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NIM : 011811133064
Judul paper : ‘Vitamin A Deficiency Is Associated with Gastrointestinal and
Respiratory Morbidity in School-Age Children’

Instruksi :
1. isilah kolom-kolom di bawah ini
2. beri garis bawah dengan tinta merah atau stabilo pada bagian paper yang telah anda telaah


Item telaah Ada / tidak (sebutkan halamannya)

 Judul (Title) Available (page 496)
 Abstrak dan/atau Ringkasan (Abstract and or Summary) Available (page 496)
 Pendahuluan (Introduction, background) Available (page 496-497)
 Bahan dan Cara (Method) Available (page 497-499)
 Hasil (Result) Available (page 499)
 Diskusi (Discussion) Available (page 499-502)
 Ucapan terima kasih/ penghargaan (acknowledgement) Available (page 502)
 Daftar Pustaka (Reference) Available (page 502-503)

Kesimpulan : format lengkap/tidak lengkap


Tujuan penelitian: to investigate the association between blood concentrations of micronutrient status
biomarkers and morbidity among school children in Bogot´a, Colombia

Metode penelitian
Item telaah Temuan (sebutkan berikut halamannya)
Disain/rancangan (design) Cohort Studies
They recorded the incidence of morbidity
of the samples for every day in the
period of the beginning and had having
research on it until the result was found.
* Tingkatan dalam hierarchy of evidence 3
Sampel (sample) Public primary school students in
Bogot’a, Colombia (page 497)
Ukuran sampel (sample size) 2774 Public primary school students in
Bogot’a, Colombia (page 497)
Kriteria inklusi (eligibility criteria) - Children aged 5-12 years old
(page 497)
- children from low- and middle-
income families (page 497)
Metode penentuan sampel (sampling frame) Random sampling
”In summary, in February 2006, we
recruited a representative group of 3202

children aged 5–12 y from public primary
schools of Bogot´a through random
sampling.” (page 497)
Metode pengumpulan data Parents or primary caregivers kept daily
records of the incidence of morbidity
episodes using a pictorial diary that was
distributed and returned on a weekly
basis. (page 497)

Cara pengukuran (measurement and or assessment) - Trained research assistants who

visited the schools in the
following weeks made
anthropometric measurements
and collected blood samples
from the children (page 497)
- Fasting blood samples were
obtained by venipuncture in 2816
(88%) children at baseline on the
day of recruitment (page 497)
- Hemoglobin concentrations were
determined with the
hemiglobincyanide method (page
- Plasma retinol was measured
with HPLC on a Waters 600
System (page 497)
- Plasma ferritin and vitamin B-12,
as well as erythrocyte folate,
were quantified using
competitive chemiluminescent
immunoassays in an ADVIA
Centaur analyzer (Bayer
Diagnostics) (page 497)
- Serum zinc concentrations were
determined using an atomic
absorption technique (32) on a
Shimadzu AA6300
spectrophotometer (page 497)
- Serum C-reactive protein (CRP)
was measured with a
turbidimetric immunoassay on an
ACS180 analyzer (Bayer
Diagnostics) (page 497)

Instrumen yang dipergunakan (instrument) - Daily records of the incidence of
morbidity episodes using a
pictorial diary that was
distributed and returned on a
weekly basis (Page 497)
- The assistants measured height
to the nearest 1 mm with wall-
mounted Seca 202 stadiometers
and weight to the nearest 0.1 kg
with Tanita HS301 electronic
scales using standardized
protocols (page 497)
- The blood samples were
collected in EDTA tubes and
transported on ice (page 497)
- Plasma retinol test with Waters
600 System (page 497)
- Plasma ferritin and vitamin B-12,
as well as erythrocyte folate,
were quantified using ADVIA
Centaur analyzer (Bayer
Diagnostics) (page 497)
- Serum zinc concentrations were
determined using Shimadzu
AA6300 spectrophotometer (page
- Serum C-reactive protein (CRP)
was measured with ACS180
analyzer (Bayer Diagnostics)
(page 497)
Metode randomisasi (randomization)

Intervensi (intervention) -
Metode analisis / pengolahan data (analysis method) - We estimated incidence rate
ratios (IRRs) and 95% CIs for
morbidity and doctor visits by
categories of micronutrient
status predictors with the use of
generalized estimating equations
with the Poisson distribution.
(page 497)
- Some children had missing
information on socio-

demographic variables, including
maternal education (12%), parity
(12%), and child food insecurity
(13%). Values for these missing
covariates were estimated with
multiple imputation using a
Markov Chain Monte Carlo
method … (page 497)

Kesesuaian antara disain dan tujuan penelitian : sesuai / tidak sesuai

Kesesuaian cara pengukuran dan instrument yang dipergunakan : sesuai / tidak sesuai

Kesimpulan : valid / tidak valid (HANYA BERDASARKAN KEDUA KRITERIA DI ATAS)


Komentar mengenai kesesuaian nilai [ ] dengan disain yang dipergunakan

This research was to investigate the association between blood concentrations of micronutrient
status biomarkers and morbidity among school children in Bogot´a, Colombia.

In my opinion, using Cohort Studies is a good way for reaching the purpose that is to investigate the
association between blood concentrations of micronutrient status biomarkers the researchers have listed and
gastrointestinal and respiratory morbidity among school children because with this design, the researchers
can understand the correlation between deficiency of retinol and gastrointestinal and respiratory morbidity
accurately and chronologically. Sample that was used is suitable with the background written in Introduction.
Random sampling to choose the participants neutrally (every student of the population had a same chance)
is also suitable for this research. Measurement method and analysis method that were used are also suitable
so that this research could give a logic final answer: Vitamin A concentrations were inversely related to rates
of gastrointestinal and respiratory morbidity, and hemoglobin concentrations were inversely associated with
symptoms of ear infection in a large cohort of apparently healthy school children.

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