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Advanced Dynamics – MECP 1012

Advanced Dynamics - MECP 1012

Homework #4
(Due 2020-12-04)

1. Consider two wheels connected by a rigid massless axle of length l. Each wheel has
mass m and it is considered concentrated as a point mass. The wheels roll without
slipping resulting in a non-holonomic constraint. The wheel A is attached to a spring of
stiffness k and un-stretched length l. The other end of the spring is fixed at point O.
Using the set of generalized coordinates r, find the equations of motion of the system.

Hint: use the general form of the Lagrange’s equations with

holonomic constraints. Consult example 6-9 of the Principles of Dynamics
textbook for more insight on the non-holonomic constraint. Remember
also the general expression of the non-holonomic constraint:

∑ 𝑎𝑙𝑘 𝑑𝑞𝑘 + 𝑎𝑙𝑡 𝑑𝑡 = 0


which in terms of velocities can be written as:

∑ 𝑎𝑙𝑘 + 𝑎𝑙𝑡 = 0

ESPOL - Mechanical Engineering 1

Advanced Dynamics – MECP 1012

2. Two particles, each of mass m, can slide on the horizontal xy-plane. Particle 1 at
(x, y) has a knife-edge constraint and is attached to a massless rigid rod. Particle 2
can slide without friction on this rod and is connected to particle 1 by a spring of
stiffness k and unstressed length l0. Using (x, y,φ,s) as generalized coordinates,
obtain the differential equations of motion.

s 2

m (x, y)

3. A two-link mechanism has a pin at the center and four equal masses at the
ends, as shown in the figure. In this problem derive the equation of motion using D'
Alembert's method of virtual work. (Hint: Show that the projection vector for the
two top masses is = (Lcos0 ex - 2Lsin0 ey )/2.

[Answer : 0( 1 + sin2 0) + Ir sin 0cos0 = 2(g/L) sin0]

ESPOL - Mechanical Engineering 2

Advanced Dynamics – MECP 1012

4. The massless rod in Figure P4-4 has two masses on it, one mass m 1 is fixed at the
end, while the other m2 , is constrained to move along the radius by a linear spring k. Use
Lagrange's equations to find the equations of motion for a constant torque. Assume the
spring is unstretched when r = L/2.

m 2 (r - rir ) + k(r - L/2) - m2gcos0 = 0,
m 1 L2 0 + m2 (2rr0 + r2 0) + (m 1 L + m 2 r)gsin0 = T)]

ESPOL - Mechanical Engineering 2

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