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Joshua White

NAME _______________________________________ 09/07/2020

DATE _______________ U.S. History
CLASS _________

Guided Reading Activity netw rks

The American Revolution, 1754–1783

Lesson 1 The Colonies Fight for Their Rights

Review Questions: Identifying Supporting Details

DIRECTIONS: Read each main idea. Use your textbook to supply the details that support
or explain each main idea

A. Main Idea: During the mid 1700s, England and France fought a war for control of land
in North America.

1. Detail: Both the British and the French wanted control of land called the _____ Ohio River

valley. This rivalry eventually led to the _____ war.

French and India

2. Detail: In 1754, at a meeting called the _____, Albany Conferenc

colonial leaders began thinking of
joining together for the purpose of _____.
common defens

3. Detail: The _____

British won this war in 1763; in an agreement called the _____, the Treaty of Paris

_____ lost most of their land claims in North America.


B. Main Idea: Because of Britain’s huge debt incurred by the war and the expense of
defending its land holdings, the colonies had to help pay this debt.

1. Detail: To protect American colonists, the British government prohibited settlement

Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission is granted to reproduce for classroom use.
west of the _____. This new policy was called the _____.
Appalachian Mts. Proclamation of 1

2. Detail: The policy of taxing colonists to pay for British debt was enacted with the
Sugar Act and later the _____.
Currency Act
These laws prompted the colonial expression,
No taxation witho

3. Detail: Colonists began to protest these new taxes by forming groups such as the
Sons of Liberty
to organize demonstrations. They also stopped buying British goods. This type
of protest is called a _____. boycott

C. Main Idea: The British parliament levied new taxes on the colonies and colonists
responded with protests.

1. Detail: New taxes which put customs duties on glass, lead, paper, paint, and tea
were called the _____.
Revenue Acts
It also authorized search warrants called _____.
writs of assistanc

2. Detail: When the British disbanded colonial assemblies, _____

Sam Adams
was an important
figure in the resistance in Massachusetts. Patrick Henry, George Washington, and
Thomas Jefferson
led the resistance in Virginia.
3. Detail: The shooting of a colonist by a British soldier in 1770 was known as the
Boston Further bloodshed was avoided when most of the _____ acts were repealed.
Joshua White
NAME _______________________________________ 09/07/2020 CLASS _________
DATE _______________
U.S. History

Guided Reading Activity Cont. netw rks

The American Revolution, 1754–1783

Summary and Reflection

DIRECTIONS: Summarize the main ideas of this lesson by answering the question below.
What actions by Great Britain angered the colonists almost to the point of revolution?

The British began by levying taxes to pay for the debt incurred by the French and
Indian War. The Americams didn't like that due to the fact that they had little to no
representation in Parliament. The Boston Massacre altered to perception of the British
in American eyes. Combining the excessive taxes, with the Boston Massacre, and it
seems pretty clear to me why the Americans would want to rebel. They weren't being
treated fairly by the British.

Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission is granted to reproduce for classroom use.

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