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Winona Shafira Romadhon Noor

1801050077 / 5C


A. Concept/Variable 1
Reading comprehension strategies
The strategies used by teacher to shows the improvement in students`reading
comprehension. It is recommended that the English teacher apply certain
effective technique in teaching reading to enhance student`s comprehension.
There are few strategies which can be applied during the reading prosess they
are : SQ3R ( Survey, Read, Recite, and Review).

B. Concept/Variable 2
Reading comprehension achievment
Achievements in reading comprehension aimed at finding the instruments used
for this study were a reading comprehension test and a questionnaire searching
for answers about language attitude, intelligence and motivation of the students
towards the English subject. This indicated that the levels of students’
achievement in reading comprehension.The study also found and discussed the
factors that made positive differences in achievement of students in reading

Explanation of the relationship between variables:

A. Reading comprehension strategies
According to Webster (2018), “skill is the ability to use one's knowledge
effectively and readily in execution or performance.”Some skills come natural
for some people and some skills must be obtained over sessions of practice.The
further defines skill as a learned power of doing something competently: a
developed aptitude or ability. In order for students to obtain a new skill, it must
be practiced. Reading comprehension in schools use to be read and answer
questions.There was no intervention to help students that did not actually
comprehend the text and teach them how to decode the
text.To defines strategy as “the art of devising or employing plans or stratagems
toward a goal.” The goal is for the students to obtain and use the knowledge they
are presented with. In order for the knowledge in the text to be obtained,
strategies must be taught for students to pinpoint important aspects of text. Some
readers naturally have this skill, and others have to practice to obtain this skill. It
is imperative for teachers to teach reading comprehension strategies so the skill
can be used in every subject. In addition the research provides insight on this
strategy benefiting a positive classroom environment by encouraging
collaboration and cooperation.The fallbacks to the strategy is it may not be
effective if it is not taught with fidelity. The suggested improvements for this
intervention would be teacher training and possibly scripted lessons to teach each
strategy consistently.

B. Reaading comprehension achievment

Regarding to the statement above, it can be concluded that the achievment of
reding comprehension affected by several things. First conducting this reasearch
the situation of school: whether it can serve them in a good way, the character of
the teachers, whether they have good knowledge and are enthusiastic while
teaching, the books given whether it is interesting or not, and the homework
assigned, and whether it is too difficult or not based on the previous learning. All
of these things shape whether a student will have a positive or a negative attitude
towards learning reading comprehension well. From the explanation above, even
though there is no significant effect of learning method on student's reading
comprehension achievment but, relatively it is found as the best learning method
on reading comprehension.

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