Questionnaire Cover Page

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Questionnaire cover page

Date: 14-Dec-2020

Dear Participant:

I am a BS student at international Islamic University, Islamabad<IIUI>. For my final project, I am

examining < the research to explore the relationships between social media consumer buying
behavior from the perspective of the consumer.>. Because you are <frequent online consumer/online
active person>, I am inviting you to participate in this research study by completing the attached

The following questionnaire will require approximately <10 minutes> in completing. There is no
compensation for responding nor is there any known risk. In order to ensure that all information will
remain confidential, please do not include your name. If you choose to participate in this project, please
answer all questions as honestly as possible and return the completed questionnaires promptly
<subjective and objective method>. Participation is strictly voluntary and you may refuse to participate
at any time.

Thank you for taking the time to assist me in my educational endeavors. The data collected will provide
useful information. Completion and return of the questionnaire will indicate your willingness to
participate in this study.


(Ambereen and Ruqayya)

About You:
1. Your Age
o 16-20
o 21-30
o 31-40
o 41-50
o 50+

2. Your Gender
o Male
o Female
o Other

3. What town do you live in?

4. You’re Occupation?

5. Your income level?

o 10,000k to 15,000k
o 20,000k to 25,000k
o 30,000k to 40,000k
o Or more

6. Your Marital Status?

o Married
o Unmarried
o other

Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

agree disagree
I use social media to find out about new
products and services and about specific
How frequently /often do you shop online?
I use social media to find unique discounts
and promotions.
I have confidence that the store provides
positive and credible information on its
shopping websites pages.
I pay a lot of attention to advertisements on
social media.
How quickly do you receive your product?
If I have little experience with a product, I
often ask people on the brand page of the
grocery store about the product.
How comfortable are you buying products
from a website you know?
Are you confident that your personal
information is kept confidential?
Is online shopping convenient?
Does it save your time?
Do you trust online shopping sites?
Is your money returned on dissatisfaction on
product (refund)?
How confident you are about your
money/payment being secure while online
Do you bother giving customer review?

1. What is your current level of Education?


Year 1 Undergraduate

Year 2 Undergraduate

Year 3 Undergraduate (Final Year)

Postgraduate (eg MBA, MSc)

Doctoral (eg PhD)

2. For what purposes, do you use the internet?




Services (e.g. banking)

3. Which social media sites do you have an account on? (Choose as many as apply.)







I do not have an account on any social media site

4. Before purchasing a grocery product, have you ever checked a social media site for any of the
following reasons? (Choose as many as apply.)

User reviews


To ask a friend about prices from different stores

5. How do you generally receive retail promotions?




Social media

None of the above

6. At what times are you most active on social media?

o 5 to 7am
o 7 to 9am

o 10am to 12p

o 12 to 3pm

o 3 to 6pm

o 6 to 9pm

o 9pm to 12am

7. On social media, are you most interested in?

o Products

o Online shopping

o General chat

o Support groups

o Other

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