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Advanced Dynamics – MECP1012

Advanced Dynamics - MECP 1012

Homework #3
(Due 2016-11-20)

1. A mass of weight W can slide along a bent shaft (Figure 1). The shaft revolves
around a vertical axis with constant angular velocity ω. Derive:
 the ordinary differential equation describing the motion of the mass along the
shaft (aligned with the x axis) as a function of time t.

Figure 1

2. A mass m = 6 lbm is free to slide along a frictionless circular guide of radius r =

24in (Figure 2). The guide is oriented vertically so that the mass is under the
effect of gravity. The mass is initially at rest at point A when it is released. The
mass is attached to a spring with constant stiffness k =2 lbf/in. The unstretched
length of the spring is l0 = 24in. Determine:

ESPOL - Mechanical Engineering 1

Advanced Dynamics – MECP1012

 The velocity vB of the slider when it transits through point B.

Figure 2

3. A projectile (Figure 3) having mass m = 0.1 kg is fired at an initial velocityv0 =

200 m/s with a slant angle γ = 30deg (i.e. the angle between the tangent to the
trajectory at the initial instant and the ground). The projectile is under the effect
of gravity and of the aerodynamic drag. The drag can be considered, first in
approximation, as D = - (cv) et that is a force linearly proportional to the
velocity and directed, instantaneously, as the tangent to the trajectory. Assume
the constant c = 0.01 Ns/m, and the initial condition 𝑥0 = 0. Determine:
a. The equations of motion of the projectile in the inertial reference system
b. The range xr (distance x at which the projectile lands) as well as the time
tr and velocity vr when it reaches xr. Approach this calculation using the
direct analytical integration.
c. Neglect the drag force and estimate the final velocity at the point of
impact by using the principle of conservation of mechanical energy.

ESPOL - Mechanical Engineering 2

Advanced Dynamics – MECP1012

Figure 3

4. A sphere of mass m and radius r is sliding between two guides of length l. The
bars are hinged at point O and their angular position is defined by the angle ϕ.
A force P is applied at the two ends of the bars as in Figure 4. Assuming that
the bars have negligible mass, the friction between the bars and the mass is
negligible, and the mass of the sphere concentrated at its center, find:

 The vertical acceleration of the sphere when ϕ = 30deg.

Figure 4

PESPOL - Mechanical Engineering 3

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