Clinic Plus

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Hindustan Lever Limited :

Hindustan Lever Limited India's largest consumer products company Lever Brothers
India Limited Anglo-Dutch company Unilever

Slide 2:
HLL Home and Personal Care Personal Wash Laundry Skin Care Hair Care Oral Care D
eodorants Colour Cosmetics Ayurvedic
Personal & Health Care Foods Tea Coffee Foods Ice Cream Water Pureit Clinic Cli
nic Plus Clinic Plus Ayurveda
Clinic plus :
Clinic plus India s largest selling shampoo. Launched in 1987 Relaunched with five
in one benefit Variant-ayurveda. Line
Extension type of branding
Mktg share and brand share :
Mktg share and brand share
Competitive environment :
Competitive environment Market challengers Rejoice Chik Niche Dabur Himalaya Pro
fitable markets Urban, Semi urban and rural

competitive strategies :
competitive strategies Position defense. Counter offensive strategy against P &G
Low pricing
Product :
Product Segmentation of the product Positioning of the product Differentiation C
linic Plus and Clinic Plus Ayurveda
economy popular premium
Place :
Place Rural Urban Semi Urban
Price :
Price Type Sachet 7.5 ml Rs. 2 Bottles 25 ml 100 ml 200 ml 300 ml 200 ml Rs. 5 R
s. 30 Rs. 55 Rs. 90 Rs. 60 Bubble pack
30 ml Rs. 8 Quantity Price Clinic Plus Ayurveda
Promotion :
Promotion Promotion strategies Reduction in prices Buy one get one free Bubble p
ack 25 ml for Rs. 5
How to reach out to customers :
How to reach out to customers Hair saloons Concept Motive Idea Health clubs Conc
ept Motive Idea Weekly bazaars Concept
Motive Idea
BCG matrix :
BCG matrix ?? Cash Cows Dogs Market Growth Rate Relative Market Share Build Buil
d Hold Divest 10 % 20 %
Barrier Matrix :
For most Indians, the first interaction with shampoos has been Clinic Plus. Over
time, it has evolved to keep in step with
the changing needs of consumers by constantly renovating its offering to make s
ure it is the best solution for the eternal
desire of having long hair for both mom and daughters.

Every woman desires long hair be it the mother or the daughter. Clinic Plus has
'do-good' ingredients which provide
constant care like a mother does in every wash. It nourishes the hair from insi
de and makes it strong from within which
helps it become progressively longer and more beautiful from outside.
It is available in three variants
Clinic Plus Strong and Long Health Shampoo: It contains milk protein lock which
builds hair strength from inside and hair
becomes visibly longer with regular usage.
Clinic Plus Strong and Long Anti-Dandruff Shampoo: Germ guard formula effectivel
y removes dandruff by attacking dandruff
causing germs.
Clinic Plus Strong and Long Natural Shampoo: This shampoo has ayurvedic ingredie
nts. Neem extracts naturally clean your
hair and Tulsi oil helps maintain your hair's natural colour
Key facts
The largest selling Shampoo brand in India.
The most widely distributed Shampoo brand in India

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