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• Brand equity describes the level of sway a brand name has in the minds of consumers, and
the value of having a brand that is identifiable and well thought of.

• Organizations establish brand equity by creating positive experiences that entice consumers
to continue purchasing from them over competitors who make similar products.

• The power of a brand lies in what resides in the minds and hearts of customers. The challenge
for marketers in building a strong brand is ensuring that customers have the right type of
experiences with products and services and their accompanying marketing programs so that
the desired thoughts, feelings, images, beliefs, perceptions, opinions, and experiences become
linked to the brand.
• Customer-based brand equity is defined as the differential effect that brand knowledge
has on consumer response to the marketing of that brand.

 Customer-based brand equity occurs when the consumer has a high level of awareness
and familiarity with the brand and holds some strong, favorable, and unique brand
associations in memory

• (1) “differential effect,” (2) “brand knowledge,”

and (3) “consumer response to marketing.”
 First, brand equity arises from differences in consumer response. If no
differences occur, then the brand-name product can essentially be classified as a
commodity or a generic version of the product.
 Second, these differences in response are a result of consumers’ knowledge
about the brand, that is, what they have learned, felt, seen, and heard about the
brand because of their experiences over time.
 Third, customers’ differential responses, which make up brand equity, are
reflected in perceptions, preferences, and behaviour related to all aspects of
brand marketing, for example, including choice of a brand, recall of copy points
from an ad, response to a sales promotion, and evaluations of a proposed brand
This is done by generating awareness through campaigns that speak to target-consumer
values, delivering on promises and qualifications when consumers use the product, and
loyalty and retention efforts. By offering consumers loyalty incentives such as points
that can be exchanged for discounts or a free product on their birthday, they are more
likely to continue to purchase from the brand rather than moving on to a competitor.

• Apple as a brand – Despite of having similarities in products like phones and

laptops, Apple charges a much higher premium in its devices as compared to other

• It is easily identified by the consumers in the market.

• It is positioned as a “lifestyle brand” rather than a “functional brand”.

• “Creative” and “Superior-class”

Apple has been able to build a lifestyle-brand by making Apple mean “Creative” and
“Superior-class” in the sub-conscious minds’ of consumers
Apple boasts a strong Product line and Product depth. Below is a view of the strong product
line of Apple.

 Iphone
 Ipad
 Mac
 Ipod
 Apple Watch
 Apple TV
 Apple software applications and iOs
The real magic behind this is positioning of the brand that has helped apple achieve enviable
sales figures and strong customer loyalty.

Apple focused on the brand and its relationship with the consumer. They dared
consumers to challenge the status quo right alongside them, so when they introduced
revolutionary products such as the iPod or iPhone, consumers were eager instead of
confused. Focusing on brand creates customer relationships and unties a company in a
single direction.


Order Value per Customer

If the brand has a positive brand equity, people are more likely to spend more money to
purchase those products. This results in higher profit margins. It may cost companies
the same amount as competitors to make a product. However, consumers are willing to
pay for the brand name. For example, a pair of designer shoes rather than those of a less
well known or generic brand.

Customer Lifetime Value: how valuable a customer is to the company with unlimited

time span. If the customers are loyal to the brand, they will purchase more from the
company. Apple is regularly regarded as one of the organizations with the highest brand
equity. Apple users tend to own other Apple products, while Android users do not
generally have a loyalty to a specific PC technology provider.

Customer Loyalty:  It is a measure of a customer’s likeliness to do repeat business

with a brand. Customers are 7 times  more likely to forgive brands they are loyal to for
mistakes. Additionally, consumers are more likely to try new products from brands they
are loyal to.

 Stock Price: Strong brand equity can increase stock market process for organizations,
out of the expectation that it will continue to perform.


Step 1 – Identity: Build Awareness.
Begin at the base with brand identity. Build basic awareness of your brand. Make sure
customers recognize your brand and see it in the way you intend.
Brand awareness consists of brand recognition and brand recall performance:
• Brand recognition is consumers’ ability to confirm prior exposure to the brand when given
the brand as a cue. In other words, when they go to the store, will they be able to recognize
the brand as one to which they have already been exposed?
• Brand recall is consumers’ ability to retrieve the brand from memory when given the
product category, the needs fulfilled by the category, or a purchase or usage situation as a
Step 2 – Meaning: Communicate What the Brand Means and What It Stands for.
Know what your brand means (“performance”) and what it stands for
(“imagery”). Performance  describes how well your product meets customer
needs. Imagery refers to the social and psychological aspects of this. For example, a
company that is genuinely committed to being environmentally responsible will build loyalty
from customers and attract employees who identify with and support those values. You can
develop greater brand meaning through targeted marketing, word of mouth and positive
direct customer experience.
Step 3 – Response: Reshape How Customers Think and Feel about Your Brand.
Customers respond to your brand through judgments and feelings. Judgments relate to things
like quality, credibility, how relevant your product is to customer needs, and whether your
brand is superior to those of your competitors. Positive feelings could include , fun,
excitement, security, self-respect.
Step 4 – Relationships: Build a Deeper Bond With Customers.
The most powerful – and difficult to attain – level in the brand equity pyramid is resonance.
This refers to building deeper customer relationships. Achieving this means that your
customers have formed a deep psychological bond with your brand. They make repeat
purchases and they feel an attachment to your brand or product. And they can be actively
engaged as brand ambassadors by taking part in online chats, attending events or following
your brand on social media, such as Twitter or Facebook. That brand equity connection can
be tremendously valuable.


 Brand positioning is at the heart of marketing strategy. It is the “act of designing the
company’s offer and image so that it occupies a distinct and valued place in the target
customer’s minds.” As the name implies, positioning means finding the proper
“location” in the minds of a group of consumers or market segment, so that they think
about a product or service in the “right” or desired way to maximize potential benefit to
the firm. Good brand positioning helps guide marketing strategy by clarifying what a
brand is all about, how it is unique and how it is like competitive brands, and why
consumers should purchase and use it.
 Points-of-difference (PODs) are formally defined as attributes or benefits that
consumers strongly associate with a brand, positively evaluate, and believe that they
could not find to the same extent with a competitive brand.
 Points-of-parity associations (POPs), on the other hand, are not necessarily unique to
the brand but may in fact be shared with other brands.
 Positioning requires defining our desired or ideal brand knowledge structures and establishing
points-of-parity and points-of-difference to establish the right brand identity and brand
image. Unique, meaningful points-of-difference (PODs) provide a competitive advantage
and the “reason why” consumers should buy the brand. On the other hand, some brand
associations can be roughly as favorable as those of competing brands, so they function as
points-of-parity (POPs) in consumers’ minds—and negate potential points-of-difference for
competitors. In other words, these associations are designed to provide “no reason why not”
for consumers to choose the brand.
 Marketers need to know:
 who the target consumer is
 who the main competitors are
 how the brand is similar to these competitors and
 how the brand is different from them.

 Swiggy was founded in the year 2014 by Nandan Reddy, Sriharsha Majety,
and Sriharsha Majety. It is an online food ordering and delivering service
and has its head office in Bengaluru, Karnataka. Almost every restaurant of the
city has its tie up with Swiggy so that the customer can enjoy the taste of number of
places of their choice at a single stop. It also provides free delivery after certain
amount to the customers. It is the best app for the foodies, and it targets mainly on
youngsters, between the age group of 15-30. It picks the order from the respective
restaurants and deliver it to destination with safety and on time.
 It serves in more than 300+ cities across India & it’s major competitors are-
 Mission:
 Our mission is to change the way India eats.
 Vision:
 It is the first milestone in Swiggy’s vision to elevate the quality of life for the urban
consumer by offering unparalleled convenience
 Swiggy karo, phir jo chahe Karo!,

POSITIONING STRATEGIES------------ Positioning:

1. Swiggy has made the food delivery not just an extended arm of restaurants and has
profited well out of this business. The main positioning strategy of Swiggy is an app that
helped customers get the food they want, wherever they want.
2. All the marketing efforts made my Swiggy has helped create an image that Swiggy makes
life convenient and easy for its customers and promises best customer experience and
aims to keep every customer both partner restaurants and the customers satisfied with
the services.
3. It is positioned to revolutionize the way people eat their food. It has the motto that “no
customers go hungry” and helps customers connect with their favorite restaurants with a
click of the button.
4. Brand equity in the Marketing strategy Swiggy:---------Swiggy has mastered the concept of
bringing the food to the customers rather than the customers to the restaurants for food.
Swiggy has become a go-to-app when it comes to delivering food at their doorsteps.
Swiggy has become very popular among the millennial customers of India.

Points of Difference (PODs)

 Quicker Delivery time
Swiggy has a business model to accumulate
 Different Business Model---------
restaurants and his own fleet of delivery partners. Swiggy has a dual
partnership model, as it benefits both the customers and the
restaurants who get the food orders.
 COD available/Different payments methods accepted
Points of Parity (POPs)
 Similar Service
 Similar restaurant listings
 Branding techniques

 Marketing Campaign “Your food will find you”
 Emotional Branding ------ Emotional branding- through #diwaligharaayi#
In which they asked people to send letters to their loved ones whom they miss.
Their goal was to deliver home cooked happiness that diwali.
Each letter was sent to their loved ones while two most heartfelt letters were chosen and
their wish was fulfilled by delivering the home cooked food to them
 Digital Platform – Facebook, Instagram, Twitter----- Every campaign of Swiggy is
remarkable as they are extremely engaging and is very interactive. The posts are
light, appealing, have good quality and are humor based.  Campaigns like
#EatYourVeggies, #SuperSwiggy, #EarnYourCheatMeal conved the notion of eating
healthy by using witty one-liners and puns. Swiggy has also used influencers to
market its services.
 Zomato is an online food delivery startup
 Founded : July 2008 as Foodiebay Nov 2010 changed to
 Headquarters : Gurugram, India
 Founder : Deepinder Goyal and Pankaj Chaddah
 Tagline – “Discover great places to eat around you”

 A platform which brings restaurants, suppliers, consumers, food suppliers, and logistics
partners together. 
 An authentic source for reviews and recommendations.
 Launch of Zomato Gold
 Value, Belief and Personality of Brand


1. Fast Delivery – Swiggy
2. More outlets – Zomato
3. No minimum order – Swiggy-------
 Swiggy has no minimum order requirement for delivery which is why it often
receives orders amounted to less than Rs. 100
 Swiggy also proves the number of discounts, rewards, and recognition to create
brand loyalty among the customers.
4. Competitive edge – Swiggy----------------
 The sharp focus on logistics:---- Swiggy aims to control the entire value chain of the
customer’s experience and this strategy has helped in triumph in the market place.
Swiggy has done many things right and one of them is its excellent focus on
logistics of the operation. Swiggy from the beginning knew that to crack the
delivery market was to build an extensive network for logistics due to which
Swiggy has built a sound and sustainable business model.
 Business strategy:------ Swiggy was a late entrant in the online food delivery and
ordering space in 2014 but it has now become a billion-dollar company and now
Zomato is playing catch up. Swiggy has its own growing fleet of delivery partners
and the fleet is growing with currently 1.25 lakh active partners. This has allowed
Swiggy to deliver its promise to deliver food within 30 min to the customers with
just a tap.
Innovative strategies like these are a major point of differentiation for Swiggy.
 Technology focus: Swiggy is a food-tech company and has a core-logistics platform
and Swiggy heavily leverages technology to help customers and the restaurants
get the best of services. All the conditions are analyzed with the help of data
analytics like the traffic conditions, predict the preparation time for the
restaurants depending on the number of orders, location of the delivery
executives to smartly provide them with the delivery time and promise to the end
5. Cash back – Zomato
6. Drives a lot of search traffic - Zomato
7. Own fleet of delivery personnel equipped with smartphones – Swiggy----- Swiggy aims
to stand out by offering curated lists of restaurants and services and has its
own fleet that picks up orders from restaurants and deliver them to the
8. Word of Mouth – Swiggy
The answer may lie in Swiggy’s current tagline. It wants to call itself ‘The Food Delivery App’.
Unlike Zomato, whose primary business is listing restaurants, or Ola and Uber, who primarily
provide cabs, Swiggy seems to position itself as an exclusive app for online food delivery. Despite
the fact that it is foraying into the territory of online grocery delivery with the implementation of
Swiggy Stores in Gurgaon, its primary business activity remains food delivery. This ensures that its
entire focus remains on the experience of the customer through the entire process of making an
order on the app to updating them about the delivery representative’s real time location. Any
glitch in the order is duly compensated by a refund. The response is quick and seamless.

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