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a d6€ase. I the man has 4950 figs idlidly and 25 ftgs de €adr 75- hermine th€ dlaraclerklic cf log(0.00o78805)
day, for hor, long will lhe fe€d lasl? .- 4'10346227 c. I
a. 100 days 297 days b- -3 d- 0.8s6553r/34
b. 311 days d. 152 dsys
78. O6l6rmin€ lh6 rmnlissa of 109(0.00078805)
Sltuiton 8: Given is a sen.s 2, 6. '18, 5,1. ... a. -0-103146227 c. I
b. -3 d. 0.896553234
57. D€temine the 7c term
,. 4374 c. 1458 n . How m€ny digits are there in 1 00!?
b. 486 d. 13122 .- 156 c. 157
b. 158 d. 159
58. kermane the sum ot the irsl 7 lerms
b. 2186 d. 3010
78. A civil €ngin€er boughl 2,1 boxes of ssews fo. P2,200. Thete
59. Delomine lhe sum of the fiBt 5 terms daning wilh the zlh lerm. rvere th,ee types ol screws boughl. Scr€w A costs P300 per box.
t. 2160 c. 6534 screw B cosE P150 par box and scr.* C ccls P50 per box.
b. 6552 d. 702 llo many bo)@s of scaewA did he buy?
50. Ho\f, many terms shorld there be so lhat lhe sum is ,1,782,968? b.5d.4
13 c. 15
b. 14 d. 12 79. Th€ totd amourn cdb<red frorn the conlnMions of 50 p€ods
was P1630. lt
6acn man coddbuled P50, e€)ch woman
Sltradon 9: Clven is a sei63 2. €, 1 8. -5.4, conldbuied P25 and each child contributed P3, how rnany
mmen eE th6re?
al . Detairine the 76 terrn .. 16 c. 23
1371 c. 1458 b. 20 d. 18
u aa6 d. 1312
A2. D.termine th€ sum of the frsl 7 t€rms
s. -554 c. $12 Slturdon l2: A dock i3 sel si 7i00 odock.
b. -364 d. -299
80. ln ho{v many minutes wll lhe hands of the clclck be logether/
63. Del6rmin€ lhe sum ofthe exprossion 3 + u2 + 3/4 + E8 +... e. 39.01min c.36.45 min
a.6c.5 b. 37 87 min d-38 18 min
El. ln how lrlany manoles willlh€ hands oflhe dock be oppodte to
6ia. What is the vdue d grn x 91l! r 91,27 x ..? dh 6th€r?
.. 4.0 c, 2.5 4.25 min c. 5.75 mn
b. 3.0 .1. 3.2 b. 3 98 min d. 5 45 rYio

65. Th6 numbeB 28, \ + 2, 112 form a geom€tric progrc$ion. A2. ln how meny mind€6 will lhe hands of lhe clock be
EE minc tE 1Ot tcrm. pcrpe.doia?
14.336 c. 13.435 21.42 min c, 22.$ min
b. 14,633 d. 13.463 b. 20.85 min d. 23 03 min

66. lf 1/3 c, air in the tsnk is Emov€d by e3ch strcke of a'l air pump. Sltlllton 13: It is now belw€en I and 1 0 o'dock.
whal frsctionel p.n o( the td6l .tir B remo\rcd in 6 strokB?
.. 0 8779 c-
0-9122 8:]. At u,tlar timc afler 9 o doc* wlll the minute hand and lhe hour
b. 0.5567 d.
0.5491 hand be pemendicular for the frst lime?
.. 9:32:14 c, 9:34 73
67. The sum of 3 numbers in ailhmelic progression is 45. lf 2 is b. 9:07:21 d. 9:03:!1
add6d lo lhe 1r number, 3 io lhe second number end 7 to the 3d
numb€r, lhe ne numbeB will be in a geometic progre3ion. 8,1. ln lt mindes, the hour hand of lh€ dock will be dir€dly oppc6itG
hamino the common difelence th€ posi{on ocdrpied by the minut€ hand 3 mindes ago. Whal
a.6c.-5 time as il?
b.5d.6 a. 9:18:00 c. 9i12:00
b. 9r15:m d- 9r2O:00
SlE.don l0: Givcn isa sencs 1/2, 1/5, 1/8...
85. ln e queder of an hour, lhe minule h€nd will b€ bohind $e hour
68. Determin€ the 8! tom. hand by only half as much as it is now behird it. What time is it?
a. 1l2O c. 1123 r. 9:21:11 c. 9:15:44
b- 1t21 d. 1122 b. 9:19:05 d. 9:13:38

53. kermine the 3um of lhe f rst 7 ierms. 86. How many scconds sncr 8:00 o'dock willthe second h8td tisccl
.. 0.7891 c. 1-022s lhe space belws€n lhe hour and minuto hands for lhe lilsl linre?
b. 1.0961 d. 0.5615 a. 20.18 s€c 21.45 s€c
b. '18.7E sec d. 19 a5 3cc
70. ibw m$y l6ms should lhcre be so tha the 3um is I 4'107893?
.- 22 c. 21 87. Al whd {me aner 3 odock will th. angle b€lween the hanG of
b. 20 d, 23 th€ do.* bc Usecled by the s€cond hend?
.. 3:00:05.57 c. 3:00:06.57
71, The 4b term of e hamonic proercssion is 12 and th6116 tem is b. 3:00:07.57 d. 3:00:08.57
5. Find th€ 9616m.
.- 1n c. 7 S8. How many minutcs ai.r 3 o'do.k wifi lh€ Mnds d lho do.* be
b_6d. 1/6 at 180'?
.. 50-11 c. /18.05

Sitlr.don tl: Th€ taue b€low shors lhe time c trdv€l of lhe h 49.09 d. 51.30
vehides for travdling a distance o{ 20O m.
Sihr.don 14: Ir i3 b€twccn 5roo alld 6:00 o'dock. ln 20 minute3,
'l'im€{s) the minute h€nd will be ahed ot the hour
- hand -
89. V\hal lim€ is il no1x?

SO. What lim€ will il be?

91. A man lell his home past 3:OO pm Bstwean lwo to thlBe hourE
72. Comp{neth€ tirna m€an spe€d. aner. he retumed and noticed thA the hsnds of the dod
a. 15.92 nvs c. 15.43 rvs
- whet time did he leav€ horne?
b. 15.63 fiVs d. 15.67 nvs r. 3.,t5.50 c. 3.33.29
b. 3:20 81 d. 3:31.17
73. ComplJt€ the spac€ mean sp.ed.
.- ,5.43 n s 15.67
b. 15 92 rvs d. 15.a3 llr3
92. ln fv€ y€ers. Jca woLrld bG twics th€ 4E o( Ana' Fi're years
CHARACTERISIIC'XA]'TISSA aoo, H; $,8 four tm6 as dd s3 Ana- Find the sum o' ih€ir
7a- Cletcrmin6lhecharadetisticof109(329.65) .. 30 c. 35
a.2G. 0.51629001 b. 45 d. 40
b. 0.51805308 d. 3

Engr. Erickneil D. Realuyo, CE' ME-|, SO' MP

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