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tlE Review

INSTRUCTION: Sd€cl lh€ con€ct acs{r'ar for e*h c, th€ fdlo*ing 32 tlo* rnany imagrnery roots are $€re?
qu€stions. Ma* 9o|I_j!g amw€r for 66ch il6m by shading lho box
coaresponding lo th€ lellsr of you choce on the ans$,sr sh.€t provided. Situ.6on a: Giiv6n is the exprcasion x2i - 1 = o where n =
STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWEO. Us€ p.ndl no. 1 only. (+) whol€ $umber.

GYEESEE!'SEEIS 3r3. l_bw many poGiliw rods arE lhore?

1. Determine the inveBe functon of /(x) = 6, + 15. 3{ How meny negalive &oB ale thce?
.. l(,r1=:(r+1s) 35. How msny zero roots arc lhere?
b. /(,r, =:G - 1,
c. /(')-, = -;(' + rs) t6. How many imaginery rooB are there?

c. 11,y-'= 11-, + rsy Sibr:lion 5: (J!en is th6 expresdon 7xz + (2k - 1)x - 3k +2=
2. Oet rmane ihc inverse functio of y = "G-ii;.
a, f(a)-'= -a(e + 's) 37. What should be lhe value c k so lhat lhe sum and prcduct ot
b. /c)-'= -f (e-t)
/(:f1 = --f (e + '5) 38. whsl should bs th€ vCue cf k so that ils roots ar€ r€d and
d. f@)-t = !(s _,s)
39. On€ of the rcots o{ Axz + 8x + c = 0 as +
;i, wh€rB A, B and C
3. D€leminolhe invers€ funclion of I(:) = e:_2 + 3.
arc integ€rs. Whsl B th€ valuo of A?
.. ,(r)-1 = ln(r) - ln(3) + 2
b. | (t)-t = ros.(t - 3) + 2 x'+ x+
rO. Find lh6 r.mind€r when 3r3 - 2x+ 5 is div(bd by 7.
d. lG\'1 = tosa(J) - ros.(!) -2 al- Fand lie remsnclor when 4x3 + 18x'1 + 8x - 4 is divid€d by x'z -
,4. lt (G"H)(x): (H.Gxx),th€n 5x+6.
e. qx) and H(x) are e!€n functims.
42. Find the rernsindrr when 3x{ + 3i3 - sx'z + 2 ls dividod by .r +
b. qx) snd H(r) ar. odd tunctions.
c. qx) and H(x) are not invElso function ol orle
d. G(x) end H(x) aro invorsc functions of on€ another.
k6nrine A, B and C in thc.xp.Ession:
EXPAT{S|OI OF POLYIi(XIALS 1:':+f2r-sr a B c
6. Determine lhe 3n t€rm o{ (x + y)ro
(r+rxr-11(r-z) x+3 r-1 r-2
6. Detemine lhe 76lerm ol (2x + 3y)10. u. Oelermine A, B and C in the expGssionl
sr'z+ir+ r! a Bx+c
7- C,6l6min6 the 3d lem of (x + y) 1. (x+r)tr?+4) x+I xz+.

8. Hemin€ lhe 3d tem of (x + y)r2 +5. D€t€mine A. B, C, D and E in lhe expression:

a/+ lzxr+a3x2+rl9x+116 A Bx+c Dx+E
9. D€lermin€ th€ 4i t6rm d {2 - 3f) 6. (x+2)(r,r7)z x+2 x:.7 (x,+7)7
10. What is the co.ffdern of $e tofm containang a'ddr ftom the PROGRESSIOI'S'I{U AER SERIES
€)aansion (a + 2b-c+ d)r1?
Situ.tton 6: Given is a scie.,l, 7, 10, ...
co PtEx l{u BERS
ta. Oct€rmin€ th6 76 tem.
11. Sve for x in lhe expr6€sirn 3x + 2,i = 9 + 6i. a- 21 c. 22
b. 30 d- 27
12. simdily (3 + si) + (,1+ 7i).
Determine th€ sum of the flst 7 t€rms.
t3. Simplity (3 + 5i) - (4 + 7). .. 73 c. 95
b. 91 d. 61
11. Simdify (3 + 5i) . (4 + 7i).
her.nine lh€ gum ol th€ firsl 5 t6rms startng wnh the 4h le.m.
,4. Simdify (3 + 5i) + (4 + 7i). .. 73 c. 95
b. 91 d. 61
16. Sampiity (2 - 11i)5. 49. llow meny tems should there b. so thsl th€ sum E 71il?

17. Simdiry 't(irT=Eli. ,.2c.21

b- 21 at. 23
t8. Samd,fyln(2- 11i).
Sin .Gon 7: Th€ 5h l€rm of an a.ithmelic progGssion as 123 and
th6 30b lem B 245.
19. Simdify 5cis30'.

m- 50. Whidr ol Ihs iollor ing gives lhe I 5b terrn?

Simdirybg(-3). r- 8664 c. 958/5
b. 859/5 d. 646/3
Slirdion 1i Giv€n is the exprcssion x'z - 5x +6= 0,

Whidr the iollowirE give3 lhe common diffeGnce?

21 tlow many po6itive roE aao there?
3.67 c. it.88

2,. lbw many nceatve rcoli arelhere?

b. 6.01 <1. 5.21

6;2. \ r'hidr of tho follo,xing giv€s the sum of the first 20 tarms?
2:!. How many zerc rcdB ere theru?
.- 2996.8 c. 2669.8
U. l'low many imaqinary rooG arE tial!? b. 2969.8 d. 2699.8

sii. whd is th€ suln ol all 6ven idegerB frbm 10 to 50o?

Sltledon 2: Ciiwn is lhe exp.6eon x'z - 5x + 100 = 0.
,. 62-230 c.

25. How rnany posl'live rooG se thera? b. 64.750 d. 62,730

54. Il/hd is tho Eum ol dl odd iln6gels bdr€en 50 and 100?

26. ilow mahy negaive rools ae ther6? 1950 c.
.. 2O7O

How msny zero rcoB are iher€?

b. 1875 d- 2025
55. ln lhe Bo6nia coniicl, the MTO lorces csdured 6400 sddiels
28. Hrw maoy imsgina.y rcols ar€ th6r€? The provreons on herd wrll l6t ior 216 m€els while f€€ding 3
m6als a day. The provtsiom l€61€d ior 9 mor6 deF b@use ot
Slt ifon 3l Givon i3lhc €xprE6sion 7x7 + 5r5+ 3x3+x=0. daily d.rhs. At en e\/rrs0e, how many di€d P€r day?
s. '19.5 c, 17.8
E. How rmny posiliv€ rooi3 ere lhelE? b. 11.7 d. 15.3

30. How ,nany noOdive looG are tl|Gle? A man owns pigs in his bam. l_i. had purchas€d l6€d lhat will
lsst for 75 days for his liveslock. The dgs s€r€ then inlosled wnh
31. llow many zero rooB are lhert?

Engr. Erickneil D. Realuyo, CE, ME-|, SO, MP

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