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Beginner Final Practice Exam

A. Complete the sentences with one of the following conjunctions: and, but, so, or, because,
although/even though
1. Do you want to hear the good news or the bad news?
2. I need you to tell me what happened because I don’t trust Josue’s version of it.
3. Because the weather’s been so nice, why don’t we go for a swim?
4. Although we’re all tired, we still need to work a little bit harder.
5. I know what happened, but I don’t want to tell anyone yet.
6. For your new desk, you have a choice of oak, mahogany, pine or hardwood.
7. We’re impressed with your work, so we’d like to offer you a promotion.
8. I did it because he told me to.
9. I’ve got a car, a motorbike, and a scooter.
10. Although the sun is shining, it isn’t very warm.
11. The weather was miserable yesterday, so we didn’t go hiking.
12. Although I didn’t complain, nothing was done.
13. The kitchen is well designed, even though it’s very small.
14. Would you like to eat on the patio, or would you like to eat inside?
15. I like playing sports, but I don’t like watching them on TV.
16. Because it’s so late, I don’t think I’ll call him.
17. The bank is closed, so we’ll have to come back tomorrow.
18. We’ll spend a few days in Baños, and we’ll go to Tena after that.
19. I thought he was wrong, but I didn’t say anything at the time.
20. Sydney is hotter than Melbourne, but the people in Melbourne are nicer.

B. Look at the answers. Write the questions.

1. Do you like coffee?
Yes, I do like coffee.

2. Have you ever met Alvaro?

No, I’ve never met Alvaro.

3. What is Cynthia studying?

Cynthia is studying Engineering.

4. Who did they see?

They saw Jack.

5. When did the plane take off?

The plane took off at 7:45 PM.

6. Why didn’t you tell me?

I didn’t tell you because I was afraid you’d get angry.

7. Who told you?

Juana told me.

8. Who broke the window?

A thief broke the window
9. When did the robbery happen?
The robbery happened last night.

10. What do you do?

I’m an architect.

11. What will you do this weekend?

I’m going to see my mum this weekend.

12. Which pen do you want?

I want the green pen.

13. What kind of movies do you like?

I like science fiction movies.

14. Whose keys are these?

I’m pretty sure those are Vero’s keys.

15. When will you finish the project?

I’ll finish the project tomorrow morning.

16. What did you get here?

I walked

17. How many times do you go to hunting?

I go hunting three times a year.

18. How far is it from Sydney to Brisbane?

It’s about a thousand kilometres from Sydney to Brisbane.

19. How long did you take to check every patient?

It took an hour to check every patient.

20. How are you?


C. Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the verb

“So. Where 1. Will you go (go) for your vacations?”

“Japan. I’ve wanted to go for such a long time”
“Great! Which parts of Japan 2. Will you see(see)?”
“We 3. Are going to travel (travel) through Kyuushuu and Shikoku first, and if we still have time and
money, we 4. Are doing to do(do) a lot of hiking around Nagano.”
“Oh very nice. You 5. Will be (be) there in late spring, so the weather 6. Will be(be) absolutely
“Yes, we’re especially looking forward to our stay in Nagasaki because we 7. Are going to stay (stay ) in
a hotel in the mountains that has it’s own hot spring.”
“That’s so cool. What 8. Are you going to do (do) in Shikoku?”
“My wife’s family9. Is going to show (show) me a temple deep in the mountains. Apparently we 10.are
going to sleep (sleep) there! My father-in-law also said he going to take (take) me on a pilgrimage
through the mountains, and we 12.are going visit (visit) a number of temples on this route.”
“I've been on that route. It’s amazing. You 13. Will love (love) it. By the way- don’t miss Nagano,
whatever you do, or you 14. Will regret (regret) it.”
“Yeah I really want to go camping there, but I don’t have a tent. I guess I 15. Will rely (rely) on the
shelters they have up in the mountains.”
“No problem! I 16. Will Lend (lend) you a tent!”

D. Use the words provided. Make comparison with as…as..

1. Mr. Takahashi/Mr. Chen/play piano/good

Mr. Takahashi plays the piano as good as Mr. Chen.

2. Samantha/Valerie/not old

Samantha is not older as Valerie.

3. This book/that book/not interesting

This book is not more interesting as that book.

4. A cheetah/an ostrich/run/fast

A cheetah run nearly faster as an ostrich.

5. The weather today/the weather yesterday/miserable

The weather today is as miserable as the weather yesterday.

E. Use the words provided. Make comparisons. Use comparative adjectives/adverbs

1. Traveling by plane/traveling by bus/safe

Traveling by plane is safer than traveling by bus.

2. Anahí/Sara/sing/beautiful

Anahi sings more beautiful than Sara.

3. The rain in March/The rain in September/heavy

The rain in March is heavier than the rain in September.

4.Cotopaxi’s eruptions/Tungurahua’s eruptions/destructive

Cotopaxi’s eruptions are more destructive than Tungurahua’s eruptions.

5. Old people/young people/happy

Young people is happier that old people.

6. Chirimoya/avocado/sweet
Chirimoya is sweeter that avocado.

7. The USA’s military/Australia’s military/powerful

The USA’s military is more powerful than Australia’s military.

8. Platinum/gold/valuable

Gold is more valuable than platinum.

9. Relaxing on the beach/having a tooth removed/enjoyable

Relaxing on the beach is more enjoyable than having a tooth removed.

10. Samuel/Oscar/swim/good

Samuel swims better than Oscar.

F. Complete the sentences. Use the correct pronoun and auxiliary verb (if necessary).
1. Professor Morley is awkward and unpopular with students. Professor Bogdanovich is much more
popular than he is.
2. Your apartment is seventy square meters, but mine is 150 square metres. My apartment is much
bigger than yours.
3. I’ve only been to Indonesia once, but you’ve been to twenty countries. You’ve been to many more
countries than I have.
4. Bryan has a black belt in Jiu-Jitsu, and I’ve only been taking Jiu-jitsu classes for a week. It’s pretty
obvious that he can fight better than I can.
5. I got 53% on the exam and you got 90% .My score on the exam was a lot worse than yours.

G. Complete the sentences. Use comparatives with nouns

1. Ecuador/Australia/more mountains


2. São Paolo/Montevideo/ more crime


3.Ulaanbaatar/Buenos Aires/less parks


4. Melbourne/Sydney/more live music


5. Ambato/Píllaro/less llamas per square meter

H. Complete the sentences. Use superlative adjectives

1. My brother is ___________(tall) person in my family.

2. My mum is ___________(good) cook in the world.
3. December is ___________(hot) month of the year in Australia.
4. The mosquito is ___________(deadly) animal in the world.
5. I think this is ___________(brilliant) work I’ve created.
6. Spring is ___________(pleasant) season of the year
7. The indigenous peoples of Australia are one of the world’s ___________(old) living cultures.
8. The Russian Federation is ___________ (large) country in the world.
1. Sleeping Beauty is ___________(unusual) Australian film that I have seen.
10. Chris Hemsworth is one of ___________ (well-known) Australian actors.

I. Complete the sentences with the same (as) similar (to), different (from), like or alike
1. Alfredo and Lizbeth both from Santa Elena- that’s right! They’re from ___________ province!
2. The landscape around Manta is ___________ the coast of Western Australia. It’s very dry and arid,
and there are a lot of shrubs.
3. We don’t see eye to eye on this issue because your views are ___________ mine.
4. I try to wear a ___________ outfit every day. I hate it when I wear ___________ clothes two days in
a row.
5. A kangaroo is not ___________ size ___________ a wallaby. A wallaby is smaller.
6. When he laughs he sounds ___________ a monkey.
7. Many Slavic languages have ___________ vocabulary ______ each other. For example, the word for
fish is riba in Bulgarian, Serbian, Ukranian and Russian.
8. Dear and deer have ___________ pronunciation.
9. You and I have the exact same ideas and opinions on every issue. We really think ___________.
10. Trying to explain this grammar point is ___________ pulling teeth out.

J. Complete these sentences with already, yet, still or anymore

1. I’m hungry because I haven’t eaten breakfast ___________.
2. I’m not hungry because I’ve ___________ eaten breakfast.
3. I’m ___________ hungry, so I’m going to eat an orange.
4. I used to eat at the restaurant on the corner, but now I bring my lunch to work from home.
Unfortunately I don’t eat at that restaurant ___________.
5. I’ve ___________ finished everything I need to do, so I’m going home.
6. I started writing my essay, but I haven’t finished it ___________.
7. “Is dinner ready __________.” “Nearly. Give me five more minutes.”
8. “Are you ___________ at work?” “Yeah. I have to get everything ready for tomorrow. I’ll be home at
9. “Do you ___________ live in La Florida?” “No, I don’t live there ___________. I’m living in Quito
Tennis now.”
10. “When is your lawyer arriving?” “He’s ___________ here. He arrived fifteen minutes ago"

K. Fill in the blanks with the correct idioms

get on/off look at on purpose out of order
hand/turn in make up turn on/off put on/take off
take care of change (one’s) mind

1. You didn’t push me by accident, you pushed me ___________.

2. The detective discovered that the suspect had ___________ everything he had just said, and was
3. I didn’t want anyone to contact me so I ___________ my phone.

4. Everyone ___________ the grammar rules on the whiteboard and used them in the speaking activity.
5. Once Alistair ___________ his financial problems, he’ll be able to take out a mortgage.
6. Edgar needs to print out his insurance policy, but the printer is ___________, so he can’t.
7. Please ___________ your questionnaire when you’re finished with it.
8. Ashley insisted she didn’t want children, but five years later she ___________, and now she has two
9. If you don’t ___________ a hat, you’ll get a bad sunburn.
10. The hero ___________ his horse and rode into the distance.

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