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Jason Richards Publishing Presents

ACHIEVEMENTS Breachworld Game Mechanics Folio #1

(order #12649789)
01 Achievements
Game Mechanics Folio

The following optional supplement is intended to help Game Masters guide

the feel of a campaign, and allow an extra avenue for rewarding players for
role-playing and broadly playing their characters rather than getting stuck in
the rut of always relying on the same skills, tactics, and gear. This is a system
that is easy to customize for your game, so feel free to add, subtract, or
augment however you please. There are even some suggestions on how to do
so in the pages that follow.

How it works
Before the gaming session, the GM randomly and in secret randomly rolls (or
selects) three Achievements from one of the following two lists. One list is
geared toward more heroic characters, and the other toward those who are
more unprincipled. Breachworld isn’t a game that utilizes alignments, but
most characters will fit broadly into one of these two categories. GMs may
select from across both lists if they feel that is the most appropriate thing.
The resulting list of character actions are his or her Achievements. Only the
GM knows these, and tucks them away safely behind the screen.
Through the course of play, the first time a player takes an action
described in a selected Achievement, the GM awards that character a Fate
Point, then crosses that Achievement off the list. That bonus Fate Point is
available for immediate use, or may be stashed for later, just like any other.
Up to all three Achievements may be awarded for the game. After the game,
the list is scratched (completed or not) and new Achievements are selected
for the next session.
Rolling using D66
Rolling D66 is not in the basic Breachworld ruleset, but is nonetheless a
useful and easy tool. It is achieved by rolling a D6 twice. The first roll is the

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first digit, and the second roll is the second digit. So, if rolling D66 on the
Unscrupulous chart yields first a 3 and then a 6, the result is a 36. Looking up
that number in the chart, the selected Achievement is “Use a Fate Point to
augment a combat skill roll.” Very simple.
Example: Myers of Corpus
Kate is running a game for Graham and his character, Myers of Corpus.
Myers is a fairly heroic, swashbuckling adventurer. Kate randomly rolls three
Achievements for Graham from the Principled list using the D66 method
and gets:
Use your character’s quote
While armed, attempt a Brawl check
Attempt to break up a fight
Over the course of the adventure, Graham exclaims in his character’s voice,
“Have at thee, scoundrel!” That’s his catchphrase, listed on Myers’s character
sheet, and so Kate immediately awards him a Fate Point. Later in the game
during an epic sword fight, Myers parries with his sword and then gives his
opponent a swift kick in the knee. That being a Brawl check while he is still
armed with his sword, Kate awards him another Fate Point. Myers does many
other heroic things during the adventure, including things that are on the
Principled list, but not selected as Achievements for this game, so doesn’t
receive Fate Points for those actions. He never breaks up a fight during the
session, so finishes with the two bonus Fate Points awarded by the GM. A
good reward for some good role-playing and acting outside the box in

It’s not hard to see how this system can be tweaked. Here are a few examples
of possible variations, which may even be combined at the Game Master’s
Character Points. If the GM thinks that giving out Fate Points is too
generous, or if house rules don’t allow Fate Points, then Character
Points may be awarded instead.
Open Hand. The GM may choose to share with the players what
Achievements have been assigned, so that they may attempt to hit all of
their marks for maximum reward.
Running Card. For longer campaigns, it may be fun to increase the
number of Achievements to six or ten, but keep the same list for
multiple adventures, crossing them off over several sessions.
Rolling Achievements. Every time an Achievement is crossed off the

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list, it is immediately re-rolled and replaced by a new one. In this
system, each character will always have three active Achievements for
the taking.
Team Achievements. Instead of rolling up Achievements for each
individual character, the entire party could share a pool of
Achievements. Any Fate Points won would go into a pool available to
any of the player characters.
As you can surely see, there are few limits to how many different ways the
system can be modified to fit any group’s build and personality.

Create your own

Of course, it’s not hard to modify the below lists to fit your preferences, or
even to create new Achievement lists. Revise and supplement until your
heart’s content. Share them with other Breachworld fans, or use them across
any Mini Six, Open D6, or other gaming platform.
Never forget Rule #1: Have fun. Enjoy!

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Achievements - Principled
The following achievements are for characters that are on the more heroic
side of the spectrum and feature acts of fair play, deference, and defensive
action. As the GM, select a few or roll for them randomly, and keep tabs on
how many the player character can check off.

D66 Result

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Achievements - Unscrupulous
The following achievements range from neutral to decidedly self-serving, and
focus on actions of aggression, manipulation, and selfishness. As the GM,
select a few or roll for them randomly, and keep tabs on how many the player
character can check off.

D66 Result
11 Use your character’s Quote
12 Role-play a negotiation (price, surrender, barter, etc.)
13 Make a witty comment, in-character, during combat
14 Use a skill specialization
15 Attempt a skill check using an attribute
16 Roll at least two Wild Die 6s on a single check
21 Attempt a Persuade skill check
22 Attempt a Lock Pick skill check
23 Attempt a Slight of Hand skill check
24 Attempt a Seduce skill check
25 Attempt a Streetwise skill check
26 Succeed at a skill when at a great advantage
31 Attempt a Point Blank attack with a ranged weapon
32 Make an armed attack attempt against an unarmed foe
33 Successfully sneak attack at Long range or beyond
34 Deal further damage to an NPC with a Wound Level of Wounded
or greater
35 Use a Fate Point to increase damage
36 Use a Fate Point to augment a combat skill roll
41 Use a Fate Point to change combat circumstances in your favor
42 Initiate combat
43 Attack a lesser-scaled foe

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44 Defend against a lesser-scaled foe
45 Attempt two different combat skill checks during one combat
46 Perform three attacks in one action (with a -2D penalty)
51 Use an area-effect weapon
52 Cause substantial property damage
53 Outnumber an opponent in combat
54 Defeat an opposing combatant without taking any damage
55 Steal something from an unsuspecting NPC
56 Lie to an NPC, to your advantage
61 Keep something important from a fellow player character
62 Break a promise or contract
63 Defy an authority
64 Sell/barter something for far above market value
65 Purchase, repair, or upgrade combat gear
66 Choose self-interest over your fellow player characters

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