Individual Assignment: Technology Park Malaysia Personality Development

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HAND OUT DATE: 2 Feb, 2020
HAND IN DATE: 8 Dec, 2019

Submitted By: Submitted To:

Roshan rana bhujel Ms. Diya lama
Rollno.: NPI000036 Lecturer

People conclude a persons behaviour by seeing his/her face. Whether they do so from body

shape is not studied much. In this report I have explored the personality inferences made from

looking at the body of a personality I like. During this report I will explore about the effect

caused by body shape on ones personality an his traits. Body traits will be related to the body

shape according to Ocean model and other studies about personality will be done. Hence, the

purpose of the report prepared is to investigate the relationship between body shape of a

personality I like and his personality traits.


I would like to appereciate some of those people who helped me for the completion of this

report. First of all, I am grateful towards APU for providing me a wonderful opportunity to do a

research on this particular topic. From researching on this topic I came to know so many new

things about personality. I would like to thanks Ms. Diya lama(course instructor) and Infomax

college of IT and Management for assisting me throughout this project.

Roshan Rana

Bsc(Hons) IT

1 sem

Infomax College Of IT and Management

Table of content

1. Abstract……………………………………………………………………………. 2

2. Acknowledgement ………………………………………………………………… 3

3. Introduction……………………………………………………………………….
3.1 Personality…………………………………………………………………… 5

3.2 Type of personality………………………………………………………….. 7

3.3 Traits of personality ………………………………………………………… 8

4. Objectives…………………………………………………………………………. 11

5. Methodology……………………………………………………………………….

5.1 Respondent profile ………………………………………………………….. 13

5.2 Assesment procedure………………………………………………………… 13
5.3 Observation ………………………………………………………………….. 14

6. Findings …………………………………………………………………………… 15

7. Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………… 18

8. Refrences…………………………………………………………………………… 19
9. Questionnare………………………………………………………………………. 20

While we conversation about behavior, It doesn’t unkind that a soul has magic, a confident

approach near life, a entertained expression, or is a contender for “ Gladdest” person

competition organized. While psychologists talk of behavior, they unkind a thought telling the

growth of a soul’s whole psychological coordination. Fairly than observing at body parts figure

person, behavior looks at specific collective complete that is larger than the quantity of the parts

The word personality is derived from a latin word persona which refers the social role played

by actors. Personality is the generally sketch or arrangement of characteristics which show the

exclusive nature of a humanity as that person responds and relates with others. It associate a set

of physical and emotional features that mirror how a human expressions, thinks, actions, and

impressions. In all personality refers to the quantity of all physical, sensitive and emotional

approaches, beliefs, interests and motivational elements

  “ The typical forms of manners and styles of philosophy that define a person’s modification to

the surroundings” (Bolander, 1994) 

According to E.R Hilgard "personality is the structural decoration of behaviour and manners of

beliefs that decides a somebody's transformation to the environments".

According to Freud Luthens "Personality funds how somebody distresses others and how he

understand and view himself as well as the decoration of internal and external calculable

individualities and somebody's condition contact."

Personality development simply can be referred to as the term that is developing one personality

in such ways one can adapt in the society and produces the productive output. It is really the

expansion from the planned decoration of attitudes and activities which makes an specific

Types approach of personality with body shape

Kretschmer classified personality into four types and later on Sheldon classified personality into

three categories according to body shape. From both of their classification , Sheldon three types

endomorph,mesomorph and ectomorph can be related to pyknic, athletic and asthenic type as

classified by kretschmer . The fourth diploblastic type classified by kretschmer is the one which

doesnot fit into the three types classified.

1. Asthenic(ectomorph)

2. Athletic(mesomorph)

3. Pyknic(endomorph)

Asthenic (endomorph) : In Kretschmer arguments " A insufficiency in thickness joint with

an typical unlessened measurement". Asthenic body types are skinny with narrow shoulders,

thin muscles, narrow long flat chest. People with this body type generally tend to have an

introverted nature i.e quite shy and silent.

Athletic (mesomorph) Type : Athletic type generally means muscular wide shoulders and

nice physique with builded chest and height attributes. People with such build tend to have a

personality with and optimistic view and smart in nature.

Pyknic (endomorph) Type : Pyknic type are considered to be stocky and fat with round

character, central altitude, soft extensive face with dumpy massive neck however bears are
not wide and fat is concerned on hips and chests. People with this body type to have jolly and

easy going personality.

Traits of Personality

Each individual has their own unique set of traits, attitude. These traits are key to defining one's

personality and these personalities are the factors that makes us oneself in others' opinions. And

according to these traits multiple theory have been developed to analyze a person's personality on

the basis of these traits and on which scale they rate in these traits.

One of the most popular theories is Big Five model (McCrae and Paul Costa) also known as

"OCEAN" model.

Key Traits of personality traits according to OCEAN Model are:

● Openness to experience

● Conscientiousness

● Extraversion

● Agreeableness

● Neuroticism
Openness to experience : It is a general appreciation for art, emotion, adventure, unusual ideas,

imagination, curiosity and variety of experience are intellectually curious, open to emotions,

willing to try new things, they tend to be more creative and more aware of feeling.

People with high openness to experience are perceived as unusual as unpredictability and more

likely to engage in risky behaviour and are said to pursue self actualization specification by

seeking out intense euphoric experience .While, People with low openness to experience seek to

gain fulfillment through perseverance and are characterized as pragmatic, sometimes even dog

minded and closed minded and are cautious and consistent.

Conscientiousness : It is a tendency to show self-discipline, act dutifully and starve for

achievement. It is related to the way in which people regulate, control and direct their impulses.

High conscientiousness is often perceived as stubborn and focused also more aware, responsible,

reliable, efficient and organized. While, Low conscientious people are easy going careless,

flexible, sloppy and unreliable.

Extraversion : Extraversion is characterised by breadth of activities, surgency from external

activities and energy creation from external means.

People with high extraversion traits are called Extrovert, who are perceived as full of energy,

enthusiastic, action-oriented, they like to talk and asset themselves. While, People with low

extraversion traits are introverts, who have lower social engagement, they tend to seem quiet,

low key deliberate and less involved. Their lack of social engagement should not be interpreted

as shyness and depression but maybe vulnerable, However they are more independent of their

social words than extroverts.

Agreeableness : Agreeableness trait shows individual differences in general concern for social

harmony. Agreeable individual value getting with others also they are considered as kind and


People with agreeableness traits are trusting and trustworthy, willing to accept and compromise,

kind and have an optimistic view. so, individuals with these traits have quality relationships with

their team as they value their relationship. While, People with less agreeable traits are skeptic

which cause them to be suspicious, unfriendly and uncoperative, they

Neurocitism : Neurocitism is a trait characterized by oodiness,sadness and emotional instability.

People who are high in neurocitism experience a lot of stress, worries about many different

things, gets upset easily, feels anxious, experiences dramatic shifts in mood . People with less

neurocitism are emotionally stable, deal well with stress, doesnot worry much, rarely feels sad or


The ultimate objective of personality development I feel should be that, we learn to understand

its importance our daily routine and our personality should not only impact our surrounding and

people from a work oriented aspect but also in personal terms as well as we are surrounded with

such aspiring and inspiring personalities around us those personalities truly motivated us to be

a person who would to be successful.

Question: how can we determine the personality of a person through his/her body shape?.

● To relate the different traits theory of personality on the selected individual.

● To have clear concept of Personality.

● To compare different Theories of Personality.

● To know how much socially active is the selected personality.


1. Primary sources

The autobiography


Observation--> questionary

2. Secondary sources

Library, Magazine

Articles, social…
Respodent of profile

The respondent for my report is Mr.Hom Bahaudur rana . He is a former indian army. He is 35

years old, smart intelligent, healthy person with a nice physique. His likes exercising, swimming

and listening music. His hobbies are playing volleyball, basketball and painting.

Assessment procedure


For the process of analyzing the selected individual, an interview was conducted. For the

interview process I prepared a questionnare. The questionnare had a set of questions which the

individual was to answer. The interview questions were designed in such a way that to explore

the factors that made responses in positive or negative way. As he is a busy person I asked him

for his preferred time, date and location. He chose his house for the interview and selected

morning time for the interview During this meeting, he offered me some snacks and soft drinks.

At first, we started with informal conversations. And after some time I talked about my

assignment and asked him to answer me some questions. I developed these questions on my

own. At lasted I thanked him for giving me his time. In this way, my interview with the first

personality was concluded.


While interviewing the selected personality. I observed many things about him. The way his

talks and answers confidently to all of my questions. I also observed his voice tone while talking

while I could say was really soft. I could also observe his behaviour with his family members as

the interview was taken in his home place because it is the only place for a person where he can

express himself freely. As the interview took place in morning ,he answers to all my questions

were freely without any stress. The interview took place during winter morning so I could not

properly see his body shape because of his clothing.The interview helped me to properly observe

him and know about his behavior.


After selecting the personality,I asked for an interview with him and after his consent we had an

interview.I had already prepared my questions to ask him that would relate his behavior or his

traits and many more. According to my analysis, he has an athletic body type. The interview

revealed his traits such as he is a chill type of guy who is confident, simple and healthy. From the

way he talks, it was seen that he was friendly type of guy. He can easily make new friends and

has a wide friends circle. But I observed that he has a bad habit of talking before he thinks. All of

this is related to extroverted nature. At his home I saw ordinary things placed or organized in a

different way or I could say in a unique manner .While interviewing him he said he likes to

travel a lot, explore new places as like an adventerour. During interview I found that he is over

talkative, he tells about his own adventure while I asked. His answer to all of my questions were

longer than I had expected. From the above sentences I came to a point that his another trait is

openness. The selected personality considers himself as honest and helpful person. During the

interview he told about his different situations and examples of himself being honest and helpful.

He said he donated about one lakh to the treatment of a child who suffered from cancer and

returned a persons wallet he found.All of this counts as a part of aggreableness trait. He was

positive in every manner and positively answered to all of my questions. But while interviewing

him, his daughter interfered between our interview ans suddenly he turned in aggressive behavior

and scolded her for disturbing the interview process. From this point I could say that he had an

aggressive behavior. He also said that he likes listening music and likes to listen romantic music
and many more types of music. During interview I placed a recorder infront of him so I could

record his voice, he asked me about it which can relate to having suspicious mind and after

sometime he asked me more about the device which I can was a curious behavior he had.In

current time he tells that he has a wide circle of friends which shows his extraverted nature. As

he works as an army , I can see his patriotism towards the country. Being in an army he has an

athletic body type .From above points I could say that he is mesomorph in nature. From the topic

personality traits associated with body, the selected personality Mr hom bahadur rana showed

different personality traits such as openness extraversion and aggreableness.

During the interview I asked him about describing himself and his answers to my questions was

in such in points as lazy, sociable, honest and friendly person. This supports kretschmer

classification of personality. I also asked him to tell about his personality, hobbies, likes and

dislikes. He tells that he is a traveller, loves travelling. He likes learning about new cultures and

add about it to his own experiences. To say i am really extrovert, ues i too do enjoy rolling in the

bed and watching movies alone and spend time using laptop but when i am outside i am lost in

whole new world the joy of trying new things is exelerating , its what that gives meaning and

reason to life. He agreed to the statement of contribution of his body type in his personality as he

replies yes the personality of me had an impact from my body type as being fat in my social

circle seems like i am a easily approachable person and other people seem to judge me as a

person with lots of joke sometimes i may be incase most often but sometimes i can be really dull

so i would have to say its a situational factor.

From these analysis and interview, I came to know about their body types and traits. I compared

the real personality with the theories given by psychologists. I researched on many theories given

by theorists. I came to know how much socially active are these personalities. I researched on

theories to know that if those theories really exist in today’s world.

According to my research from books, I came to know the traits of a personality according to the

body type. And according to my analysis and interview with the two selected personality, I came

to know that the theory of body type does not really associates the personality in today’s world.

My personality has a mesomorph body type. According to the theory, he should have good

confidence in front of mass. But instead he has a mass fear, he feels awkward to speak with new

persons and in-front of a mass.

In this way, I came to the conclusion that the theories of personality traits and types are

associated with body type. Though some characters may differ from the theories and in my own

point of view I think we cannot depend on those theories to analyze a personality.


This study reported the significant impact of personality traits on personality and behaviour

including body shape.Whether we realize it or not, we are constantly “reading” others’ body

language, sizing up their character and evaluating their intentions. While far from being exact

sciences, there appears to be at least some measure of insight that can be gleaned from studying

body typing. In my view, introversion and extraversion are by far the easiest personality

elements to identify visually. The tendency to infer personality traits from body shape is likely

universal,, but the exact inferences people make will vary according to their culture, ethnicity,

and even age. And it remains to be seen how other characteristics, such as attractiveness or

gender, interact with body shape to influence the inferences that people make.

In course for this assignment i had gathered resources about personality theories, types and traits

from different books, journals and websites. And I had collected information of my selected

personality through primary data sources which included interview and observation. During the

interview, I analyzed different things about the personalities.After this assignment, I came to the

conclusion that, the theories of types and traits exist in today’s world.Though my individual

matched the thoery I think we cant rely on theories to define a persons personality.

In-text: (, 2020)

Bibliography: (2020). Big Five Personality Traits: The OCEAN Model

Explained [2019 Upd.]. [online] Available at:
personality-theory/ [Accessed 4 Jan. 2020].

In-text: (, 2020)

Bibliography: (2020). Big Five Personality Traits: The OCEAN Model

Explained [2019 Upd.]. [online] Available at:
personality-theory/ [Accessed 4 Jan. 2020].

In-text: (, 2020)

Bibliography: (2020). [online] Available at:

theory-in-psychology-definition-theorists.html [Accessed 10 Jan. 2020].

In-text: (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2020)

Bibliography: Encyclopedia Britannica. (2020). personality | Definition, Types, Nature, & Facts.

[online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jan. 2020].

In-text: (Anon, 2020)

Bibliography: Anon, (2020). [online] Available at:
[Accessed 19 Jan. 2020].

a) Do you like going out in parties and spending time with your friends?
b) Do you like to spend time with your family or with friends or you like to stay alone?
c) Do you like helping others?
d) Do you like wearing your cultural dress or you like western dress?
e) Do you listen to the criticism or comments given to you by others?
f) Do you obey the guidance given by your parents or elders?

g) Are you more comfortable

A. Before a decision
B. After a decision

h) Do you tend to choose

A. Rather carefully
B. Somewhat impulsively

I) Are you more

A. Punctual
B. Leisurely

J) At a party do you:
A. Interact with a few known to you
B. Interact with many,including strangers

K) In your social groups do you:

A. Keep abreast of others happenings
B. Get behind on the news

L) Which do you wish more for yourself?

A. Strength of compassion
B. Clarity of reason

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