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| PAPER 1 Reading PAPER 2 Writing | PAPER 3. Use of English PAPER 5 Speaking Essential tips ‘Question 2: Read the options ‘carefully during the pause before ‘you heat the recording. Then Tiston to the speaker talking ‘about doing Tal Chi. What does ‘she say takes years of practice? Question 3: Read the question ‘stom carefully. Whet information {do you have to focus on? Question 6: All the options may ‘appear possible, but listen Carefully to what the speaker ‘actualy realised. ‘You will hear three different extracts. For questions 1-6, choose the answor (A, 8 or ¢) which fits best according to what you hear. There are two questions for each extract. Extract One You hear part of an interview with aTai Chi instructor. 1 According to Ruth, Tai Chi A. needs to be performed indoors. Bisas represents a way of life. of exercises. 2 One of the most difficult things about learning Tai Chi is A that you have to do it out of doors. B achieving harmony between your movements. remombering the complex dance sequences. _= Extract Two You hear two people discussing taking a year off before going to university. 3 Before going to work in China, the man had not expected the job to be A rewarding. B easy. © boring. 4 The woman's experience made her realise that [8 marketing was a dificult career for women. B working in a hotel was very challenging _ C she had made the wrong choice of care Ce Extract Three ‘You hear part of an interview with an illusionist, 5 Denial’ interest in magic arose from A his ambition to become an entertainer. B his desire to impress someone. his trips to the cinema as a boy. 6 According to Daniel, one similarity between magic and film making is A the debt thoy owe to technology. B the disbelief they arouse in the audience, © the power they have over the audience. 50 CAE Test 2 >» PAPER 4 Listening > Part 1 PAPER 1. Reading PAPER 2. Writing ‘You will hear part of a talk by @ writer who has written a biography. For questions 7-14, complete the sentences. PAPER 3 Use of English Eee — ES PAPER 5 Speaking An interesting character The speaker has written @ book about 7 called Robert Tewbridge. Essential tips ¥ As with al stoning task, Tewbridge’s father was a in Scottona ‘make the best use of th time You ee given before you heer tho recording. Read the inetuctione carey ook at the tile andthe questions, and imagine whet te recording might oy er eer he hor ta Tewbridge earned his ving by wring | 0 Some contoxt es the question, Tor various publications. Note, owever thot you ean ansior 9 question sith @ Synonym, or paraphrase an idea, Che penne ‘The speaker learnt a great deal about Tewbridge's character or paraphrose completes the : ‘veston appropriately. from studying his [~Y > Bear in mind the question ater the one you are trying to ‘answer, 80 if you miss the Tewbridge’s parents wanted him to become [~ 9 [a] Informetion ounces: you can | | I appears thatTewbridge and his 1 move an tothe next question wore close frends. Question 7:Tho word or words you need must describe the Person's occupation or role, This Tewbridge spent many years studying [ iE Sort of information might be ing of the talk, so make sure you listening carefully rom the very Start ofthe recording! ‘Question 10: From the context Ho lived in TA] for the last thirty years of his life, ‘might try to imag Professions a farmer and his wife 10 for their son, Question 11:The speaker wil say that he studied something, but Femember that snother way to ‘2 that you did something is to imagine whet would have happened if you had not dene it Question 14:There are many. Phrases with in’ which might fit here, such as “in luxury, but that 's unliely, Probably the word ‘You naed will be the name of a Blace.The text may use a ‘ferent structure, so you might ot hear the preposition “in. ————— CAE Test 2 >> PAPER 4 Listening >> Part2 54 ia h ke Exam Esser You will hear part of an interview with Betsy Boom, owner of @ chain of fashion shops, For questions 15-20, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which fits best nglish ‘according to what you heer. 15 What aspect of shopping does Betsy enjoy most? A experimenting with different styles B finding a bargain © comparing items in different shops D__ being given advice Essential ft fe 46 What does she dislike about expensive clothes shops? A There isn’t a wide selection of goods. > Prepare for what you will hear ea ie ec ae B_ The assistants are unfriendly. the subject. Consider who the © Customers are ignored. ecereraiwul at D_ Customers are expected to spend a lot of money. » Remember: you will not hear Remember you tne quecton | 17 When people first went into one of Betsy's shops, they often felt A flattered. B amused. © awkward. > The questions follow the order D dizzy. ‘of the recording, but the finat ‘question may be about the recording as 8 whole. 18 The members of staff in Betsy's shop A. were offended at the demands Betsy made. ‘Question 16: The question refers B found it hard to adjust to the new surroundings. to Betsy's een eer © disliked dealing with shy and difficult customers. ‘expensive shops. f you hear one ne to ergot re after 2 Se See cua D__ came to enjoy the atmosphere after a whi check that Betsy is using itto talk ‘about expensive clothes shops. 19. What is the most rewarding aspect of the business for Betsy? Gestion 17:To prepare fr this [A seeing customers overcome their inhib fwestion, think how you would proving to others that her idea was @ good one explain the feelings in the watching the staff relax in their new roles Fea rei haha D__ being able to provide fashionable clothes at low prices expressed in afferent words. 20 What does Betsy feel is the danger she faces now? becoming complacent ‘growing arrogant being afraid to try something new suffering financially if fashions change express ‘most rewa ‘other words? Now think about the meaning of the options. Whe ‘does ‘overcome their inhibitions" in option A mean, for example? com> 52 CAE Test 2 >» PAPER @ Listening >» Part 3 PAPER 1 Reading PAPER 2 Writing You will ear five short extracts in which people talk about environmental initiatives in the workplace. PAPER 3 Use of English RGEao While you listen you must complete both tasks. PAPER 5 Speaking TASK ONE For questions 21-26, choose from the list A-H the person who is speaking, A. @ public health officer Essential tips 5 sscssprosomaive » Rad the instructions carefully. Pacem pescecre Ree © the company manager (ne, and consider what each person's job entails before you D acompany’s customer Saaedaall attempt this task Speaker 2 > Aim to complete Task Ono the rere advice officer {first time you listen, and Task E a careers advice office Speaker 3 Two the second time. Then check thet you feel happy with | Fa marketing executive Speaker 4 Your choices forTask Ono. On Speakers [~ [25] listening the second time, you G an environmental activist ~ ‘may notes something eu ‘missed the fret timo. H an office cleaner Question 22: Listen carafuly to what the speaker aayo. She mentions helping ‘univeraty Stents Wo might she be? Task Two Question 24:The spoaker says For questions 26-20, choose from thelist A-H what view each speaker that ‘Hore at Head Office, we is expressing, show our amployeosexectly how much energy ean be saved by doping pricy pstces: | A Consumers should put more pressure on companies Who would be likay to tak to adopt environmental schemes. about the company andi sta inthis way? B Few companies consider conservation a priority. uestion 26 Liston to everything Your thot What er anti"a, | © Wo should be more optimistic about whet companies aarp ineepokt as be ate doing about the environment. stom hew theses at | 0 Few offce workers realise how much they could do further than simply imposing to conserve energy. Speaker? [ [26] now regulations at wore What ‘do they do? E Companies need to explain environmental initiatives Speaker 2 27 to their empioyees. Speaker 3 7 F Young people no longer buy products fom companies SPesker 4 [ [29 ‘that don't have sound environmental policies Speaker 5 30 G The provision of incentives will encourage staff to adopt company schemes, H_ Young job seekers demand a work environment that reflects their values. CAE Test 2+) PAPER Listening >>Part4 53

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