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‫جامعة املوصل‬

‫كلية هندسة النفط والتعدين‬

‫قسم هندسة التعدين‬

‫هندسة املناجم‬
‫‪Mining Engineering‬‬
‫‪Third Class‬‬

‫‪Prepared by‬‬
‫‪Dr. Mojahed Abdulwahid‬‬

Mining Engineer ‫هندسة املناجم‬
MINING TERMINOLOGY- Review ‫مصطلحات معتمدة يف جمال علم املناجم‬
 Ore Body: A mineralized deposit (resource) whose characteristics have
been examined and found to be commercially viable. The extents of the
ore body are determined by the cut-off grade. ‫جسم الخام‬
 Host Rock: The rock containing an ore deposit. Typically composed of 2
or more minerals. ‫الصخور الحاضنة للخام‬
 Waste : Not Ore. )‫)الفضالة‬,the material associated with an ore deposit that
must be mined to get at the ore and must then be discarded. Gangue is
a particular type of waste. )‫(الغثة‬
 Gangue: (‫ )الغثة‬The unwanted part of the Ore, comprises mineral(Quartz)
 Grade :(‫ )العيارية‬The relative quantity of ore in an ore body, Gold (for
example. ≈0.05 oz/ton) and other precious‫ ثمينة‬metals – g/t , base metals
- %, uranium – kg/tone, rare earth elements – ppm.
 Concentration: Another word for grade. (‫)الجودة‬, It means enriched
portion containing most of the ore minerals and a tailing (discard)
containing the bulk of the gangue minerals. ‫العصارة‬
 Cutoff Grade : The minimum concentration or grade of mineral that is
required for rock to be considered ore. ‫معيار الحد االدنى من الجودة‬
 Recovery Rate: The percentage of valuable metal or mineral, by mass
‫النسبة المتحصلة‬
 Over Burden materials processing: which entails removing the
vegetation, top soil, and rock above the mineral deposit
‫ الصخور و التربة غير‬,‫ وهي عمليات إزالة النباتات‬:(Over Burden(‫عمليات ازالة الغطاء الصخري‬
..‫المرغوب فيها والتي تعلو الترسبات المعدنية والتي يجب ان تزال وتنقل بعيدا عن موقع استخراجها‬
 Mine: an excavation made in the earth to extract minerals. ‫المنجم‬
 Mining: all the activity, occupation and industry concerned with the
extraction of minerals. ‫عمليات التعدين‬

 Mining engineering )‫ (هندسة التعدين‬the practice of applying engineering
principles to the development, planning, operation, closure, and
reclamation of mines.
 Mineralogy: Science dealing with description of mineral contents.
 Mineral: a naturally occurring inorganic element or compound having an
orderly internal structure and a characteristic chemical composition,
crystal form
The following are the most common terms used in this differentiation:
These terms are often used in the industry to differentiate ‫ للتمييز‬between
the fuels, metals, and nonmetallic minerals.
 Metallic ores: those ores of the: ‫خامات الفلزات‬
1- ferrous metals (iron, manganese, molybdenum, and tungsten).
2- Base metals (copper, lead, zinc, and tin).
3- Precious metals (gold, silver, the platinum group metals).
4- Radioactive minerals (uranium, thorium, and radium).
 Nonmetallic minerals (also known as industrial minerals): All of the
nonfuel mineral ores that are not associated with the production of
metals. These include phosphate, potash, halite, sand, gravel,
limestone, sulfur, and many others. ‫الخامات غير الفلزية‬
 Fossil fuels (also known as Mineral fuels): the organic mineral
substances that can be utilized ‫ تعد‬as fuels, such as coal, petroleum,
natural gas, coal bed methane, gilsonite, and tar sands. ‫الوقود االحفوري‬
 Industrial Mineral(IM): is used for end purpose in industrial and building
sides, without chemical alteration. Examples: gravel, coal. ‫المعادن الصناعية‬
It should be noted that the mining engineer is associated with the
extraction of nearly all these mineral resources.
However, the production of petroleum and natural gas has evolved into a
separate industry with a specialized technology of its own. These Ore products
will not be discussed in any detail here.

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