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Learning activity 2

Evidence: Cultural literacy around the world

Fuente: SENA

"When I was 15 I had the opportunity to travel and live in Meta for 3 years.
I lived and studied there while my mother worked. The goal is one of the richest
departments in culture in livestock activity and its gastronomy. There are cowgirl
tournaments that consist of riding a horse at fast speed and managing to grab a
wild cow by the tail until it knocks it down. Another aspect that I found
It is the dance of the joropo. The joropo is a type of music characterized by the
use of the llanera harp, which generates a unique sound for this regional style
of music and dance. As of December 8, some groups blacken their skin and
wear colonial-era clothing. Each person is assigned a role: king and queen of
Spain, princesses, duchesses and others.

Then, after taking office "under oath," a ritual dance begins and the participants
go from house to house. This celebration is held until the day of La Candelaria.
This aspect is very interesting since not all regions celebrate the same
festivities and cultures vary.
Regarding religion, he believes in Catholicism and Christianity.
Therefore, each llanero is free to choose their religion on their holy day or to
attend mass on Sundays.
Also its biggest problem is the misuse of water resources.
It was a great
experience. "
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1. Click the title of this evidence.

2. Click Examinar mi equipo and look for the file in your computer. Make sure
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3. Leave a comment for the instructor (optional).
4. Click Enviar.

Note: This evidence is an individual activity. Remember to check the learning

guide in order to know if you have done all the assigned activities, know how to
develop them and deliver them correctly.

Criterios de evaluación
 Detalla aspectos sobre personas, lugares y cosas, empleando la estructura
gramatical requerida.

Discute ideas sobre los principios de alfabetización cultural, usando el
vocabulario y la gramática requerida.

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