears a large gold ring on his
right hand with its fine detail smoothed with age except for a crest with an
eagle and a shield over the numbers "42" and then "1876" below that. A
Heroic Search check uncovers a white gold ring topped with a 1-carat
diamond, buried in a pile of grode in one of the open chambers.
4. Mechanical Station. A series of long dead controls once operated the
mechanical systems of the station, such as the central heating and cooling,
the ventilation snorkel, and the water purification.
Loot of note: Centuries of moisture has corroded and rotted away
most of the salvageable materials. A Difficult check of the Repair skill will
salvage a few circuit boards and that can be useful to the right buyer. Fail-
ure of the check will reduce the available materials to almost nothing.

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Encounter 3
The Residents
Unknown to the group, they are being carefully watched from various ducts
and in-wall voids throughout the facility. A coven of Yellow Imps have made
this facility their home and are delighted to have someone to torment.
They watch the group as they search the facility, waiting for the party to
split up. If and when the player characters divide, the Imps will immediately
attack whichever they perceive to be the weaker of the two groups. If the
party stays together during the search, the Imps will attack after the search is
complete and the group is headed out of the facility.
During the attack, the Imps avoid the water where possible, jumping onto
the backs of their targets or else leaping between shelves, countertops, and
pieces of equipment. They will be as disruptive and chaotic as possible,
grabbing weapons, throwing junk, pausing in their attack to break valuable
artifacts, and generally screaming and causing mayhem. They mostly attack
with their claws and teeth, but will attempt to ignite fires where possible.
Seven Imps make the initial attack, joined by three more after three com-
bat rounds. If half the attackers are killed, the rest will flee into the ducts and
walls. If the party camps in the area of the station overnight, the Imps will
renew the attack, first by setting the immediate area ablaze.
Full stats for the Yellow Imps are found in the Breachworld RPG, or the
free Breachworld RPG Quick Start, but the abbreviated version is below.

Imp (Yellow)
Scale: +0D Static:
Might: 2D Block 9, Dodge 21, Soak 6
Brawl 3D Move: 11
Agility: 5D Perks:
Athletics 6D, Dodge 7D May perform the Aether Feat
Wit: 1D+2 of Spontaneous Combustion
Charm: 1D once per hour as a natural abil-
ity. Is immune to damage by fire
and heat.


(order #12649789)
Encounter 4
The Road Home
Once the Imps are dispatched, the party sets to divying up the booty. Jose
takes his two shares first, with an emphasis on any Screens or other working
tech that were recovered, as well as several of the mysterious tubes from the
research pod, and a few miscellaneous items that he finds interesting. He
takes none of the salvaged scrap.
Cargo loaded and secured, the party makes their way back, first heading for
the landmark monopole, then turning back toward Arena. The course is
slightly different than their outward trek, as Jose sees no reason to head back
to the Cardinal House, but prefers to head to Arena by the most direct route.
Under the burden of the salvage, things move a bit more slowly, but unless
the previous encounter met with tragedy of some sort, there are good spirits
all around.
Nearing the evening of the second day of travel, Jose points out the rise of
an ancient highway overpass, still intact, coming into view on the horizon.
The group bears toward the landmark, and after an hour arrives and begins to
make camp for the night.
Laying in wait at the overpass, concealed in well-prepared blinds, are three
bandits. There is a near-human woman with bright aqua skin and bony pro-
trusions from her elbows, a stout-looking near-human man with a massive
mouth full of sharp teeth, and a male Tusk. The three wait until the party has
settled in for a few minutes before springing the trap. Weapons drawn, they
shout for the Scavengers to immediately surrender. Jose draws his weapon
and turns it on the group as well.
Questions and Answers
Assuming the ambush went off as planned, Jose will take a couple of
minutes to gloat.
"Sorry it had to play out like this, guys. Nobody goes for a weapon
and this won't have to hurt."
"That's a funny question. Why do you think? Just making sure that
we come out as far on top as possible."


(order #12649789)
Why hire us? Why not just get the salvage yourself?
"Oh, our employer only likes sure things. It was true what I told you
about my crew not liking to go anywhere near a Breach. Why risk
valuable assets when you can get suckers to take the bullets?"
What's down there that you were so interested in?
"I honestly don't know, but the boss seems to have an idea what's in
those vials from the lab. The rest is just gravy."
Who is your boss?
Jose and his comrades all smirk and grin knowing grins at one an-
Fine, take the goods.
"It's not that simple. It's not just things that are valuable, you know.
We might have to kill a couple of you, but the rest will still fetch a
good price."
You won't get away with this!
"That's what you saps all say."
Fight or Flight
Jose and his bandits will wait for the Scavengers to make a move, either of
surrender, or of aggression. If the Scavengers surrender, they will be expertly
hog-tied for the night. In the morning they will be tied together and marched
off into the wilderness, away from Arena.
If it comes to a fight, Jose's crew will try to take out the most immediate
threats first, hoping to only wound the others so they may be sold as slaves,
or worse.
If the Scavengers gain the upper hand in the fight, Jose and his bandits
will tactically retreat. They will not easily forgive a humiliation.


(order #12649789)
Jose, Bandit Leader
Might 3D+1 Move 15
Brawl 3D+2
Combat Stats
Agility 2D Block 11
Athletics 2D+1 Dodge 10
Dodge 3D+1 Parry 6
Handgun 4D Soak 10
Wit 2D+2 Gear
Aliens 4D Slugthrower Pistol (5D)
Computer 3D Infantry Combat Armor (+5)
Language 4D
Navigate 4D+1
Survive 3D+2
Charm 3D
Courage 3D+2
Persuade 4D+1
Streetwise 4D

Stomp, Tusk Thug

Might 4D Move 14
Blunt 5D
Lift 6D Combat Stats
Stamina 4D+2 Block 12
Dodge 11
Agility 2D+1 Parry (Hammer) 15
Athletics 3D Soak 18
Dodge 3D+2
Stealth 3D Gear
Massive Hammer (+3D)
Wit 2D
Survive 2D+2 Perks
Armor, Heavy (already included)
Charm 1 D+2 Unstunnable
Courage 3D

(order #12649789)
Janie, Near-Human Bandit
Might 2D+2 Move 16
Brawl 3D+1
Combat Stats
Agility 3D+1 Block 10
Athletics 5D Dodge 12
Dodge 4D Parry 10
Rifle 5D Soak 8
Stealth 4D+2
Wit 2D Laser Rifle (+4D+2)
Medicine 3D+1 Flak Vest with Helmet (+5)
Search 3D
Survive 3D+2
Charm 2D
Courage 3D

Grins, Near-Human Brawler

Might 4D Move 15
Knife 5D+2
Combat Stats
Agility 4D Block 12
Athletics 5D Dodge 17
Dodge 5D+2 Parry (Knife) 17
Throw 4D+1 Soak 12
Wit 1D Gear
Survive 3D Knife (+1D)
Sickle (+1D+2)
Charm 1D Improvised Metal Armor (+4)
Courage 3D
Persuade 1D
Torture 5D


(order #12649789)
To Be Continued
The Further Adventures ofthe Scavengers
There are many more pathways to adventure, regardless of how events play
out for the Scavengers. There are more mysteries to unravel, truths to be
sought, and betrayals to be avenged.
If Jose escapes, where does he go, and what is his next move? He seems to be
motivated by business, so does he cut his losses and move on to the next op-
eration? Or is he the type who can't let a defeat live on his record?
The Boss
Jose seemed to indicate that his boss is somewhere in Arena, if he was
truthful about even that small detail. Whoever the mysterious person is
behind the curtain, he or she seems to be very cautious and calculated.
Definitely not someone to be taken lightly.
The Vials
The most unique loot from MiraiCorp Station 9 was undoubtedly the
mysterious vials found in the research pod. Is it a biological agent? Poison? A
miracle drug? An enhancement serum? The technologies of the Golden Age
were limitless, incredible, and terrible all at once. Almost anything could be
found inside.
The Slavers
Jose obviously works closely with someone who deals in the trafficking of
intelligent beings. Could the slavers be the real boss of this operation? Or are
they just another employer for Jose and his bandits? Where are they located,
and how extensive is their operation? How many others like the Scavengers
have been lured into their grip, and can anyone do anything to stop them?


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(order #12649789)
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