Comparativeanalysison Dell and HP: Final Project ON

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Institute Of Business and Information Technology University of the Punjab

DEDICATION......................................................................................................................... 12
Acknowledgement................................................................................................................ 13
Abstract ............................................................................................................................... 14
Keywords ............................................................................................................................. 14
Abbreviations....................................................................................................................... 14
Chapter 1 ............................................................................................................................. 15
Company Description: .......................................................................................................... 15
Dell.................................................................................................................................. 15
HP ................................................................................................................................... 16
Mission of Hp: .................................................................................................................... 17
Customer Oriented Mission statement of Hp: ......................................................................... 17
Vision of HP: ....................................................................................................................... 18
Mission of Dell:.................................................................................................................... 18
Customer Oriented Mission statement of dell: ........................................................................ 18
Vision of Dell:...................................................................................................................... 19
Business Portfolio................................................................................................................. 20
HP Vs DELL...................................................................................................................... 20
Laptops ............................................................................................................................ 21
Personal & Business ...................................................................................................... 21
Business Laptops .............................................................................................................. 21
Tablets ............................................................................................................................. 22
Desktops .............................................................................................................................. 22
Personal ........................................................................................................................... 22
Business Desktops ............................................................................................................ 23
Monitors .......................................................................................................................... 23
Printers ............................................................................................................................ 24
Scanners........................................................................................................................... 24
Calculators ....................................................................................................................... 24
Dell.................................................................................................................................. 24
Laptops ............................................................................................................................ 25
Tablets ............................................................................................................................. 25

Desktops .......................................................................................................................... 26
Server .............................................................................................................................. 26
Accessories ...................................................................................................................... 26
Chapter 2 ............................................................................................................................. 27
Market analysis ................................................................................................................ 27
Dell s.w.o.t analysis ....................................................................................................... 27
SWOT Analysis Hewlett Packard .......................................................................................... 27
Strengths .......................................................................................................................... 27
Strong Market Position: ................................................................................................. 27
Prominent Brand Name Recognition:.................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Successful Strategic Acquisitions: .................................................................................. 28
Weaknesses...................................................................................................................... 28
Weak Market Segment Integration:................................................................................. 28
Opportunities.................................................................................................................... 29
Expanding presence in cloud computing market: ............................................................. 29
Expanding portfolio of imaging and printing solutions: .................................................... 29
Threats............................................................................................................................. 30
Projected decreases in the IT markets: ............................................................................ 30
Hyper-competitive environment: .......................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Prominent Brand Name Recognition..................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Successful Strategic Acquisitions: .................................................................................. 30
Target market of Dell:........................................................................................................... 30
Target Market...................................................................................................................... 31
Customer needs .................................................................................................................... 31
Corresponding features ......................................................................................................... 31
Target market of Hp:............................................................................................................. 34
Target market....................................................................................................................... 34
Customer need...................................................................................................................... 34
Corresponding features ......................................................................................................... 34
Competitors Profile............................................................................................................... 36
Top Competitors for Hewlett-Packard Company ................................................................. 36
Competitive Advantage ..................................................................................................... 36

Dell competitive advantage................................................................................................ 36
Hp competitive advantage ................................................................................................. 37
Unique selling point .......................................................................................................... 38
Unique selling point of Dell............................................................................................... 39
Unique selling point of HP ................................................................................................ 39
Point of Differentiation of HP and Dell and POD Advantages.............................................. 40
Positioning and Differentiation .............................................................................................. 40
Positioning ....................................................................................................................... 40
Differentiation .................................................................................................................. 41
Number of Companies within the Industry ................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Dell .................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Sony ............................................................................................................................. 43
HP...................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Apple ................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Gateway ............................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Annual Revenues.................................................................................................................. 44
Hp Current Situation ......................................................................................................... 44
Dell Current Situation ....................................................................................................... 44
Apple Current Situation..................................................................................................... 44
Gateway Current Situation:................................................................................................ 44
Global PC Market share by units sold....................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Computer Sales................................................................................................................. 45
Region of sales(Geographical) ........................................................................................... 46
Strength of Industry .............................................................................................................. 47
Geographical Pie Chart ..................................................................................................... 47
Chapter 3 ............................................................................................................................. 57
Industry Life Cycle ...................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
STAGES OF THE LIFE CYCLE............................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Introduction ........................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Growth................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Maturity ............................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Decline............................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

PESTEL Analysis HP ........................................................................................................... 59
Political: .............................................................................................................................. 59
Economical: ......................................................................................................................... 59
Social: ................................................................................................................................. 59
Technological:...................................................................................................................... 59
Environmental: ..................................................................................................................... 60
Legal: .................................................................................................................................. 60
PESTLE ANALYSIS Dell .................................................................................................... 60
Political............................................................................................................................ 60
Economic ......................................................................................................................... 61
Sociological...................................................................................................................... 61
Technological ................................................................................................................... 61
Legal................................................................................................................................ 62
Dell was fined $4 million for fake and misleading advertising about PCs sold to consumers in
New York. While in New Orleans, there are two companies which claim Dell is selling a
surveillance camera system by conspiring with city officials. This shows that Dell is being
interrupted by the legality of their actions in different countries. .......................................... 62
Environmental .................................................................................................................. 62
Porter’s Five Forces Analysis ................................................................................................ 63
Threat of Entry: .................................................................................................................... 63
Threat of Substitutes: ............................................................................................................ 63
The Power of Buyers: ........................................................................................................... 63
The Power of Suppliers: ........................................................................................................ 64
HP negotiating energy of providers is great. There are large amount of providers for every
element areas of the PC, for example, one can make a PC by using element areas from different
providers, including hard disk drive, DVD drive, observe, etc. Microsoft and Apple have
tremendous negotiating energy against the PC producers. There are great changing costs. ......... 64
Competitive Rivalry:............................................................................................................. 64
Competition is high. For example, cost, when one company functions to secure its place by
decreasing the cost of PCs, it will impact other organizations. This implies all other
organizations may want to reduced their cost in order to entice the clients. There is also
reducing productivity. Since the organizations offer their PCs in a low cost, they will make less
benefit. ............................................................................................................................. 64
Dell Porter five forces ....................................................................................................... 64

PORTER FIVE FORCES ANALYSIS ........................................................................... 64
Dell is very popular for custom-built PC and other computer relevant items and promoting
them online. Dell is very effective with regards to working with its providers and
maintaining the stock near to zero level which allows the company to evolve JIT technique
which decreases the costs to the ultimate customer. ......................................................... 64
The bargaining power of suppliers .................................................................................. 64
Threat of new Entrants................................................................................................... 66
As it has been mentioned by Eileen Dell, his only worry about his company kingdom is the
chance of new newcomers to the industry who could negatively impact his company. And
moreover, Dell’s new technique is the item diversification; therefore, almost all digital
organizations are prospective newcomers to this new industry. ............................................ 66
Bargaining power of Customers ......................................................................................... 66
Availability of substitutes: ................................................................................................. 67
In the computer market this is a very extremely present. A lot of items such as a laptop
computer, an eye or cell cellular phones provide the same services and are therefore
exchangeable. Only if items are very particular such as for example the illustrating program;
Photoshop a alternative would be hard to alternative. Things that will help tie clients to the
product or item, would be good item difference, reduced costs, react o technological
innovation changes and being impressive. ....................................................................... 67
COMPETITIVE RIVALRY........................................................................................... 67
Competitors among opponents is extremely affected by the above described four causes. Dell is
coming into into a international industry and given the durability of these causes in international
situation, competition for dell is very high. ............................................................................. 67
Logistics of HP..................................................................................................................... 67
Supply Chain .................................................................................................................... 67
Value chain .......................................................................................................................... 69
We can see, the value sequence involves the whole company and looks at how main and
assistance actions can perform together successfully and successfully to help obtain the company
a excellent aggressive benefits. .............................................................................................. 69
Follow the Porter’s value sequence design we analyze the main and helpful actions independently
for HP’s roles as below. ........................................................................................................ 69
Primary Activities................................................................................................................. 69
Inbound Logistics ............................................................................................................. 69
Operation ......................................................................................................................... 69
Outbound Logistics ........................................................................................................... 70
Marketing and Sales.......................................................................................................... 70

Service ............................................................................................................................. 70
Support Activities ................................................................................................................. 70
Procurement ..................................................................................................................... 70
Technological Development .............................................................................................. 71
Human Resources Management ......................................................................................... 71
Firm Infrastructure ............................................................................................................ 71
BCG Matrix of Hp: ............................................................................................................... 71
Chapter 4 ............................................................................................................................. 72
HP MANAGEMENT STYLE ............................................................................................... 72
BCG MATRIX OF DELL..................................................................................................... 75
Dell MANAGEMENT STYLE.............................................................................................. 76
Staffing ................................................................................................................................ 78
Dell Recruitment Process ...................................................................................................... 79
HP Recruitment Process ........................................................................................................ 81
Operation performed by HRM and HRD in HP and Dell ......................................................... 82
Designation Hierarchy of Dell: .............................................................................................. 84
Designation Hierarchy of HP:................................................................................................ 84
Training Plans of HP............................................................................................................. 86
Our approach........................................................................................................................ 86
Training plans of Dell ........................................................................................................... 89
Your development at Dell ..................................................................................................... 89
The Dell development model................................................................................................. 89
Talent Planning .................................................................................................................... 90
Performance Planning ........................................................................................................... 90
Learning and Development ................................................................................................... 91
Learning through Experience and Others ........................................................................ 91
Training and Learning Programs .................................................................................... 92
Organizational Culture of HP: ............................................................................................... 92
Dell’s Corporate Culture ....................................................................................................... 92
LEADERSHIP STYLES OF DELL....................................................................................... 93
LEADERSHIP STYLES OF Hp............................................................................................ 94
DESCRIPTION OF STYLES ............................................................................................ 95

Leadership Styles .......................................................................................................... 95
REWARDS OF Hp ....................................................................................................... 98
About Good Cards......................................................................................................... 99
Benefits ,Rewards, Balance. Have it all at Dell ................................................................... 99
LOGISTICS OF DELL....................................................................................................... 100
Logistics Services ........................................................................................................... 100
Packaging ................................................................................................................... 100
Take advantage of our extensive global supply chain and exceptional logistics capability. 101
3rd Deliverable .................................................................................................................... 102
Chapter 6 ........................................................................................................................... 102
HP and DELL Ratio Analysis - Two-Year Comparison ......................................................... 102
Liquidity ratios ............................................................................................................... 102
Current Ratio .................................................................................................................. 103
Ratio Quick .................................................................................................................... 103
Defensive Interval Days .................................................................................................. 104
Accounts Receivable to Working Capital.......................................................................... 104
Long Term Liabilities to Working Capital ........................................................................ 105
Sales to Working Capital ................................................................................................. 105
Activity Ratios ................................................................................................................... 106
Accounts Receivable Turnover ........................................................................................ 106
Days Sales in Receivables ............................................................................................... 106
Operating Cycle Days ..................................................................................................... 107
Sales to Assets................................................................................................................ 107
Percent Depreciation Expense to Fixed Assets .................................................................. 108
Percent Accumulated Depreciation to Fixed Assets ........................................................... 108
Fixed Assets to Equity Net .............................................................................................. 109
Profitability ratios ............................................................................................................... 109
Percent Gross Profit ........................................................................................................ 109
Percent Profit Margin on Sales......................................................................................... 110
Percent Rate of Return on Assets ..................................................................................... 110
Percent Rate of Return on Equity ..................................................................................... 110
Coverage ratios................................................................................................................... 111

Debt to Total Assets........................................................................................................ 111
Percent Owners Equity .................................................................................................... 111
Equity Multiplier ............................................................................................................ 112
Debt to Equity ................................................................................................................ 112
Cash Flow to Current Maturities Long Term Debt............................................................. 112
Times Interest Earned ..................................................................................................... 112
Expense to sales ratios..................................................................................................... 113
Percent Depreciation to Sales........................................................................................... 113
DELL COMPANY ............................................................................................................ 125
DETAILED RATIO ANALYSIS-INDUSTRY COMPARISON............................................ 125
LIQUIDITY RATIOS:........................................................................................................ 125
Current Ratio .................................................................................................................. 125
Quick Ratio................................................................................................................. 126
Sales to Working Capital ............................................................................................. 126
ACTIVITY RATIOS: ..................................................................................................... 127
Sales to Assets ............................................................................................................ 127
Sales to Net Fixed Assets ............................................................................................. 128
Net Fixed Assets to Equity ........................................................................................... 129
Profitability Ratios: ......................................................................................................... 129
Percent Rate of Return on Assets .................................................................................. 129
Percent Rate of Return on Equity.................................................................................. 130
Coverage Ratios:............................................................................................................. 131
Debt to Equity ............................................................................................................. 131
Times Interest Earned .................................................................................................. 131
Expense to sale ratio: ...................................................................................................... 132
Percent Depreciation to Sales ....................................................................................... 132
HP COMPANY.................................................................................................................. 132
DETAILED RATIO ANALYSIS-INDUSTRY COMPARISON............................................ 132
LIQUIDITY RATIOS:........................................................................................................ 133
Current Ratio .................................................................................................................. 133
Quick Ratio................................................................................................................. 133
Sales to Working Capital ............................................................................................. 134

ACTIVITY RATIOS: ..................................................................................................... 135
Sales to Assets ............................................................................................................ 135
Sales to Net Fixed Assets ............................................................................................. 136
Net Fixed Assets to Equity ........................................................................................... 137
Profitability Ratios: ......................................................................................................... 137
Percent Rate of Return on Assets .................................................................................. 137
Percent Rate of Return on Equity.................................................................................. 138
Coverage Ratios:............................................................................................................. 139
Debt to Equity ............................................................................................................. 139
Times Interest Earned .................................................................................................. 139
Expense to sale ratio: ...................................................................................................... 140
Percent Depreciation to Sales ....................................................................................... 140
Chapter 7 ........................................................................................................................... 141
Hp- Overview of the Financial Results ............................................................................. 141
Dell- Overview of the Financial Results ........................................................................... 149
Key ratio summary of HP ............................................................................................. 158
Key ratio summary of DELL .............................................................................................. 159
BIBLOGRAPHY .................................................................................................................... 161
REFERERNCES ................................................................................................................. 161


We dedicate our dissertation work to our family and many friends. A special feeling of
gratitude to our loving parents. We also dedicate this dissertation to our many friends and
church family who have supported us throughout the process. I will always appreciate all
they have done, especially Mam Hira aftab for helping us develop my technology skills
for the many hours of proofreading.

We dedicate this work and give special thanks to our best friends.


First and foremost We would like to express our thanks to God because of His love and
strength that He has given to us to finish this logbook as our Final project report. We do
thank for His blessings to our daily life, good health, healthy mind and good ideas. This
report is important to fulfill part of the program criteria that is a requirement to fulfill the
Bachelor Program in Business Information Technology. We know that there are still
many lacks of arranging this report even when doing my job training and we thank to
those who have supported us to perform the work tasks up to carrying out this report.
Hereby We want to give our special thanks to:

 Special thanks to Family for give opportunity to us to learn and get the real work

experience .

 Mam Hira Aftab - Our beloved lecturer, for her kindness, advice, knowledge,

patience, and time to teach us to be more confident person that we are going to

use in work world.

 Friends - Special thanks to all my friends for sharing their experiences, time and

commitment especially during finishing this program. We are grateful because

We have a lot of friends were helps and support me throughout the course of

completing the final project.

Dell and HP are two most famous Computer companies. We have done a comparative
analysis of these two companies. This project will tell you in detail about the financial
position of HP and DELL as well as you will get the detail comparison of HP and DELL.

This finance project report on ratio analysis to assess the financial strengths and
weakness of HP and DELL through FINANCIAL RATIO ANALYSIS. This ratio
analysis is used

 To evaluate the performance of the company by using ratios as a yardstick

to measure the efficiency of the company.
 To understand the liquidity, profitability and efficiency positions of the
company during the study period.
 To evaluate and analyze various facts of the financial performance of the
 To make comparisons between the ratios during different periods

Ratio analysis of DELL, ratio analysis of HP, trend analysis of HP, forecasting of HP,
trend analysis of DELL, comparative analysis, management style of DELL and HP,
forecasting of DELL, industry comparison of DELL, industry comparison of HP, group
comparison of DELL , group comparison of HP, liquidity analysis of DELL and HP,
bankruptcy test of DELL and HP.


ROE: Return on equity

ROA: Return on asset
USPs: Unique Selling Points
TIE: Interest coverage ratio
NI: Net income
EPS: Earning per share

Chapter 1

Company Description:

Dell Inc. is an United states secretly owned or operated international laptop or computer
technological innovation organization situated in Round Rock, Texas, Usa, which builds
up, repairs and supports computors along with similar products or services. Having your
brand of it is creator, Michael Dell, this company is probably one of the greatest
scientific companies on the planet, using in excess of 103, 3 hundred men and women

Dell carries personal computers, hosting space, facts hard drive gadgets, circle switches,
software program, computer peripherals, HDTVs, cameras, printers, MP3 FORMAT
gamers plus electronics developed by means of different makers. This company
established fact for the improvements with present string supervision along with
electronic trade, specifically its direct-sales product and its particular "build-to-order" as
well as "configure to help order" method of manufacturing—delivering specific
Computers designed to help client specs. Dell had been a genuine electronics vendor
regarding most of its living, however a couple of years back while using the order
involving Perot Devices, Dell moved into the market for this products and services. This
company features considering that produced additional acquisitions with hard drive along
with networking programs, using the purpose of growing his or her profile via supplying
computers only to supplying full options regarding enterprise customers.

It was some sort of widely bought and sold organization (NASDAQ: DELL), in addition
to a element of your NASDAQ-100 in addition to S&P 500, until eventually it was
considered private in a leveraged buyout which often sealed with July 40, 2013. Upon
April. twenty nine, 2013, Dell introduced your completion of it is purchase by simply
Eileen Dell, Dell's creator in addition to TOP DOG, in addition to Silver Body of water
Spouses, a respected worldwide engineering organization.

Under the terms of an merger agreement, Dell stockholders may find $13.75
throughout cash for each share of Dell common stock they hold, and as well check
of a special dollars dividend of $0.13 per share in order to stockholders connected
with Log Just as of your close regarding corporation with Oct. 28, 2013,
pertaining to total bill connected with $13.88 per share within cash. the total
check can be valued with approximately $24.9 billion.

Hewlett-Packard Company as well as HEWLETT PACKARD is surely an Us
multinational IT firm headquartered throughout Palo Alto, Usa. It gives you computer
hardware, software package as well as products and services to customers, small- as well
as medium-sized corporations (SMBs) as well as large companies, which includes buyers
inside federal, health and knowledge significant.

The organization ended up being founded within a one-car storage area throughout Palo
Alto through Bill "Bill" Redingote Hewlett as well as Dave Packard. HEWLETT
PACKARD could be the earth's foremost COMPUTER company possesses recently been
due to the fact 2007, fending away from a challenge through China company Lenovo, as
outlined by Gartner. This focuses primarily on creating as well as production calculating,
files storage devices, as well as network computer hardware, planning software package
as well as giving products and services. Significant products contain private calculating
devices, venture as well as industry standard computers, associated storage devices
devices, network products, software package plus a different range of units and other
imaging products. HEWLETT PACKARD areas it's products to families, small- to
medium-sized corporations as well as companies directly along with by means of on the
web submitting, consumer-electronics as well as office-supply suppliers, software
package associates as well as key technological know-how suppliers. HEWLETT
PACKARD also offers products and services as well as talking to small business close to
it's products as well as associate products. Inside 2012 it was the actual earth's major
COMPUTER vendor through system income. ljyu/history-of- hp-company/ hewlett-packard-company

Mission of Hp:
To offer items, solutions and alternatives of the finest high quality and offer more value
to our clients that generates their regard and commitment.

It is the best objective in our assessment so far. HP is one of the few to bring up all 4:
citizenship, group interaction, high quality and reliability as their principles. These
principles are the most typical to the best executing business all over the globe. HP’s
declaration provides all the important details about the company and its ‘reason for
being’ in the business to all of its stakeholders: workers, clients, investors, providers and

Customer Oriented Mission statement of Hp:

To provide product, solutions, alternatives of the finest top quality and deliver more value
to our clients that generate dedication, regard and their love.

Underlying values assisting this objective:

Our ongoing achievements is reliant on the ongoing dedication of the clients. Listen
carefully to our clients to truly understand their needs, then providing alternatives that
convert into client achievements is essential to generate client dedication. Competitive
cost of owner deliver, top quality, innovation and the way we do company pushes client

On these areas they focus upon:

Customer loyalty: We generate client regard and dedication by continually providing the
finest top quality and value.

Profit: We accomplish sufficient benefit to finance development, create value for our
investors and accomplish our corporate goals.

Growth:We identify and take opportunities for development that develops upon our
strong points and capabilities.

Market leadership: We cause in the marketplace by developing and providing useful and
impressive products, solutions and alternatives.

Commitment to employees: We illustrate our dedication to workers by advertising and

fulfilling based on performance and by creating a workplace that shows our principles.

Leadership capability: We build management at all levels who accomplish company
results, reflect our principles and cause us to grow and win.

Global citizenship: We meet our liability to community by being an economic, perceptive

and social resource to each country and community where we do company.

Vision of HP:
To perspective modify in the market as an probability to grow; to use our earnings and
our capability to create and generate impressive products, services and alternatives that
fulfill growing client needs.

Mission of Dell:
Our objective is to be the most effective IT techniques organization on the globe by
providing the best client encounter in all marketplaces we provide. In doing so, Dell will
fulfill client objectives of:

• highest quality

• leading technology

• competitive pricing

• individual and organization accountability

• best-in-class support and support

• flexible personalization capability

• superior business citizenship

Customer Oriented Mission statement of dell:

Dell already runs on the personalized set up procedure centered on a FMS(flexible
production system) to complete client purchases.

To improve versatility, the organization should look for ways to improve the potency of

Net works to improve perform flow and interaction among workers to recognize and take
care of problems that appear. Developments in details linkages would confirm
particularly beneficial as dell looks for to improve services for its business clients.

Total top quality management is another managing advancement that focus the
organization complete dedication to the clients and to ongoing enhancement of every
procedure through the use of data motivated, troubleshooting techniques depending on
power of worker groups and groups.

The development and use of TQM techniques at ell would arrange activities with the
organization ideal needs and would simultaneously serve to

• increase client satisfaction

• cut costs

• reduce how long required to present impressive products to the industry.

All of these goals have been recognized as critical factors that will impact Dell's future
success.TQM techniques result in the enhancement of impressive capabilities, the ability
to surpass customers’ top quality goals and the removal of handling efficiency to cut
expenses (allowing Dell to offer better performing features at the relatively low prices
expected by Its customers).

Thus, an effective TQM program will help Dell develop theflexibility needed to
recognize opportunities to apply itsintegrated cost leadership/differentiation strategy.
Because TQMsystems are available to all opponents, they may help thecompany maintain
aggressive equality, but hardly ever will theyunilaterally lead to a aggressive advantage.

On these areas they focus upon:

Customer loyalty: Dell earn client regard and dedication by continually targeted on
personalization and providing the finest top quality and value.

Commitment to employees: We always advertising and fulfilling depending on

performance and by creating a workplace that shows our principles. And we are giving
what we have dedicated.

Vision of Dell:
It is the way we do company. It is the way we communicate with the group. It is the way
we understand the globe around us-our customers’ needs, the long run of technological

innovation, and the international company environment.. Whatever changes the long run
may carry our perspective -- Dell Vision -- will be our directing power.

So Dell needs complete client care. In order to become the most effective computer
company, they need the latest technological innovation and faithful clients. It is the way
we communicate with the group. It is the way we understand the globe around us- our
customers’ needs, the long run of technological innovation.

Business Portfolio

Hp has following width:

 Laptops
 Tablets
 Desktops
 Scanners
 Printers
 Calculators
 Services And Apps

Hp has following depth:


Personal & Business

 Premium computing
o Hp pavilion14-n200
o Hp statebook 10-h000 x2
o Hp envy j100 notebook
o Hp pavilion 15-n000
 Create and entertain
o Hp envy 15 j100
o Hp envy 14 k000
 Everyday computing
o Hp pavilion 10-e000
 Safe and simple
o Hp 14-d000

Business Laptops
 Sophisticated image
o Hp probook 640 G1
o Hp elitebook folio 1040 G1
o Hp elitebook 820 G1
o Hp elitepad 1000 G2
 Mission critical
o Hp elitebook 8470w
o Hp elitebook 850 G1
 Everyday productivity
o Hp elitepad 1000 G2

o Hp elitepad 900 G1
o Hp elitebook revolve 810 G2
o Hp state 7 plus business
 Simple efficiency
o Hp probook 640 G1

o Hp elitepad 1000 G2
o Hp elitepad 900 G1
o Hp elitebook revolve 810 G2
o Hp State 7 plus business


 Premium computing
o Hp envy recline 23-m200
o Hp state 21-k100
o Hp pavilion 20-b300
o Hp pavilion 23-b200
 Create and entertain
o Hp envy recline 23-k100
o Hp envy 700-200
o Hp envy recline 27k000
 Everyday computing
o Hp pavilion 20-b300

o Hp pavilion 23-b200
o Hp pavilion f200
o Hp pavilion 20-b000
 Safe & Simple
o Hp slate 21-k100
o Hp 18-5000

Business Desktops
 Mission critical
o Hp eliteone 800 G1
o Hp elitedesk 800 G1
o Hp 8200 elite micro tower
o Hp 8200 elite ultra-slim
 Everyday productivity
o Hp prodesk 400 G1 small form factor
o Hp 6200 pro small form factor
o Hp 6200 pro micro tower
o Hp pro 3335 micro tower
 Simple efficiency
o Hp 800 G1 All in one pc
o Hp 400 G1 small form factor pc
o Hp 800 G1 tower pc
o Hp 6200 pro small factor pc

o Hp pavilion 23fi 23-inch diagonal IPS LED backlit monitor
o Hp pavilion 25xl 25-inch diagonal IPS LED backlit monitor
o Hp pavilion 22fi 21.5-inch diagonal IPS LED backlit monitor
o Hp pavilion 27xl 27-inch diagonal IPS LED backlit monitor

o Hp deskjet ink advantage 2645 (All in one printer)
o Hp deskjet ink advantage 2545 (All in one printer)
o Hp deskjet 1510 (All in one printer)
o Hp deskjet 1510 (All in one printer)
o Hp deskjet 1010

o Hp scanjet enterprise flow 7000 s2 sheet-freed scanner
o Hp scanjet enterprise flow N9120 flatbed scanner
o Hp scanjet enterprise flow 7500 flatbed scanner
o Hp digital sender flow 8500 fn1 document capture workstation

o Financial calculators
o Graphical calculators
o Scientific calculators
o Convenience calculators

Dell has following width:

 Laptops
 Tablets
 Desktops
 Server
 Accessories

Dell has following depth:


 Latitude E6440
 Inspiron 15R
 Latitude 15 3000 series
 Latitude 14 3000 series
 Latitude 14 5000 series
 Inspiron 17R
 New inspiron 15
 Inspiron 17

 Venue 7
 Venue 8
 Dell venue pro 11
 Venue pro 8

 Dell Precision t1700 mini tower workstation
 New inspiron desktop 3000 series
 New inspiron small desktop 3000 series
 Optiplex 7010 mini tower
 Optiplex 3020 mini tower
 Optiplex 9020 All in one
 Optiplex 9020 mini tower
 XPS 8700

 PowerEdge T110 II
 PowerEdge R210 II
 PowerEdge T320
 PowerEdge T620


 Dell (Monitor) Deals

 Printers , inks, toner
 Accessories of pc’s
 Softwares
 Smart phones for business deals
 HDTV’s and commercial deals
 Projector

 Camera
 Storage
 Networking

Chapter 2
Market analysis
Dell s.w.o.t analysis

Opportunities Threats

 Growing demand for smart

 Obtain more patents through acquisitions
phones and tablets
 Strengthen their presence in emerging
 Profit margin decline on
hardware products
 Tablet market growth

SWOT Analysis Hewlett Packard

This SWOT analysis is about Hewlett Packard.


Strong Market Position:

Recently (April 2010), Hewlett-Packard’s shares closed at $53.15. According to

NASDAQ, the stock is up 62% in the past year, better than the market at large.
This continues a trend that saw the company ease pass the previous global pc
leader Dell in 2006. In 2008 Hewlett Packard led Dell with over 17% of the PC
Market while Dell settled for second at 14%. In addition Hewlett Packard can
boast of a 30% of the global server market. Its domination of the global printer
market is evidenced by its 40% market share. In 2008 Hewlett Packard took a
major step in strengthening its position in the IT services market by acquiring ED

Successful Strategic Acquisitions:

Hewlett Packard continues its trend of recognizing and capitalizing on strategic
acquisitions. The company’s major mergers and acquisitions in recent past
include Compaq Computer Corporation in 2002, Mercury Interactive in 2006 and
Electronic Data Systems Corporation (EDS) in 2008. In November of 2009,
Hewlett Packard announced that it had reached an agreement to acquire 3Com, a
provider of computer network equipment, for $2.7 billion in a deal that H.P. plans
as a the beginning of an assault on the market leader in networking, Cisco
Systems. Computer networking is a $40 billion-a-year market with high profit
margins that is growing briskly and dominated by Cisco, which has so far had
little head-to-head competition. The company’s successful inorganic growth
allows it to increase its competitiveness as well as create value for both investors
and customers of the company.


Weak Market Segment Integration:

Although Hewlett Packard is currently addressing its lack of presence in some
seemingly obvious segments, there remains room for improvement. The
company’s portfolio of offerings lack significant software product or manage
consulting services when compared to major competitors including, Accenture,
EMC and IBM. For example, both IBM and Accenture are establishing

management consulting divisions so as to provide more comprehensive and
integrated range of services. Recently, Hewlett Packard has partnered with
Thomson e Ximius to provide front office processes for private client wealth
management firms to support the increasingly sophisticated needs of their


Expanding presence in cloud computing market:

Cloud computing describes a new delivery model for IT services. In July 2008,
HP along with Intel Corporation and Yahoo! created a global, multi-data center,
open source test bed for cloud computing research and education. The goal of the
project was to promote collaboration among industry, academy and governments
by removing the financial and logistical barriers. In 2009, HP announced HP
Cloud Assure, a new SaaS offering designed to assist businesses to safely and
effectively adopt cloud-based services. HP Cloud Assure consists of HP services
and software, including HP Application Security Center, HP Performance Center
and HP Business Availability Center. These solutions are delivered to customers
though HP SaaS platform. The increasing demand for cloud computing is likely to
create demand for HP’s solutions in coming years. The global spending on cloud
computing is forecast to cross a value of over $40 billion by 2012.

Expanding portfolio of imaging and printing solutions:

Hewlett Packard has made several strategic acquisitions and introduced new
products in the imaging solutions segment in recent times. Its imaging solutions
strategy entails the commercial markets, from print services solutions to new
growth opportunities in commercial printing and capturing high-value pages in
areas such as industrial applications, outdoor signage, and graphic arts. Among
those key acquisitions are Tabblo, Logoworks, MacDermid and ColorSpan.

HP has launched several retail photo printing solutions and services that provide
consumers the tools to personalize their photos and publish customized creative
output. In addition, it has introduced new digital printing technologies, HP Inkjet
Web Press, HP Latex Inks and three HP Indigo presses, as part of its graphic arts
offerings. In October 2008, it also announced a plan to launch full wireless HP
Photo smart printer lineup by 2010.


Projected decreases in the IT markets:

Forecasters predict a decrease in the worldwide demand for various IT products
offered by HP. The economic slowdown has negatively affected many market
segments, including information technology. Hewlett Packard has experienced
this decline not only in the U.S. but also in its global markets. Worldwide
spending on IT was predicted to decline by 4% in 2009.

Successful Strategic Acquisitions:

Hewlett Packard continues its trend of recognizing and capitalizing on strategic
acquisitions. The company’s major mergers and acquisitions in recent past
include Compaq Computer Corporation in 2002, Mercury Interactive in 2006 and
Electronic Data Systems Corporation (EDS) in 2008. In November of 2009,
Hewlett Packard announced that it had reached an agreement to acquire 3Com, a
provider of computer network equipment, for $2.7 billion in a deal that H.P. plans
as a the beginning of an assault on the market leader in networking, Cisco
Systems. Computer networking is a $40 billion-a-year market with high profit
margins that is growing briskly and dominated by Cisco, which has so far had
little head-to-head competition. The company’s successful inorganic growth
allows it to increase its competitiveness as well as create value for both investors
and customers of the company.

Target market of Dell:

 School students

 College students
 Gamers
 Women
 Business
 Professionals

Target Market Customer needs Corresponding

School students: Needs  2GB RAM,
 250 GB HARD
 Age 8-15  Fun colors and
primarily school design.
 Front Camera,
students  Play videos and
 Super Combo
 .Share some games.
(dvd-writer &
characteristics  Educational
of teenagers. software MS office
256mb Dedicated
 High level of and window 8.
technology.  Widescreen,HD
 10% users of _Watching movies
home  Spill resistant,
 1hr
computers and webcam and
Plus Battery Back
internet. Microphone
College students: Needs  Processor type:
core i3(3rd gen)
 Age 17-25  Multipurpose
 Hard disk:500 GB
college laptop(recreational
 Ram:2gb

students. and business)  Card reader: yes
 Immersed in  Fast processor  Screen size:15.6
computer  Good sound system  Graphic pro
culture from a and graphics cessor:intel
young age.  Light weight chipset HD
 Generally  Long battery life  Bluetooth,
receive funding  Vibrant colors lan,wifi:yes
from outside  Battery time:
resource . more than 4 hours
 Camera:yes
 No of effective
pixels:1 MP HD
 Operating system:

Gamers Needs
 Age group  Inbuilt VGA port
 Durable, long
varies  2GB RAM,
 Computer savvy  250 GB HARD
 Sleek design
individuals DISK,
 Speed
 Seek state of art  Front Camera,
 Lots of memory
techno logy  Super Combo
 Good graphics
 Low medium (dvd-writer &
income CD-Writer)
256mb Dedicated
1hr Plus Battery Backup.

WOMEN Needs  Installed ram:2gb
 Age group 18-  Hard drive:500gb
 Sleek design
45 years  Card reader: yes
 Speed
 If she is a  Screen size:14
 Stylish
college student  Graphic
funding will be  Low budget laptops
from other  Durable
chipset HD
 Good sound
sources  Bluetooth ,LAN,
 For a working quality, Hd display
WI fi:yes
professional  Battery time:
income will be more than 4 hours
medium- high
Business professionals Needs  Processor: core i5
 Age 18-65  Ram:6gb
 Durable ,dynamic
years of  Type of
and unique
business memory:ddr3
 Sleek design
professionals  Hard drive
 Fast processor
 Hard working size:750 gb
 Mid-level price
 Well educated  Card reader: yes
 Located with in  Graphics
 Up-to-date versions
cities memory:intel
of computer
 Middle_ upper hd4400
class income  Graphic
chipset hd
 Screen size:15.6
hd led
 Processor
turbo boost up to


Target market of Hp:

Target market Customer need Corresponding features

Students  Good sound system  Processor speed:2.4 ghz
 They are and graphics  Hard disk:500 gb
specially  Light weight  Ram:2gb
concerned with  Long battery life  Card reader: yes
prices  Fun colors and  Screen size:15.6
design.  Graphic processor:intel
 Educational hd graphics 4000
software_Ms office  Bluetooth, lan,wifi:yes
and window 8.  Battery time:2-3 HOURS
 Multipurpose  Camera: yes
laptop  No of effective pixels:
1.3 MP
 Operating system: dos
Detectors Needs  Processor type: intel core
 Most advanced  Processor speed:2.2 GHz
technology  Hard disk:1 tb
 Up-to-date versions  Ram:4gb
of computer  Card reader: yes
applications  Screen size:15.6
 Fast processor

 Graphic processor:
AMD radon HD 7670M
 Bluetooth , lan, wifi: yes
 Battery time:3-4 hours
 Camera: yes
 No of effective pixels:
Hp true visionhd webcam
with integrated dual ray
micro phone
Operating system: dos
Women Needs  Card reader: yes
 Age group 18-45  Sophisticated  Screen size:15.6
years computers that’s  Graphic processor:intel
 If she is a look good. hd graphics
college student  Sleek design  Bluetooth, lan,wifi:yes
funding will be  Speed  Battery time:41W
from other  Stylish  Camera: yes
sources  Durable  No of effective pixels:Hp
 For a working  Good sound true vision
professional quality,Hd display Operating system: dos
income will be
medium- high
Home and business NEEDS  Processor type: intel Core
users  Wants reliable i-5
 Lightweight  Processor speed:1.8ghz
 Well educated
models  Hard disk:500 gb
 Located with in
 Models should  Ram:2gb
have maximum  Screen size:15.6
 Middle_ upper
portability and ease  Graphic processor:
class income
of use in different intelhd graphics 4000

environments.  Bluetooth, lan ,wi fi: yes
 Battery time:2-3 HOURS
 Camera: yes
 No of effective pixels:
1.3 MP

Competitors Profile

Top Competitors for Hewlett-Packard Company

The primary competition connected with HP usually are Dell, Acer, Apple company
along with Lenovo. Dell ended up being next after HP along with Acer. Number of
products sold by HP is actually 20. 6 zillion whereas in which connected with Dell ended
up being 13. 6 zillion products. The place that the some other producers are present
within the consumer shops, Dell is not.

There are various Dell competition. They may be: Sony, Acer, Gateway, Lenova, IBM,
NEC, Tangent, at the Machines, Super Tiny, Apple company, Unisys, Unfamiliar ware,
HP/Compaq, Toshiba, along with Apple company Computer systems.

Competitive Advantage
A competitive advantage is definitely an advantage over competitors obtained by means
of supplying shoppers better price, by way of cheaper costs or perhaps by giving better
advantages along with service which justifies greater costs (Tutor2U 2005).

Dell competitive advantage

In order that Dell to attain aggressive advantage, Immediate offering and over time output
are already an important part of his or her technique. This strategy possesses empowered
Dell to attain price tag rewards around it's competitors (Hansen, Nhoria& Tierney 1999).
Immediate offering implies that Dell carries it's solutions right to the customer. This

permits Dell to help generate earlier mentioned average gains because costly
intermediaries from the supply cycle are already eradicated. Dell technique in essence
starts off with all the consumer as well as finish with all the consumers. It's 5 essential
simple steps, 1st phase was ways to get construct the most productive path to the
customer, Dell believe the most productive path to the customer is a by way of immediate
relationship without any intermediaries to incorporate confusion as well as price tag.

Second of all, the single place involving accountability- they will believe technological
innovation at some point turn out to be far too intricate, thus developing items as well as
producing its straightforward was the true secret actions.

Thirdly- developing the models (computer) in line with Obtain. They sported a thought
about how they ought to construct computer using the consumer has to have. By simply
quick modifying as well as placing your order from the business site will assist the
customer construct just what exactly his or her have to have.

Fourthly- it truly is a low cost head. They highlighted about the consumer requires,
through starting up it's output from the best as well as productive means. Within northern
involving Round Rock, just northern involving Austin the place that the manufact urer is
areas, the method starts off having an empty computer box starts using this finish, goes
through a remarkably and many productive manufacturer brand, which in turn go through
different department as well as emerge with all the finish solution. This process takes
ninety days minute, when the output brand is functioning proficiently.

Finally the Dell Box is crammed as well as shipped to the customer inside four days to
weeks. The most important factor is Effectiveness. Supplier has built his or her industrial
facilities within reach as well as supply has been kept minimal.

Hp competitive advantage
HP Company Analytics Solutions concentrate on supplying functional, day-to-day
analytical demands that can help clients acknowledge and recognize probable
possibilities. HP works carefully using clients to create, run and produce analytics in

which service well-timed and actionable insights. These products and services support
service clients using quicker and better insights around a number of capabilities for
instance marketing, product sales, shoppers, source sequence, financial and recruiting.

Your products and services tend to be adaptable and technologies agnostic, doing work
around numerous deployment and system options. Also, HP analytics specialists leverage
improvements designed as a result of HP Labs, you re able to send key investigation
adjustable rate mortgage, and also software via Vertical and Autonomy, each HP
companies, to produce awareness via set up and unstructured information. Your products
and services additionally leverage HP's selection of Information Management and
Analytics technologies and apps attractions. Put together, these kinds of comprehensive
features enable linked cleverness within and beyond the corporation to compliment

HP analytics specialists support clients using numerous analytic activities to help derive
actionable insights in which meet the industry-specific demands inside selected time
period structures. For instance, HP Company Analytics Solutions can help clients in
raising client respect simply by delivering the best messages towards the appropriate
leads and shoppers with the appropriate time period and through the best funnel. In
addition, getting a systemic method to inspecting the actual probable impression of
external hazards might help clients avoid probable losses.

HP's technological, collaborative tactic starts off using obtaining relevant information,
subsequently deciding the actual replies to help "what occurred and why" as a result of
major analytic methods, methods and investigation. HP subsequently produces insights in
the reason why an end result occurred and makes use of predictive analytics that can help
clients answer "what might happens.

Unique selling point

A unique selling point, which usually specifies your current company’s distinctive
position available on the market, is surely a typically overlooked however essential
portion of setting up a enterprise that will customer’s enjoy. 

A unique selling proposition allows you to to be able to endure aside from opponents
along with positively focus your time with making stuffs that focus on your current ideal
number of buyers. 

Unique selling point of Dell

1. Dell Incorporation has a USP’s (unique selling points) of the products since they
produce education to help buyers utilizing both the equipment and also application.

2. Dell’s bulk personalization technique was it's unique selling point since it offered
buyers a chance to modify your working computer with their private needs.

3. The key and also unique characteristic or perhaps the unique selling point from the
dell notebook computers is the sturdiness and also trustworthiness from the dell products
Consumers expect dell company to deliver technologies options in which support these
perform and also achieve additional, no matter whether they’re in your house, function,
college or perhaps anywhere in the earth.

Unique selling point of HP

1. HP being a business offers four critical divisions regarding their goods. Image
Arts Answer - from professional electronic engages in order to specialize laser
printers for shade proofing. SOHO answers (small office from home), SME
(small method enterprise) answers - personal computer, printer's, integration,
workflow integration. To Large enterprises - at the colleges, ministry department
in addition to overall community answers. Along with that, it will loan for all
expenses, provides their knowledge, in addition to marketing possibilities in order
to equivalent consumers to exchange knowledge.
2. Your company plan introduces your design brand “everything is possible” in
addition to an picture product -- (customer) + hp = almost everything can be
performed -- in order to talk HP’s focus on collaboration.

3. Gary Elliott, vice chief executive, HP Company in addition to Marketing
communications claimed inside the 2002 plan, “We decided the simplest way to
turn out to be acknowledged as your world’s top technological know-how
business seemed to be in order to merely explain to that think great is. But
alternatively as compared to focus on cures produce, this specific plan targets on
cures produce probable with respect to each of our consumers, each of our
consumers in addition to each of our associates. ”

4. A brand's unique promoting proposition seriously isn't necessarily their issues.

It truly is about what that is short for throughout their consumer tactic. With time,
this approach has developed into bit more fragmented. Though the considering is
still the identical.

Point of Differentiation of HP and Dell and POD

Hp is a manufacturer and dell is a maker. In the sense that Hp manufactures their parts
itself and then makes laptops and computers and their products but dell does not make
parts itself. It purchases from different suppliers and then integrates to make products.

So it’s a advantage and disadvantage at the same time, may be possible that HP costs a lot
by manufacturing and may be successful to save the cost and vice versa with the dell

So it depends upon strategies.

Positioning and Differentiation

Inside the early days dell located itself since quality Personal computer Firm using a
quick in addition to effortless internet-based sales. Progressively that additionally growth
in addition to enhanced advertising were able to establish Dell’s place in consumer’s
thoughts in addition to presented the idea for intense, value-oriented laptop or computer
maker. Inside the early days HP located itself since good deal Personal computer Firm
however currently it is paying attention to put itself in high priced setting by means of
adding innovation by means of creating HP Labs in addition to by means of creating
special merchandise in addition to by means of performing correct advertising they are
able to cost quality price tag.

Differentiation is procedure for adding a lot more which means towards the merchandise
by simply mentioning characteristics outside of your key topic. Task connected with
differentiation would be to highlight your applicable advantages in a very unique way
which is not very easily as well as opposition and gives worthwhile advantages towards
the company. The particular submission route plays it's element while differentiation
device along with can be aggressive advantages. For instance Dell pc through direct
marketing technique gives pc method appropriate from doorway phase connected with
home-owners along with workplaces. And hewlett packard supplies special personal
computers along with ink jet printers particularly throughout majority to house carry,
corporations along with federal sectors.

Product life cycle of Dell

Dell has following categories:

 Laptops
 Tablets
 Desktops
 Server
 Accessories

Laptops are in maturity stage.

Tablets are in growth stage.

Desktops are in decline stage.

Servers are in introduction stage.

Different accessories are in different stages.

Product life cycle of HP

Hp has following categories:

 Laptops
 Tablets
 Desktops
 Scanners
 Printers
 Calculators
 Services And Apps

Laptops are in maturity stage.

Tablets are in growth stage.

Desktops are in decline stage.

Scanners are in maturity stage.

Printers are in maturity stage.

Calculators are in introduction stage.

Different services and apps are in different stages.

Deliverable 2

Associated with laptop or computer firms within the


Dell -- The particular globe's #1 direct-sale personal computer merchant gives a wide

range connected with personal computer as well as activity items for your purchaser as
well as venture market segments.

Sony -- Sony possesses refocused the method of marketing personal computers: Instead

of pleasing generally in order to shoppers, it's today aimed towards organization

customers (mostly tiny as well as medium-sized companies).

HEWLETT PACKARD -- HP's Personalized Techniques Class market segments desktop

computer as well as notebook computer Pcs in order to purchaser, corporations,
authorities businesses, as well as educational institutions..

The apple company -- Once the earth's prime PC machine, The apple company

Computer have been relegated to be able to specialized niche position in a very

marketplace took over by simply "Wintel" devices (computers applying Ms Glass
windows software package and also Intel processors).

Gateway--Entrance Probably the purest PC perform one of many leading personal

computer manufacturers, Entrance have been attack especially challenging by simply
halting gross sales for the reason that market.

Annual Revenues

Pakistan’s every day market computer hardware income (including laptop computers and
accessories) of UNITED STATES DOLLAR 334 mil with 2012 and is also likely to
expand by an average of with regards to 8% every year on the future a few several years.

Hp Recent Predicament.
 $86 billion in revenue
 net income of almost $2.4 billion

Dell Recent Predicament.

 Revenue over $56 billion
 Net income of $3.4 billion
Apple Recent Predicament
 $14 billion in revenue
 Net income of almost $1.3 billion

Gateway Recent Predicament

 $4 billion in revenue
 Net income of almost $6 million

International LAPTOP OR COMPUTER Current market discuss by
simply items sold.
Firms Year 2011
HP 17.2%
Dell 12.1%
Apple 10.7%
Gateway 1.3%
Acer 11.2%
Lenova 9.3%
Asus 5.9%
Toshiba 3.6%
Samsung 3.3%
Fujitsu 1.2%
NEC 0.8%
Others 24.4%

Computer Sales
Computer Sales 2011 2011
Volume of computers sold 95.4 Million
throughout US
Volume of computers sold 355.2 Million
throughout Globally
Computer sales revenue
computer system gross sales $85.5 Billion

Worldwide $329 billion
Computer sales ALL time
Numbers of computers gross 3.287 Billion
sales all time.
Computers revenue earnings $4.835 Trillion
All time.

Region of sales(Geographical)
% regarding personal computers offered to 38.8%
% regarding personal computers offered to 25%
% regarding personal computers offered to 11.7%

Strength of Industry

Geographical Pie Chart



IN America people are educated. Most of the businesses are working on computer
technology and the environment is innovative. There are a lot of opportunities for
companies to make new informative and innovative products. Most of the multinational
computer industries belong to USA. The computer industry has flourished in this country,
because it has not been vigorously regulated by foolish government guidelines, until now.
So due to these reasons IT Industry has greatest market share in America.

In Europe, although people are educated and environment is innovative but it has less
multinational computer industries, due to this reason it has fewer shares than USA.

In Asia as environment is not so innovative that multinational companies could explore

IT industries. Mostly businesses are manual, so due to this reason it has fewer market
share rather than others.

Industry attractiveness of dell and Hp


 Economic Characteristics

 Six Forces

 Dominative Position of Major Competitors

 Competitive Analysis of Personal Computer Manufactures

 PC Industry Trends

 Key Success Factors

 Industry Prospect and Overall Attractiveness

 Conclusion

Characteristics Dominate Economic

 1. Market Size

 2. Scope of Competitive Rivalry

 3. Stage in Life Cycle

 4. Number of Companies within the Industry

 5. Customers

 6. Technology/Innovation

 7. Product Characteristics

 8. Scale Economies

 9. Learning and Experience Effects

 10. Capital Requirements

 11. Industry Profitability

Market Size

Computer industry consists of hardware, software, service and an endless array of

products our group chose to narrow the research to PC’s. The worldwide PC market
finished 2004 on a strong note, with double-digit percentage growth for the year,
according to research released by IDC and Gartner.

 U.S. and Worldwide PC Shipments and Growth, 2004-2008

 Region 2004 2005 2006 2007


 USA (M units)

 Consumer 21.8 23.6 25.6 29.0


 Commercial 36.5 40.3 41.9 46.0


 Total 58.3 63.9 67.5 75.0


 Worldwide (M units)

 Consumer 64.9 78.4 88.4 100.0


 Commercial 114.4 129.4 141.9 157.1

 Total 179.2 207.9 230.2 257.1


Scope of competitor rivalry

The competition within the PC industry is extraordinarily cutthroat. The top

companies consist of Dell, HP, Apple, Gateway and Sony.

A few factors of competitive edge:

• New technology

• Custom built PCs

• Reliability

• Customer Service

Stage in Life Cycle

The stage of the PC industry life cycle can be described as mature. However, the
growth of PC sales has not decreased due to the globalization trend taking place
within the multinational corporations.


Involving interests of the PC community can be described as diverse. Advantages

consist across the board for the PC user. Ranging from music manipulation,
video enhancement, money management, research, school, science and a myriad

of others; there are many uses for the PC. Therefore this means the customers
that buy the computers are diverse and use their machines in a variety of ways.
The computer offers an efficient way of running a business, playing a game or
managing your calendar. The bottom line is that any person can find a useful
attribute for a computer: which provides the industry with revenue higher than the
auto and chemical industries combined.


Technologies as well as innovation are advancing every year, therefore making

the industry fiercer.

Ten years from now chances are there will be few computers in home. Instead,
people will be wearing computers -- implanted, for example, in eyeglasses, with
the retina as the screen -- according to IT pioneer and futurist Raymond Kurzweil.

Product characteristics


• Case - The box all the parts (except monitor, keyboard, mouse, and printer) are
stored in

• Mother Board - The main printed circuit board in the computer, which the CPU
(see below) plugs into

• CPU (Central Processing Unit) – The CPU is the actual "brains" of the computer

RAM (Random Access Memory) - Like pieces of scratch paper that information is
temporarily stored on ONLY WHILE you are actually working on the computer.

• Disk Controller – The Disk Controller allows your computer to interact with your
disk drive storage devices

• Hard Disk Drive - A STORAGE device, NOT MEMORY! The Hard Disk Drive
is like a filing cabinet - no more, no less. Retrieval is faster, and finding things is
usually easier, but it is still just a filing cabinet.

• Video Display Adapter - Unlike your eyes, it can ONLY OUTPUT the computer
information in the form of a video signal that is human readable (via the monitor).

• Monitor - The actual display you see the words, pictures, and data on. There
are two main types: analog and digital.

• Input Device - Keyboard, Mouse, Digitizer, Scanner, Pen, Digital Camera, etc.

• Modem - A device that hooks your computer up to the telephone line

Scales Economies’

With most multinational corporations there are two separate economies operating
between the actual company and the markets. The separate economies are internal and

Internal: Tech Economy, Managerial Economy, Financial Economy, Marketing

Economy, Research & Development

External: The external aspects of scale economies consist of the distribution centers
and retailers. For example; Apple, Sony or HP manufacture computers, while retailers
arrange for computer deliveries to the customer. One exception is Dell, which has
excelled in custom-built computers delivered straight to a consumer’s home.

Learning & Experience effect

The computer industry is mature and here to stay. In the US computers are found in most
homes with access to the Internet. Students are taught to use computers in school at a
young age and competency is only going to increase.

However, there are people who struggle with applications and user activities such as
installing new drivers or connecting a monitor. One of the largest complaints within the
industry is support. Dell, once again is an exception. Dell observes great rewards when
consumers give praise in regards to customer service. Since the industry is so mature the
complaints are few due to the reliability of the PC.

Capital requirements

The capital required to enter and actually compete with the big names in the computer
industry are ridiculous. Taking into account that HP spent 3.9 billion on research and
development last year alone makes a person think twice about embarking in the industry.
New components and ideas are always being developed by the large companies, which
few can compete. Furthermore, the brand name products distributed by Apple, Dell and
HP are household names.

However, if a person is technologically savvy and creates new language or some sort of
new innovation they could sell the idea to the large companies. This would be the most
probable situation when attempting to create a profit within the PC business.

Industry profitability

The fact remains that the PC industry doesn’t produce only PC’s. Every company that
creates PC’s also has its hand in other industries and markets. An important question to
ask is how profitable is the industry. And the answer is billions upon billions upon
billions of dollars. The industry is constantly redefining itself as well as every other
business on the world due to its deep routes within every industry. As for what company
ranks the highest in profit at the moment is Apple, but the numbers are skewed due to
other hardware Apple provides. The industry is extremely competitive and profitable.

6 forces

 Suppliers
 Buyers
 Rivalry among Existing Firms

 Threat of New Entrants
 Substitute Products
 Stakeholders
 Complimentary Product

Suppliers / Buyers

Intel and Microsoft are the two most dominate suppliers in the PC industry.

Suppliers: Intel’s microprocessor chips are used in approximately 80% of personal


Microsoft operating systems are used in 90% of computers, giving it substantial

bargaining power.

Given that Microsoft and Intel control the majority of the PC supplier market of major
component parts, the business world has named the two “Wintel.”

Buyers: The strength of the PC buyer has basically evolved from the personal computer
becoming a commodity- like item.

Backward integration is also a factor in the strengthening of the PC buyers bargaining

Power because more and more people are building their own computer systems

Rivalry Among Existing Firms

The competition the personal computer industry is also an industry that resembles ‘follow
the leader.’ Follow the leader occurs when industry leaders are mimicked by competitors;
and those competitors that do not follow will fall off by the wayside.

Price Wars: Ex. In 1999 the average PC cost $ 1,699. Now the average price of a PC is
under a thousand dollar.

Dell Inc

 Founded in 1984

 Mission Statement: “To be the most successful computer company in the world
at delivering the best customer experience in markets we serve.”

 Next day delivery

 No middlemen or intermediate retailers


 Founded in 1939

 HP’s mission: “To invent technologies and services that drive business value,
create social benefit and improve the lives of customers—with a focus on
affecting the greatest number of people possible.”

 First product was an audio oscillator

 Multi component system model

Apple Computer


 Founded in 1976

 Mission statement of Apple is as follows: “Apple will be a leader in providing

simple, powerful, high-quality information products and services for people who
learn, communicate, and create.”

 Stylish product innovation

 Entrepreneurial

Gateway Inc.


 Founded in 1985

 Mission statement of Gateway Inc. is, “To invest in our communities and future
by providing state-of-the-art technology and technical support.”

 3rd largest personal computer company in the United States

 Ranked in the top ten worldwide

 Profit pyramid model

PC Industry Trends

Increasing Clock Speed

Mass Customization
Electronic Commerce
Current Trends and Issues
Demand Dynamics
Changing Profit Dynamics
Market and Distribution Trends
New Product and Technology Directions
New Business Strategies

Key Success Factors

 PC Industry Services
 Technology Services

 Consulting and Integration
 Managed Services

Industry Prospect and Overall Attractiveness

 Factors that make the Industry Attractive

 Factors that make the Industry Unattractive
 Special Industry Problems and Issues
 Profit Outlook


 Dell Leads
 Global Market
 Diversify the Workforce
 New Innovations
 PC Improves Society

Chapter 3

Industry life cycle of dell and HP

intro growth maturity Decline

Computer Manufacturing Rare growth of Maturity is Computer lies
industries Maintenance computer due very low level in decline.
Hardware (chip, to demand. because of rare Because every
accessories etc) Because use of person use the
demand of computer. laptop. That’s

computer is why market is
low. in decline

Laptop Manufacturing Growth rate is Maturity is Not going to

industries the laptop in high because of also in high decline because
different style demand. level because everything is
high use of going in market
laptop favor.
Printer Manufacturing Growth rate is Maturity is Not going to
industries New technology high because low because decline because
Market the use of cost of printers this is a new
awareness printers is good is high. technology.
Tabs industry Great features Growth rate is Maturity is Starting the
Easy to use in accelerator low because market with
Help us in every because great use of tabs is great share.
place technology in peak.
Great technology produced by it
Notepad Great features Growth rate is Maturity is Starting the
industry Easy to use in accelerator low because market with
Help us in every because great use of tabs is great share.
place technology in peak. That’s why
Great technology produced by it decline phase is
companies. not in position.

PESTEL Analysis HP


The governmental research of HP associated with govt manages and guidelines in

the attempt of HP to keep up with the Ecological and CSR (Corporate Public
Responsibility) Requirements and with regards to decency, quality and environmental


HP mainly depends on revenue from its printing components, financial

investment strategies, investment strategies in method and small businesses and internet
solutions for its maintenance.


HP has the regional US customer platform well taken but it seems that there is
very little to be done here with regards to gaining the future younger creation of IT zealot
and unless there is a pressure upon upgrading the designs of its components for
publishing and PC’s to capture up with the buzz designed by HP and Apple who reveal
new designs almost every other month


HP went “cyber” almost a several years ago, which is pretty latest in evaluation to
its 70 all year industry existence (HP, 2009). Actually the level of HP’s fortune came in
1998 when HP’s business application and assistance department and business techniques
department was combined and Ann Livermore took over to run this new Business
Processing Alternatives Company (ECSO), with an financial commitment of $15 billion

dollars and an worker platform of 44,000 workers (Moore and Snyder, 2000).


HP’s functions are subject to rules under government, state, local and foreign laws
and rules concerning the environment, such as laws and rules dealing with the release of
contaminants into the air and water, the management and convenience of dangerous
ingredients and waste materials, and the clean-up of infected sites.


Certain Change Regulation – As one of the biggest patent owners in U.S, HP is on

regular provided four patents every day. HP is a continuous focus on of trivial patent
legal cases. These legal cases power HP to redirect sources away from advancement and
service, resulting in reduced economic benefits from innovation.


The trends of the computer sector can be analysis by using PESTLE analysis which
includes governmental, economic, sociological, technical, legal, and environmental. I use
the pestle research to figure out the DELL macro atmosphere research.

One of DELL’s major intimidations is relating to it all factor of the exterior atmosphere,
the governmental or legal atmosphere. The China govt prefers to advertise national PC
providers as evaluate to foreign companies and there are a lot of requirements involved in
obtaining govt agreements, which shows that local companies and companies in China is
more preferable by the China government. Another threat of Dell is that the internet
usage is being controlled by the China government which means the growth of internet is
being limited.

The financial system is the characteristics and financial system route in which a company
plays or may contend. The problem of software piracy is the main risk that computer
companies suffer in China. China has a lot of economic opportunities as it has the highest
population amount, but the shortage of skilled labor is making China to suffer. DELL is
aware that cheaper system is more preferable in China.

The public and public industry is adhere to carefully with a society’s behavior and public
principles. Dell has the possibilities to flourish into a new market as the prospective of
internet growth in China is tremendous. At the same time, due to the huge expense of
computer, China people are still unsure about card sales. Therefore, DELL has to offer
door-to-door or face-to-face functions to be able to improve consumers’ believe in and
consumers’ perception in the organization and item.

The technological sector consists of the agencies and activities which related with
inventing new technology into products, materials and processes. The main direction of
technology nowadays is everything become smaller and faster. Institution has proven a
key govt source by offering access to technological innovation designed. By the year
2000, it was observed that the annual PC production in mainland China would reach 7.6
million, making it the third largest in the world. With the help of internet, companies
have a great opportunity to get their name into the public area plus a fast way to custom
services to its customer segments. However, the high cost of using internet in China has
become a threat to Dell in the technology sector.

Dell was fined $4 million for fake and misleading advertising about PCs sold to
consumers in New York. While in New Orleans, there are two companies which claim
Dell is selling a surveillance camera system by conspiring with city officials. This shows
that Dell is being interrupted by the legality of their actions in different countries.

The target of Dell is to build a corporation culture for better awareness towards the
environment because of the values of environmental conservation, the efficiency of
eliminating waste which follows the values of the direct business model and is more
effective to deliver the value of customers.

Dell's goal is to be a careful attendant of the environment and to execute programs and
processes to ensure the operations and products are environmentally friendly. Other than
that, Dell is also trying to make the neighboring environment in society better for the
people who work and to generate strategic partnerships with organizations evenly
dedicated to environmental objectives.

Dell's direct business model guides their promise to straight meeting with employees,
customers and suppliers. Dell also engage in direct conversation with the investment
groups which are socially responsible, shareholder activists, and many variety of
nongovernmental groups that are looking for business meeting to uncover the global way
out for most of the public and environmental concerns.

Porter’s Five Forces Analysis

Threat of Entry:

Risks of access in this case are average. There is low product commitment of
current companies. Customers usually evaluate the costs with different manufacturers
when they purchase PCs. They think that every PC has the same price and has the same
operate regardless of what product it is, which means low product difference. There are
method financial commitment specifications, no govt rules and low financial systems of
range in production. There is low financial commitment for separate shops. Reducing
productivity indicates that there is a risk of new newcomers.

Threat of Substitutes:

Risk of alternative items is low. HP considers in standards-based technology,

which symbolizes to be able to decide in the product of much choice. HP tries to remove
limitations by ongoing upgrading procedures and introducing new items to stay in the top
of the industry.

The Power of Buyers:

Negotiating energy of clients is great. People are very cost delicate because they
like to buy inexpensive and top quality items. If they see a components or application or
PC with identical features but different manufacturers and cost, they will usually buy a
less expensive one. The customer energy for HP can be low since product requirement is
great, this means that the company has energy to control the amount of manufacturing
and also its items cost. On the other hand, clients have plenty of alternatives. Moreover
there is not a significant distinction between items which are created in the market.

The Power of Suppliers:

HP negotiating energy of providers is great. There are large amount of providers for
every element areas of the PC, for example, one can make a PC by using element areas
from different providers, including hard disk drive, DVD drive, observe, etc. Microsoft
and Apple have tremendous negotiating energy against the PC producers. There are great
changing costs.

Competitive Rivalry:

Competition is high. For example, cost, when one company functions to secure its place
by decreasing the cost of PCs, it will impact other organizations. This implies all other
organizations may want to reduced their cost in order to entice the clients. There is also
reducing productivity. Since the organizations offer their PCs in a low cost, they will
make less benefit.

Dell Porter five forces


Dell is very popular for custom-built PC and other computer relevant items and
promoting them online. Dell is very effective with regards to working with its providers
and maintaining the stock near to zero level which allows the company to evolve JIT
technique which decreases the costs to the ultimate customer.

The bargaining power of suppliers

According to typical supposition, energy is high where the product is highly effective.
Therefore, Dell is believed to have far greater negotiating energy than the providers. Dell
has been efficiently handling its opponents with regards to getting the required provide of
stocks and get them generate the stocks according to the requirements of the company.

And the CEO of the organization, Eileen Dell also described that Dell Company never
stays to one provider permanently, as they always modify the providers if the providers
are not conference the requirements of Dell. And the organization always goes to the
provider which is impressive and price aggressive among other competing providers.
Therefore, it again indicates that Dell has greater negotiating energy than its providers.

Another sign of Dell to be in better place than its providers is that Dell got most of its
providers identify their companies and production models near to Dell’s production and
set up models. By getting the providers near its production models, stock is down to an
amazing four times and efficiency is the key component.

Moreover, providers can consistently provide their stocks to Dell within time of building
the computer systems which indicates a powerful business knowing of both Dell and its

Threat of new Entrants

As it has been mentioned by Eileen Dell, his only worry about his company kingdom is
the chance of new newcomers to the industry who could negatively impact his company.
And moreover, Dell’s new technique is the item diversification; therefore, almost all
digital organizations are prospective newcomers to this new industry.

Bargaining power of Customers

One of the aggressive benefits Dell has obtained has been through providing in-person
connections with business and institutional clients. This is done by phone, internet
buying, personalized pcs where business clients can go to Dell’s special website known
as Leading and set up pcs in respect to the price and requirements.

Moreover, they have publish sales on the internet facilitates which are on the internet and
in some situations the company technicians can even check out the client websites.

As long as the organization has been providing large organizations such as government
authorities, and huge organizations such as Cox emails, EDS and etc, they are generally
long lasting clients as it costs large money for the clients to change from Dell to another

Moreover, as the organization has been expanding its product varies from simply
computer systems to other products such photo printers, storage space services; this
indicates that the organization will be providing all type of customers, not only business
customers. Therefore, Dell has to pay attention to enhancing its client support to small
company and individual customers as well to gain their life-time commitment.

Availability of substitutes:

In the computer market this is a very extremely present. A lot of items such as a laptop
computer, an eye or cell cellular phones provide the same services and are therefore
exchangeable. Only if items are very particular such as for example the illustrating
program; Photoshop a alternative would be hard to alternative. Things that will help tie
clients to the product or item, would be good item difference, reduced costs, react o
technological innovation changes and being impressive.


Competitors among opponents is extremely affected by the above described four causes.
Dell is coming into into a international industry and given the durability of these causes
in international situation, competition for dell is very high.

Logistics of HP

Supply Chain
Our supply chain SER governance system defines responsibility and reporting across
relevant HP businesses and functions. All HP businesses support our supply chain SER
program through the Supply Chain Board, which meets monthly and reports directly to
the HP Executive Council.

Supply chain governance structure

Supply chain governance structure

It is crucial that HP’s purchasing groups understand SER problems and consider them in
day-to-day seeking and provider control choices. These groups get frequent training in
how to evaluate the SER risk associated with a prospective provider. Provide sequence
SER is involved in the Supplier Assessment, Agreement Growth and Performance
Management stages of HP’s Procurement Management Procedure, which describes how
our purchasing companies globally handle manufacturing providers. Conformity with our
Procurement Management Procedure is audited internal and by exterior companies that
approve HP’s quality system (ISO 9000).

HP uses a High-Performance Provider Scorecard (HPSS) to assess and enhance

manufacturing suppliers’ efficiency. The scorecard has several efficiency groups
calculated according to significance, such as business (including SER), cost, quality,
provide and technological innovation. The scorecard ranking system allows us to position
a supplier’s control potential as well as its SER efficiency against HP’s Digital Market
Rule of Perform (EICC). SER problems consideration for 10 % of suppliers’ HPSS
ranking. HP opinions scorecards consistently to recognize problems and styles to deal
with. Providers can also amount HP through our opposite scorecard, which concentrates
on our purchase and supplier control processes.

Value chain

We can see, the value sequence involves the whole company and looks at how main and
assistance actions can perform together successfully and successfully to help obtain the
company a excellent aggressive benefits.

Follow the Porter’s value sequence design we analyze the main and helpful actions
independently for HP’s roles as below.

Primary Activities

Inbound Logistics
HP Design for Logistics program improves transport efficiency to reduce energy use and
cost, by shifting product transport to more efficient methods, optimizing their distribution
network, influencing transport providers to improve the environmental performance. HP
Financial Services established relationships with some of the world’s largest and most
reputable shipping companies, allowing HP to offer very economical pricing.

HP has been cutting its operating costs since 2005 by removing several layers of
management, phasing global operations into all of HP's business segments, and
outsourcing more production to subcontractors. By mid-2008, more than half of HP's PCs
are built entirely by subcontractors. These measures considerably improved HP's
profitability as its operating margin rose from 4.0% in 2005 to 8.4% in 2007 and to nearly
10% for the first half of 2008. HP plans on continuing to look for areas where operating
efficiency and profitability can be improved, such as the development and installation of
its own new IT databases or the improvement of their supply chain.


Outbound Logistics
The 3PL model dramatically reduces HP's fixed costs. Globally, HP works with upwards
of 40 3PLs and there are about 9-12 "core" partners. To be pre-qualify 3PL for HP, it
would be a formal certification process and also a very long questionnaire used by HP
that emphasizes the 3PL's technology capabilities.

Marketing and Sales

Although HP's main competitors are Dell and IBM, each of these companies has a
different focus area. Dell makes most of its money on PC and server hardware, while
IBM has shifted towards an IT services provider. HP provides both of those offerings but
maintains a large cash cow business with its printers, which generate half of all operating

An integral part of HP's infrastructure is the software and services. In 2006, HP acquired
Mercury Interactive Corporation, a leader in information technology services and
software. Through the Mercury acquisition, HP has become the dominant player in the IT
services and software market, where it will be competing directly with general IT
companies such as IBM and IT consulting and services firms like Accenture.

Support Activities

HP uses the most advanced technology to optimize the relationship with the supply base,
including electronic auctions, e-quoting, e-invoicing and e-payments. Suppliers that have
a demonstrated capability of supporting this type of activity will receive primary
consideration. In consolidating the meetings spend globally, procurement at HP has
selected its preferred suppliers and standardized terms and conditions of contracts it
negotiates with them. Procurement also built a central process for employees to use when
planning meetings and installed technology tools. It also introduced a credit card for its
meeting planners to use to pay meeting-related expenses.

Technological Development
HP created a unique service which called Adaptive Network Architecture (ANA) to
deliver the ability of managing an adaptive enterprise to its major customers (HP Services
Features, 2008). Beside, HP attaches great importance to R&D. In the 2008 fiscal year,
the company has invested $3.5 billion in its research programs, including HP Labs and
plan to continue to invest in R&D.

Human Resources Management

With 172,000 employees, HP recognizes that the large size of their operations comes
with large responsibilities. The ways in which they manage their facilities and conduct
their business activities can have significant and far-reaching impacts on the environment
as well as the welfare and safety of the employees. HP is working to minimize those
impacts and have made operations a cornerstone of their commitment to environmental

Firm Infrastructure
HP has six business segments which are Personal System, Imaging and Printing,
Enterprise Storage and Servers, HP Services, Software and HP Financial Services. Since
2005, HP has undergone significant cost cutting measures by highly decentralized, in
which the process of reducing the number of their facilities to reduce cost.

BCG Matrix of Hp:

 According to the following matrix we came to know that hp printers are the cash
cows for hp. less market growth they have maximum market share. And also
earning maximum return from them.
 Super computers come under the stars. They are investing in it for high market
growth to get high market share.
 Laptops and software’s come under the Question marks. These two things even
have high market growth but they have less market share due to competition in
the industry.
 Dogs are the computers because they invest low in this product due to technology
and also have less market share in the industry.


Chapter 4


The two proprietors bill Hewlett along with Dave Packard formulated some sort of
managing style which acquired in no way occurred within a huge company before. Your
Administration style is referred to as "The HP Approach. "

The 5 principles of the HP WAY are:

 We have trust as well as admiration for individuals

 We all concentrate on a top a higher level success along with side of the bargain..
 All of us execute the small business with uncompromising honesty..
 We gain our common targets by means of teamwork..
 We all motivate freedom and also development innovation.

An additional massive perhaps the HEWLETT PACKARD TECHNIQUE will be the

managing model often known as “manage by taking walks around”. Hewlett as well as
Packard encouraged their vip's to leave the vip's collection as well as spend time with all
the collection individuals.   Many people thought in which immediate verbal exchanges
with all the collection individuals would certainly help these people realize their
relevance towards the company. Cause them to become sense. managing by travelling
had been ways to acquire every person about the same web site. This kind of model
differed from conventional top- lower organized managing strategies.

HP seeing that organization always turned down firing its employees. Rather, the
business made available its employees virtually excellent job stability.

HP individuals acquired benefits that will integrated medical care insurance to repay
illnesses.I thought this was unusual in the flooring buisingess globe

A great deal of former HP employs need to do removed onto perform good issues
throughout other individuals, electronic. grams. Charlie Wozniak, that worked well at HP
afterwards co-founded Apple mackintosh. Several companies from Silicon Vly include
Imitated the HP means

HP Executive Team

 Meg Whitman is usually CEO and also President

 Raymond T. Lanethe Professional Chairman from the Mother board in Hewlett-
Packard (HP
 Todd Bradley-Executive Vice President, Producing and also Individual Methods
 George Kadifa-Executive Vice President, H . P . Software
 Dave Donatelli-Executive Vice President and also Normal Administrator, Venture
 Bill Veghte-Executive Vice President and also Key Working Police officerIn
HP’S Background there is 8 changes inside CEO’S in the company Because Bill
Ur. Hewlett along with Jesse Packard corp. started the organization. Through the
years the particular operations style of HP possesses certainly modified. It started
out as a operations type that has been about honesty, admiration for folks,
teamwork, development, along with factor to help shoppers as well as the area.
Bill Hewlett along with Dave Packard's well known operations type The HP

Abraham Maslow’s Concept associated with Human Wants is the concept of which
greatest matches the particular operations type at H . P .. Abraham Maslow presumed
supervisors that assist people satisfy his or her significant requirements at your workplace
will accomplish efficiency. Boss must concentrate on enjoyable personnel requirements
because it will really encourage these to do well. On H . P . Workers are generally cared
for such as individuals along with family With executives consult the particular brand
personnel it will help the particular personnel fill up its Respect Have to have along with
Sociable Wants.


Dells extended success uses group interaction and also the chance each worker has to
understand along with glow. The successful lifestyle necessitates that individuals buy
individuals, value learning along with continue to be constantly asking. I am dedicated to
to be a meritocracy and developing, having onto along with getting the most effective
individuals, indicative of our own industry.

Dell offers globally organic skills handling offers to generate individuals who can apply
the organization technique along with meet customer needs. Within the last few a few for
you to several years, the techniques along with techniques launched us to the Package 50
just as one industry head.

Nonetheless, most of us deal with an essential inflection place. With more than half
linked with Dell’s employees currently outside of the You. Ersus., an essential part of the
key development places will be in showing nations. The present offers along with
techniques must serve because springboards even as replenish along with revitalize the

organic skills along with control growth offers to meet up with vital development along
with growth objectives.

Dell regularly spends within techniques along with techniques to put the appropriate
organic skills within appropriate projects. Last season, Dell’s Expert Control Workers
along with Table linked with Company administrators implemented every quarter organic
skills recommendations within situation of our own organization technique. During these
recommendations, the Expert Control Workers may perhaps:

• develop organic skills imperatives

• identify mission-critical careers

• forecast organic skills requires

• assess along with modify organic talent

• identify growth actions to get the best organic talent

• report advancement

• create series plans

Dell’s overall efficiency handling technique back-links particular person desires using
business overall efficiency. The machine helps figure out your next technology linked
with Dell industry management along with raise the overall efficiency of most Dell

The overall efficiency handling exercise calls for 12-monthly formal recommendations,
the calibration linked with organic skills along with allowance linked with overall
efficiency rewards along with strategies — just about all decisions according to to be a
meritocracy. Throughout the season, providers generate employees using continuous
recommendations, educating, educating along with on-the-job growth. Workers along
with providers mutually build the employee-development programs.

This specific entire exercise adjusts individual-performance objectives along with career-
development setting up using organization along with organization desires along with
benefits. This procedure develops up after a while, changing for you to central along with
external developments.

“Dell employees talk with providers to generate well-rounded growth programs to get
ready these individuals designed for future projects. A perfect program blends educating

using on-the-job activities along with job activities along with guidance via co-workers
and the like.

Staffing is the term for the process regarding enrolling, selecting, orientating, holding
onto and also shooting personnel. Staffing can be a recruiting phrase, and also interior
staffing will be done inside a organization by a member of the actual recruiting staff.
Firms can outsource several or maybe all their staffing requirements. Many times,
employers choose staffing agencies for you to complete empty places on a temporary
A new staffing organization deals with the background inspections and also testing
regarding personnel, and then swallows a fee on the income acquired by personnel that
they send out for you to outside the house firms. From time to time the actual staffing
organization obtains the "finder's fee" through the organization which uses staff full-time. mean.html

So staffing involves two major heads that are recruiting and selection.

Dell Recruitment Process

79 final-power-point


Dell Inc. operates about endorsement to the using the services of and also offering of
brand-new staff members. A recognized assortment course of action together with
considerations so that you can fully and also rather examine its people constructed Dell
Inc. resume. As a result, your endorsement can be inside line towards the integration in
the present way of life plus the feasible steps relevant towards the organization.

Selection Interview

The majority of the staff received been subject to the choice appointment course of
action. HR Managers alternatively feel within the consistency in addition to validity of

Throughout Dell Inc., the choice appointment is perhaps the key application making the
selecting determination. HR managers include purposes to see. Subsequently, solicit
remarks via past recruiters in addition to character sources. Many operators request
viewpoints of fellow workers which meet the job hopefuls. People might even have a
chance to utilize a work small sample examination, which often actions the flexibility of
job hopefuls to do a selected responsibility. In the end, nonetheless, HR managers make
use of the particular thoughts they've already about the job hopefuls though they may be
seated before these people.

HP Recruitment Process

Recruitment in HP Sophisticated Options Inc., is normally some sort of four-stage

procedure aimed at figuring out, evaluating, interviewing and also getting the top man or
woman for each and every task.

Sign up for each situation regarding awareness for your requirements that aligns with all
your informative background, competencies as well as experience simply by researching
this listings internet site.


“Once your application is submitted, it will be reviewed against the requirements of the


The particular assessment course of action can sometimes include composed exercises
along with job interviews with the entire potential employer, Man Reference Solutions,
and/or various other solar panel associates as ideal. The main objective would be to
evaluate ones competencies along with fit with the needs associated with HP State-of-the-
art Options and also provides as a way for one to obtain a much better knowledge of the
project along with our organization.


“Once a position has been filled, all candidates interviewed who were not selected will be
notified. It is the goal of HP Advanced Solutions to hire the most qualified individual for
each opportunity.”

Operation performed by HRM and HRD in HP and Dell

Human resource management (HRM) encompasses many functions.

Primary Functions of HRM

Equal employment option
Staffing (recruitment along with selection)
Compensation along with advantages
Member of staff along with labor associations
Well being, safety, along with security
People learning resource progress.
Second HRM Features

Firm along with work pattern
Effectiveness management/ functionality assessment devices
Study along with information devices.

HRD Functions
“Training and development (T&D)
Organizational development
Career development”

1. Training and Development (T&D):

Instruction – improving the knowledge, knowledge and also thought patterns of workers
for the short-term, distinct to some unique employment or maybe activity – e. h.,
• Employee orientation
• Skills & techie education
• Training
• Counseling
• Development – be prepared for long term tasks, while growing the capability to
complete at the recent employment
• Management education
• Supervisor development

2. Organizational Development:
The task of bettering the organization’s effectiveness along with member’s well-being by
way of use of behavior science ideas

Targets equally macro- along with micro-levels

HRD takes on the part of a alter real estate agent.
3. Career Development:

 “Ongoing process by which individual’s progress through series of changes until

they achieve their personal level of maximum achievement.
 Career planning

 Career management
 Learning & Performance”

Designation Hierarchy of Dell:

Mi cha el Dell

SVP Bus i ness
Educa tional Government
Servi ces Rel ations

Mi d-Level Lower-Level Mi d-Level Lower-Level Mi d-Level Lower-Level final-15068509

Designation Hierarchy of HP:

Internal Controll
& Account
CFO Cathrine
Treasurer &
COO, Enterprise

System Chief

HP Enterprise
HP Servers

CEO Meg Customer

Supply Chain
Whitman Experiance

Human Network
Chairman of Resources Functions
the Board

Technology &

Communication Channel
& Marketing Marketing

Training Plans of HP
In this time of economic volatility, the strength of HP’s business speaks volumes about
the talent, expertise and experience of our global workforce of over 300,000. We have a
longstanding commitment to recruit and hire exceptional people and to provide them with
opportunities to build their capabilities and excel in their roles. Organizational leaders are
accountable for developing employees, and high performers have the potential for
unlimited career growth at HP.

Our approach
We apply an integrated employee development framework based on external and internal
benchmarking. The framework uses an array of third-party, manager- and self-assessment
tools to help employees plot the next move in their career path—possibly across
functions, geographies or working with a different customer segment—and to develop
insights to potential career trajectories. Our developmental programs roughly break down
into a 70/20/10 ratio. Seventy percent of our programs—our top priority—are on-the-job
learning opportunities, such as job rotations, cross- functional team experiences and
special projects. We believe learning by doing is the most effective way to build skills
and accelerate development, and we encourage employees to build and hone their
capabilities through hands-on experience.

Our developmental programs roughly break down into a 70/20/10 ratio. Seventy percent
of our programs—our top priority—are on-the-job learning opportunities, such as job
rotations, cross- functional team experiences and special projects. We believe learning by
doing is the most effective way to build skills and accelerate development, and we
encourage employees to build and hone their capabilities through hands-on experience.

About 20 percent of our programs focus on relationship-based learning through coaching,

mentoring and learning communities. These programs are highly dependent on team
leaders, who are given the training and tools to develop their teams effectively, and who
are measured on the growth of their people.

The remaining 10 percent of our developmental programs are delivered through formal
learning, such as face-to-face training programs, live virtual training and interactive, self-
directed web resources.

Our formal learning programs take advantage of technology to bring training to the
desktop. Eighty- three percent of our training courses are delivered by videoconference or
online. We use face-to-face training sessions to teach and assess complex skills, and
when there is a geographical concentration of participants. But we have found that
technology-based training yields significant benefits: it can reach more employees,
increase access to learning opportunities and save millions of dollars annually in travel
expenses while decreasing associated greenhouse gas emissions

In addition, technology-based learning better accommodates the needs of a workforce

with differing development needs, enables each employee access at the right time and
right place, and enhances learning and retention.

To complement HP-based training, we also support employees in pursuing external

educational opportunities such as conferences, seminars and technical certifications, as
well as training at accredited institutions.

We want our employees to reach their full potential, and we're committed to providing
training and development opportunities to help them advance in their careers and deliver
on HP's business objectives.

Our global training program aligns individual learning with business group and function
needs in support of HP's overall business strategy. Each employee creates a development
plan with their manager as part of their annual performance review. We are committed to
helping employees find new opportunities to grow within HP, and we aim to fill
vacancies with internal candidates before we advertise the position externally.

Our Growth Resource Center enables employees to enroll in a variety of classroom and e-
learning solutions. Offerings range from project management and professional business
skills to technical and sales training.

We continue to explore ways to deliver more effective training at lower costs than
classroom-based training. Our strategy is to emphasize on-the-job training and e-learning
that uses the latest technology. For example, we offer courses via Training Studio, where
instructors can deliver technical training via video link to multiple sites. This approach
reduces travel time and associated environmental impacts while enabling more people to
access training.

Our Career Development Frameworks provide employees with a summary of key roles
within HP to help them map their career. The frameworks are organized around a
common set of skills, knowledge and experience and are listed by career function. They
help employees most benefit from career development discussions with their managers
and provide information on how to set effective personal objectives. The framework

 Core learning that clarifies the values we expect from our leaders and how they
contribute to company strategy
 Personal learning that focuses on individual effectiveness and leadership
 Group learning that equips managers with the skills needed to get the best from
their team

We also support employees in pursuing external educational opportunities such as

conferences, seminars and technical certifications, as well as training at accredited

Our mandatory Standards of Excellence training helps employees implement company

policies, meet high standards of conduct, and ensure their behavior reflects company
values and policies. Topics include data privacy; environment, health and safety;
information security; and Standards of Business Conduct (SBC).

In 2012, the completion rate for the training course Our New SBC–Building Trust
Together exceeded 97 percent. The average time spent per enrolled learner in these web-
based training solutions was about two hours.

Training plans of Dell
At Dell, our team members never stop learning and growing. We encourage professional
and personal development so much that we've created an entire working culture around it.
Team members at Dell can expect a vast array of programs to increase skills in their
current role and develop leadership skills that can make a significant impact on their

Your development at Dell

We aspire to cultivate the confidence, drive and abilities in all of our team members,
which empower them to fulfill their potential. Career development at Dell is a
collaborative process between individual team members, mentors and the organization at
large. Working together, we can balance your aspirations and interests with Dell’s
strategy and goals, following through with a purposeful plan of action.

The Dell development model

At Dell, career development follows a 70/20/10 model, which encompasses personalized
development in three distinct categories:

 70 percent on-the-job experience

 Discover opportunities to strengthen your skills.
 Grow new strengths through stretch assignments and special projects.
 Develop a personal performance plan.
 20 percent learning through others
 Find a mentor through Dell’s Mentor Connect tool.
 Join a Dell Employee Resource Group.
 10 percent formal classes or training
 Take advantage of formal training opportunities.
 Review what you learn with your leader.
 Apply what you’ve learned to your role.

This model is an industry standard that’s proven most effective for team members across
departments and at varying career levels. Each individual team member is empowered to
use all resources available to them as they seek to fulfill their aspirations. Team members
work with their supervisor to develop an individual development plan (IDP) and follow
through by meeting set goals in a realistic time frame.

Dell continued success relies on teamwork and the opportunity each employee has to
learn and excel. Our winning culture mandates that we invest in people, value learning
and remain endlessly curious. We are committed to being a meritocracy and to
developing, retaining and attracting the best people, reflective of our marketplace.

Dell provides global talent management programs to develop people who can execute our
business strategy and meet customer needs. In the last five to ten years, our systems and
processes catapulted us into the Fortune 50 as an industry leader.

However, we face a major inflection point. With more than half of Dell’s workforce now
outside of the U.S., a significant portion of our key growth areas are in emerging
countries. Our current programs and processes must serve as springboards as we
regenerate and rejuvenate our talent and leadership development programs to meet
critical growth and expansion objectives.

Talent Planning
Dell continuously invests in processes and systems to place the right talent in the right
roles. In 2009, Dell’s Executive Leadership Team and Board of Directors conducted

Performance Planning
Dell’s performance management system links individual goals with organizational
performance. The system helps identify the next generation of Dell leaders and elevate
the performance of all Dell employees.

The performance management process requires annual formal reviews, the calibration of
talent and allocation of performance rewards and promotions — all decisions in line with
being a meritocracy. Throughout the year, managers provide employees with ongoing
feedback, coaching, training and on-the-job development. Employees and managers
mutually create the employee-development plans.

This entire process aligns individual-performance objectives and career-development

planning with business and company goals and results. This plan evolves over time,
adjusting to internal and external changes.

Learning and Development

Our learning and development strategy is focused on three outcomes:

 a culture that fosters exceptional and agile organizational performance

 the best workforce teams in the industry
 superior individual- learning experiences
Dell creates learning experiences that draw from multiple approaches and styles. We
value on-the-job experience and assignments, and we also offer networking, coaching,
mentoring and formal learning programs. We offer tuition reimbursement for employees
and scholarship opportunities for the children of Dell’s U.S. employees.

Learning through Experience and Others

Dell employees work with managers to create well-rounded development plans to prepare
them for future roles. An ideal plan blends training with on-the-job experiences and
career moves and mentoring from co-workers and others. Employees build networks in
which they can give and receive feedback. Targeted external coaching is offered to
executives to provide guidance and support to help improve performance and grow
leadership capabilities. Dell employees may use the 360 review process to gain
performance insight and identify opportunities for growth and improvement.

Training and Learning Programs
Formal and informal learning programs foster individual and professional development.
Courses are directly tied to business needs and designed to address specific
competencies. Dell training courses help prepares employees for current and future roles.
Courses cover a range of topics, starting with on boarding processes and moving to more
complex topics such as business process improvement (BPI) and sales and compliance
training. In the last five years, Dell made significant investments in manager and
leadership development, including the addition of two new online tools:

Organizational Culture of HP:

The organization culture of Hewlett-Packard is also known as “The H-P Way”. Within
the context of “The H-P Way”, the employees of the organization together with the
management are expected to follow a saying “Don’t Be Evil”. The H-P Way is
supposedly to be honest in all its operations and in all of the information coming out from
the business organization. But, one cannot remove the fact that not all information are
going out and being spread out to the whole world. It is for those with the information
power to keep a secret what they know and for the whole world to find out. This is what
happened to Hewlett-Packard (HP) that caused a catastrophe in the whole world. It was
said that the organization is not being honest and good at all. Thus, it resulted to the
whole world staying in the dark that made them look really evil.

Dell’s Corporate Culture

The corporate culture at Dell follows the home country standard, the United States
of America. Thus, employees are required to speak English in the work place. The
atmosphere is much the same as in the USA. This includes the corporate culture and
bureaucratic element to maintain convergence on administrative procedures. While
emphasizing convergence, Dell China also aims to localize itself in the community in its
mission to go global, act local. While keeping the overall brand image of Dell intact,
slight changes are made in order to appeal to the local Chinese consumer and become
insiders in the hard to penetrate market that is the People’s Republic of China.

There is a specific “soul of dell,” which effectively communicates the strategy that
employees have in order to be a winner in the market place.


DELL is a older organization, at this level the organization need to be effective and have a
obvious route. They are also a aggressive organization ,therefore need to keep an eye on the
long run in unique to product re modelling.



Leadership Styles
Hp is not just focus on one style. The company is focused on each strategy for getting the
customer satisfaction.

Hewlett-Packard named Carly Fiorina the first female CEO of a Fortune 20 company
with a

mandate to shake things up. HP wasn’t quite prepared for receiving just that. Fortune
magazine called

Carly Fiorina “The Most Powerful Woman in Business” added that Carly proved to be a

“world-class risk taker.” Carly led HP to a merger with Compaq Computers, which was

as one of the high-tech mergers in history and Carly’s risk taking endeavors charted a
new strategy to

help customers and consumers prosper in the digital age and she received numerous
awards for her

globalization of business.
Carly Fiorina held a job-centered leadership style. As a matter of fact, she was so job

and driven that a year after she arrived as CEO of HP she unveiled plans for a major

When her top executives told her it would take a year to pull it off, she ordered it done in
three months,

and it was. Employees said that keeping up with Fiorina could be trying and many said
that they didn’t

Think there was much “sleep going on” as Ms. Fiorina’s directives can consume days and

Many executives at HP called the phenomenon the “Fiorina Shakeup”. Indeed, where
Carly Fiorina

went wrong was exerting a truly authority-compliance leadership style that caused quite
an employee

turnover. Although Ms. Fiorina was successful in turning HP around in her six-year stint,

neglected to foster employee needs. Ms. Fiorina was high on the acquired needs theory
with her

employees, although she is a highly motivational speaker and was able to instill in her
employees their

need for achievement, power, and affiliation, she was not able to give her employees their
needs from

process motivation theories, including their personal lives and behaviors. The employee
equity wasn’t

there and executives started to complain that the employees were not prepared for this

reorganization. Another mistake Ms. Fiorina made was under-delegating. Carly Fiorina
was a very dynamic and headstrong leader. While she was able to move

mountains and “shake up” HP, and while she often gave very motivational speeches to
co-workers and

especially woman, she was lacking in several leadership areas.

Carly Fiorina was not able to delegate tasks. She would take on projects, re-organize

divisions and then was not able to let go and turn over to co-workers or employees the
tasks once she

had them in place. Another mistaken tactic of Carly’s was to move too fast and too
drastic with

changes. Many employees were not able to cope with the fast and hard changes she

creating a large employee turnover.

Hewlett-Packard is the world’s largest technology company, focusing on product
innovation for the cloud, security, and big data. In 2012, HP was awarded the #5 spot as a
Best Global Green Brand and winner of the 2013 Points of Light Corporate Engagement
award. As part of its tradition of civic engagement, HP provides each employee with 12
hours per quarter of paid volunteer time. The company needed an incentivized program to
help them reward employee volunteerism that:

→ Was easy to use

→ Increased employee participation

→ Encouraged the documentation of volunteer hours

→ Provided further benefits to local communities

Reward engaged employees with a charitable gift card

To execute its U.S. Rewards & Recognition program, HP partnered with Network for
Good to reward volunteering. All U.S. employees that report at least 10 hours of
volunteer work per quarter receives a $50 Good Card.

→ Employees are lauded for volunteering and enabled to give back.

Adding the Good Card to its existing volunteer program allows HP to recognize
individual achievements and enables employees to give more to their community without
spending their personal money or using vacation time.

→ Good Cards empower employees to donate to their chosen charity.

Historically, dollars-for-doers programs give matching grants to the charities where

employees volunteered. With the Good Card, employees have the opportunity to donate
to the charities of their choice. With more than 1 million charitable options, the causes
that HP’s employee can donate to are endless.

→ Successful volunteers receive a personalized reward.

Employees receive an individualized email with a Good Card code that can be redeemed

While physical cards are available, the use of electronic codes lets HP keep track of each
Good Card account and means that a lost card doesn’t result in a lost opportunity to

About Good Cards

The Good Card is a charity gift card that can be branded to any company’s needs. With
more than 1 million charities available, it gives employees the ability to spread help and
hope wherever they choose.


Benefits ,Rewards, Balance. Have it all at Dell.

Our people are the most critical component of our long-term success. So it’s no surprise,
then, how much time and effort we pour into creating a comprehensive benefits package
for all team members. We strive to provide the best choice and value at the best cost. Our
packages are competitive in the market and relevant to the various countries in which we

We're here to reward your achievements.
It's simple. We believe in rewarding our team members for a job well-done. All of our
professionals function as an essential part of a team. Our people achieve success by
meeting — and often exceeding — clearly defined and measurable objectives. When it
comes to compensation, Dell is committed to staying competitive in the market. We're
constantly reviewing the latest trends in labor costs to create desirable salary ranges.

Several departments have bonus and sales incentive programs to reward performance on
a company, business or individual level for the fiscal year. And long-term incentive
programs exist to reward individuals based on career level and performance.


Dell was named #7 on FORTUNE China's Top 100 Most Responsible Companies for its
strong corporate social responsibility strategy.

Logistics is defined as a business planning framework for the management of material,
service, information and capital flows. It includes the increasingly complex information,
communication and control systems required in today's business environment.

Logistics Services

Receive systems where you want them, when you want them, how you want
them .
By selecting the combination of logistics services that best complements your receiving
and deployment capabilities you can ensure products arrive in a manner that speeds your
deployment process.

Packaging – Ship box labeling enables you to track your new systems from the factory
to the end-user’s desk without removing the system from the box. You can receive your

products with the relevant documentation, and peripherals already properly collated with
our Drop in the Box service. We simply add the appropriate documentation or peripherals
to the shipping box for each product you order.

Warehousing – Lets you consolidate multiple orders into a single purchase order. We
can also consolidate multiple products and boxes for shipment to your site. We can even
create custom pallets and schedule delivery so that you receive your systems and
accessories all at once rather than one at a time. If you do not want all of your products
delivered at once, we can provide centralized inventory storage as well as timed and
staggered delivery per your specific rollout schedule.

Transportation - This service is designed to meet unique shipping logistics or

delivery requirements such as unique trucking and specific on time delivery not usually
covered via standard options. These services could include, lift gate delivery, time
specific delivery, “inside” delivery (not at dock), and unboxing of equipment w/trash
removal. If you have offices in multiple countries, we can ship systems to each site, even
to your end-user’s desk and provide the required Tax and Export compliance

Take advantage of our extensive global supply chain and

exceptional logistics capability.
Having hardware arrive at the right place and time is critical to the deployment process.
Dell Logistics services let you pre-determine the delivery to an exact location at a pre-set
time, including after business hours. This saves you time because you can have IT
resources in place when you need them — on the exact day the new systems arrive and
need to be up and running.

With such precision, you can confidently schedule deployment and staff IT resources.

3rd Deliverable

Chapter 6

HP and DELL Ratio Analysis - Two-Year Comparison

Liquidity ratios
Liquidity ratios measure a company’s ability to meet its maturing short-term obligations.
In other words, can a company quickly convert its assets to cash without a loss in value if
necessary to meet its short-term obligations? Favorable liquidity ratios are critical to a
company and its creditors within a business or industry that does not provide a steady and
predictable cash flow. They are also a key predictor of a company’s ability to make

timely payments to creditors and to continue to meet obligations to lenders when faced
with an unforeseen event.

Current Ratio = Current Assets / Current Liabilities

This ratio reflects the number of times short-term assets cover short-term liabilities and is
a fairly accurate indication of a company's ability to service its current obligations. A
higher number is preferred because it indicates a strong ability to service short-term
obligations. The composition of current assets is a key factor in the evaluation of this
ratio. Depending on the type of business or industry, current assets may include slow-
moving inventories that could potentially affect analysis of a company's liquidity how
long could it potentially take to convert raw materials and inventory into finished

(For this reason, the quick ratio may be preferable to the current ratio because it
eliminates inventory and prepaid expenses from this ratio for a more accurate gauge of a
company's liquidity and ability to meet short-term obligations.)

“The current ratio for Dell is 1.4, which compared to the HP of 1.1 indicates the
company's ability to service short-term obligations is satisfactory. However the value of
the quick ratio will provide a clearer indication of the company's success in this area.”

Ratio Quick
(Cash + Marketable Securities + Trade Accounts Receivable) / Current Liabilities

This ratio, also known as the acid test ratio, measures immediate liquidity - the number of
times cash, accounts receivable, and marketable securities cover short-term obligations.
A higher number is preferred because it suggests a company has a strong ability to
service short-term obligations. This ratio is a more reliable variation of the Current ratio
because inventory, prepaid expenses, and other less liquid current assets are removed
from the calculation.

The quick ratio for DELL is 1.1, which compared to the HP of 0.7 indicates the
company's ability to service short-term obligations is favorable. DELL has more
favorable ratio.

Defensive Interval Days

(Cash + Marketable Securities + Trade Accounts Receivable) / ((Operating Expenses -
Other Expenses - Interest Expense - Provision for Income Taxes - Depreciation Expense)
/ Days)

This ratio gauges the threat of insolvency for investors by calculating the number of days
a company can operate without any cash returns while meeting its basic operational costs.
In general, this number should be between 30 to 90 days.

Defensive interval days for DELL are 1211 and HP are 1164 days that indicates that the
company's degree of protection against insolvency may not be ideal. but compare for
these.HP have better.

Accounts Receivable to Working Capital

Trade Accounts Receivable / (Current Assets - Current Liabilities)

This ratio measures the dependency of working capital on the collection of receivables. A
lower number for this ratio is preferred, indicating that a company has a satisfactory level
of working capital and accounts receivable makes up an appropriate portion of current

The accounts receivable to working capital ratio for DELL is 1.2, and which compared to
the HP 3.9 indicates the company's performance may be insufficient in this area. Dell
have good ratio as compared to HP.

Inventory to Working Capital

Inventory / (Current Assets - Current Liabilities)

This ratio measures the dependency of working capital on inventory. A lower number for
this ratio is preferred indicating that a company has a satisfactory level of working capital
and inventory makes up a reasonable portion of current assets.

The inventory to working capital ratio for DELL is 0.2 , which compared to the HP of 1.2
indicates this HP ratio may not be in line with company goals. Dell have good ratio as
compared to HP.

Long Term Liabilities to Working Capital

Long Term Liabilities / (Current Assets - Current Liabilities)

This ratio measures the degree to which a company's long-term debt has been used to
replenish working capital versus fixed asset acquisition.

The long-term liabilities to working capital ratio for Dell is 1.7, which compared to the
HP of 6.8 indicates the value of this ratio is meeting the company's expectations. Dell
have better ratio as compared to HP.

Sales to Working Capital

Sales / (Current Assets - Current Liabilities)

This ratio measures a company's ability to finance current operations. Working capital
(current assets - current liabilities) is another measure of liquidity and the ability to cover
short-term obligations. This ratio relates the ability of a company to generate sales using
its working capital to determine how efficiently working capital is being used. In
general, a lower number is preferred because it indicates a company has a satisfactory

level of working capital. However, an exceptionally low number may indicate
inadequate sales levels are being generated.

The sales to working capital ratio for Dell is 7.8, which compared to the HP of 23.2
reveals that the company's level of working capital is strong. The company may want to
make an effort to generate additional sales using the available working capital. Dell Have
better ratio because 10 to 15 % industrial average for working capital. Dell’s ratio is near
to this.

Activity Ratios
Activity ratios provide a useful gauge of a company's operations by determining, for
example, the average number of days it takes to collect on customer accounts and the
average number of days to pay vendors. A key point to keep in mind when evaluating
these ratios is that seasonal fluctuations are not necessarily reflected in the numbers that
are derived from these calculations based on an account balance on one single day.

Accounts Receivable Turnover

Sales / Trade Accounts Receivable

This ratio measures the number of times receivables turn over in a year and reveals how
successful a company is in collecting its outstanding receivables. A higher number is
preferred because it indicates a shorter time between sales and cash collection.

The accounts receivable turnover for Dell is 6.3, which compared to the HP of 5.9
suggests that HP ratio is on target with company objectives.

Days Sales in Receivables

Trade Accounts Receivable / (Sales / Days)

This ratio measures the average number of days a company's receivables are outstanding.
A lower number of days is desired. An increase in the number of days receivables are
outstanding indicates an increased possibility of late payment by customers. Companies

should attempt to reduce the number of days sales in receivables in order to increase cash

The days sales in receivables for DELL is 57.6 days that indicates the company is NOT
effective in collecting outstanding receivables. And HP is 68.1.but if Dell has better than
HP ratio.

Operating Cycle Days

(Inventory / (Cost of Sales / Days)) + (Trade Accounts Receivable / (Sales / Days))

This ratio calculates the total conversion period for a company, or in other words, the
average number of days it takes to convert inventory into cash from sales. It is calculated
by adding together the days cost of sales in inventory to the days sales in receivables.
Evaluating this ratio can be helpful in gauging the effective ness of marketing,
determining credit terms to extend to customers, and collecting outstanding accounts.

The operating cycle days for Dell is is 68 days, which compared to the HP of 87 days
indicates the company may not be successfully minimizing the amount of time it takes to
convert products and services into cash. Dell’s ratio is better than HP.

Sales to Assets
Sales / Total Assets

This ratio measures a company's ability to produce sales in relation to total assets to
determine the effectiveness of the company's asset base in producing sales. A higher
number is preferred, indicating that a company is using its assets to successfully generate
sales. This ratio does not take into account the depreciation methods employed by each
company and should not be the only measure of effectiveness of a company in this area.

Sales to assets for Dell is 1.4, which compared to the HP of 1.2 indicates the company is
performing well in this area. Dell’s ratio se better than HP.

Sales to Net Fixed Assets

Sales / (Property and Equipment - Accumulated Depreciation)

This ratio measures a company's ability to effectively utilize its fixed assets to generate
sales. This ratio is similar to the sales to assets ratio, but it excludes current assets, long-
term investments, intangible assets, and other non-current assets. A higher number is
desired, indicating that a company productively uses its fixed assets to produce sales.
This ratio does not take into account the depreciation methods employed by each
company and should not be the only measure of effectiveness of a company in this area.
In addition, fixed assets that are almost fully depreciated and labor-intensive operations
may interfere with the interpretation of this ratio.

Sales to net fixed assets Dell is 29.2, which compared to the HP of 9.8 indicates the
company is making effective use of its fixed assets to generate sales. Dell’s ratio is better
than HP ratio.

Percent Depreciation Expense to Fixed Assets

Depreciation Expense / Property and Equipment * 100This ratio measures the
reasonableness and consistency of a company's depreciation expense over time.

The percent depreciation expense to fixed assets for Liberty Medical Group is 19%,
which compared to the baseline of 18% indicates that HP value of this ratio may not be
meeting the company's expectations. Dell is Better than HP ratios.

Percent Accumulated Depreciation to Fixed Assets

Accumulated Depreciation / Property and Equipment * 100

This ratio measures the cumulative percentage of productive asset costs a company has
allocated to operations. The percent accumulated depreciation to fixed assets Dell is

57%, which compared to the HP of 56% indicates both this ratio is Not on target with
company objectives.

Fixed Assets to Equity Net

(Property and Equipment - Accumulated Depreciation) / Total Equity

This ratio measures the extent to which investors' capital was used to finance productive
assets. A lower ratio indicates a proportionally smaller investment in fixed assets in
relation to net worth, which is desired by creditors in case of liquidation. Note that this
ratio could appear deceptively low if a significant number of a company's fixed assets are
leased.Net fixed assets to equity for Dell is 0.2, which compared to the HP of 0.4.

Profitability ratios
Profitability ratios measure a company’s ability to use its capital or assets to generate
profits. Improving profitability is a constant challenge for all companies and their
management. Evaluating profitability ratios is a key component in determining the
success of a company. It is important to note that all profitability ratio calculations are
based on earnings before taxes.

Percent Gross Profit

((Sales - Cost of Sales) / Sales) * 100

This ratio measures the gross profit earned on sales and reports how much of each sales
dollar is available to cover operating expenses and contribute to profits.

The percent gross profit for DELL is 22.00%, which compared to the HP of 23.00%.

Percent Profit Margin on Sales
Earnings before Taxes / Sales * 100

This ratio measures how much profit a company makes on each sales dollar received and
how well a company could potentially deal with higher costs or lower sales in the future.

The percent profit margin on sales for DELL is 7%, which compared to the HP of 6%
indicates sales are significantly contributing to the company's bottom line.

Percent Rate of Return on Assets

Earnings before Taxes / Total Assets * 100

This ratio measures how effectively a company's assets are being used to generate profits.
It is one of the most important ratios when evaluating the success of a business. A higher
number reflects a well managed company with a healthy return on assets. Heavily
depreciated assets, a large number of intangible assets, or any unusual income or
expenses can easily distort this calculation.

The percent rate of return on assets for DELL is 9%, which compared to the HP of 7%
indicates that Dell company successfully utilizes its asset base to generate profits as
compared to HP.

Percent Rate of Return on Equity

Earnings before Taxes / Total Equity * 100

This ratio expresses the rate of return on equity capital employed and measures the ability
of a company's management to realize an adequate return on the capital invested by the
owners in a company. A higher number is preferred for this commonly analyzed ratio.

The percent rate of return on equity for DELL is 48%, which compared to the HP of 24%
indicates that DELL company's management is performing effectively in this area.

Coverage ratios
Coverage ratios assess a company’s ability to meet its long-term obligations, remain
solvent, and avoid bankruptcy. It measures how well a company’s cash flow covers its
short-term financial obligations. Lenders evaluate coverage ratios to determine the
degree to which a company could become vulnerable when faced with economic
downturns. A company with a high level of debt poses a higher risk to long-term
creditors and investors.

Debt to Total Assets

Total Liabilities / Total Assets

This ratio measures what proportion of debt a company is carrying relative to its assets.
A ratio value greater than one indicates a company has more debt than assets. Naturally,
companies and creditors prefer a lower number.

The debt to total assets ratio for DELL is 0.8, which compared to the HP of 0.8 indicates
that both company should be able to withstand losses without harming creditor interests
or could obtain additional financing if desired.

Percent Owners Equity

Total Equity / Total Assets * 100

This ratio measures what proportion of total assets was provided by the owners equity.
The higher the number the more total capital has been contributed by owners and the less
by creditors.

The percent owners' equity ratio for DELL is 20%, which compared to the HP of 28%.

Equity Multiplier
Total Assets / Total Equity

This ratio measures the extent to which a company uses debt to finance its assets. The
higher the number is, the more a company is relying on debt to finance its assets.

The equity multiplier for DELL is 5.1, which compared to the HP of 3.5.

Debt to Equity
Total Liabilities / Total Equity

This ratio measures the financial leverage of a company by indicating what proportion of
debt and equity a company is using to finance its assets. A lower number suggests there
is both a lower risk involved for creditors and strong, long-term, financial security for a

The debt to equity ratio for DELL is 4.0, which compared to the HP of 2.9

Cash Flow to Current Maturities Long Term Debt

(Net Income + Depreciation Expense) / Current Portion of Long Term Debt

This ratio measures how well cash flow from operations covers current maturities. Since
cash flow is necessary for debt retirement, this ratio reveals a company's capabilit y to
repay existing debt and to take on additional debt. A higher number for this ratio is

The cash flow to current maturities long-term debt ratio DELL is 1.5, which compared to
the HP of 1.6.

Times Interest Earned

Earnings before Interest and Taxes / Interest Expense

This ratio measures a company's ability to meet interest payments. A higher number is
preferred, suggesting a company can easily meet interest obligations and can potentially
take on additional debt. Note that this particular ratio uses earnings before interest and
taxes because this is the income amount available to cover interest.

The times interest earned ratio for DELL is 15.9, which compared to the HP of 11.5.

Expense to sales ratios

Expense to sales ratios express specific expense items as a percentage of net sales.
Comparisons of expenses are more meaningful because net sales is used as a constant.
Extreme variations in these ratios are most pronounced between capital- and labor-
intensive industries.

Percent Depreciation to Sales

Depreciation Expense / Sales * 100

This ratio measures depreciation expense as a percentage of sales and is based on a

company's fixed assets and how quickly they are being depreciated or amortized, relative
to sales. Any depletion expenses should be included in this ratio as well. Note that
depreciation methods should also be considered when evaluating this ratio.

The percent depreciation to sales for DELL is 2%, which compared to the HP of 4%.

Detailed Ratio Analyses- group comparison
Hp & Dell
Liquidity Ratios:

Current Ratio
Current Assets / Current Liabilities

This ratio reflects the number of times short-term assets cover short-term liabilities and is
a fairly accurate indication of a company's ability to service its current obligations. A
higher number is preferred because it indicates a strong ability to service short-term

The current ratio for Dell is1.3, which compared to the baseline Hp of 1 indicates the
company's ability to service short-term obligations is satisfactory.

Quick Ratio
(Cash + Marketable Securities + Trade Accounts Receivable) / Current Liabilities

This ratio, also known as the acid test ratio, measures immediate liquidity - the number of
times cash,
Accounts receivable, and marketable securities cover short-term obligations. A higher
number is preferred because it suggests a company has a strong ability to service short-
term obligations. This ratio is a more reliable variation of the Current ratio because
inventory, prepaid expenses, and other less liquid current assets are removed from the

The quick ratio for Dell is 1.0, which compared to the baseline hp of 0.60 indicates the
company's ability to service short-term obligations is favorable.

Defensive Interval Days
(Cash + Marketable Securities + Trade Accounts Receivable) / ((Operating Expenses -
Other Expenses
- Interest Expense - Provision for Income Taxes - Depreciation Expense) / Days)

This ratio gauges the threat of insolvency for investors by calculating the number of days
a company can operate without any cash returns while meeting its basic operational costs.
In general, this number should be between 30 to 90 days.

Defensive interval days for Dell are 1125.9 days and for hp are 994.8 that indicates that
the company's degree of protection against insolvency may be ideal.

Accounts Receivable to Working Capital

Trade Accounts Receivable / (Current Assets - Current Liabilities)

This ratio measures the dependency of working capital on the collection of receivables. A
lower number for this ratio is preferred, indicating that a company has a satisfactory level
of working capital and accounts receivable makes up an appropriate portion of current

The accounts receivable to working capital ratio for Dell is 1.67, which compared to the
baseline hp of 36.9 indicates the company's performance may be sufficient in this area.

Inventory to Working Capital

Inventory / (Current Assets - Current Liabilities)

This ratio measures the dependency of working capital on inventory. A lower number for
this ratio is preferred indicating that a company has a satisfactory level of working capital
and inventory makes up a reasonable portion of current assets.

The inventory to working capital ratio for Dell is 0.2, which compared to the baseline hp
of 12.9 indicates this ratio may be in line with company goals.

Long Term Liabilities to Working Capital

Long Term Liabilities / (Current Assets - Current Liabilities)

This ratio measures the degree to which a company's long-term debt has been used to
replenish working capital versus fixed asset acquisition.

The long-term liabilities to working capital ratio for Dell is 1.7, which compared to the
baseline hp of 69.9 indicates the value of this ratio is meeting the company's

Sales to Working Capital

Sales / (Current Assets - Current Liabilities)

This ratio measures a company's ability to finance current operations. Working capital
(current assets - current liabilities) is another measure of liquidity and the ability to cover
short-term obligations. This ratio relates the ability of a company to generate sales using
its working capital to determine how efficiently working capital is being used. In general,
a lower number is preferred because it indicates a company has a satisfactory level of
working capital. However, an exceptionally low number may indicate inadequate sales
levels are being generated.

The sales to working capital ratio for Dell are 10.0, which compared to the baseline of hp
219.8 reveals that the company's level of working capital is strong. The company may
want to make an effort to generate additional sales using the available working capital.

Activity Ratios:

Accounts Receivable Turnover

Sales / Trade Accounts Receivable

This ratio measures the number of times receivables turn over in a year and reveals how
successful a company is in collecting its outstanding receivables. A higher number is
preferred because it indicates a shorter time between sales and cash collection.

The accounts receivable turnover for Dell is 6.2, which compared to the baseline hp of
5.9 indicates this ratio is on target with company objectives.

Days Sales in Receivables

Trade Accounts Receivable / (Sales / Days)

This ratio measures the average number of days a company's receivables are outstanding.
A lower number of days are desired. An increase in the number of days receivables are
outstanding indicates an increased possibility of late payment by customers. Companies
should attempt to reduce the number of day’s sales in receivables in order to increase
cash flow.

The day’s sales in receivables for Dell are 58.9 days that indicates the company is
effective in collecting outstanding receivables by comparing with peer group (hp) that is

Operating Cycle Days

(Inventory / (Cost of Sales / Days)) + (Trade Accounts Receivable / (Sales / Days))

This ratio calculates the total conversion period for a company, or in other words, the
average number of days it takes to convert inventory into cash from sales. It is calculated
by adding together the days cost of sales in inventory to the days sales in receivables.
Evaluating this ratio can be helpful in gauging the effectiveness of marketing,
determining credit terms to extend to customers, and collecting outstanding accounts.

The operating cycle days for Dell is 67.7 days, which compared to the baseline hp of
89.40 day’s, indicates the company is successfully minimizing the amount of time it takes
to convert products and services into cash.

Sales to Assets
Sales / Total Assets

This ratio measures a company's ability to produce sales in relation to total assets to
determine the effectiveness of the company's asset base in producing sales. A higher
number is preferred, indicating that a company is using its assets to successfully generate

Sales to assets for Dell is 1.6, which compared to the baseline hp of 1.0 indicates the
company is performing well in this area.

Sales to Net Fixed Assets

Sales / (Property and Equipment - Accumulated Depreciation)

This ratio measures a company's ability to effectively utilize its fixed assets to generate
sales. This ratio is similar to the sales to assets ratio, but it excludes current assets, long-
term investments, intangible assets, and other non-current assets. A higher number is
desired, indicating that a company productively uses its fixed assets to produce sales.

Sales to net fixed assets for Dell is 24.3, which compared to the baseline hp of 10.4
indicates the company is making effective use of its fixed assets to generate sales.

Percent Depreciation Expense to Fixed Assets

Depreciation Expense / Property and Equipment * 100

This ratio measures the reasonableness and consistency of a company's depreciation
expense over time.

The percent depreciation expense to fixed assets for Dell is 18.3%, which compared to
the baseline of hp 19.6% indicates the value of this ratio is meeting the company's

Percent Accumulated Depreciation to Fixed Assets

Accumulated Depreciation / Property and Equipment * 100

This ratio measures the cumulative percentage of productive asset costs a company has
allocated to operations.

The percent accumulated depreciation to fixed assets for Dell is 53.1%, which compared
to the baseline hp of 51.70% indicates this ratio is not on target with company objectives.

Net Fixed Assets to Equity

(Property and Equipment - Accumulated Depreciation) / Total Equity

This ratio measures the extent to which investors' capital was used to finance productive
assets. A lower ratio indicates a proportionally smaller investment in fixed assets in
relation to net worth, which is desired by creditors in case of liquidation. Note that this
ratio could appear deceptively low if a significant number of a company's fixed assets are

Net fixed assets to equity for Dell is 0.4, which compared to the baseline hp of 0.3
indicates the company's performance may be insufficient in this area.

Profitability Ratios:

Percent Gross Profit
((Sales - Cost of Sales) / Sales) * 100

This ratio measures the gross profit earned on sales and reports how much of each sales
dollar is available to cover operating expenses and contribute to profits.

The percent gross profit for Dell is 17.50%, which compared to the baseline hp of 23.4%,
is not a good indication of financial health for the company.

Percent Profit Margin on Sales

Earnings before Taxes / Sales * 100

This ratio measures how much profit a company makes on each sales dollar received and
how well a company could potentially deal with higher costs or lower sales in the future.

The percent profit margin on sales for Dell is 3.8%, which compared to the baseline hp of
7.1% indicates sales are not significantly contributing to the company's bottom line.

Percent Rate of Return on Assets

Earnings before Taxes / Total Assets * 100

This ratio measures how effectively a company's assets are being used to generate profits.
It is one of the most important ratios when evaluating the success of a business. A higher
number reflects a well managed company with a healthy return on assets. Heavily
depreciated assets, a large number of intangible assets, or any unusual income or
expenses can easily distort this calculation.

The percent rate of return on assets for Dell is 6.0%, which compared to the baseline hp
of 6.9% indicates the company successfully utilizes its asset base to generate profits but
lower than its competitor.

Percent Rate of Return on Equity

Earnings before Taxes / Total Equity * 100

This ratio expresses the rate of return on equity capital employed and measures the ability
of a company's management to realize an adequate return on the capital invested by the
owners in a company. A higher number is preferred for this commonly analyzed ratio.

The percent rate of return on equity for Dell is 35.9%, which compared to the baseline hp
of 23.3% indicates the company's management is performing effectively in this area.

Coverage Ratios:

Debt to Total Assets

Total Liabilities / Total Assets

This ratio measures what proportion of debt a company is carrying relative to its assets. A
ratio value greater than one indicates a company has more debt than assets. Naturally,
companies and creditors prefer a lower number.

The debt to total assets ratio for Dell is 0.8, which compared to the baseline hp of 0.7
indicates the company should be able to withstand losses without harming creditor
interests or could obtain additional financing if desired.

Percent Owners Equity

Total Equity / Total Assets * 100

This ratio measures what proportion of total assets was provided by the owners equity.
The higher the number the more total capital has been contributed by owners and the less
by creditors.

The percent owners' equity ratio for Liberty Dell is 16.8%, which compared to the
baseline hp of 29.8% indicates the company may not own an adequate or large enough
portion of its asset base.

Equity Multiplier
Total Assets / Total Equity

This ratio measures the extent to which a company uses debt to finance its assets. The
higher the number is, the more a company is relying on debt to finance its assets.

The equity multiplier for Dell is 6.0, which compared to the baseline hp of 3.4 indicates
the company's assets are highly leveraged and the company could be considered a risk by

Debt to Equity
Total Liabilities / Total Equity

This ratio measures the financial leverage of a company by indicating what proportion of
debt and equity a company is using to finance its assets. A lower number suggests there is
both a lower risk involved for creditors and strong, long-term, financial security for a

The debt to equity ratio for Dell is 5.0, which compared to the baseline hp of 2.4
indicates there may be some issues with the way the company is financed.

Cash Flow to Current Maturities Long Term Debt
(Net Income + Depreciation Expense) / Current Portion of Long Term Debt

This ratio measures how well cash flow from operations covers current maturities. Since
cash flow is necessary for debt retirement, this ratio reveals a company's capability to
repay existing debt and to take on additional debt. A higher number for this ratio is

The cash flow to current maturities long-term debt ratio for Dell is 3.4, which compared
to the baseline hp of 1.5 indicates the company is in a strong position to meet its current
obligations on long-term debt based on its current cash flow.

Times Interest Earned

Earnings before Interest and Taxes / Interest Expense

This ratio measures a company's ability to meet interest payments. A higher number is
preferred, suggesting a company can easily meet interest obligations and can potentially
take on additional debt.
Note that this particular ratio uses earnings before interest and taxes because this is the
income amount available to cover interest.

The times interest earned ratio for Dell is 13.6, which compared to the baseline hp of
13.9 indicates the company's interest coverage is not sufficient.

Expense to sale ratio:

Percent Depreciation to Sales

Depreciation Expense / Sales * 100

This ratio measures depreciation expense as a percentage of sales and is based on a

company's fixed assets and how quickly they are being depreciated or amortized, relative
to sales. Any depletion expenses should be included in this ratio as well. Note that
depreciation methods should also be considered when evaluating this ratio.

The percent depreciation to sales for Dell is 1.6%, which compared to the baseline hp of
3.9% indicates the company is performing well in this area.




Liquidity ratios measure a company’s ability to meet its maturing short-term obligations.
In other words, can a company quickly convert its assets to cash without a loss in value if
necessary to meet its short-term obligations? Favorable liquidity ratios are critical to a
company and its creditors within a business or industry that does not provide a steady and
predictable cash flow. They are also a key predictor of a company’s ability to make
timely payments to creditors and to continue to meet obligations to lenders when faced
with an unforeseen event.

Current Ratio
Current Assets / Current Liabilities
This ratio reflects the number of times short-term assets cover short-term liabilities and is
a fairly accurate indication of a company's ability to service its current obligations. A
higher number is preferred because it indicates a strong ability to service short-term
obligations. The composition of current assets is a key factor in the evaluation of this
ratio. Depending on the type of business or industry, current assets may include slow-
moving inventories that could potentially affect analysis of a company's liquidity how
long could it potentially take to convert raw materials and inventory into finished
products? (For this reason, the quick ratio may be preferable to the current ratio because
it eliminates inventory and prepaid expenses from this ratio for a more accurate gauge of
a company's liquidity and ability to meet short-term obligations.

The current ratio for Dell company is 1.19, which compared to the baseline of 1
indicates the company's ability to service short-term obligations is good.

Quick Ratio
This ratio, also known as the acid test ratio, measures immediate liquidity - the number of
times cash,
accounts receivable, and marketable securities cover short-term obligations. A higher
number is preferred because it suggests a company has a strong ability to service short-
term obligations. This ratio is a more reliable variation of the Current ratio because
inventory, prepaid expenses, and other less liquid current assets are removed from the
calculation. The quick ratio for Liberty Dell Group is 1.13, which compared to the
baseline of 1 indicates the company's ability to service short-term obligations is good.

Sales to Working Capital

Sales / (Current Assets - Current Liabilities)
This ratio measures a company's ability to finance current operations. Working capital
(current assets -current liabilities) is another measure of liquidity and the ability to cover
short-term obligations. This ratio relates the ability of a company to generate sales using
its working capital to determine how efficiently working capital is being used. In general,
a lower number is preferred because it indicates a company has a satisfactory level of
working capital. However, an exceptionally low number may
indicate inadequate sales levels are being generated.
The sales to working capital ratio for dell company is 12.57, which compared to the
baseline of 15.22 reveals that the company have a satisfactory working capital position.
The following list includes several suggestio ns Dell company should consider to
improve the
liquidity ratios:
 Reduce days in accounts receivable to improve current assets by evaluating
accounts receivable on amore frequent basis and take a more assertive stance in
the collection of accounts receivable and delinquent accounts.

 Prepare thorough cash forecasts and evaluate the company's ability to meet goals
on a regular basis.
 Consider paying off short-term obligations if the cash position of the company is
 Consider converting short-term debt to long-term debt.
 Reduce levels of non-moving inventory.

Activity ratios provide a useful gauge of a company's operations by determining, for
example, the average number of days it takes to collect on customer accounts and the
average number of days to pay vendors. A key point to keep in mind when evaluating
these ratios is that seasonal fluctuations are not necessarily reflected in the numbers that
are derived from these calculations based on an account balance on one single day.
The following list includes several suggestions Dell company should consider to
improve the accounts receivable turnover and days sales in receivables ratios:
 Prepare aging schedules to determine how long receivables have been
outstanding. The company should review these on a regular basis to look for
patterns in delinquent accounts. Communicate with customers and apply
increasing pressure to pay as the number of days outstanding increases.
 Develop a strategy to deal with problem customers and delinquent accounts.
 Invoice customers in a timely manner.
 Enforce credit policies to require credit references of new customers; to evaluate
the credit currently extended to each customer, and to update credit terms for your
valuable and problem customer accordingly.
 Implement customer incentives to encourage prompt payment such as discounts

Sales to Assets
Sales / Total Assets

This ratio measures a company's ability to produce sales in relation to total assets to
determine the effectiveness of the company's asset base in producing sales. A higher
number is preferred, indicating that a company is using its assets to successfully generate
sales. This ratio does not take into account the depreciation methods employed by each
company and should not be the only measure of effectiveness of a company in this area.
Sales to assets for Dell company is 1.20, which compared to the baseline of 8.50
indicates the company's performance in this area is lacking and management should
consider taking measures to improve this ratio.

Sales to Net Fixed Assets

Sales / (Property and Equipment - Accumulated Depreciation)
This ratio measures a company's ability to effectively utilize its fixed assets to generate
sales. This ratio is similar to the sales to assets ratio, but it excludes current assets, long-
term investments, intangible assets, and other non-current assets. A higher number is
desired, indicating that a company productively uses its fixed assets to produce sales.
This ratio does not take into account the depreciation methods employed by each
company and should not be the only measure of effectiveness of a company in this area.
In addition, fixed assets that are almost fully depreciated, and labor-intensive
operations may interfere with the interpretation of this ratio.
Sales to net fixed assets for Dell company is 10.74, which compared to the baseline of
20.10 indicates the company is not making use of its fixed assets to effectively generate
sales. The following list includes several suggestions Dell company should consider to
improve the sales to assets and sales to fixed assets ratios:
 Consider leasing rather than purchasing assets, or consider purchasing used
 Carefully evaluate all asset purchases to determine how the asset will directly and
indirectly affect
sales. Be sure to consider maintenance costs, warranties, salvage values, and the
impact of changing technology in relation to the purchase of new equipment.
 Consider liquidating under-utilized assets or developing alternative uses to
generate revenue from under-utilized assets.

 Maintain detailed records for all assets the company currently owns or leases.
 Ensure all equipment is properly maintained and evaluate its overall condition and
within operations at least once a year.
 Eliminate any unnecessary, extravagant assets. Assets should have a direct or
indirect impact on
 Set monthly or quarterly sales goals and provide incentives to salespeople.
 Create customer promotions, offer discounts and expand product lines to
encourage sales.

Net Fixed Assets to Equity

(Property and Equipment - Accumulated Depreciation) / Total Equity
This ratio measures the extent to which investors' capital was used to finance productive
assets. A lower ratio indicates a proportionally smaller investment in fixed assets in
relation to net worth, which is desired by creditors in case of liquidation. Note that this
ratio could appear deceptively low if a significant number of a company's fixed assets are
leased. Net fixed assets to equity for dell company is 0.50, which compared to the
baseline of 3.90 indicates the company's performance is bad in this area.

Profitability Ratios:
Profitability ratios measure a company’s ability to use its capital or assets to generate
profits. Improving profitability is a constant challenge for all companies and their
management. Evaluating profitability ratios is a key component in determining the
success of a company. It is important to note that all profitability ratio calculations are
based on earnings before taxes.

Percent Rate of Return on Assets

Earnings before Taxes / Total Assets * 100

This ratio measures how effectively a company's assets are being used to generate profits.
It is one of the most important ratios when evaluating the success of a business. A higher
number reflects a well managed company with a healthy return on assets. Heavily
depreciated assets, a large number of intangible assets, or any unusual income or
expenses can easily distort this calculation. The percent rate of return on assets for Dell
company is 4.12%, which compared to the baseline of 11.10%indicates there is a need
for improvement in this area to ensure the company can remain competitive and continue
to operate successfully.

Percent Rate of Return on Equity

Earnings before Taxes / Total Equity * 100
This ratio expresses the rate of return on equity capital employed and measures the ability
of a company's management to realize an adequate return on the capital invested by the
owners in a company. A higher number is preferred for this commonly analyzed ratio.
The percent rate of return on equity for dell company is 26.60%, which compared to the
baseline of 40.20% indicates management may not be effectively managing the profits
earned based on the owners investment in the company.
The following list includes several suggestions dell company should consider to improve
profitability ratios:
 Require management to utilize budgets to track expenses on a regular basis, and
identify those that are out of line. Assign specific individuals or departments to be
responsible for different cost centers.
 Reduce operating costs. In general, one dollar saved in expense is worth at least
three or four extra sales dollars generated.
 Negotiate with vendors to lower costs and have companies submit bids for large
capital expenditures.
 Consider leasing instead of purchasing assets or consider purchasing used

 Consider liquidating under-utilized assets or creating alternative uses to generate
revenue from under -utilized assets.
 Coverage ratios assess a company’s ability to meet its long-term obligations,
remain solvent, and avoid b bankruptcy. It measures how well a company’s cash
flow covers its short-term financial obligations.
 Lenders evaluate coverage ratios to determine the degree to which a company
could become vulnerable when faced with economic downturns.
 A company with a high level of debt poses a higher risk to long-term creditors
and investors.

Coverage Ratios:

Debt to Equity
Total Liabilities / Total Equity
This ratio measures the financial leverage of a company by indicating what proportion of
debt and equity a company is using to finance its assets. A lower number suggests there is
both a lower risk involved for creditors and strong, long-term, financial security for a
The debt to equity ratio for dell company is 3.45, which compared to the baseline of 5.4
indicates the company is financed in a good way and have low risk.

Times Interest Earned

Earnings before Interest and Taxes / Interest Expense
This ratio measures a company's ability to meet interest payments. A higher number is
preferred, suggesting a company can easily meet interest obligations and can potentially
take on additional debt. Note that this particular ratio uses earnings before interest and
taxes because this is the income amount available to cover interest. The times interest
earned ratio for dell company is -11.65, which compared to the baseline of 4.60 indicates
the company's interest coverage may not be sufficient.

The following list includes several suggestions dell company should consider to improve
the coverage ratios:
 Examine the company’s debt to uncover areas needing improvement and create a
long range action plan to address these areas and pay down debt.
 Increase equity by increasing earnings.
 Minimize the overall amount of debt to decrease interest expenses.
 Reduce interest payments by evaluating financing alternatives and possibly
refinancing existing debt.

Expense to sale ratio:

Expense to sales ratios express specific expense items as a percentage of net sales.
Comparisons of expenses are more meaningful because net sales is used as a constant.

Percent Depreciation to Sales

Depreciation Expense / Sales * 100
This ratio measures depreciation expense as a percentage of sales and is based on a
company's fixed assets and how quickly they are being depreciated or amortized, relative
to sales. Any depletion expenses should be included in this ratio as well. Note that
depreciation methods should also be considered when evaluating this ratio. The percent
depreciation to sales for dell company is 2%, which compared to the baseline of 1.70%
indicates the company is not performing well in this area.




Liquidity ratios measure a company’s ability to meet its maturing short-term obligations.
In other words, can a company quickly convert its assets to cash without a loss in value if
necessary to meet its short-term obligations? Favorable liquidity ratios are critical to a
company and its creditors within a business or industry that does not provide a steady and
predictable cash flow. They are also a key predictor of a company’s ability to make
timely payments to creditors and to continue to meet obligations to lenders when faced
with an unforeseen event.

Current Ratio
Current Assets / Current Liabilities
This ratio reflects the number of times short-term assets cover short-term liabilities and is
a fairly accurate indication of a company's ability to service its current obligations. A
higher number is preferred because it indicates a strong ability to service short-term
obligations. The composition of current assets is a key factor in the evaluation of this
ratio. Depending on the type of business or industry, current assets may include slow-
moving inventories that could potentially affect analysis of a company's liquidity how
long could it potentially take to convert raw materials and inventory into finished
products? (For this reason, the quick ratio may be preferable to the current ratio because
it eliminates inventory and prepaid expenses from this ratio for a more accurate gauge of
a company's liquidity and ability to meet short-term obligations.
The current ratio for Hp company is 1.10, which compared to the baseline of 1 indicates
the company's ability to service short-term obligations is good.

Quick Ratio
This ratio, also known as the acid test ratio, measures immediate liquidity - the number of
times cash, accounts receivable, and marketable securities cover short-term obligations.
A higher number is preferred because it suggests a company has a strong ability to

service short-term obligations. This ratio is a more reliable variation of the Current ratio
because inventory, prepaid expenses, and other less liquid current assets are removed
from the calculation.
The quick ratio for Liberty Dell Group is 0.97, which compared to the baseline of 1
indicates the company's ability to service short-term obligations is not good.

Sales to Working Capital

Sales / (Current Assets - Current Liabilities)
This ratio measures a company's ability to finance current operations. Working capital
(current assets - current liabilities) is another measure of liquidity and the ability to cover
short-term obligations. This ratio relates the ability of a company to generate sales using
its working capital to determine how efficiently working capital is being used. In general,
a lower number is preferred because it indicates a company has a satisfactory level of
working capital. However, an exceptionally low number may indicate inadequate sales
levels are being generated.
The sales to working capital ratio for hp company is 23.18, which compared to the
baseline of 15.22 reveals that the company have not a satisfactory working capital
The following list includes several suggestions Hp company should consider to improve
the liquidity ratios:
 Reduce days in accounts receivable to improve current assets by evaluating
accounts receivable on amore frequent basis and take a more assertive stance in
the collection of accounts receivable and delinquent accounts.
 Prepare thorough cash forecasts and evaluate the company's ability to meet goals
on a regular basis.
 Consider paying off short-term obligations if the cash position of the company is
 Consider converting short-term debt to long-term debt.
 Reduce levels of non-moving inventory.

Activity ratios provide a useful gauge of a company's operations by determining, for
example, the
average number of days it takes to collect on customer accounts and the average number
of days to
pay vendors. A key point to keep in mind when evaluating these ratios is that seasonal
fluctuations are
not necessarily reflected in the numbers that are derived from these calculations based on
an account
balance on one single day.
The following list includes several suggestions Hp company should consider to improve
accounts receivable turnover and days sales in receivables ratios:
 Prepare aging schedules to determine how long receivables have been
outstanding. The company should review these on a regular basis to look for
patterns in delinquent accounts. Communicate with customers and apply
increasing pressure to pay as the number of days outstanding increases.
 Develop a strategy to deal with problem customers and delinquent accounts.
 Invoice customers in a timely manner.
 Enforce credit policies to require credit references of new customers; to evaluate
the credit currently extended to each customer, and to update credit terms for your
valuable and problem customer accordingly.
 Implement customer incentives to encourage prompt payment such as discounts
and additional

Sales to Assets
Sales / Total Assets
This ratio measures a company's ability to produce sales in relation to total assets to
determine the effectiveness of the company's asset base in producing sales. A higher

number is preferred, indicating that a company is using its assets to successfully generate
sales. This ratio does not take into account the depreciation methods employed by each
company and should not be the only measure of effectiveness of a company in this area.
Sales to assets for Hp company is 1.06, which compared to the baseline of 8.50 indicates
the company's performance in this area is lacking and management should consider
taking measures to improve this ratio.

Sales to Net Fixed Assets

Sales / (Property and Equipment - Accumulated Depreciation)
This ratio measures a company's ability to effectively utilize its fixed assets to generate
sales. This ratio is similar to the sales to assets ratio, but it excludes current assets, long-
term investments, intangible assets, and other non-current assets. A higher number is
desired, indicating that a company productively uses its fixed assets to produce sales.
This ratio does not take into account the depreciation methods employed by each
company and should not be the only measure of effectiveness of a company in this area.
In addition, fixed assets that are almost fully depreciated, and labor-intensive operations
may interfere with the interpretation of this ratio.
Sales to net fixed assets for Hp company is 3, which compared to the baseline of 20.10
indicates the company is not making use of its fixed assets to effectively generate sales.
The following list includes several suggestions Hp company should consider to improve
the sales
to assets and sales to fixed assets ratios:
 Consider leasing rather than purchasing assets, or consider purchasing used
 Carefully evaluate all asset purchases to determine how the asset will directly and
indirectly affect
sales. Be sure to consider maintenance costs, warranties, salvage values, and the
impact of changing technology in relation to the purchase of new equipment.
 Consider liquidating under-utilized assets or developing alternative uses to
generate revenue from under-utilized assets.
 Maintain detailed records for all assets the company currently owns or leases.

 Ensure all equipment is properly maintained and evaluate its overall condition and
within operations at least once a year.
 Eliminate any unnecessary, extravagant assets. Assets should have a direct or
indirect impact on
 Set monthly or quarterly sales goals and provide incentives to salespeople.
 Create customer promotions, offer discounts and expand product lines to
encourage sales.

Net Fixed Assets to Equity

(Property and Equipment - Accumulated Depreciation) / Total Equity
This ratio measures the extent to which investors' capital was used to finance productive
assets. A lower ratio indicates a proportionally smaller investment in fixed assets in
relation to net worth, which is desired by creditors in case of liquidation. Note that this
ratio could appear deceptively low if a significant number of a company's fixed assets are
Net fixed assets to equity for hp company is 1.50, which compared to the baseline of
3.90 indicates the company's performance is bad in this area.

Profitability Ratios:
Profitability ratios measure a company’s ability to use its capital or assets to generate
profits. Improving profitability is a constant challenge for all companies and their
management. Evaluating profitability ratios is a key component in determining the
success of a company. It is important to note that all profitability ratio calculations are
based on earnings before taxes.

Percent Rate of Return on Assets

Earnings before Taxes / Total Assets * 100
This ratio measures how effectively a company's assets are being used to generate profits.
It is one of the most important ratios when evaluating the success of a business. A higher

number reflects a well managed company with a healthy return on assets. Heavily
depreciated assets, a large number of intangible assets, or any unusual income or
expenses can easily distort this calculation.
The percent rate of return on assets for Hp company is 6.16%, which compared to the
baseline of 11.10%indicates there is a need for improvement in this area to ensure the
company can remain competitive and continue to operate successfully.

Percent Rate of Return on Equity

Earnings before Taxes / Total Equity * 100
This ratio expresses the rate of return on equity capital employed and measures the ability
of a company's management to realize an adequate return on the capital invested by the
owners in a company. A higher number is preferred for this commonly analyzed ratio.
The percent rate of return on equity for hp company is 23.87%, which compared to the
baseline of 40.20% indicates management may not be effectively managing the profits
earned based on the owners investment in the company.
The following list includes several suggestions hp company should consider to improve
profitability ratios:
 Require management to utilize budgets to track expenses on a regular basis, and
identify those that are out of line. Assign specific individuals or departments to be
responsible for different cost centers.
 Reduce operating costs. In general, one dollar saved in expense is worth at least
three or four extra sales dollars generated.
 Negotiate with vendors to lower costs and have companies submit bids for large
capital expenditures.
 Consider leasing instead of purchasing assets or consider purchasing used
 Consider liquidating under-utilized assets or creating alternative uses to generate
revenue from under -utilized assets.

 Coverage ratios assess a company’s ability to meet its long-term obligations,
remain solvent, and avoid b bankruptcy. It measures how well a company’s cash
flow covers its short-term financial obligations.
 Lenders evaluate coverage ratios to determine the degree to which a company
could become vulnerable when faced with economic downturns.
 A company with a high level of debt poses a higher risk to long-term creditors
and investors.

Coverage Ratios:

Debt to Equity
Total Liabilities / Total Equity
This ratio measures the financial leverage of a company by indicating what proportion of
debt and equity a company is using to finance its assets. A lower number suggests there is
both a lower risk involved for creditors and strong, long-term, financial security for a
The debt to equity ratio for hp company is 2.88, which compared to the baseline of 5.4
indicates the company is financed in a good way and have low risk.

Times Interest Earned

Earnings before Interest and Taxes / Interest Expense
This ratio measures a company's ability to meet interest payments. A higher number is
preferred, suggesting a company can easily meet interest obligations and can potentially
take on additional debt. Note that this particular ratio uses earnings before interest and
taxes because this is the income amount available to cover interest. The times interest
earned ratio for hp company is -11.48, which compared to the baseline of 4.60 indicates
the company's interest coverage may not be sufficient.
The following list includes several suggestions hp company should consider to improve
coverage ratios:

 Examine the company’s debt to uncover areas needing improvement and create a
long range action plan to address these areas and pay down debt.
 Increase equity by increasing earnings.
 Minimize the overall amount of debt to decrease interest expenses.
 Reduce interest payments by evaluating financing alternatives and possibly
refinancing existing debt.

Expense to sale ratio:

Expense to sales ratios express specific expense items as a percentage of net sales.
Comparisons of expenses are more meaningful because net sales is used as a constant.

Percent Depreciation to Sales

Depreciation Expense / Sales * 100
This ratio measures depreciation expense as a percentage of sales and is based on a
company's fixed assets and how quickly they are being depreciated or amortized, relative
to sales. Any depletion expenses should be included in this ratio as well. Note that
depreciation methods should also be considered when evaluating this ratio. The percent
depreciation to sales for hp company is 14.99%, which compared to the baseline of
1.70% indicates the company is very bad performing in this area.

Chapter 7

Hp- Overview of the Financial Results

The table below gives information about the main financial results of Goldstar's activities during the entire period analyzed.

Indicator Value, in millions dollar Change Average

2011 2012 2013 millions $ ±% value,
millions $
(col.4 - (4-2) : 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1. Revenue 127,245 120,357 112,298 -14,947 - 119,967
2. Cost of sales 97,529 92,385 86,380 -11,149 - 92,098
3.Gross profit (1-2) 29,716 27,972 25,918 -3,798 - 27,869

4. Other income and expenses, except Finance 16,720 16,899 16,402 -318 - 16,674
costs 1.90191388
5. EBIT (3-4) 12,996 11,073 9,516 -3,480 -26.77747 11,195
5a. EBITDA 14,661 -5,962 11,742 -2,919 - 6,814
6. depriciation and interest charges 5,679 5,971 5,232 -447 - 5,627
7. Income tax expense (from continuing -1,908 -717 -1,397 511 - -1,341
operations) 26.7819706
8. Profit (loss) from continuing operations 7,074 -12,650 5,113 -1,961 - -154
(5+6+7) 27.7212327
9. Profit (loss) from discontinued operations – – – – – –
10. Profit (loss) (8+9) 7,074 -12,650 5,113 -1,961 - -154
11. Other comprehensive income – – – – – –
12. Comprehensive income (10+11) 7,074 -12,650 5,113 -1,961 - -154

During the year 2013, the revenue was equal to $112,298 million. For the entire period
analyzed, the revenue reduced appreciably (by $14,947 millions, or by 11.74%). The
change in revenue is demonstrated on the chart. For the last year, the gross profit was
equal to $ 25,918 millions. For the 3 years, it was observed that there was a significant
lowering in the gross profit, which showed $3,798 millions.

For the period from 01.01.2013 to 31.12.2013, the company posted a gross profit and
earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT), which was $ 9,516 millions. The final
comprehensive income for Goldstar was $ 5,113 millions during the last year.




80,000 Series1

12. Comprehensive
40,000 income (10+11)


2011 2012 2013

Profitability Ratios
Profitability ratios Value in Change
2011 2012 2013 (col.4 -
1 2 3 4 5
1. Gross margin. 23.35% 23.24% 23.08% -0.27%
2. Return on sales (operating 10.70% 15.30% 14.80% 4.10%

3. Profit margin. 7.06% -9.91% 5.80% -1.26%

All three profitability ratios given in the table have positive values during the last year, as
the company gained gross profit and comprehensive income from operational and
financial activity for this period. The gross margin was equal to 23.08% during the period
from 01.01.2013 to 31.12.2013, that is slightly lower (-0.27%) than the gross margin for
the year 2011.

The profitability calculated by earnings before interest and taxes (Return on sales) is
more important from a comparative analyses point of view. The return on sales was 0.15
or 14.8% per annum for the year 2013, while the profit margin was 5.8% per annum.

profit marjin
Return on sale
Gross margin
2011 2012 2013

2011 2012 2013
1 2 3 4 5 6
Return on equity (ROE) 23.25% -53.19% 23.87% 0.62% ROE is calculated by taking a year's worth of
earnings (net profit) and dividing them by the
average shareholder equity for that period, and
is expressed as a percentage. It is one of the
most important financial ratios and profitability
metrics. Acceptable value: no less than 12%.
Return on assets (ROA) 6.93% -10.97% 6.16% - ROA is calculated by dividing net income by
0.77% total assets, and displayed as a percentage.
Acceptable value: no less than 6%.

The return on assets amounted to 6.16X% for the period 01.01.2010–31.12.2013. For the
last 3 years, it was verified that there was an appreciable decrease in the return on assets,
which showed -0.77%. The return on assets had an acceptable value during the whole of
the period.

The most important ratio of business profitability is the return on equity (ROE), which
reflects the profitability of investments by the owners. The profitability of the owners'
investments in Goldstar's assets was 23.87% per annum for the period from 01.01.2013 to
31.12.2013. It is quite a high rate, but to get a more reliable assessment of the obtained
rate, other rates should also be taken into account; including macroeconomic data (for
example, rate of inflation in the country).
The change in the main rates of return on assets and equity of Goldstar is demonstrated in
the following chart for the period reviewed (from 31 December, 2007 to 31 December,




2011 2012 2013
-10.00% ROE

-20.00% ROA





Analysis of the Business Activity (Turnover Ratios)
In the following table, the calculated rates of turnover of assets and liabilities describe
how fast prepaid assets and liabilities to suppliers, contractors and staff are effected.
Turnover ratios have strong industry specifics and depend on activity. This is why an
absolute value of the ratios does not permit making a qualitative assessment. When assets
turnover ratios are analyzed, an increase in ratios (i.e. velocity of circulation) and a
reduction in circulation days are deemed to be positive dynamics. There is no well-
defined interaction for accounts payable and capital turnover. In any case, an accurate
conclusion can only be made after the reasons that caused these changes are considered.

Turnover ratio Value, days Rati Ratio Change,

201 201 201 o 2013 days

1 2 3 2011 (col.4 -

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Receivables turnover (days sales outstanding) 62 60 62 5.9 5.9 +4

(average trade and other current receivables divided by

average daily revenue*)

Accounts payable turnover (days payable outstanding) 55 53 59 6.6 6.2 +5

(average current payables divided by average daily


Inventory turnover (days inventory outstanding) 28 25 26 13.0 14.3 -3

(average inventory divided by average daily cost of sales)

* Calculation in days. Ratio value is equal to 365 divided by days outstanding.

According to the above table, the average collection period (Days Sales Outstanding), calculated based on the data during the last
year, was 62 days, while average repayment period for credit debts (Days Payable Outstanding) was 59 days.

Dell- Overview of the Financial Results

The table below gives information about the main financial results of Goldstar's activities during the entire period analyzed.

Indicator Value, in millions dollar Change Average

2011 2012 2013 millions $ ±% value,
millions $
(col.4 - (4-2) : 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1. Revenue 61,494 62,071 56,940 -4,554 - 60,168
2. Cost of sales 50,098 48,260 44,754 -5,344 - 47,704
3.Gross profit (1-2) 11,396 13,811 12,186 790 6.93225693 12,464

4. Other income and expenses, except Finance 7,963 9,380 9,174 1,211 15.2078362 8,839
5. EBIT (3-4) 3,433 4,431 3,012 -421 - 3,625
5a. EBITDA 4,403 5,367 4,156 -247 - 4,642
6. depriciation and interest charges 1,216 1,296 1,514 298 24.5065789 1,342
7. Income tax expense (from continuing -715 -748 -469 246 - -644
operations) 34.4055944
8. Profit (loss) from continuing operations 2,635 3,492 2,372 -263 - 2,833
(5+6+7) 9.98102467
9. Profit (loss) from discontinued operations – – – – – –
10. Profit (loss) (8+9) 2,635 3,492 2,372 -263 - 2,833
11. Other comprehensive income – – – – – –
12. Comprehensive income (10+11) 2,635 3,492 2,372 -263 - 2,833

During the year 2013, the revenue was equal to $56,940 million. For the entire period
analyzed, the revenue reduced appreciably (by $4,554 millions, or by 7.40%). The
change in revenue is demonstrated on the chart. For the last year, the gross profit was
equal to $ 12,186 millions. For the 3 years, it was observed that there was a significant
lowering in the gross profit, which showed $,790 millions.

For the period from 01.01.2013 to 31.12.2013, the company posted a gross profit and
earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT), which was $ 3,012 millions. The final
comprehensive income for Goldstar was $ 2,635 millions during the last year.




40,000 Series1

30,000 12. Comprehensive

income (10+11)


2011 2012 2013

Profitability Ratios
Profitability ratios Value in Change
2011 2012 2013 (col.4 -
1 2 3 4 5
1. Gross margin. 18.53% 22.25% 21.40% 2.87%
2. Return on sales (operating 10.70% 15.30% 14.80% 4.10%
3. Profit margin. 5.45% 6.83% 4.99% -0.46%

All three profitability ratios given in the table have positive values during the last year, as
the company gained gross profit and comprehensive income from operational and
financial activity for this period. The gross margin was equal to 21.40% during the period
from 01.01.2013 to 31.12.2013 that is slightly greater (2.87%) than the gross margin for
the year 2011.

The profitability calculated by earnings before interest and taxes (Return on sales) is
more important from a comparative analyses point of view. The return on sales was
14.8% per annum for the year 2013, while the profit margin was 4.99% per annum.

profit marjin
Return on sale
Gross margin
2011 2012 2013

2011 2012 2013

1 2 3 4 5 6
Return on equity (ROE) 43.14% 47.55% 26.60% -16.54% ROE is calculated by taking a year's worth of
earnings (net profit) and dividing them by the
average shareholder equity for that period, and is
expressed as a percentage. It is one of the most
important financial ratios and profitability
metrics. Acceptable value: no less than 12%.

Return on assets (ROA) 8.68% 9.52% 5.98% -2.70% ROA is calculated by dividing net income by
total assets, and displayed as a percentage.
Acceptable value: no less than 6%.

The return on assets amounted to 26.60% for the period 01.01.2010–31.12.2013. For the
last 3 years, it was verified that there was an appreciable decrease in the return on assets,
which showed -16.54%. The return on assets had an acceptable value during the whole of
the period.

The most important ratio of business profitability is the return on equity (ROE), which
reflects the profitability of investments by the owners. The profitability of the owners'
investments in Goldstar's assets was 5.98% per annum for the period from 01.01.2013 to
31.12.2013. It is quite a high rate, but to get a more reliable assessment of the obtained
rate, other rates should also be taken into account; including macroeconomic data (for
example, rate of inflation in the country).
The change in the main rates of return on assets and equity of Goldstar is demonstrated in
the following chart for the period reviewed (from 31 December, 2007 to 31 December,

25.00% ROE

20.00% ROA

2011 2012 2013

Analysis of the Business Activity (Turnover Ratios)
In the following table, the calculated rates of turnover of assets and liabilities describe
how fast prepaid assets and liabilities to suppliers, contractors and staff are effected.
Turnover ratios have strong industry specifics and depend on activity. This is why an
absolute value of the ratios does not permit making a qualitative assessment. When assets
turnover ratios are analyzed, an increase in ratios (i.e. velocity of circulation) and a
reduction in circulation days are deemed to be positive dynamics. There is no well-
defined interaction for accounts payable and capital turnover. In any case, an accurate
conclusion can only be made after the reasons that caused these changes are considered.

Turnover ratio Value, days Rati Ratio Change,

201 201 201 o 2013 days

1 2 3 2011 (col.4 -

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Receivables turnover (days sales outstanding) 60 58 63 6.1 5.8 +4

(average trade and other current receivables divided by

average daily revenue*)

Accounts payable turnover (days payable outstanding) 74 89 93 4.9 3.9 +5

(average current payables divided by average daily


Inventory turnover (days inventory outstanding) 9.4 10.6 11 38.5 32.4 -3

(average inventory divided by average daily cost of sales)

* Calculation in days. Ratio value is equal to 365 divided by days outstanding. According to the above table, the average collection
period (Days Sales Outstanding), calculated based on the data during the last year, was 63 days, while average repayment period for
credit debts (Days Payable Outstanding) was 93 days.

Key ratio summary of HP

During the year 2013, the revenue was equal to $112,298 million. For the entire period
analyzed, the revenue reduced appreciably (by $14,947 millions, or by 11.74%). The
change in revenue is demonstrated on the chart. For the last year, the gross profit was
equal to $ 25,918 millions. For the 3 years, it was observed that there was a significant
lowering in the gross profit, which showed $3,798 millions.

For the period from 01.01.2013 to 31.12.2013, the company posted a gross profit and
earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT), which was $ 9,516 millions. The final
comprehensive income for Goldstar was $ 5,113 millions during the last year.

All three profitability ratios have given positive values during the last year, as the
company gained gross profit and comprehensive income from operational and financial
activity for this period. The gross margin was equal to 23.08% during the period from
01.01.2013 to 31.12.2013, that is slightly lower (-0.27%) than the gross margin for the
year 2011.

The profitability calculated by earnings before interest and taxes (Return on sales) is
more important from a comparative analyses point of view. The return on sales was 0.15
or 14.8% per annum for the year 2013, while the profit margin was 5.8% per annum.
The return on assets amounted to 6.16X% for the period 01.01.2010–31.12.2013. For the
last 3years, it was verified that there was an appreciable decrease in the return on assets,
which showed -0.77%. The return on assets had an acceptable value during the whole of
the period.
The most important ratio of business profitability is the return on equity (ROE), which
reflects the profitability of investments by the owners. The profitability of the owners'
investments in Goldstar's assets was 23.87% per annum for the period from 01.01.2013 to
31.12.2013. It is quite a high rate, but to get a more reliable assessment of the obtained
rate, other rates should also be taken into account; including macroeconomic data (for
example, rate of inflation in the country).

The average collection period (Days Sales Outstanding), calculated based on the data
during the last year, was 62 days, while average repayment period for credit debts (Days
Payable Outstanding) was 59 days.

Key ratio summary of DELL

During the year 2013, the revenue was equal to $56,940 million. For the entire period
analyzed, the revenue reduced appreciably (by $4,554 millions, or by 7.40%). The
change in revenue is demonstrated on the chart. For the last year, the gross profit was
equal to $ 12,186 millions. For the 3 years, it was observed that there was a significant
lowering in the gross profit, which showed $,790 millions.

For the period from 01.01.2013 to 31.12.2013, the company posted a gross profit and
earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT), which was $ 3,012 millions. The final
comprehensive income for Goldstar was $ 2,635 millions during the last year.

All three profitability ratios have given positive values during the last year, as the
company gained gross profit and comprehensive income from operational and financial
activity for this period. The gross margin was equal to 21.40% during the period from
01.01.2013 to 31.12.2013 that is slightly greater (2.87%) than the gross margin for the
year 2011.

The profitability calculated by earnings before interest and taxes (Return on sales) is
more important from a comparative analyses point of view. The return on sales was
14.8% per annum for the year 2013, while the profit margin was 4.99% per annum.
The return on assets amounted to 26.60% for the period 01.01.2010–31.12.2013. For the
last 3 years, it was verified that there was an appreciable decrease in the return on assets,
which showed -16.54%. The return on assets had an acceptable value during the whole of
the period.

The most important ratio of business profitability is the return on equity (ROE), which
reflects the profitability of investments by the owners. The profitability of the owners'
investments in Goldstar's assets was 5.98% per annum for the period from 01.01.2013 to

31.12.2013. It is quite a high rate, but to get a more reliable assessment of the obtained
rate, other rates should also be taken into account; including macroeconomic data (for
example, rate of inflation in the country).
, the calculated rates of turnover of assets and liabilities describe how fast prepaid assets
and liabilities to suppliers, contractors and staff are effected. Turnover ratios have strong
industry specifics and depend on activity. This is why an absolute value of the ratios does
not permit making a qualitative assessment. When assets turnover ratios are analyzed, an
increase in ratios (i.e. velocity of circulation) and a reduction in circulation days are
deemed to be positive dynamics. There is no well-defined interaction for accounts
payable and capital turnover. In any case, an accurate conclusion can only be made after
the reasons that caused these changes are considered.
The average collection period (Days Sales Outstanding), calculated based on the data
during the last year, was 63 days, while average repayment period for credit debts (Days
Payable Outstanding) was 93 days





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