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 prone to or characterized by overbearing mistreatment and domination of

 cyberbullying or cyberharassment is a form of bullying or harassment using
electronic means. Cyberbullying and cyberharassment are also known as
online bullying. It has become increasingly common, especially among
teenagers, as the digital sphere has expanded and technology has

This issue is very concerning nowadays. People do not understand how

this should be implied to the society. At the same time, people are so
empathic about this issue yet so ironic making person in a humiliation for
the benefit of their own

One best example is the case of DJ Loonyo (Rhemuel Luino}. Dj Loonyo

is a popular dancer here in the Philippines. People liked him since he’s
good in dancing. One time he stated an opinion about what will be the
result of the COVID 19 vaccines in all people that will be tested. On it. He
said something about the risk of getting injected of these vaccines thinking
that it would make the pandemic worse. As this video was posted via Live
Video with a particular Social media, people reacted as they saw the
video. Some people get his point where he was coming from, some people
got terrified to his opinion and some people humiliated him by unable to
understand his opinion towards vaccines. As a Filipino, being creative in
terms of content, they made some memes about DJ Loonyo’s
opinion. They even hated the DJ Loonyo they knew then. What all they
know is DJ Loonyo is just good at nothing else.

In relation to human rights, an individual has the right to voice out an idea
regarding a particular topic.We should respect that we have diverse perspective
in particular topic. We should be respectful and accept ideas from others. As
what they said “No man is in an island” which means we need each other to see
life worth living.

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