Role of Gender in Family

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Role of Gender in family’s purchasing

decision of FMCG products in India


 Introduction
An entire family is held responsible while making a purchase decision.
However, the researchers and marketers are keen to focus on the
attributes of the decision maker and the one who uses the product. One of
the major view point of the family’s purchasing manner is the gender
orientation. There has been a major transition from the traditional to
modern views that reflects the role of male and female in society. A
traditional view is based on a masculine oriented society, whereas modern
ideology grants equal distribution of power to both husband and wife.
Males and females need discrete products because of their varied purpose,
point of view and socialization. Thus, with this perspective, this research
primarily focused on the FMCG sector as it provides wide variation of
product for distinct genders. The objective of this project is to uncover the
patterns of buying decision in a family and get an overview of the
marketer’s conduct in terms of gender and understanding of Buying roles
(the initiator, influencer, buyer, user), Reversal of buying roles, joint
decision making and resolving consumer conflict in a family (to buy or not
buy with limited income & resources).
The relevant questions that will be addressed in this project are:
1. What is the influence of females in family purchasing decision of
FMCG products?
2. Are their variations in the role or influence of gender based on
demographics group in India?

 Review of Literature
 Methodology
A structured questionnaire will be framed for the purpose of data
collection. Data will be recorded from approximately 50 families. Four types
of FMCG products will be taken to measure the influence of gender on
behalf of these products. The first category includes Foods & Beverages,
second is Medicinal Products, third is Cleaning Products, and fourth is
Cosmetics and Toiletries.
The study will be conducted in Urban and Semi urban regions of India,
which have higher literacy levels and employment alongside financial
The questionnaire will feature both qualitative and quantitative types of
information, data like the type of family they live in, brand preference,
contribution to buying decision, where the purchase is done from,
Influence of advertisement etc. For quantitative research ordinal data will
be collected like scale up to 5 points (I is strongly agree & V is strongly
disagree) to determine the buying pattern and decision making of gender.
After the data collection a extensive hypothesis test can be systematized to
check how accurate the statement:
1. What is the influence of females in family purchasing decision of FMCG
2. Are their variations in the role or influence of gender based on
demographics group in India?
 Rationale of Study
Modern society and mindset have transformed the difference of role
between male & female, making it more complex. Women these days are
performing in traditionally male dominated field of work and vice versa.
The goal of this study is to understand the transition and questions how it
will affect the FMCG market .

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