Users Competence and Influence On The Quality of Accounting Information System

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Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology

10th April 2016. Vol.86. No.1

© 2005 - 2016 JATIT & LLS. All rights reserved.

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195


Lecturer Faculty of Economics University of Muhammadiyah Tangerang & Doctoral Students of
Accountancy Department, Faculty of Economics and Business, Padjadjaran University,
Dipati Ukur Steet, PO box 40132, Bandung, Indonesia


The purpose of this paper is to know that the effect on the user Competence Accounting Information
Systems. Terori based on the description of the above it can be concluded that the competence of the
user affects the quality of accounting information systems. Therefore, the quality of accounting
information system can be further enhanced by more priority to the competence of the factors that
these factors become important when the information system was created and developed. With
demikiam exposure based on the results of the above it can be concluded that in order to develop the
science of accounting, especially accounting information systems, this research has been in accordance
with the hypothesis that the competence variables affect the quality of the information system

Keywords : Users Competence, Information System, Accounting Information System.

1. INTRODUCTION In fact quality information is still happening in

some fields, especially in the banking world where
Nowadays, competition affecting trends of the sense of disappointment because Bank
economic globalization, how and organizational Indonesia (BI) does not provide accurate
strategy in developing the business [1]. In information about the financial status of the Bank
economic competition, management must be able Century [12]. Corroborate earlier statement states
to conduct appropriate decision making and that in determining the status of Bank Century as a
quality of information [2]. The organization's failed bank, the central bank did not provide
ability to compete is necessary if management can information based on accurate data so that the
make the right decisions based on the information disbursement of Bank Century bailout swells from
[3]. The information is presented and useful data the original plan of Rp 632 billion to Rp 6.7
in making decisions [4]. Next information is the trillion [13]. Inaccurate financial information also
data processing that gives meaning and benefits occurs in the tax sector in which the government
[5]. In line with previous statements where originally necessary to have accurate data first
information also is the data that has been before imposing the remission of tax (tax
processed devoted to a person, organization or amnesty). Because the tax amnesty will not be
anyone who needs [6]. On the other hand useful if it is not accompanied by accurate data
information is also a decision that can affect the [14].
user for action [7]. Information is data that has
been processed to produce something relevant and 2. REVIEW OF LITERATURE
purposeful [8]. General information is data that is 2.1. Users Competence
processed or altered in form or structure that is
suitable for use by humans [9]. Information is also The competences of the individual
the company's resources are as important as characteristics of employees that can be applied in
capital, labor and so on and used for decision situations intricate work needed to do his job in a
making, hence the quality of information is very superior manner (The definition of competency
important and needed by the organization [10]. In can also be applied to job situations and
line with previous opinion information is a interpreted as an employee's individual
resource company that require a fee to obtain, characteristics required to perform her job in a
create, store, retrieve and use that information has superior way ) [15]. The simplest way to describe
a value that is very beneficial to the organization the difference is that competence is a description
in taking action [11].

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
10th April 2016. Vol.86. No.1
© 2005 - 2016 JATIT & LLS. All rights reserved.

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195

of the people who do the work, while competence provides information to support the organization
is about the valuable work and achievement [16]. (Information systems have been defined as a set of
In understanding the concept of user organized procedures that when executed Provides
competence must be measured from several information to support the organization) [19].
points of view are as follows [17]: Furthermore, the information system is to get the
1). Motivation (Motives) is of consistently and right information to the right people at the right
continuously considered by the individual or time in the right quantity and in the right format.
the individual's desire that can cause a Because the information system is intended to
particular action. Motivation will propel, steer provide useful information (Information system is
and provide choice to behave individually with to get the right information to the right people at the
actions and specific purposes (Motives is the right time in the right amount and in the right
things a person consistently thinks about format. Because information systems are intended
orwants that cause of action. Motives drive, to supply useful information) [20]. Furthermore an
direct and select behavior toward Certain information system is a set of interacting artefacts
actions or goals and away from others). and human activities that perform one or more
2). Properties (Traits) is a physical characteristic functions that involve the handling of data and
and consistent responses to situations or information, including data collection, creation,
information (Traits is physical characteristics editing, processing and storage and selection of
and consistent responeses to situations or information, filtering, aggregation, presentation and
information). use ("An information systems is a set of intracting
3). The concept of Self (Self Concept) is an artifacts and human activities that perform one or
attitude and behavior that reflect the values or more functions involving the handling of the data
the self-image of an individual (Self Concept is and information, Including the data collection,
Aperson'sAttitudes, values or self-image). creation, editing, processing and storage and
4). Knowledge is information held by a person in a information selection, filtering, aggregation,
field or something specific (Knowledge is presentation and use) "[ 21].
information a person has in spescific content An information system is a set of components
areas). interacting people, procedures, and technology-
5). Skill is the ability of someone to perform which together collect, process, store and distribute
certain physical or mental tasks (Skill is information to support control, decision-making
theability to perform mental or physical tasks and management in organizations (An information
acertain systems is a set of intracting components-people,
procedures, and tecnologies-that together collect,
To measure the competence of users of process, store and distribute information to support
information systems can be seen from the point of control, decision making and management in
view are as follows [18]: Organizations) [22].
1). Knowledge criteria is something that can be Further stated that the hallmark of quality
learned, either through a formal program of information, among others [6]:
study or through the efforts of individuals such 1). Relevant. Information can be said to be
as reading and observation (Knowledge relevant if the information contained therein
Criteria: is something that can be learned, can affect the decisions users by helping them
either through formal courses of study or evaluate the events of the past or the present
through such individual Efforts as reading and and predict the future, and confirm or correct
observation). the results of their evaluations in the past.
2). Skills based conditions: the individual is Thus, the relevant financial management
usually different inabillities dueto natural information can be linked to rnaksud use.
talent, and the learning process serves to refine Relevant information is information that: 1).
(Skill Requirement: individual is usually Differ Have the benefit of feedback, 2). The
inabillities dueto natural gifts, and the learning information allows the user to confirm or
process serves to refine them). correct their expectations in the past, 3). Has
the benefit of predictive, 4). The information
2.2. Information System can help users to predict the future based on the
results of past and present events.
The information system has been defined as a 2). Information should be free of errors and
set of organized procedures which when executed misleading understanding of material,

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
10th April 2016. Vol.86. No.1
© 2005 - 2016 JATIT & LLS. All rights reserved.

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195

presenting any facts in an honest and In line with the previously explained that the
verifiable, Inforrnasi may be relevant, but if the accounting information system is an activity to
presentation is not accurate then use that collect, record and process the data to produce
information could potentially misleading. information for decision makers (Accounting
3). Accurate information meets the following information systems is an activity to collect, record
characteristics: 1). Honest Presentation: and process the the data to produce information for
Information honestly describe transactions and decision makers) [24], Accounting information
other events should be presented or which may system is regarded as very important organizational
reasonably be expected to be presented, 2). mechanisms to support effective decision-making
Neutrality: Inforrnasi directed to the common and control in an organization (The Accounting
needs and are not in favor of the needs of a information system is Considered an organizational
particular party. mechanism that is critical to support effective
4). Complete. Information is presented as decision making and control in Organizations) [25].
completely as possible, which includes all the
information that can influence decision Further description of the term "model of
making. The information behind every piece of success" where it is said that success can be seen
information contained in the main financial from the quality system where the system is
management information is expressed clearly interrelated (Term models of "success" where it is
that mistakes in the use of such information said that success can be seen from the quality
can be prevented. Detailed information meets system where the system is interrelated) [26].
the following characteristics: 1). Served with Further it is said that there are six measures of
Complete, 2). In accordance with the terms and success in information systems, among others [27]:
Supplies. 1). The quality of the system, the desired
5). On time. Information is presented so as to characteristics of an information system. For
effect timely and useful in decision making. example: ease of use, system flexibility, system
Timely information that meets the following reliability, and ease of learning, the system
characteristics: 1). Available when needed, 2). features an intuitive, sophistication, flexibility,
Latest information presented. and response time (System quality-the
6). Can be understood. The information presented desirable characteristics of an information
in the financial management information is system. For example: ease of use, system
expressed in the form and terms that are flexibility, system reliability , and ease of
tailored to the understanding of the users. learning, as well as system features of
7). Can be verified. The information presented in intuitiveness, sophistication, flexibility, and
the financial management information can be response times).
tested, and if testing is done more than once by 2). The quality of information, the desired
different parties, the results still indicate that characteristics of the output of the system;
not much different conclusions namely, management reports and web pages.
8). Accessible. Information is available when For example: relevance, understandability,
needed and in a format that can be used. accuracy, conciseness, completeness,
understandability, currency, timeliness, and
2.3. Accounting Information Systems usefulness (Information quality - the desirable
characteristics of the system outputs; that is,
Accounting information system is a special management reports and web pages. For
subsystem of the information system where the example: relevance , understandability,
purpose of the accounting information system is to accuracy, conciseness, completeness,
collect, process and report information relating to understandability, currency, timeliness, and
the financial aspects of business activity. usability).
"Accounting information system of the which is a 3). Quality of service, quality system support the
Specialized subsystem of the information system. user receives from the IS department and IT
The purpose of this separate accounting information support personnel. For example: response,
system was to collect, process and report accuracy, reliability, technical competence, and
information related to the financial aspect of empathy of staff personnel (Service quality-the
business events "[23]. quality of the support that system users receive
from the IS department and IT support
personnel. For example: responsiveness,

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
10th April 2016. Vol.86. No.1
© 2005 - 2016 JATIT & LLS. All rights reserved.

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195

accuracy, reliability, technical competence , 4. RESEARCH MODELS AND HYPOTHESIS

and empathy of the personnel staff).
4). System usage, extent and manner in which the Based on the discussion of the previous
staff and customers take advantage of the literature, the research model shown in the figure
ability of an information system. For example: below:
the amount of use, frequency of use, nature of
use, accuracy of use, level of use, and the 1). Knowledge 1).Perceived
• Knowledge in the field of Usefulness,
intended use (System use-the degree and • Work more
computer and information
manner in the which staff and customers technology (Computer and quickly,
Utilize the capabilities of an information Information literacy), • Job
system. For example: amount of use, frequency • Knowledge in the field of performance,
of use, nature of use, appropriateness of use, business (Business • Effectiveness,
fundamentals), 2). Perceived ease
extent of use, and purpose of use). • Knowledge in the field of of use:
5). User satisfaction, the level of user satisfaction system (System theory) and • Easy to learn,
measure satisfaction with the reports, websites, • The ability to choose the best • Easy to become
and support services (User satisfaction - users' option from a range of skillful,
support options available • Easy to use,
level of satisfaction with reports, Web sites, (Ability to choose Which of easy to
and support services). Several options is the right remember
6). Net profit, the extent to which the IS contribute response). 3).Information
to the success of individuals, groups, 2). Expertise (skills) system (IS) use
• Expertise intellectual / (usage):
organizations, industries, and countries. For
cognitive (Intellectual / • requency of
example: improved decision making, increased cognittve Skill), useours of use
productivity, increased sales, reduced costs, • Expertise in analyzing
increased profits, market efficiency, consumer (Analytical skills)
welfare, job creation, and economic • Creativity (Creativity)

development (Net benefits - the extent to the
which the IS are contributing to the success of Figure 1 : Research Model
individuals, groups , Organizations, industries,
and nations. For example: improved decision- Of the framework that has been described,
making, improved productivity, Increased among other research hypothesis that the effect on
sales, cost reductions, improved profits, market the user Competence Accounting Information
efficiency, consumer welfare, creation of jobs, Systems.
and economic development).
Competence influence Users Against
Accounting Information Systems The research methodology is the means or
methods used systematically researchers in solving
Accounting information system designed to research problems [30]. Further explained that the
incorporate elements of user competence will descriptive research includes surveys and fact-
increase job satisfaction and information systems finding inquiry and different types [30]. The main
will function effectively (Information systems are objective of descriptive research is to describe the
designed with the personal competence, job situation as it exists today. Businesses in science
satisfaction will be improved and information and social studies often use research Ex post facto
system will function Effectively) [28]. Further for descriptive research study. The main
explained that the development of human resources characteristic of this method is that researchers do
and competence of users of information systems not have control over the variables; he can only
will increase the success of the use of information report what has happened or what is happening.
systems in an organization. (Developing the Most ex post facto used untukl descriptive research,
Appropriate resources and user competencies to especially studies "Descriptive research includes
deploy Information System Successfully accross surveys and fact-finding inquiry and of different
the Organization) [29]. types. The main objective of descriptive research is
to describe the situation as it exists today.
Businesses in science and social studies Often Ex
post facto research use descriptive research for the
study. The main characteristic of this method is that

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
10th April 2016. Vol.86. No.1
© 2005 - 2016 JATIT & LLS. All rights reserved.

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195

Researchers do not have control over the variables; To determine how the minimum required
he can only report what has happened or what is sample if the population size is known, can be used
happening. Most ex post facto used for research Slovin formula, as follows [33]:
specifically descriptive study ". This study was
conducted to test the hypothesis put forward by N
using research methods that have been designed in 1 + Ne 2
accordance with the variables - variables to be
studied in order to obtain accurate research results. Description:
n = The sample size
Population refers to the entire group of people, N = Size of population
events, or things of interest that researchers want to e = Allowance inaccuracy due to sampling error
investigate. This is a group of people, events, or that ditololerir (5%).
things that are interesting where researchers want to Slovin of the formula above, the number of
make conclusions based on the statistical sample samples obtained in this study are as follows:
"The population Refers to the entire group of n=
1 + (36 x0.052 )
people, events, or things of interest that the
researcher wishes to Investigate. It is the group of 36
people, events, or things of interest for the which 1 + 0.09 = 33,03 = 33
the researcher wants to a make inferences based on
sample statistics "[31]. Further study population is Thus the samples obtained in the study are as
describing a group (usually people) and describe many as 33 companies of State Owned Enterprises
who we can then be deduced "The population for a (SOEs) contained in Bandung, West Java.
study is that group (usually of people) about Whom
we want to be Able to draw Conclusions" [32] , Methods of data collection is done by
distributing questionnaires, where the questionnaire
Based on the understanding of the above, the is an efficient mechanism for data collection when
population in this study are all state-owned the researchers know exactly what is required and
companies in the city of Bandung, this is done how to measure the variables. Questionnaires can
because it is based on a statement in which he be given in person, sent to the respondent, or
stated that the target population should define or distributed electronically "Questionnaire are an
describe the elements, geographical boundaries and efficient mechanism of data collection when the
time "The targeted population must be defined in researcher knows exactly what is required and how
terms of elements, geographical boundaries, and to measure the variables of interest. Questionnaires
time "[31]. Therefore the number of state-owned can be administered personally, mailed to the
companies located in the city of Bandung in West respondents, or electronically distributed "[34].
Java in 2015 amounted to 36 companies of State Furthermore, a survey questionnaire is the basic
Owned Enterprises (SOEs). instrument of research "questionnaires are the
fundamental instruments of survey research" [32].
Furthermore, the sample is representative of the Measurement of the above variables were measured
population that is selected if the aggregate sample using a questionnaire in which the questionnaire
characteristics have estimates of the characteristics was pre-formulated questions in writing to the
of the aggregate equal to the population of "A respondent, record their answers, usually in the
sample is representative of the population from the form of alternative answers. The questionnaire is an
which it is selected if the aggregate characteristics efficient mechanism for data collection when the
of the sample closely approximate Reviews those researchers know exactly what is required and how
same aggregate characteristics in the population to measure the variables, the questionnaire can be
"[32]. Corroborate earlier where samples are part of given in person, sent to the respondent, or
the population consisting of some selected members distributed electronically. The questionnaire is
of the part itself, in other words some but not all intended to obtain descriptive data to test
elements of the population that formed the sample hypotheses and study models. To obtain such data
"A sample is a subset of the population. It used questionnaire that covered besifat that
comprises some selected members from it. In other inquiries are made such that the respondent is
words, some, but not all, elements of the population limited in giving answers to some alternative course
form the sample "[31]. or to one answer [31]. While the preparation of the
measurement scale used methods Likerts
Summated Ratings (LSR), with an alternative

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
10th April 2016. Vol.86. No.1
© 2005 - 2016 JATIT & LLS. All rights reserved.

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195

choice of 1 to 5 answer the question with the variance measurement scores construct a
following conditions: function of the true score plus error. So the
latent constructs affect variations in
Value 5: To answer means that the respondents
measurements and assumptions causality of
strongly agree strongly agree with the question
constructs to the indicator. Model reflexive
because it is very appropriate to the circumstances
often referred to as a principal factor
perceived by the respondents. Value 4: To answer
covariance model where the indicator
the question artunya agree deemed appropriate to
measurements affected by latent constructs or
the circumstances perceived by the respondents.
reflect the variation of latent constructs. In the
Value 3: To answer does not agree that means it can
reflexive construct unidimensional models
not determine or if the respondent can not
depicted with an elliptical shape with a few
determine with certainty what is felt. Value 2: For
arrows of the construct to the indicator. This
answers to disagree meaning of respondents
model hypothesizes that changes in latent
disagreed with the question because it does not fit
constructs would affect the change in the
with what is perceived. Value 1: To answer the
indicator. The characteristics of the reflective
question means strongly disagree strongly
indicator model is:
according to the circumstances perceived by the
a). The direction of causality of constructs to
Analysis of the data used in this research is the b). Inter-size indicator is expected correlated (size
analysis of quantitative data with descriptive must have an internal consistency reliability)
method, which is a quantitative research study that c). Eliminate the indicator of the measurement
emphasizes phenomena and studied quantitatively. model would not change the meaning or sense
Maximizing the objectivity of the design, the study construct
was conducted using figures statistical processing, d). Calculate the measurement errors (error) at the
structure and controlled trials. While descriptive level of the indicator
study (Descriptive Research) is a research method e). Construct means "surplus"
that is intended to describe the phenomena - f). Scale scores do not describe the construct
phenomena that exist, which takes place at this time 2). Model Formative; The origin of the formative
or past time. Descriptive studies can describe a model can be traced back to the model of
situation, but it could also describe the situation in "operational definition". Based on the model
the stages of development. The quantitative operationalism stated that a concept will be the
analysis will be carried out aiming to determine the measurement and has no meaning beyond the
relationship between variables through hypothesis measurement itself if the overall meaning of a
testing using structural equation modeling concept associated with the measurement and
(Structural Equation Model-SEM) approach Partial theoretical concepts and have just one single
Least Square (PLS) [35]. measurement. The characteristics of formative
indicator model is:
Partial Least Square (PLS) is a powerful
a). The direction of causality of indicators to
analytical method therefore not based on many construct
assumptions. Data does not have to multivariate b). Inter-indicators are assumed uncorrelated (not
normal distribution (with a scale indicator
required test or the internal consistency
categories, ordinal, interval until the ratio can be
Cronbach alpha)
used to model equal), the sample should not be
c). Eliminate the indicator result in changing the
large. Although the Partial Least Square (PLS) can meaning of the construct
also be used to confirm the theory, but it can also be d). measurement error is placed on the level
used to explain the relationship between the
constructs (zeta)
presence or absence of latent variables. Therefore
e). Construct has the meaning of "urplus"
focuses on the data and the estimation procedures
f). Scale scores do not describe the construct
are limited, so mispesifikasi model does not so
Model analysis of all lines in the latent variable
affect the parameter estimates [36]. PLS consists of three sets of relationships, among
Further explains that there are two models of others [36]:
indicators developed in the Partial Least Square 1). Inner model that specifies the relationship
(PLS), among others: [36] between the latent variables (structrual model),
2). Outer model that specifies the relationship
1). Reflexive indicator models; Developed based between the latent variables or variable
on classical test theory which assumes that the

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
10th April 2016. Vol.86. No.1
© 2005 - 2016 JATIT & LLS. All rights reserved.

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195

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Panduan Mahasiswa Untuk Melaksanakan
Riset Dilengkapi Contoh Proposal dan Hasil
Riset Bidang Manajemen dan Akuntansi.


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