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Heat engine is a device which transforms the chemical energy and utilizes this thermal
energy to perform useful work. Thus, thermal energy is converted to mechanical energy
in a heat can be broadly classified into:-
1. Internal combustion engine (IC engine) and
2. External combustion engine (EC engine).
A Heat Engine: - is a ‘work developing’ machine that can convert the thermal (heat) energy into
mechanical energy (power). The mechanical energy (power) is used to propel a ‘motor vehicle’.
A two-stroke petrol engine is a type of internal combustion (IC) engine that completes the power cycle
in one crank shaft revolution ,which is half that number in comparison with four-stroke engine.
Instead of using valves to open and close the inlet and exhaust ports, two-stroke engines generally
make use of ports located at strategic positions along the length of the cylinder. As the piston rises and
falls within the cylinder the ports are covered and uncovered. There are generally three ports: an inlet
port, an exhaust port and a transfer port (which connects the lower chamber beneath the piston to the
upper chamber above the piston).


The era of Heat engines started with the innovation of the revolutionary watt steam engines. As the
name suggests, it used pressured steam to drive the piston of the engine. This is an example of an
external combustion engine, an engine that generates energy and then transfers the energy to the

‘working fluid’ to do the work. In the case of the heat engine, the energy is generated through
combustion outside the cylinder and then the energy is transferred to water. The water converts into
steam, which under high

pressure, drives the engine. The development of an internal combustion engine was about 60 years
later, when it was first developed and tested in France. It was based on the Carnot cycle, by the French
engineer and physicist Carnot, often regarded as the “father of thermodynamics”. And then the Otto
cycle come into consideration in 1867, with improved efficiency. In 1878, D. Clerk, a British Engineer,
developed the first practical two-stroke engine. Karl Benz developed the first successful commercial
automobile and engines started to be commercially used. After this there were many advancements in
the engine structure and its mechanism, leading to the machine that we use today. The most important
thing to note about the advancements in Engine is that they were done so as to increase the efficiency
of the engine and also to make it more economical. This understanding was crucial to my experience in
the internship. As pointed out by my mentors, this is one thing that every engine manufacturer runs
after, as this is what makes its engine different from others.


Even though theoretically a two stroke petrol engine has the power twice the power generated by a four
stroke spark ignition engine. In practice, the two-stroke engine’s expelling of the exhaust gases and
filling of the cylinder with fresh mixture brought in through the crankcase is far less effective than having
separate exhaust and induction strokes. Thus the mean effective cylinder pressures in two-stroke units
are far lower than in equivalent four-stroke engines. and due to its inferior scavenging process, the two
stroke engine can suffer from direct expulsion of fresh charge through the exhaust port. It may be noted
that the incoming air-petrol mixture helps the removal of burnt gases from the engine cylinder. If in case
these exhaust gases do not leave the cylinder, the fresh charge gets diluted and efficiency of the engine
will decrease. Also the fresh charge released through exhaust port to the atmosphere causes
environmental pollution. this paper mainly concerns on improving the thermal efficiency and make the
two stroke petrol engine more acceptable in the new world and to narrow the gap between theoretical
and practical power gain to propel motor vehicle.

The paper mainly deals with the following point: -

 In what condition is the mean effective cylinder pressure inefficient to fill the cylinder with fresh
 How can effectively dispose residual exhaust gas out of the cylinder?
 What method can we use to reduce the amount of fresh charge (mixture of fuel and air) that
directly released through the exhaust valve?


1.3.1. Main objective
The main objective of this research is to increase the braking power of a two stroke petrol engine by
improving scavenging process intern increasing the thermal efficiency aiming to reduce the gap between
theoretical and practical power generated.

1.3.2. Specific objective

To increase the mean effective cylinder pressure that maximize the intake of fresh charge into the

To analysis the dimensions of an exhaust port.

To analysis strategic position of inlet port, exhaust port and transfer port along the length of the cylinder

A two stroke petrol engine will has more impacts on our modern life if it come to in practical .some
peoples has misunderstanding about the two stroke petrol engine by comparing it with a four stroke
engines but we wants to propose that the two stroke engine has to analysis by its own purpose because
there are so many machines that needs to be simple in construction to utilize space ,small size ,in
complex and lighter in weight for example motorcycles ,small cars and other machines it could be in
hoisting mechanism, Machine shop actuators ,so we wants to address the two stroke engine is avital
machine for light and medium duty service. The research is done considering this fact and to satisfy the
objective discussed. The research paper works on maximizing the braking power to make the machine
more efficient, to be compatible to the new world, getting environmental acceptance and stability and
duration able aiming to modify the two stroke petrol engine that is in practice today and satisfying the

The two-stroke engines, since their inception are the subject of investigation and research as an
amicable solution for the fuel consumption & exhaust emission. Many departments, organizations,
institutes and individuals are burning midnight oil to bring optimality in the two-stroke IC engines.

In this portion the work of previous researcher and (or scientist) is and the current practical two stroke
petrol engine is presented and directs the prone and limitations, latter on it answers the questions what
modification made?

Reddy and Ramesh experimented and studied the performance of two-stroke spark ignition engine by
partially insulating its combustion chamber and incorporating a stratified scavenging system. The
scavenging system is incorporated by connecting the top of the transfer ducts to a reed valve, which
allows air from the atmosphere to enter. This air enters the cylinder first and greatly reduces short-
circuiting of the incoming charge. A control valve mechanism was developed to vary this airflow in
relation to the throttle opening of the carburetor. This was tested and found to be suitable. The
following conclusions are drawn:

 There is a significant improvement in brake thermal efficiency at all load ranges and speeds
with the combination of the stratified scavenging system and partially insulted combustion
 There is also a significant reduction in the HC and CO levels with the stratified scavenging
system. A mechanism, which controls the amount of air going to the stratified scavenging
system in relation to the throttle opening was developed and successfully tested.

Etheridge and Glover experimented on the hand held utility engine in which the new concept of Air
Head Stratified Scavenge Technology is used. In this, air is drawn at the top of the transfer port via a
suitable valve mechanism (Piston port or reed valves) is used to scavenge the transfer ports from the
previous cycle. A fuel air mixture (and oil) is drawn into the crankcase in the conventional manner.
During scavenging the air held in transfer ports flows into the cylinder first, scavenging the cylinder,
followed by air fuel mixture from the crankcase. As the initial scavenging process commences with pure
air, thereby reduces the loss of unburnt fuel (HC) emission to the exhaust. The manufacturing cost of
these engines is very low and also suitable for small two-wheeler. It is observed that HC and Co emission
emissions are reduced by 10% and5%, respectively, also fuel economy improved by 20%.

Schechter and Lavin, Ford Motor Co. research staff studied and came to conclusion that the late fuel
injection directly into the cylinder of a two-stroke engine is desirable to prevent escape of some fuel into
exhaust. This gives little time for fuel evaporation and mixture preparation and puts a premium on the
degree of fuel atomization needed during the injection. They developed novel air force fuel injection
system. The system employs compressed air to force a metered quantity of fuel from the fuel injector
internal cavity past a spring-loaded poppet valve. A fog like cloud containing a rich mixture of fuel and
air injected into the cylinder. As are suit, an exceptionally fine atomization is achieved. At the same
time, the shape of air fuel mixture spray can be varied as may be required by engine operating
conditions. It has shown better results but requirement of compressor and involvement of high
compression pressure made it suitable for large swept volume engines. This paper work on minimizing
the problem to come the theory into practice to do this some modifications are done though
modification is not a new idea, includes: -

 Maximizing combustion process.

 Modification of inlet port
 Changing the convenient shape of exhaust main fold.
 Modification of injection system.


The research is done according to procedural steps starting from idea generation to the last analysis.
The primary research method for the study is literature review and conceptual modeling, constraint and


using primary and secondary data source and all other means of gathering information, asking people
who concerns the work and visiting practical area where the project could get directly is reliable method
to precedes the research effectively. The data may collect using secondary data source includes: -

 Reading books published for educational purpose related to the subject of the research.
Includes text books at higher educational level.
 By browsing published paper and journals related to internal combustion engines, specially
about spark ignition engines
 Asking people who has professional knowledge, lecturers an automotive engineer who has
gotten specialization certificates.
 Browsing and visiting the international advanced research journals, in science, engineering and
 Visiting local motor vehicle repairing (garage) site
 Idea generation and conceptual design is that we have done priory.
 First collect the data which have related issue about two-stroke petrol engine.
 Re visualized and understanding the current two- stroke petrol engine.
 Reading previous research done about the project that we have selected.
 Making management plan, make sure that we have a better working condition, fulfill all the
source and economic requirement to start the project.
 Make the general plan layout of the project.

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