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1) Role of Communication in CB

2) Learning, Innovation and Memory in context of CB

Suppose you were 35 Years rich unmarried woman, what would be your
consumption behaviour

4) Loves makes us buy

5) Learning, Innovation and Memory in context of CB

6) Psychological Influences on Consumption Pattern/Behaviour

7) Social Influences on Consumption Pattern/Behaviour

8) Role of Internet and Technology in CB

9) Advertising techniques in CB

10) Hedonism drives us

11) Cultural Influences on CB

12) Marketing Strategies for attracting/facilitating consumers

13) Emotions, mood and involvement in the consumer behaviour

14) Social Influences and CB

15) Perceptions in perspectives of CB

16) Role of Technology, Innovation and CB

17) Role of Communication in CB

18) Learning, Innovation and Memory in context of CB

19) Suppose you were 40 Years rich man, what would be your consumption behaviour

Suppose you were 35 Years rich woman, what would be your consumption

21) Love makes us buy

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