ARCC - Beams Curved in Plan

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ee ae ee ~ ong] feceeb Dcaans_Cunved jn plom. | ; }— Beams eurnscl tn plan are provided in CrrenbA i water tanks , Citeulr slabs, euwrued haleorres LE | Greteinesk Sh beams 2G of He Lads dees rot covricila walt te eure Lorgttiidinal axis af the Beam, This Gauses torsional mnoment in the aia akong | ettK haar amal bench . os Ter hieonrak moment causes Sera of ke beams unless Hhetr emals ara nostracwed, o a sation i; Boncling rmomant ir a Curve beam is Pe jai PL moments of a He forces. on one side af the section abet transverse oh toglial anis . => Barsconel moinent » at - ay i Kkeckiin on a Cura bacr 28 A sation af morinniler, Oi Bop Linge te We cinolel apis of He beam, at te section Hn cler . Considaratyon. ©@_.| Gn erdufar Seniors Exported over Column, reset sremenk at niet al the \sapport aed he ove. | Ta Sg | pyrene tocally Soaaleal Cir evar Bars: . Pen islin io Cikeistn bear | ceufpoorLadk on Bhimrons oO Contes “ ark Leimélous a ae | Ayroretricn lly PBad on the Supprts. . i The beam 4 sabgecteal Ba udh Wi: i A eaniel bean Suppred | eobeonin o) and Fa 4 Meee ! | i ae ae Sige Belle 1, 4 1 I-¢ Io 7 C ¢ Per . & | ( 206 Angle subtinded by Bie arnareuiire Gebacrnens at He exmtre : ( = 27 whre nm us He umber of aebsrnrs n B= Some anbutnory angle from conlie of G2 CG, eau CR. 28) and By Cone ded tog the Cobol Load distanre of 6 from eekins Uneler. Omstclaralion, eqpotios fr BM, SE and Torsten - ore —forenubbed ° akich ane as follows os i.e Bm net: Beene Mewpp. eun* C1 - @ate) GD) em at mt Loam, f any pov on Jia, = a Bane ox atence | Gi) SF at ay poemt ' SR = arco #)) At suppet SF aft)» tl) Gv.) a at Poeml on Re Goam | Distqubution of “SED > BMD Ber tha design Pua pese pS apport ema ent , mud Spay | moment ame max. Lune Jonememt cam ba Aabrecemtal by He fPtowiey erporerseion5s OD Supprt moment Meupp, i Msepp = Ky uR* C20), | G) wid span anarmnemt M, Kp WyR* (20), Ee Gi) wax, Tereatorng cmememl, ff é. = Ky Gy R ee, “whens Ki, > Ba andl As depend, pen argh @ ce Be mumber “f uppers and we pngtee Dhkh a Tosco We of alae “k LK ¢ 4 go° [0137 | 0.07 | oo hn, | = 72° |0-108 | 0-05 ooh eh, | 6 | 60° | 4-089 | 0045 | o.00R 4.2) 7 |[S1B* | 0-077 | 003? | 0.00% 45 8 45° | 0.066 | o-030 0S He q 40° |'0.060 | e-02zp o-oo dy 10 BE? | c.054| 0-023] 0-695 1, (2 | 30° | 0-045 | o-of +00} 7 | o-ccm dy, pa ae _ Pb A crear vnattin thnk waith, bottom pang “peagn of aon rachis is Supportash on “8° Colsomms oh SlVe “HOOmm x4 Horm ezericforern by plowed on The. periphery of a circle. Tha beam is subgectic lf a worRemg Bed of 200 KA/on | Deaign tha beam tasting surtobe steel ‘and cohersl| DESIEN : DALE - 27 R= Bm 3) M2) BCoLksenns => 29 = BE : 6 62 ROOK. ae ay pS X.200 = B00 KN fap| fom Fobke fr ‘g' Columns fhe Gofficienté Ki > Ka and Ky for Support onemont , erik | aGbon memont and omar. THaastena? moment ore K, =) 0-066 3 Ky > 0-030 and k= 0-008, b= 9), —> am at puypport Mespp = Ki 02, R* C26), oo Se tndians.\ = 0066 x 300X 3% C22) Me = 139-95 : we [40 KAT CH-00°Y) € K, ayr* C20) —» Bm at mud Span M,= 0:03 x 300 x3 C2) 1 Us ‘ = 63:60 KN-om. CSaggory’) RC2e dy Terstsnal ome. Gon) M, = Ks u® © >. amt) ~ S 0-005 XB00X%? CGH = 10:60 KAom™. - go-6?e * Vv = RO: out (292%, eer ax Sr: « = 300 x exZ. ze = 353 KA @ Sige of Berero: Adept uncdth af beam = Zo0emm Adept Mag Concrete amd flys taal , Max. am My F 0738 f ba” 140x108 = or IBEX2TXK Boor [a= arom, | Prencele an off Ger a 30., 2 —> Area of tomseon jStz00 Ase Me = 0 8th Ase d (l- Ach) Asta He ) 6 140 x10 = 0 ' 84x 4/5 x B70 C/~ x Ase ¢ Ba0K S toX2s, | (V:97, =. 133568 -5A;- 2 As 12a [Provre 29mm pb bars. => Ne of bazem= =F TT X20 , : a Sheer CReck ! | Max. sf ecewr® at Support Vy = WyR.O. Va = soo xax TT. = BIS 4KN 3 i Ria Slpece Tee Na, 2 BSS-4X10) . | la GE Rens 0" bah B00 X SO { i hetero S Ew — va Sle cilene ae Bye of Be haw == However rately aS cede ia ae pl I ‘ ae + Mas. Toravon My = Cs MUR (40) 10.6 KN-™, Eqntva Lomb Shear yo Weg 16 Te (% 3s) b. V, . w.tilO-o) aa ate = 204+ 1:6 x 10-6 > Boo mas (2 4 Sea) 5 20008 Oz eee Po, = 866535 KN F2O4UKN Thoms verse Revinoforconnmmt' DrbO CIRM A, = ase Va Sv Pa 25 ‘su + eC 25d, (orf) by d, @87% ) TOR ME slips ventas ce e (Prowde Bam pp — 2 Jey = 2x TAB”. 4 b, = 300 - 20-30 =2howm, d, = BW-30-30 =BHOam. pSubetilels ui above Sym. }00$86 = _10-6xj0%x Sy Jounie’s Sy 240 X 310 X0-814289 +t pe (10) (0-2 15) os eT ay for a LE ah mid sper meng be colealete 4 0-20 : oo remomt = £360 % Bona b-2LERGED bE TOR oe nee STIRRUPS @ BgGa~mm Seo. 300, T ‘ Blom = : |" Teo 20mm > —~ A BARS. qT ! ¢ arreon 5 EL prek: ei) zoos, j A rong banern of sm nadis 15 supportocl on 5 Supp Design te qonenukar gener pro workeng eed arf use| Moo thronals & fe soo otal, pbteh Frau he Leucll t 1s Kalen . ' | | Design! | , Reson, 3 n= GOR => 2602 20 2 1256 Pod. S ‘ + 0 6arxad. Qy = SKIS 2 22: gs Kaeo The beam unl be bubgectik Je G@ em at Supprt Meg = wR (28). wR (20?) Gi) am ck mk Spon M, = Se Gil) Max. Terstonal mom. My = ©3 2gR* C28). From tabrssan Gliown for S Sufeports Cs olog 3 G2 0054 F Gat o-0/%, b= iste . + Support jemts Mey = = 7623 KA, + Mack Span memont D1 2 cr0S4 KK 22EKO R286, = BBIS KN-™ a O06 X 22-5X5 x 1256 mM, = 0: D4X 22.5 757% [256 =. 287 Kaw > Mar. pSheor CCLUU Vy = Wy RO - at Beppprb 2 22.56x 5% 0-63 = Eee kn = 70-87 i Big of He Sem: Aalepe ewxotth of bom b = 20™™, Use M20 Gmork and pe bre Lack, My = 0-138 Lee bd™ 763x105 = 0138 X20x Bor A pede on eff. Ceuer = 0mm, Ma = 0 arty Me dh Ci ~ ety ) 6 bd Fen TEBRIO, = 0-BFX4IS Ae x zo Ci- Ase > 41S ) =. 109759 Ao 24 17a Me = 866 omy _ : vids He jevrf. on te =F pr Pranirf. ae Promide Ibomon od bars => We of has m= 866 2 4 bars, TH IG* z Pree of Stal af mod Sp Nee. cate - My = o87f, Ae d (I~ oy ) ig oe PEISXO 0-84 x His Ag x’ aoy (1- PEXAIS | ) i ‘& Boon dohx 20 BBISXI0 = AT TSI 24.97 Age We =. 380 opm” SS. : 3 APs Provide lgmm & bos

1 04.39 F 22-85 (os - 8x43) ! — ' Equivalent keor Ve = Vy + re | ehrogp| (6% ) Sram a vense' Rermforceomomt v 7 Ee oo. . bd, Co-ath) 25d, (o8tfy ). b, = 300 ~ 20 - 30! = 24mm, a. 204 - 30-30") > ae ' 5. rproveda Bonn Ad 2 Laagedt digs acre J | 2 lioos a ie one | eo Substelae * ay, b, Co in above 2m. | \oo-s Ge = 9-88 x108 x, Sv + BSRIOS WY \ : we8 RIO Sv 248% 244% o-BTX 268 pax 24un 0,89 AE | wb | us kes Jo Min Spa Ger) a curs mer 2K Syphon > hun: Vy =. T0-4KkN: O cues 3 Shean Sloss T= Vu . 50g? x10. e 2 ae Boo X B04 Reon akon by Cmande Te, — fam tebe TD TS 456 ra@ Te 06 Nile ® Rermairsnng Shean Sats’ 2 oF 0:6 = ar1¥N/omm™ + na Tewnkbl = 7 Va-tom = O#K bA = O17 X Bex BOh = LESOYN=\5 PromAe Comm gb — 2 Daged ms clivrups . Ay b, 0 81K 250 X SE X30 Vis = 28th Avb os isso4 = ox Sy = O77 Nl ® eee rook oox 866, 2 0.95% bd Seo xB04 = | Sve BS.omm Ae (Mon, Shear oceus naar sat — er Chak oat ce — uy) rags Bey ar Py 42 QDOAnRAAR. RhKODO i ) Semi ~ Crneulor Poa Supporto on Three Expslly patucd (abun Crrgider ths boam Sheum i fy “ Lbs possing 4 / heen im foctPad Look Yacting ' a . ashis encnnsen | imement ocaurn at support Se > Macimuan Gowen as | me = — oe aR | — HeaD = 72 2 tonmaem | deying manent sccusa ob om OU P°% eet. Aafpect’ fe de, ond is gues Y wee + pS a 1 M = | 0.152 coak™ | SaO la aan | jht seus we sc at sopprtic, @ given by He enpmeer” 1 a Jy > aE nw, hs | 2 69-44" pal 9G > Mareconum alas of Torsion occurs ak P car Ord ie purer fa expe ie , I Ty = 3.1045 GR” | Peeb. Mey /Tume 2011 wZ + Design a Some erneulrr bom, Curmed wi plan Supp oted on 3 opp By Spoced Columns on a Jhon oli, Cure for an al unelasrve enposel dL of 16%Ypy Use Msg Gomera and £e 4/5 sted. Skoteh tha Perrforcement dobals . Bega : “Dra = /4m =p R= Tm, | = 16 Him Cyn WEIS = 24 Roan, e Mig Conetet ; Fe AIS Slol ; tot t > Mon. Hegging mament My. | oan okt -o4nxabn7™ aly = 49D 42 KN-m ] | | elas Seggeeg moment Mag be 154 cm R™ Ly 0-152) x 24x7™ [ale 2 78.75 a= vow je SF ak Conall Sipprt Vy = OuR = 24%F p Vy = 168 KN > Mbso. Toren Ty 20: 104S Cy Ro 2. = 0104S X24 XT [aa ee] Sees a : eo Eqprvalint marment Dg a My Me mtr He a > sp at BzGo" ce ober Torsstingd nem. iz mon _ WAL V, _ 2 ea OR = Oo: 7KQZ4XT ro = 78.ak kN DEG Lf Bam 9 om: Aclopt wel b= B0Q om. May = uw OBS am (i- 042 Bamer ) bel * | hos. 494 x oS ane shes cn Gar) 0424 0:48) 300-L" x25 [4 = eto mm (Pree i Gua of Fomm. Da 690 +50 of = ¥4omn Aran of btn Paguirud ' Me = 2:8# 4) Ase Col = 042 Hu) | oo - 0 42X O° 48x16 904 494x108 = 0 BFXAIS Ase. C6? se = 24 BA mm provide 2gmm da bars. CANT aos bars _ 2484 (Bi bars am of na * aaa Se : , 4 : \ se CR fi Sheet a ' ! ! Me a ee x12 LB AIO Shear nasa |W = = fe Boo x 640° | 2 b-Bi | n/m | Sn a _ =e | , JA vem Ef xabh x YOO wath [fe 2 07 the | bt 300% 690 | | Ue : 7) prowicl Bom b MS ~2 Lage SHinvups @ spaorg of, Sy = 2:87 0:87 fy Mov A. way n 250» 2¢0RE Dx 6Fe (0:81- 0-7) x200% $40. =. BEP mm Lo <> Memon Shean Rowicfercemenit 228 _ oF seo Sy S-e7K260 17 de fn Teper ' Equuiratine Sheer Nye = Vo = 738-% + 1G x 122-89 pee eee 7 os. a.7gH BA 3 bas Bens eres SAID _ eeeey bd go0x 670 = Busbetlnn (> de alm”) Te. Reuss, the kaze of the Seclion. Ca. beam of Sime 400 X Boom" Oe eee eee se aoe 400% 800 (provide 19mm &— 9. ler Saal bers Slirmwps at Spacing Ta Sv Vu Sv fey = a4, HH) Cae ba, Co-87f,) a xo SY 2X65 = 123x0 xSv + 7est6h Fe baile) 320x760 (081K 4/5) 2:5 % [S02 Be" | = 1 Tune 20/0. wae G Dessgr : Dro = Oy jp (SxS => > Manx. Hegey moment Mon. Seager arama Design and deta a Some evacutar bom > wn plan , duppertad om 3- eyolly spor Cs OO @ Ioan dia Cuwe fo an all inckusrire exposed ce 500 SEL, Uudh of 18 KA » ea = Reval. Msg Concrete awd Fe ™, W, ss ak Cudbol Sopprt = Martamanm Toran Ma “leap = 555.66 KA-m Msg = cued Ade Mpg CONC 6 500 Slat a A heyy a 2 O42K27X a = O42 Wy = e1/B2 YR = 0/S2K ZIAT = 20) KN-™ | Ss. e Mu = WuR = 27x%F V, = (89 Kom l M+ = OM wWyRo = oloX 2747 Tu

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