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~1A~;J~T ;J1L1lJ
'1.1 h,..,.ljC
M.II M'l ~"'I\ it
,-+ nlHi ~i,.,.
oft,.t: h.·"'''k Y .t.~t-I\'e Jlcroht-I\Y'I! 6T111\h
I' ,'h 1111 "'eDta,·':f· ?'"hCo.·'" tnl)-t'l"" feD",
2S111 Year No. 86


'-m~ -': C 6"A'

IlT"-;""'I' .. I"~l.~_ 16 ,?V
6a"o/e~.• I",,~ • Proclamation-No.l 144/2019

1'117"1:') '"I11.,e"" 1\"~ 1K" Ifiit~f!1ji Transaction of Minerals . Ratification

Proclamation ~ Page 11641




lh. ""tk Y .t.~t-I\'e Jl croht-I\Y'e 6,.111\h 111 00,)'"I1t"" WHEREAS, the Constitution of the Federal Democratic
"''};11, ouftt.·'" f·"l.'I'C' IJ11"" '11\0.·.,. 00')'"I1t""'i ,'h,,11 Republic of Ethiopia, provides that the Right to Ownership of

rJolJl,",oI f"7".~'} IJlI''''9'" h·"ool.'" 0:\1\ Y t\(J)<,} all-natural resources of Ethiopia is exclusively vested in the
r..,.,I,f,,"'pc,·l· Ode.., ~,}Jloot- "71:1.'"1 hltl.l\1. t1''i Government and its People. Thus, it becomes necessary to

rJOD''')" of: I regulate the transaction of mineral resources after production;

rIN\·'}S'" ,.r.'I:,. "7"Y:,} '"I1IY.·'" t\"7It"''''·.,.. ,'h.')'e pC"'" WHEREAS, it has become necessary to put in place a
r\"7"'111J' t\oocS\(lJlIlC fflll.YIt':f·A. I' ell.., .,,,.,.,,: fflll.Yltl.A..., regulatory framework that promote, regulate and control the
'Ii OOD1·)".,: I transaction of all mineral resources;

~"7"1:,} ..,.,I,e.... pC,·.,.'} IIoo'i'l! 11"7~'I.'" tlCf. t\h.fl'iflll. WHEREAS, it has become necessary to modernize the
~fIII.YOl.h"'6)o'} hlt·,."2t 't\~~.., f"Y.YIt':f·A. f..,.,I,e·.,. mineral transaction scheme so as to create a proper structure

,,·.,C,"" OD~lIlC hit 1.1\ 'I. oot1''I. 1tt\:I'oo'lIl""I that enhances the contribution of the sector to the National
Federal Negarit Gazette No ..86, IS" August 2019

WHEREAS, it has become crucial to determine the

·4· 1\1)4\+ DtCi pAIIJ")Ci
O"7c)J~'") "111",••: 4\", fDt ••••• "'''II)C
roles, Powers and Duties of all stakeholders that participate in
ODCDfI")1\fl.cAt IIODtI'~ I
mineral transaction;
NOW, THERFORE, in accordance with Article 55 (1)
1IJ\.+r-k.f .c..~t-4\'f! -'l'l"ht-n.f'f! tT111\.h ,'h1 OD")"IP+
of the Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of
,,").,.'"jl; (Ii) ODIPI.. •.,.. fOY.h"'l\OJ- ;rOJ-:!...A II
Ethiopia, it is hereby proclaimed as follows:


,. b.,C ctO
1. Short Title
",11 "'P~ "f'"lb'(-") "I11.f.·""
This Proclamation may be cited as the "Transaction of
Iiit Iif.~!/~itlli "u "'''11\'' I\.m.,.fl
Minerals Proclamation No. 1144/2019."
I. tc,., 2. Definition
f ..4"1\. "11)11 fl,4\ +C=iDlt f~.fflmfD- I)AtI'., IIfl•••.,.C
In this Proclamation, unless the context otherwise requires:
IIllU "'P~ OJ-fl1'l-
1. "Mineral" means any mineral substance of economic
Ii. ""7b.f:")" "71\''''' "7Ci:ffD-9" 'P;J .f1\fD- IImllJCl 1I.c.•••·c1
value, produced, whether in solid, liquid or gaseous
CD"'9" 1I;J1I ooAh 1I••• .c.1't: IIODt.+ 4\,(', CD.f.9"
form, occurring naturally on or within the earth or in or
(I)ofll' 1 1IOJ-~ OJ-fl1' CD.f.9" flC fOY.1~ 1Ii(>afr>i( y'~•.,..
CD.f.9" IN.;I~SJ'l· f"'~ml.. ntl'") .,.~9" nA .,.~t:
under water and which is formed by or subjected to
. "

geological process and includes any mineral occurring

nCDIIJCi •••s-s. f .••.,.1\1\ '"Ib.f.:") 1\IIA 1\.c.C CD.f.9"
in residue stockpiles or in residue deposits but
h.,.t .f'"lb.~") hrl·+ OJ-fl1' f'''ODI..'~ '"Ib.~")")
excludes:"t-A I tl'li9" f~h"'A··""") 1\"C9"I-
a. Any other water and Geothermal water used for
VI hOJ-fllll' '"Ib.~") A'"IOJ-I,,+ hOY.e&A "')~ ""'1''"1 a"~ industrial, bathing, recreational and medical purpose
nfl ••• »c i AJ\.")~.fl,""tl AOD;rm(l.fl AODlICi~l "Ci other than water used for the extraction of any
A,'hh9"Ci fDt~"A fi(""'C"7A n"~ "Ci i\.4\6)o") n"~l mineral such as brine;

i\I 1\"11)11 I)I\OJ- f"~~ ,'h"l +C=iDlt foy,tI''''1: f:,..c.1't: b) Products of Natural gas and Petroleum as defined in
".f...,.."Ci ;JlIJ the relevant petroleum law;

c) Top soil and products of oil shale;

2. "Precious Mineral" means precious metallic mineral

I. "flllll.. '"Ib'(-") " "71\~"" "")~ T4\t")f9"l CDC:"Ci 11C
such as platinum, gold, silver or precious stones such
rODfll\ fhlll.. 111..·.,..'I" "7b'(-") flJ.f.9" "")~ 1\A "7111
as diamond, ruby, emerald, sapphires products and
~(l: h.ODt-Af..·l "'~fC .fl\ hhlll.. f..'");J,(', f •••ODI..•••
includes other minerals as the ministry may, by
ntl"): '"I.tfl·~~ IIODODt.f fhnl.. '"Ibf..·") 11ft-
Directives, so designate;
. roy.fI",ODOJ-") "7Ci:fOJ-")9" i\.4\ "7b'(-") ,f.aJ.9"t-A i
Federal Negarit Gazette No ..I6. 15 • August 2019 page

r. ·Oh4f.Afhlll "761:')· "7".}- ""7"1'(lJ'~·}-· f"7.CD-AdJ1' .

3. "Semi-Precious Mineral" means mineral used for'
fDf,'J" O"'l.1'~'I!' h1'('~.)- f"'lIJool A1'( t!"~"".l-t jewelers such as opal, rhodolite, olivine, jadite, .
1-l\.ii11 1-.'J'AIJl'Jl.f'.)-'1"".t-".)- roo"''' "761:1 C\1I'11 lazurite and includes any other mineral the Ministry
fhfl~ "71:'1.)-1 "'"a..9""C "7,t"-t~ Ooooo6.f' OhdoA may, by Directives designate as such, excluding
fhOl "7/J1.:1-111\-f"7.""ooCD-1 "71~CD-19""""" "7111:1 precious minerals;
"1J.l. 'J" t-A I

!. •.••
l.)- ~h "7/J.('1· "7".)- A1'( -Ill.)-1 00"'-111~"'''.
4. "Metallic Mineral" means any produced metallic
AC"'/If hC'''7"'}-1 th.A. ~1 ~"9"" A'I "" ;Jt" 1'00"''' mineral such as iron, copper, zinc, lid, chromites,
",61:1 C\tI'11 fhll~'1 otldoA fhll~ ",61:'1.)-1 nickel, tantalum and manganese and includes any
"''''J''C "7.t"-t~ lloooo6.f' -Ill'}- ~.. ",61:1 -111\- other mineral the ministry may, by directives,
"ODfDo1""" ",/J.('1 "a..9""t-A
f"7.••• I designate as such, excluding precious and semi-
precious minerals;

l;. ·f",q~ ..,/J.(''1'}-. ",,,.)- "''1:fID-9"" O+1'~9"" II'~

,."'' ' ' 6 OD111: "tt1"·}-t-h'n1 O.,.•.•,.)-~·}-
S. "Construction Mineral" means any mineral directly
or indirectly used as 'an input for construction
f"7..f'1".,A A1.( /J-II~"l.('1 .,t-'1 "'}-1 ""9"""""1
purposes such as marble, granite, limestone, basalt,
qtJA.)-1 hli1'1 mmC. A. .,tro-lIt-".)-'1 nlh" hl.C
sand, aggregate, ignimbrite, and clay and includes
fOD"''' "7/J1:1 C\tI'1. "7. t"·t~ lloooo6.f' ftt1".)-t-h'lf1
any other non metallic minerals the ministry may
"7/J1:1•••t\- f"7.,.."ooCD-1""" "761:11 "a..9""t-A I
designated as such by Directives;

~. ·1')\,1'-;'''.)-6 ",/J.('1· ",,,.)- O+1'~9"" II'~ 0"'''1'1'6

6. "Industrial Mineral" means any mineral directly or
"J\.1.-;.n·}-6 O"-II'.)-~.)- f"'l..f'1".,A A1'(' ta1-1\.
indirectly used as industrial input such as kaolin,
fJ.1"''1f,·}-1~C.)-1'1 fI:1~" h•••
A. ""9"""""1 ;r~'lfl
bentonite, quartz, coal, limestone, potash, gypsum,
~""''''I ":117.'" flih" hl.C'I .,t-4.".}- 1'00"'''
pumice, clay, graphite and includes any other
"71~1D'''' ",/J.('1 C\1I'11 -Ill.)- ~h'l fhfl~'1 otldoA
minerals the ministry may, by directives, designate as
. fhfl~ ",61:'1.)-1 "'"a;t9""C D?t"-t~ lloooo6.f'
such, excluding metallic, precious or semi-precious
fJ\.1~,".)-6 ",/J1:1 -111\-f"7.•••"ooCD-1 "71~CD-19""""" minerals;
",/J.('1 f,a..9""t-A I

~. -.,-11".)-· ",,,.)- ",/J'(''1'}-1 "'-''(, ,,,,,, "oi..,••.l-t 7. "Transaction" means any activity related to the
"OD.f'11J ""'~~11J fI/J.( 'l"fI-I1 lID- .f' ""''';J:( ~ I
purchase, custody, transport, crafting, refining,
""'IlJt-'}-1 ""':""1'1 fI.,1C ID-"'I" "ooli1' dJ"9"" dJ'(
smelting, sale locally or export of minerals for
. .,1C "OD"" f"7,h'ldJ1 "''1:fCD-9"""'''QC ~CD-I
commercial purposes;
Hijf.n~§ 11644
'l~ J.y'u\ +
~"••• ;J/I,nl ••• "C ~I" ii
~"I\. ..t, rttui 't;r Federal Negarit Gazette No,;86, IS!h August 2019., ..,.;page·

~."h~t-{U·"''' "'II\'r 11fJ1C dJoII... 1'",001.'1: mC~e; 'IIC 8. "Suppliers" means a buyer of locally produced
"'Ib1.·e;·.,.'} htlt;J'P. h¥"t-l' lIori...,IJ"" I\1I,h.t-'P. I}'}h minerals from legal miners and sale gold and si~r
hIJA i hmc~e; 11C OJ-'':1. JIll· fhll~e; ilh4LA fhll~ to national bank precious or semi-precious minerals
"'Ib1:e;..,.'} "~h.?'l·m,P,¥" foo:"t.~ fbl. •••1111 1..:1'1: to exporters or holders of lapidary license and the
~~:fOJ- "e; MH.tI h"'m"'~'''' dJoQ.1. JIll·""'} "'Ib1.·e;·.,. remaining minerals to the users'; ,

""'m:1'Uf.?,l· foo7i ••• P't- ~tD. i

jj. "b~ •••1111""'I"'''' hhll~ (D,P,¥" IIh4LA hhll~ m,P,¥" 9. "Crafting" means the activity of molding precious;
h1Il'''' HI "'Ib.r:e;·.,. 1I"'1'}mC m,P,¥" lloo~l~ semi-precious or metallic minerals in their final
m,P,¥" 1'1"" 'I:,) dJoffl.·'" h IfJia~ t\. ~ :,.C ~ II"'IIIJI" shape by means of smithery, lapidary, or by
"'I b l.'e;..,. I' 00{J;l.I. if ~ C 'lT tD.'} " '} IIJ.','" 1''''11.'1...., combining the output from the two;

Ft· ~OJ-l

I· ""'I")mC" "'I""" fhll~ -fIt."" ~h "'Ib1:e;..,.")

10.. "Smithering" means undertaking smelting, molding
1\'''10:1'01/. ~;€;J' 11"'I.If,} ooAh· "'I~I\"'1 ~C~ and other similar activities of precious, semi-precious
"'ItD.IIJ·'"e; t\.I\"l· .,.00 •••••• ,P, .,...., I}t-.'" '} "'Ihe;m'} or metallic minerals' to finished products for
~lD'i consumption by end users;

Hi. ·oo~l~" U7/'".,. fhll~e; IIh~A fhll~ f"l.IfJ"l.•••

11. "Lapidary" means the cutting, molding, polishing
"'Ib1:e;'''',}fooQ;l,lifTOJ-'} ~C~ X·}llJ.','" I\"'I.r:t....,
and any other similar activities carried out on
fUf.he;m'} foocflt..... :"C~ f"'ldJollJ·"'. f"'ll\II1\IIe;
precious and semi-precious stone to shape them to be
t\.I\"l· •••00 ••••••
,P, ~t-sPl·'} "'Ihe;m") ~tp.i
ready for use; ,

•"'I1fJ ODC M • "'11\"" n"'I '} mC m '.f, ¥" lloo~t.~ Ft-

f","'t- JlI\.,..I\'''' m,P,¥" nh.l.A 12. "Combining" means using processed or semi
.f 1\.,.""" "l. ...
processed ornament to produce a combined
IIoo(ll'" ¥" 1'1"I\'I: •••¥" I...,.e; dJoffl.·'" flf~ fooQ.l.t. il'
ornament that has final shape by mearis of smithery
~CK' JlI\lD' .1.••• f"'l¥"t."" P't- ~o••i
or lapidary;
Ir. ""'I~I\.... "'1'1\"" mC~l -fIC IDJ.',¥" 111."". ~h
"'Ib1:e;·"''} 1\'IiJllil!' Il..,.CIl- lIOJ.l·Il· 00 A II· h~A{h 13. "Smelting" means the process of giving final shape
f"·I..Il10J0'} ~C~ f"'lIlJl" P't- ~0J0i to gold, silver or metallic minerals through smelting
, and make them ready for sale;

I! .""'IIIJt4-" "'11\ •.,. f11·t.·.,.~h"'lb1.·e;,.,.'} •••t-.'"

I\ouQ;l,ouC hOJ-IItIJTOJ- JlI\m-'} h~III..~'l. '} •••t. ~1C 14. "Refining" means the process of taking out of

"'IlIm11: m,P,'" h1lt.lD' JIll· .,.JIJlV "'Ib1:e;·"''} impurities or separation of different associated metals

1\001\1''''' f"Y.he;(D'} .,·...,I}C ~OJ-i from any metallic minerals to increase their carat
amount or purity;
Federal Neprit Guctte No..86, IS· AuSUSt 2019 p.p
"?A'''' 1111.11h'P~ 1:'),:J-&sPl· 00"'1.'''' 15. "License" means a trade license issued pursuant to
"?') ~ tIJo9'" f"?" 1..' Cj:" ..,11.e:" A"?hCj m') the provisions of this proclamation that ives a
mineral transaction right;

I}. "1'11:J>:" "? I.,:J165J. I'9'"fI hc mI..,.:"" ",1\:"

16. "Certificate of Competence" means a certificate
1I"'''1..'Cj:'' ..,11.e:" Fir I\.e Aoo/t.,.tt: f"'IJfll'lA
granted to approve the capability of an applicant to
1'').,1: ~:J>.f: I\",..,·r:,. -flck flAoolI'~ f"7.lI ••• "''II:
get a trade license to engage in minerals transaction;

IICj~ •.,." "? 1\:,. ", "I: Cj•.,. I'OOQ;l.1. :,.CJlT tIJo')
I~ "", ~o

17. "Processing" means washing, sm~lting, smithering,

"')Jl.e,,. f"'I\.r~ HY..sPl·') 110010"'9'" "'101 ••
crushing, cutting, decorating minerals by using
",:"1\"'1 "'')mC. OD~t;Q.:". 00+.1..... :"CA'
different methods and undertaking other related
"'fDo1,,:". ",fler1.. "Cj I\.fr>l· r".r.rV FlrsPlo')
activities to give their final shape;
", hCjm') '1en-!

I~. "fm-6J.'" I)AV-fI:"" ", A:" ftlJo6J.'" 1)1::J-1A m" 18. "Foreign Investors" means Foreign National or an
I\.:,.,. I;.r II", fl11):,. I\. 10 fI:" .r "1.1 fdJo6f.1' II.,:J
enterprise owned by foreign' nationals, having
m.e9'" 1Ien-"'f.I''J.1l' 1)1\0.:"'1:" f.,..rIJ I:C~:" fl.lI',)
invested foreign capital in Ethiopia, and includes an
"'" tIJo-"'"I)I\V11:" oo"'mC f~A1 oo"l1~ '1ert 'I":
Ethiopian permanently .residing abroad preferring
11m-6£" V1C fll''1 1\.:,.,.1; .r1!') .eQ;l.9'"1r1Ai
treatment as a foreign investor;

Ii!. "fV1C dJofl... I)AV11:"" ",A:" 1'1\.')ofl:"oo'):" 19. "Local Investors" means an Ethiopian having made
1)1::I'1A IIF Ir I\.e .r'P 1\ I\. :,.,. I;.r1! m.e 9'" an investment, or Government and Public Enterprises
OD')'"F:"')Cj fOD')'" F:" I'IA",:" 1..'C~:"') as well as a Foreign National of Ethiopian origin and"

"'Jl.,.r- "'" V1C fDofl... I)AV11:" oo"'mC I'~A1 preferring treatment as a domestic investor;
II:" en-IAI: I\.•.,.,. I;.r1! I'll' 'I I'en-""" V1C II..?')

f,bQ. 9'"IrIA i

ti'. "1\ h.'I''''" ", A•.,. mC:"Cj 11C fl.lI',) 1'00t;Q.1.~ 20. "Exporting" means the activity of buying gold and

:"CJlT(I)o') I'.rll o• 1\.I\••lo ",,,I:Cj •.,. fl.lI'1 lI •••to m.e9'" silver which are in their final shape, other mineral in
their processed or semi processed form, from miners,
IIh4f.1A f-I°llCj ~tIJo') hh9'"lrl'! h"" •••1111 mJl,9'"
holder of crafting or suppliers license for the purpose
hh:"lrll',:" I)I\~:J>I: 1100"''':'' CD" fDo61!'.V1C
of exporting;
rODI\h Fir '1en-!

ti'/i. "",h·,.I\I\tt:" ",1\:" ODit",l II"~ ",fI.rlh "'m-l.fll

21. "Transfer" means sale, encumbrance, inheritance,
OD~I..., mf,9'" 111\.1\ 11"" ~ dJo9'" OD')11: h,) I: lIdJo
assignment or any other means of transferring of the
.r 1\(1)0 1 OD11:"Cj ..,Y..:I' rI\.1\ lIfDo x 1 Jlll'1 "'1..'1...,
. Rights and Obligations to another party;
:UiitU~~ 11646
'1~ 4~1rA ~,,/.+ ;JJI,n, ."c 'K'i ~III\. II +'t ritHi , .•• Federal Negarit Gazette No ..86, IS • Augus\ 2019 p.gc
t)'f{. ".,.I.L r-c+: .,1\ ..,. .,"f:li· "''''li~, f"'l.1"f- 22. "By-products" means debris, discard, tailings, slimes,
,HICl)tl fD'P,cf::h"'CI 1I:1'.J!'1 4>if if hilA .('tt:C(l1 slurry, waste, ash or any other products derivedfrom
( .
4>if if 1 hoof: foo ••••••
" ...,. "'IT~ 'P ~ .f'\:fm-li 'P~ processing minerals including those that have value
ftl.'\:fm-') A')-tIJ'r IIhlJI)U, '\.e ?-.v,..,. t\..fF.C(t. or no value, or that causes or may not cause harmto
fll'/.l·,,· ( ?-.v,..,.f.,.f F.C(t.·"'') .f1J"":l'At the environment;

t)'r. "f..,A oom"'OIJ.r .,1\ ..,. 1\')..,f: ,'\., •••

.eIT') n« •.•..•
1 23. "Personal use" means the custody of gold and
1I't'l' ooAh f"'l.m.,.rO"" foo",,1. il' :,.C".') .f.fll precious metallic minerals, precious ornament or
(JJC:"li fhOI. ..•11."" ~h "".('')1 fhlli. f't'l' .,,,.('') semi-precious mineral by individual for non-
( IIhl.A fhOI. ""f:,) ~m-t commercial purpose which is in their final shape
ready for ornamental purpose;

Tl'Q. "L:1'.f: •••lJ..... 1)"p'AfIJ') • .,,, ..,. A,)F. h"'l)lI- 24. "License Issuing Authority" means as the case may be
f')"'.(·li h.1~ft""t lI'/.'lft-f;C ( h"'I) ..•1 .f"fD' the Ministry of Trade and Industry or any relevant
fhAA hlJA ~fD'I regional authority.

t)'?;. "f1I:1''''' ., 1.~1~ frfthc (JJ1."''''' •••, ••.•• 25. "Certificate of Competence Issuing Authority"
I) I\p'AflJ') " .,1\'''' A,)F.h"'l)lI- OJ.'lft·l:~ means as the case may be the Ministry or any
f"7"I:,) IICtt: P'&- fll'/.ool\h.,.(DofhAA hlJA ~(Dol regional authority responsible for managing the
mineral sector;

26. "Ministry" means the Ministry of Mines and


t)~. "hAA· "71\"" 1Ih."",.k.f 4C..F.&-'\fI!

27 . "State" means any regional state specified under
tT11t\.h m1 00,)"'P"'" h').,.2t !1~ (Ii)
article 47 (1) of the constitution of the Federal
f"'ODl\h.,.fD' "')~fD'r hAA "'IT') fh-tft hilI)
Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, and includes the
h·,."7 Ali f f:t..F.'P h,,,,, hft·,..v,F.COl·').eQ;l,r&-Ai
Addis Ababa and Dire Dawa city administrations;

t)~. "I)"h" "71\''''. f h.,..,.,.k.f ..•1"'-&-fI!I)')h ~m-i 28. "Bank" means the National Bank of Ethiopia;

t)ji. "fL:1'.f: ( f ..•I:1'·'" "1.~1ftl frfthc '(JJI.""'"

29. "Duration of a License or Certificate of
IIOD')" .,1\"" 1Ih.,..,.,.k.f flloo') h4>flJmC L:1'.f.·
Competence" means a duration of one year from the
( frfthc (JJI..,."" h'''''1mll'''' .,.') 1.rco
issuance of a license or certificate of competence, in
fUJ.4>mCf h ').(. hoo"" .1.11. ~(Do i
the Ethiopian Calendar;
~. "fn1."" 'ou..,." .,1\"" Oh.,,,,,,.k.f h4>flJm(; hdlrt\. Ii
30. "Budget Year" means from the period of July 08 up
.,.') 1.rco Afth •••
). ~ .,.') .f 1\ (Do 1.11. ~(Do I
to July 07, according to the Ethiopian calendar;
UI.Il'~ 11647
11' t"~+.,..,..,.'PC 'ltl
IJ,.Uo t'~ II •••, rl(.!~••". Fedenl Ncprit Ow.cttc No..l6. 15" A••••••' 2019 P••
t!J1i· ·teco-" ..,1\'''' ''''L'''~teco- ",,,,. fI.l.., ,teco-)'''' 31. "Person" means any NatW'a1or Juridical Person;
OD"'+ ,.,·temco-"itA )CO-l

t!Jf· "'ODQ;l,l~ ~CA"" ..,1\'' ' fI..,6.(-'i·'" "" 1\.•••• 32. "Final Shape" means to add value to minerals fu
flODAl-ODC I\.,A "''''''I..r ",,,r "'''1.~ produce jewelry and ornaments to get final aeSthetic
A,-t.r11\.,A '.,.H;J;( .r1\+1\+ '..,61:'1+ rc-.•. value;
co-m.+ )co-I
33. Any expression in the Masculine Gender shall also
include the Feminine gender.

r· r+,Mtt en 3. Sso. pf Appllsetipp

1. This proclamation shall apply to govern all
Ii· "11 "" ~ Ilk .)of" It.r 4.t'.t-"'e .(-".bt-f\.r'e
transactions of minerals produced from all mining
6"".l\.h .,••+ CO-"''I'lIutlt¥.(o ""''i:fco-r 011'1.('
operations conducted within the Federal Democratic
lI"7.OD l·" ..,6.(-'1+ .,.••,,+ PIt- "" ·"Lt"7.
Republic of Ethiopia.

f· "U' ",.,. A" ,0-" "''''A" (Ii) ,(-',?1. '1.'icr

'..,6.(-' Plt-,,":(· ""~ ,(-',?1.,,":(. A'~"'mfl'"
Notwithstanding sub-article 1 of this Article. a holder

"'i ..,,~co-,. '..,6.(" ..,,.l+ PIt- ••I\L.4".(-

of a mining license. subject to the provisions of the
Mining Operations Proclamation. shall not be
.rODl.,.co-') 1176,(" flII1C co-{)'I'",,,,. IIco-
required to obtain certificate of competence or any
I\ODJf.,.flltll ""~ ''''m.,.teco- L.4".f: ",,,,. ''''.4"+
other license specified under this proclamation in
"'l;J1~ '9" •••hc ",l+'''' ".r"LA1CO-9"1I
order to sale locally or export the minerals produced.
I.~ 4. Oblsst1yca
'fl.lI ""~ ,,,., ''''1.11.,.1\·+'i:fco-I- The objectives of this Proclamation are to:
Ii. l\"7.ODl.,.co- 1176,(-' m,tlt. ,., •••,,+ PlC'+ 1. Create an effective transaction scheme for minerals
flOD'i!mC'016:1: .,1f1t-'I!'i kl1'i"7.""f! 6.(-1+ to ensure meaningful contribution to socio-economic
.,."A·,. A,-t'ilco-
co-•••.,. '"" " ••• 1\".(·l"l development.

f. '''6~'''',.,.••
".... PlC,+ "'~:J''I! "'(-C1 2. Organize and update the mineral transaction scheme
,.., ~t-;(+ ., •••".", h.l.1",.,. "'A"6'i,,":(. to prevent the transaction from illegal influences.
3. Make investors. who are engaged in minerals
r.· ,•.,6.(" ., •••,,+ HC4- ''''Lte.,~ "I\O"'' '~' transactions. perform their rights and obligations as
011"'+'1 ,,"';I':fco-' .,./..(•.,.co- fI.l..,. "., ••••• per the rules and regulations.
ODout·+ A,-\":(·I\· 1\.,.(-/.."
4. Ensure that the mineral transaction scheme is
!. ,.,6.(·'} ., •••",.... PlCO." ,,, •••••1.'1 "1f1t-'f! implemented taking due consideration of the
o. oul""":("
.,.fI:Jt'i A'}h••••• IIH"<t)·'" IImfl.,. environmental and social protection principles in a
Federal Negarit Gazette No ..86, IS do August 2019 p.. 11648

sustainable manner ..


alA ,'t; "'i r.••,t .,421., rrilhc cput LICENSE OR CERIFICATE

. . ~.


I· rUt; cpArrrObc cput Ml.41.)t S. Requirement of License or Certificate of Competence

il "7'}~fD<~flfD<Oil" h'f'~t; h"l"'11",.l-"''\TfD<I\.I\·l· 1. Any person may carry out transactions of minerals upon
Ih1l· oofll+ f"76'(-,} "I ••.• .e+ L:J>.(- 11"7m.fl)'l- obtaining license pursuant to this proclamation and other

f"761:,} "111~+ "7"~.(- ~l',\A I I relevant laws. and


II "''}~m.~ f"76'(-,} "I...n.e+ f,}"1'(- L:J>.(- A,}..Ilflmcp- 2. Any person requested for trade- license of mineral

fDJ.m~:" flfD< ~:J>~:.. fotflmfD< h11:J>·l- "7l:J1·~ transaction shall present certificate of competence granted

oiJIlhr. fDl.,.+ fI'I.l. "'''"AtIJ'} f.,.flm f11:J>+ by the certificate of Competence issuing. Authority.

"7l;J1~ er-t«: fDl.,.+ i'I.","'C11 Y,rft;AII

,..4=,. Alt; CHAfTER. ONE


I. rUt; 'M.,.:y. 6.T):pes of Licenses

.'. ' .. ,
Oil" h'f'~ At; h"l"'11~+ "''\TfDo I\.,,·l· .ll1l· oolPl+ The following licenses may be issued under this
f"th~"",+ f"761:'} "I11~+ L?p-l· ~fltIJ"· 1-
Proclamation and other relevant laws:

li.f"76'(-,} h:"&-tU·l- L:J>.(-. 1. Mineral supplier license;

2. Mineral crafting license;

r. f"76~,} "7t1J~+ L:Jo.(-l 3. Mineral refining license;

~. f"76~,} "7:,.,,'1' L:J>1:. 4. Mineral smelting license

l}. f"76'("} ,}"I'(- L:Jo'(- S. Mineral Trade license.

I· f"76'(',) '\tL~'l-L?'(- , 6. Mineral Exporting license.'

I. MW M:4:Q,)t 1.I=t; ,
7. Issuance of Mineral Supplier License.
-Ii· f"761:,} h:"t.(U+ L:f.I: O"th.,."fDo I"~:I' Of"76'(-,} 1. A mineral supplier license may be issued in the

,~~." "'''J!,''' ~fltlJA II following conditions upon -identifying - 'the type of

III ftl,}Il+~h''''} (JJ.e~ fk '}~i)+6 "76'(-,) i'l.l1',}
at When it is a construction or industrial mineral
"761:~" hlh;J'e 1l~~l' ,foo"l••·l-l ,,'''JI~ materials, the supplier license grantS the holder of
fOOJl"l 'f"7t1'f'fDCl tI.,..,e fD<i)'I'""'m?"t fD~~
the Iicerise the Right to purchase mineral from legal
f'\IL~+ L:Jo .f.- '\'\TCP- fI"l· foon'l' oo11,l-
miners, hold for sale, transport and sale the mineral
Federal Ncgarit Gazette No ..86, 15 •• August 2019 p.gc

locally to consumer or to the holders of export

Itl hmC:" m~'r h ••IC (Do"'" fit· fh(l~ m~'I" Oh.tA
bl When it is precious or semi-precious minerals other
fhO~ "7f1~'lj+ C\lf1 "7f1~'~1 h,l-a;J'I! 1\'1"&-';('
than gold or silver, the supplier license grants the
fou..,'I+l It·iff.".. fouf1l1 f"7H'PmClj OV1C
holder of the license the right to purchase mineral
(J)o"''I' fl\h. ~.l- L:J>Y: 1\1\:':(1)<m~'r fflR. '1'(1-0
from legal miners, hold for sale, transport or sale
P&- L:"~' "'sP';(' 1\"'''7~ 'l"h1
1\1\:':(1}- s+ hl\.lt(l)< locally to the holder of export license or to the
1111.,..,.(:h ~. .,.lj+ IlAllltlll 1.11, (l}-1I'1'fouif'l'
holders of crafting license within 60 days unless he
ouo(l..,. ~"'"lA i
has a convincing reason.
th/ fmC:" m~'I" f ••le: C\lf11 "7f1~'~1 h,l-a;J'I! c/ When it is gold or silver, the supplier license grants
h'l"t·';(· f~"'''+1 It'iff"" foof1l1 f"711'P'PCC; the holders of the license the right te purchase
IIV1C (Do1I'l'f!j .,.C;.l- IlAOltlll 1.11.(Do"''I' 1t1l1h mineral from legal miners, hold for sale, transport or
m~'I" ,l-a;J'I! pA"l1 1\ It(I)- 1\"A fouif'l' ou ••l+ sale locally to the bank or to an authorized entity
~"'"lAi within 30 days.

oul O•••tI 10-11 1\1.,.1t 04.R.A .,.&- VI l\ IJ)~'I" III

d/ When it is a mineral other than those mentioned under
h"'IIl"'~+ (l}-Q.l, I\1t·+ "7jJ~'lj+ f'"l.•••'I'
sub articles a. b or c, of this Article, the supplier license
fh:"&-fl~'''' L:J>Y:l "7f1Y:~1 h,l-a;J'I! h'r&-';('
grants the holder of the license the right to purchase .
fOU"'''+l It·iff6J.1' fouf1ll f"7H'PmC OV1C (Do1I'l'
mineral from legal miners, hold for sale, transport and
1t''''n:''01£ m~'I" fl\tl. ~+ L:"~' I\I\T(I)- "'sP';('
sale locally to consumer or to the holders of export
fou7i'l' ou••l+ ~""IJA I I
lItt.tI h1.,." 10-'" h1"'~' ~ PIC f-l·IIl.,.••••
+ L:"~';('
II(IIn· nf"7 fI ~'1 , ~ ~'I: "'1t~"'(1)- f'"l. •••m- C\lf1 2. Licenses listed under sub article (1) of this article shall
be issued based on mineral type and the license issued
Ith1~ f'"lbY:1 '~~'l- f.,. •••IIl(Do L:J>Y: 1tt\.1\ f"7f1Y:1
for a particular mineral shall not serve for supplying
h:"&-fU'''' h!11t..,A'I" I I
another mineral.

. ''''t1 M ,.011 "t 8. Mineral CraDjm' Liscnse

Ii· n••.tI 1\'f'~ ODIPI.+ fOJ.h·,.It·+ f"7f1Y:1 fiR. TO••• 1. The following mineral crafting license may be issued
L:" Y: ,,, ~.,.';(. ""'"lIt·I- under this Proclamation;

VI f"7111lC L:" Y:l a/ Smithery license,

bl Lapidary license, or

c/ Combining license.
:Uiiun 11650
1l" ~)~+;Jlt.n, ••••••c"K"X ~III\. II +'J lIitHi .,.,.
I...r.u. Federal Negarit Gazette No ..86. IS Ih August 2019

fl. f"71mC 6~ •••,NI ~fl>1: fPC:" lD~,'/" -fIC1 :tt.., 2. Smithery license grants the holder of the license the right
lI~fP"~tp· oowl.:" foo"''':''1 foo.f1h f"7=\=\l': to purchase, hold, transport and smithering gold or silver
f'NII\if, fPy.1JU e+•.•
,I~·.,.·' foo",.,'''' "'1 foom111 as promulgated by the law and sale the product locally or

f"71mC p·t· f"7h'1fP', "'1 ,/"C'1:1 IIIJ1C tIJo"•••'1 abroad. However, the holder of this license can not
IIt1Jo"P.'1J1C fooiS... oo-fl:" Y.•••
I.'A I I""",/" y.tI purchase, make jewelries and sale raw minerals.
Il"~fl>~' •••~ "761:'1:" 11'''' .,.1'1.,.... ooPt.·"''1
ooiS••• hy.':i'AIJUII

r. foo:"I.A' 6~ •••,NI ~?~, hlDe:". h-fIC:'1 hTI\i;1f,/" 3. Lapidary license grants the holder of the license the right
tIJoUl. .1'/•••.,., fha~'1 ah.l.A .fhll~ "761:'1'''' to purchase, hold, transport, perform lapidary works and
foo-7••·h foo.f11i f"7=\=\ll1 foo:"l.A' Pt. f"7h'1fP1 sale locally or export precious and' semi-precious
"'1 '/"C-I:1 1I1J1C11"""''1 110..••.••IJ1C fooiS••• oo-fl'''' minerals other than gold, silver and platinum.

!. f"7l1JooC 6~ •••'NI ~fl>1: OD-I\, IIOD-I\· fPy.,/" IIh4f.A 4. Combining license grants the holder of the license the
.f".,.I\:fflJo "76~''1:'''' foo.., ••:"t f"7=\=\111foo.f1l "'1 right to purchase, hold, transport, combine and make
1I"7(IJouC .,.('1.,..•. "'C.,. ,/"C'1:1 IIIJ1C fIJo"•••'i ItflJo(J.l. jewelry using processed or semi-processed minerals and
1J1C fooiS... oo-fl'''' Y.•••tI'A i "'i"'/" y.1J Il"~fl> 1: •••~ sale its product locally or export. However, the holder of

"761:'1'''' 11'''' .,.1'1.,..•. ooPt.·"''1 ooiS••• hY.':i·A,/" I I this license can not purchase, make jewelries and sale
raw minerals.

9. Mineral RefininG Lisense

f"76.('1 "7IIJt.:" 4,fl>~' 1I1J1CfIJo"", f.,'ool.-I: lDY.9" Mineral refining license grants the holder of the license
hflJo••.•.IJ1C f1'1- fPC:" fPy.9" -fIe lDY.9" It.A"-:;'-fll.:" the right to refine locally produced or imported gold,

~h ",61:'1:"1 h",61:1 "79"l:" Il"~:J>I:J hll1h silver or other metallic mineral upon receiving from
fPy,,/,, 1\.1\ :tt?'C ~fl>I: tll\fIJo "'fIJo.,..,.-fIA" f"7I',t.:" .miners, bank or other legally authorized person and hand

Pt. lI"7h'1fP1 ooAl' f","l.h-f1 lDY.9" fooiS••• oo-fl'''' over or sale after refining the mineral.


I· M•.t? .,tAT 1.1=1; to. Mineral SmeltinG Liccnse

Mineral smelting license grants the holder of the license

f"761:1 "7:,." ••• ~:J>I: 1I1J1CfIJo"", f·,.ool..1: lDY.,/"
the right to smelt and give final shape to locally produced
htp·Q.l, f1'1- -fll.:" ~h "76~''1''''' f",:"" •••'1
or imported metallic minerals.
"·4.I\1.fIJo1 :"CA' f"7".f1l Pt. f"7h'1lD1 oo-fl''''
, /

Federal Negarit Gazette No ..86. IS" August 2019 pagc

11. Mineral Transaction LicenlC

II· "'t1 11t ,I=t
II M-ineral transaction license grants the right to.purchase
iii r..,'1:' '''11: 1..:1>1: hhO~'i" flh~A hhll~
in bulk and retail locally ornaments made from metallic,
..,'1:'1+ '''''C'hn- fooQ;l,li1' •.••
f .f'" precious or semi-precious minerals.
~1fJ~(I'':(' O~¥'"A 111'" fI':('C':('C' flII1C m.•••'I'
roo'n'l' ooof"'" .e"'I'I.A I I

II f"'liJ~" ·'''I.f.: I..:J>~' fI".f'~·'~ f"'liJ~" '}.eH· 21 The mineral transaction license shall be issued only to

.,."".,. fofl:J>'''' "7 c» 1"·1 "·,. •••mfl·.,. ''''IiJ.r:, each type of mineral granted with certificate of

,.e~"" ofl!J=.e11''i''AI I competence.

12. Mineral Exporting Lis'nse

iiI '''7iJ.(·' '\h.~+ I..:J>~' fooQ;'t· •.••C'l:fm. ., rr» 11Mineral Exporting license grants a right to the holder
'wC:"'i" 'oflC ",iJ1:'i"+" 1 O'l'to 1 IIh~A w.e'r to export gold and silver in thei final shapes; raw,
00'", floo.". ,.,. •••'i"~ fhll~ "'I fltl~A fhfl~ processed or semi processed precious or semi-
"'iJ~''i'"'''' ".,-to·¥'" O'l'tom.'I ,,1\ •.,.
precious minerals; or other minerals in the raw form
r·'·Q;l.oolll:':m.' 1\.,,-':(. "'iJ~''i'"'''' or after value addition;

'-I ''''IiJ~'' '\h.~•.,. I..:J>~' 1J".f'~'~'''7iJ~''' ,,, ~•.,. 21 The mineral exporting license shall be issued
separately to each type of mineral granted with
.,."".,. 'ofl:J>·'" "'l;J1"~ mll+
"·,. ••• f"'iJ~"
certificate of competence.
'}" ~•.,. ofl!J="11''1A II
13. Eligibility for Ljsense
Ir· ,1=" A.,,.,t :(It OA".."
1. Any person, who qualifies to carryout trade in
Ii· h"lllofl 1l"0J0 ih"l oolPl+ ""11: Fir ",111.1:
accordance with relevant laws and fulfills the
'Dt':('A ""~0J0¥'" "'0J0 IIIlII h"'~'i" .ell' h"'~
requirement stipulated under this Proclamation,
""'I"'~."¥'" ODJ.Wtflo
.('ofl'i" 0000 t.fsP':(' ""1",.,+,
Regulation and Directives issued for the
",1..,\.,. 11')'~sP':(" 'Dt.f"l'\ hl1'~ Oil" h"'~
'.,·m.,.•.•.·.,.., 1..:1>"'':(' "'''I°f+ .e':(·,\AII
implementation of this Proclamation, may acquire any
license referred in this Proclamation.

2. Notwithstanding the provision of sub article (1) of this

III Ollll h"'~ h.,·m.,.••••
·.,. r~:J>~' '}.e~.,.':(.. 0J0"''I'
aI Among the Iicenses referred under this
,h:"IrIU'''' w.e'lu fwC •.••
'i" r-ac ",..••,,'1' I..:J>.J;
Proclamation, mineral supplier license or gold and
"0J0~ 1l"lIofl''''h.e"''I''I'' I
silver smelting license shall not be issued to
"I Otl.II h"'~ oolPl+ I..:I>~. e+•.•llfll·.,. "'0J0 I..:J>~ foreign investor.

h", •••l "II'''' .,., ~ 'l"C' "11''''''' '}oo:J"'" '" '\ I..:J>1: 'b/ No person, whose license has been cancelled
"'1"1of •.,. h.el·A'I" i
pursuant to this proclamation; may hold another
Federal Negarit Gazette No ..86, 15· August 2019 P.

license for two years following such cancellation.

dJ f"761.:' "79'"~+ Ql\.l:J'1.: I\"~ ,..(1)< f"761:'i+ cI A supplier license shall not be issued to holder of
A:"t-fU'''' L:J'.f: A,f,"'mm-9"11,f," A'P~ Pt- ".e mining license. The rights under a supplier license
hOD"", II~+ f"761.··) "7"'~'''' .l:J'I.' ,,1\(1)< "'(1)< issued to a holder of mining license prior to the

f"''''m fA+t-fl~'''' L:J"I.· .e., A'P~ Pt- ".e h'P" coming into effective of this proclamation shall

It lift; +' 11:\" IIL:J'.4- ".e JlI\(I)< 00-1.+ +t lapse after 120 days of the effective date of this

.etf'iAII Proclamation .

II. OALt&' ., •••• hP 14. AppliG.tjon for Ljcense

fli\.A-l· ih1l· f"''-:'~1'" ODIaLC-r-l· A''-:''''mll+. Notwithstanding to the requirements stated under other laws,
II'cr(l)< AL:J'1.: f"7.+~-I. "7ODAh~ IIA"""~ II'cr an application for license shall be made in writing and
'''7.h.,.".·'''' OD JllI .e'iCfl~A II contain the following.

1. Where the application is for mineral supplier license;

at Name, occupational address and nationality of the


bl The type of mineral that the applicant wishes to

engage in;

cI The location where the applicant purchases and sale

the mineral;
ODI A·)'-:''''61.·~',f,~+fut."" "'i ~ut ''''h'''~ dI An evidence showing the permanent store and work
fI:J' A'i fODp'tJl fI~ 1al\0D'i~. "7~;J1~ 1
place as to be determined by the type of the mineral;

eI Business plan;

1.1 '.,.,1...,.,. OD"'~+ 1\,.,1.' 6+.4- ""'LO"7.JI fI An evidence showing the capital required for the

f"7JIaLA" "'1:~A OD'i~ "~;J1~1 implementation of the business plan based on the
Commercial Laws;

2. Where the application is for mineral crafting license;

at The requirements under sub article 1 (a), (b), (e) and

.,1 III",J 1\''''A" ,D-Ia 1\''''A" Ii II~'-:'A .,.t- (II) 1
(t) of this Article;
{I\)I {"')1 A'i (~) ''''ODl\h'''+'1

AI 1\"IaL"1. "'~L 9"c-r-l" f"7.JlIa• .,1.:fI·'" bl System of removing unnecessary by-products;

urtl.ul~ 11653
.1ft' t"~+ .7fC,1If •••••• C ~I t,,1\ II •••, lif.! ~ ,.,.
I..1.Uo Federal Negarit Gazette No ..86, l' • August 2019 page

,hI IIhf)flll "''''6'i "'''''''7 h"~ OOlPl·... f".H:J;( cl An environmental impact assessment study which is

fhf)fI(l "''''6'i "'''''''7 1'''''''' ,..~.(·l prepared in accordance with Environmental Impact
Assessment Proclamation.
r. "7ooAh;J=,...1\"76,(',) "7",to+ L:1'I: c\lI'')l-
3. Where the application is for mineral refining license;
VI lilLi' h,)+", 10-'" 1\')+'" Ii ~~A "'to {V)I {It)1
at The requirements under sub article 1 (a), (b), (d), (e)
{OO)l '(IP)I "" (l) f"'oolth'I:+.
and (t) of this Article;
1\I 1'''7",61 "'~OD'') It"7:t:t,.. Iltm- l·lt-;Jo'i
A,...(·. b /The capacity and experience to establish the refining
"" IIU.II h').,.", ')0-'" h,)+'" fl ~~A 'I'to (•.It)
r".m+ •••m-') I I
cl The requirements under sub article 2 (c) of this

4. Where the application is for mineral smelting license;

III lIu.tJ h').,.", ,)0-'" h').,.'" h,)'(' Ii II {V)I {It)1
at The requirements mentioned under sub article 1 (a),
(00)1 (1P)1 "'i (l) f",ool\h":+,)'i1
(b), (d) (e) and (t) of this Article;
1\I "76"''i'''',) 1\"7~I\1' Iltm- r-l:h).h ofl:1'+.
bl Technical capacity to establish the smelting plant;

c/ The requirements mentioned under sub article 2 (c)

of this Article;

II I IIU.tJ h').,.", ,)0-'" h').,.", Ii ~~A ".to (V) 1

S. Where the application is for Mineral transaction
(It) (..I,) 1(00) (IP) "" (l) PIC license
f".ool\h'I:''''') I
at The requirements mentioned under sub-article 1
1\I f"7Jimm-') "76"',) 11\m-') 1'to·.••'i 0010') (a), (b) , (c) , (d) , (e) and (t) of this Article
It·I'm:1'''7.P'l· fD~'" I\~ ,)1I7fl' f"7.I"'m-~fI·"',)
bl System as to how he notifies the consumers on
the quality and quantity ofthe mineral he sells;
"" 1'''761:') ')..,1: f"7.lh"m-')fI·... 1I;Jo ",)~I\m-
c/ Evidence that shows the availability of work
f"7..r"'~ ",,..l)l'1
place to perform mineral transaction. ;
I. "7 ODA h;J=m-1\"761:') "h.~:" c\lI',)
6.· Where the application is for mineral exporting license
III IIU.II h').,.6 ')0-,.. h').,.", Ii ~~A .,·to (V) 1

(It) 1 (..I,.) I (oo) '-" (IP) PIC r,I'oolth·~+')1 at the requirements mentioned under sub article 1 (a),

(b), (c) ,(d), (e) and (t)( of this Article;

1\1 It00" h '''' ~m- "7 6"-') ruoz..r'~fI'''' II:/" I
bl source of the mineral he intended to export;
"" . f6~ 1'11of1Plto ,,~ f". •••"7to hll'~ 11\m-')
cl the license number ifhe engages in mineral crafting;
L:J> ". cfl1'CI
Fcderal Ncgarit Gazettc No ..16. 1$· August 2019
IS. Issuapce of Ljcepse

Ii. /..:J> f.: "'Q.l.6JoI)A~A III'} "7ooA h:F6Jo'} h.,.+IIA'i 1. The licensing authority may issue a license after

AooAI•.=6 ••··'el :".('00 ,")':1'1Pl·'} "7~I\":,} ascertaining that the applicant has fulfilled all the

lt~;J'm 11:\1\ .,.1fl6Jo'} h~.f II"7/)h/..A requirements and upon payment of the prescribed
license fee.
AAOOAI.:': /..?~ '} .e"'m'P A I I

2. A license may not be granted if the submitted

fl· '+lIl6Jo "7OOAh:F "'+I).e~.l- t.I\,·f fD.e1JD
application is not accepted or the applicant is not
AooAI.=6 lIih.,. oo"'l+ m•••. '''7.e,1)
/..:".(. "'•••
hll'~ /..:"JI,. A,.•.• 1'1JD11
eligible to get the license pursuant to the law.

3. If the licensing authority refuses to grant the license,

C· /..:".(. "'Q.l.dJ- I)A~A III') /..:" If.'} '''7 ,..IP1' hll'~
it shall notify the decision and the reason for refusal
II I "''i+ dJ-/)1' mt""~ AAooAlt=-: h~lJDh'}J"':
to the applicant, in writing within 10 days.
"7C\fD:"AAII+ I I

D· OALt&" ,,,., AS AN=t 16. Duratjop apd Repewal 0Ube Licepse

Ii· "7'}tt"dJ-1JD/..?.(. h.,. •••mll·l- .,.'} ~9'1(!, AA,}I: 1. Any license shall be valid for one year from the date
'too+ 'O'i 'Af'iA I I of issuance.

R· /..:f'Y: '·,. •••mdJ- tadJ- /..?If.,} A"7c\~/) A/)/..I\1.

2. The license may be renewed for one year: upon
'1I'~+,} ,")':1'"l· It''.ll\'i '''.II'} A'P:f 1D.e1JD
payment of the prescribed fee, if the licensee meets
.ell'}'} A'P:f "",,/)/..,.IJD 'IDtfto s; '}.,. A'i
all requirements for renewal and is not in breach of
ooootJ'sul''} A'}If..,.1JDA"'I)".~·l- J'I\:fdJ- Il.A-l· any provision of this Proclamation or Regulation or
ih,l' 1l00"'I\Il~ Iloo•••
l1l '''7..1'11:'' 1'4-.l- Directives issued for the implementation of this
ltA/..,.oo n/).•·+C .•·•••l ••••'} h~.f llooh/..A Proclamation which constitutes ground for the
AA,}I: Aoo.l- 1..1. ,..,C\~/) 00".+ ',lil'PAi revocation.

C· "7'}Ii' ••••,. ~.:".(. ' ••.-•••m ••••ta•••• IIAJ''}'',}1f. /..:"1..-

3. Any licensee shall renew his license at the end of
"oa'} "7".4:.1' 1\,.. /..:"~ '} .,C\~/) AIlII+ i II'li9'"
each license period. However, it may be renewed
••:"'IJ+ "':J'~/) ,OY"l'Afl-l' I"~:J', t:A I I
with penalty.
!j. "7·t~ ••••,. /..:".(. ' .•·tam.... "'dJ- A6.(·C\,)-
IIOY."'C.,m·l- fD:"·l- '(JJ:"'Il') II~+ 'too+ .,.,.c 4. Any licensee who wishes to renew his license shall
/)"ooh/..A· h.,.,IC ta11C\n. oo~tJ' o..l- .,/)l)l' produce tax clearance certificate for the budget year

.,:"l.,. AAII+ II from tax office.

do /
Federal Negarit Gazette No ..86, IS August 2019

I. 'g" ,&:tfl 17. Obligations oUbe Licensee

1. Notwithstanding to obligations stipulated under other
li.h'7f)1IH· f)"TID- I\.t\"l· ih1l· f,,.1."1·" '7~;J-PJl'
laws, Any licensee shall have the obligation:
~') I."'mnck l1'''ID- "7")~ ID-~ f)t\L:J>.(" f"7,.h.,. t\••.,.
'7Yu;1-PJl·J.l,tj~;J-A 1-

III ~ ")I."'~.("'" 'f,""" f1tJID-")1 .rfl"'ODmID-")l a/ To maintain books and records regarding types of the
.r",t.O)o")1 .r'" t\mo)o")I f7fmo)o") wy,~ wI. 0)061" mineral purchased, deposited, refined, smelted, sold or
1l1C r"h(J)o') ",61:") fH·ODt\h.,. ODtJ'711'''''i exported as the case may be;
",11.C fOD.r11 i

ftI or hOD-f: fn~"" HOD.,. n"'m'i"'''' n ~?; "''i''''

bl To report all transactions carried out to the licensing
ID-flT .rtty,I.ID-") '71IY,"" n,,.ODt\h·" t\tt::J>.("
authority within 45 days ofthe end of each budget year;
(J)o I)t\P' A ('J') t?" C·.,. f", :"l1H

dJ nOY.tfl-f;~ wf,~ h'7f)11""" f),,:f(J)o I\.t\"l· htt"·.,.

fWfflo f hl'lt.Cl f 1.1').,,,,,'i fm. ").,•.,. I.l1fPJl· cl to report every 3 months on execution of all operational,
hL~~~ n"'ODt\h.,. nf(afl"" w~ t?"C'''' safety and health standards set for by the ministry or other
f"7;'f>l11i appropriate Government Authorities;

d/ not to hold mineral more than the amount prescribed by

lPI P't.ID-") nOY
..rh'i(J)o')n"" n"''iTID-~ 1.11. L:J>P,.')

~'i NI:"'''' "7l;.J16fi1, f~flhc wl""I:") f,1f el to hold the license and certificate of competen~e at all

rOD1')""" ! times while carrying out his activity.

II nL:".(· wf,~ f11:J>'''' "7l;.J1651 1'1£1.1,

f)t\P'tVIJ") fI to display the license when requested by the licensing or

w J.I, ~ ih1 WT ')'7 'i s: 11') ""C'f)').(" t\ OD.,.", mC certificate of competence issuing authority or "legally

,n;.J'f! p'A nJ,) n.,.itfIJ:f(J)o hi."..,. lID?itf~ authorized inspector assigned to control illegal trade and
'''''''IJ'IJt L:"P,.·) ~ ')-\.r/ty. I\mf:" f",/tf"" I

g/ to show the source of mineral to the inspectors.

hi to notify the licensing authority if he changes his work

7f1 f P't. fl;J·aJ.") 1\'" f,C n:".("~.r t\L:J>.(" it£1.1.m.
}tttA f",/tw;'f>

2. Mineral supplier licensee shall have the obligation to:

VI n~.r')p,")p,. fn~·'" ,OD'''' ODm'" hL:J>.(" it'1.1,ID- a/ Supply gold and silver to the bank or legally authorized
f)t\p'AIIJ') ;.JC n"7,.l.l1(J)o fl~~""" f"7,.wit.,(J)o·) entity every budget year an amount to be determined by
wc;'f>'i 11C t\f)")h· wf,~ nih'7 p'A(IJ") t\..,·itm(J)o an agreement with the licensing authority.
httA f",:"l11 i
\ \
11\ 4¥.1rA ~)~.,. .'H.n, .,.C ~i ~lll\. i! .,..,Ilf.! Ii 1.9" Federal Negarit Gazette No ..86, 15 do August 2019

I'll hmC:"~ h-fIC tD-iJ.l. .fit· fhO~~, nhkA fhO~ bl Sell locally precious or semi-precious mineral, other
""lJ.f:~'}- tlV1£: tD-"'1' IIH." htp~ oowt.:" t..:'>,f..' than gold and silver, to the holder of a license pursuant
"l"lTtD-rooi'i1'! to this proclamation.

till rtt'){tT&.h'{j't 'h~ rn.1~"':"t D?lJ.f..·~:"1 nV1C cl Sell locally construction and industrial minerals to the
tD-"'1' OH.II htp~ oowt.,}- t..:'>.f..' "l"l:fm- co.f,lJD holder of a license or consumer.

tH·m:'>O? fooi'i1'
dI Notify the legal source and area of production of the
001 f"'L.f"'CllTm-1 D?lJ1.
.•~:" £h;Jlf! lJD16f!>~
mineral he supplies.
h"'1l(L.fTm-1 fD?•••co:" i
el Arrange permanent work place and inform the licensing
wI p't-m-1 fll'{oo&'OT *11'{ h.f..'&."Ia'fD?fI;J;(T 'h~
«s» s: ""I.l.m- 'litp'A tIJ1 fD?"'m:" i
fI Purchase mineral only within the region where his
license is issued.

•••1 tDC:"~ -fIC •••.

tr1 h:"t-(}c 111I'{1·fo}c
"111: "7lJhA g/ Transport gold or silver to the nearest bank or legally

111h m.f,lJD £h;J'C p'~VIJ1 f·I' •••mm- h"'A .f..·t.•••l authorized entity, precious or semi-precious minerals,

hmC:" m.f,IJU -fIC 0}ciJ.1,.fit.·}-1 fhO~~ OhkA other than gold or silver, to the holder of export license

fhn~ "7lJY:~'}- •••.tr1 f"lll,~:" s» YJ m.f,lJD oo:"t.~ or to the location of the holder of lapidary license, and

llitt..:'>,f..· 'h••••litn,}- (l;t- 1..•t. •••I t\.1\"l· "7lJ.f..·~:"1 other minerals to the place of the next purchaser or
consumer .
.,.'I,J!, 1'1( m.f,lJD 'I'm:'>"7, A ••••.•MI:,. (l;J.. f:t. ••• -f1:F
J!,Jf f 00 ,.,. ••• i

hi Use legal invoices while purchasing and selling mineral.

.,.1 OH." h1"'~ 10-'" h1"'~ (Ii) k~A ".t- (il) if Provide report of purchased or sold minerals every three
oo"'t.T nfhoo'l: hOlJ
..f.,.cnO}c t:rC'}- 1I·I't.1l.D?t months to the regional licensing authority In addition to
f11ITm-1~ fi'iIl'TO}c1 D?"f..'~'}- n"'ooith". Ill' L; the report submitted annually as per sub article 1 (b) of
m~ ithAA t..:J>.f..' "'iJ.1. 'litp'AtIJ1 t:rC'}- this Article.

L;· rlJ~ 1'1111llitt..:J>.f: fll'{h".it.·}- "I~;t-?Jl' .f,tj~;t-A 1-

3. Mineral crafting licensee shall have the obligation to:
VI itP't- fOlf..f•••t..IA1O}c1 1'&. cot.:" m-"'lJD -tiC h1l1h
aI Purchase raw gold or silver only from bank or legally
mJ!,lJD£h;Jlf! p'IA 11I1 h". •••tnO}ch"'A -f1:Ffoo"l"'}-' authorized entity;

ill f1"m-1 mC:" coJ!,lJD-fie: 1I1'&. ooAh· it"71~m-lJD bl Not to transfer the gold or silver he purchased to any
flO}cof it"7"''''''lit~i other person in its raw form.

tit! hcoe::"~ -fIe: 0}c' t\.ir'l· D?".f..'~:" •••.1•• cl Verify that the source of the raw mineral is legal when
9"1'[,1: £h;J'C ootr~1 fD?t.;J11' i he purchases minerals other than gold or silver.
Federal Negarit Gazette No ..86, 15 th August 2019 page

001 (JlII!.fooC;Hf(J)< f"'l/J.f:Cj·'" (J)<{f)..y.l· ~f, I\.I\~ d/ Put an identifiable mark of his own on each mineral he
fDtl·t\· f6-f\. ftf~ ?'"Ah..,. f"'l.f..·~"'I: produces.

wI "'I'}~(J)<?,"(a(J)<?'"C'I:') (JU?1I m·'" (J}:".", ?'"Ah'1:1 e/ Make sure that any consumer identifies the mark, know
"'}-tt\f,: 1'6-+"}Cj -f11J+.') "'}-tf(J)<:" ftTIJ1.:~"'ICj or understand the quality and quantity of the product he

t\lf.IJ?'" t\"'1A;J~ tTIJ~;J 16IiJ. f ooil 10"": produces and provide proof to that effect.

1.1 (Jooootf h"'(J}(a~a}o Ol\f, f(J}C:"Cj -fIC h?'"l·"" fJ Sell to the bank or legally authorized entity when he

~dJo 1\'l,) h· (J)f,?,"

1\•.••• ;";J If! P' A 1"'1'} ~ t\dJo 1\ ItA possesses gold or silver above the amount permitted by

f"7/J1.:,} "71"'16-"" 'l1\~;J>1: (JU?fl"lJ6-dJo "'I/JI:,) ~f,

4. Mineral refining licensee shall have the obligation to put
I\.I\~ f"'l.l·l\· ft·f\. ftf~ ?'"Ah..,. ftTIJ1:~"'I! 1'6-'I:,}Cj an identifiable mark of his own on each mineral he
oom"',} "'}-t:J-(J}:" f"'l1:~"'ICj l\.tlJ9" 1\"'1A;J~ refines, make sure that any consumer identifies the mark,
"71.;J',1"J>1. "'IY..:J- 1\1\11""11 know or understand the quality and quantity of the
product he refines and provide proof to that effect.

f"'l/J1: '} tTIJ:"1\ l' 'll\ ~;J>s: IIU?f'" AmdJo tTIJ/J.f..''} ?'"c ,.,. 5. Mineral smelting licensee shall have the obligation to put
~f, I\.I\~f"'l.l·t\. f6-f\. ftf~ 9"Ah'''' f"'l.f:~"'II oom"',} an identifiable mark of his own on each mineral he
foo"1l\X' 1\lf.1J?'" 1\"'1A;J~ ""'~;J11iriJ. fooilm"" "1Y..:J- smelts, make sure that any consumer identifies the mark,
1\1\II"" II know or understand the quantity and quality of the
product he smelts and provide proof to that eff~ct.

f"'l/J.f..··} '}"'I.f..' 'l1\~;J>.f..' fD?.tI'l·t\·,'" "1Y..:J-sPl· 6. Mineral transaction licensee shall have the obligation to:

VI h/J1. 1'1I-f1 'l1\~;J>"l' fU?~h'lTdJo'} ?'"c.y.l· aI To make sure that all product he receives from the

'''1lLdJo ?'"Ah..,. "'}.&;~T(I}of"7~;J11' I holder of crafting license has got the proper mark;

1\/ h/J1. 1'1I-f1 'l1\~:I> "l' fU?~h'lT(I}o'} ?'"c.y.l·

bl Not to alter or blend the mineral he brought from the
.f.'.f1;t·:fdJo'}fl\ou+fC (J}Y.?'" ht\.~ "7/J1:Cj"" ;JC
holder of crafting license with other types of mineral;
fl\oo"'~"'A i

chi '''10:1>117. (J}f,?'" 1.,}II~dJo h"f\. fD?1t1(1)o'} ?'"C·'" cl To make sure that the user or customer knows volume

1'6-''''Cj oom'} "'I(J}+''} f"'l~;J11' 1\lf.1J?'""'I~;J11"J>1. and the quality and quantity of his products and provide

fooilm'.,.1 I
proof to that effect.

f"'l/J1:,} ~h.~"" 'l1\~;J>1: fU?h.,.I\.-l; "'IY..:J-sPl·

7. Mineral export license shall have the obligation to:

VI fU?Ah(l}o 1'~ "'I/J1:,} htf~ "'I/J1:~.' f1"fll""'} aI Demonstrate the legal source of the mineral when he

;";J If! r'} IiJ!' ftTIJIt f"" I exports raw mineral,

!~itHYt 116~'
1~ ~)6T ,:JIL'"
4.J!.c'rA .,.,.C 'iU )1/1\ Ii .,., .1f.Hi ".1'" Federal Negarit Gazette No ..86. IS'" August 2019 p.JC

III fflll.Ah(J}· oo-ll·(J)<'} ID~'I" Oh'&'A J'1l4-11'''' "'iJ.f:,} bl Reveal a document showing the name and license
hlf~ ;";J<f 9"'}".l:'} h07/tf'-" Oi-Q;l."76 D?iJ1.-"''} number of the licensee who processed the mineral when
'} {)OJ<fa9"C; f /..:J> I: ok 'I' "-'} f J' II D?falK
J' ()C;~ OJ< the export is processed or semi processed mineral in
fD?:"l11 , addition to demonstrating the legal source.;

tl,1 "7iJ1.-C;.-,. IDI. OJ<'1.1,f'l.Ah "'1ILOJ<'} ffl'}h ;,.., c/ Respect the relevant laws of the bank while exporting

001 IDI. OJ<'1.1,ffllJ.l\hOJ< IDC:" ID~,'I" 11e: f'l.1f'} 111.'1'

d/ To export only a processed ornament in its final shape
ooAh f,,.{),,- foo'(;l.ll'j' :"C'T(J)<'} f J'Ho 11:F
where the export is gold or silver,

IP I 'I' ~ tD~ 'I" nh4C.A J'll.,.ll·'" ID~ 'I" f oo,(;l.l if e/ Use legal invoice, when he purchases or sales mineral in
C~·'} r'" D?iJ1.-'} f'I. 'J tJC; f'I. i'i'l' ;";J <f I.l ()~ raw or partially semi processed or in final shape.
foom"'9" !

II h,}1. h.,fl1l'l'l: f1tJ(J)<1 ID~9" IDI. (J)<6V' V1C fI Have books and records of the minerals he purchased or
fl\hOJ<') D?iJ1.-,} lIi-oollhi' ODtl.,11'-"tj "711.C exported, as the case maybe.

foo '1'11
13· &1-1; .,ll=MC\": 18. Transfer ofUcense

hD?iJl:'} h:"t.IL ~..,. /..:1' I: I1fa.,..,.C ll.ll"l- Any license, other than supplier license, may be transferred

/..:J> "l''} s» 1.- {)al.D>·l f5l\p'i!V'n hfa.,. 1.-"" with prior consent of the licensing authority. The license is

II"7 {a/...,. I: "7 fa.,.1\ II(j; .e;J! I\A II /..:J> I: transferred according to provisions of trade registration

f"7 ..,.l\ll/"(J)< (n.,1: Y"'U'itlC; t..:J>1: h'l'~ and licencing proclamation.

1.-'};J'l.sPl· oolPl'-" ~1fC;A II .

19. SuspensiOn and Cancellation of the License

Ii. h.,1l1IH- J'1\:f(J)< ;"1l- h'}1.'''mU·1: lf~fDo lItt.,· 1. Without prejudice to other relevant laws, the license

h 'I'~ 011 IP l'''' f'N. rn /..:1' 1: issued pursuant to this proclamation shall be revoked

1l1l/..:1'~1- where the holder of the license:

Vi h"1l11~'-" 1lI\TOJ- ;"1l· oolPl'-" 00J'11 a. Fails to maintain books and records as required by
ootJ.,11'-"C; "711.C"l· I)AJ'II i relevant laws.

ill ;";J<f f"'11~'-" {)~1: /t~m"'9" D?iJ1:,} h1tJ b. Purchase from, sale or transfer a mineral to a person
tDf,Y" hi'im ID~'I" I)fai-I\ll/.. i who does not have a mining license.

Ihl 11t..:J>~- I\~ h"'1118OJ- hAA IDal. f'I.{)t. c. Engage in mineral transaction activities not specified
hi-1')' ! in the license;
Uiif.U!Ui 11659
11t Federal Negarit Gazette No ..86. IS •••August 2019 page

001 .,..,.II,IIMsPl· tD" ~6- fl:l' "")~ .e1ft· hhAhA d. An holder of a licence prohibit the inspectors not to
OJ.eVO ~:J>"~ t)Alf~ UJ',VO OO"1fll'j enter and render their activites or unwilling to do so
.,,1,.r.-l· UJ.eVO"-A-l' •••~p.l· "")~.,,, IJ,.l1i or fails to maintain books and records and other
OJ.eVO documents;

wi f ht)fUl ")1 m.")~•.,.")~ "1")~""") f~ooAh'l:

e. Violates safety and environmental protection
"F.:l'sPl·") h"''''i4L:J>~ .e:l'.,P.AII
obligations,his licence shall be suspended.

I h.,q1.~·'" .,,,:fO)o ih~l' "")""'mllcfl lf~o)o 2. Notwithstanding to relevant laws, the license holder:-

h"'~ ooWl'''' f.,. •••m ~:J>I: qA~:J>~I-

VI qA~:J>~ ~6-6)0") ft6-••••~:J>I: f'''UJ ""),..,.~ i a, Has ceased to operate his business,

b. Is found to have obtained his licences by submitted

false documents,

c. Has failed to to renew his business licence pursuant

thI IULtI h"'~ fI'''UJ'''~6)o f1.11. .,,.1. 6)o/)'I' ~:J>~")
to this proclamation,
., •••
I:/) h.,.l i
001 fI~:J>~ ".e qA"'ooAh'l: "'61.'~'''' .,,,.,,,.,. d. An holder to have engaged in unauthorized activity
~6-sPl' "I, ,,.••• .,,C.,. h,,.,"y i which is not envisaged in the licence,

wi fI~:J>Jf. f"'~'" "A''''") .,,61.'") ~:J>1.' h"-Aco- "'CO- e. An holder of the licence of minerals buying or
h.,.. OJI,VO f1 ••6)o") ..,61.'") ~:J>1.' A"-Ao)o "'0)0 selling or transfer a mineral permited·in his
hllm OJJ',VOIJ/)'''''A~ i certificate of competence to a person who has no
mClJo ~:J>1.. h~ •••
II 1••••••• 6-.... ~6- ,"JC '•••·.,.,11 f. Engage in illicit transaction or fraudulent activites in
ih.,OJ'I' ., •••.e •.,. IJIJ~" tDI,VO f"76J.1"1ICaC.,-.,qC
connection with the work stated in his licence,
NaIL" h'.,.",o-/) h").,." Ii
1:"),"J"&sPl-ooWl"" g. Fails to rectifY reasons of suspension of license
L:J>1.- A.".,1." voh") ., •.,. tV.,...,.") 1"~:l'sPl' ")1. a,. specified under sub article 1 of this Article with in the
flOY.0J"'~6)o f1.11. .,,.,,. 6)o/)'I' "7•••,,.IJhA period that will be determined by the Regulation.His
IJA;J=Ai ~:J"~ .e"'l ••A II licence shall be cancelled.
Federal Nogarit Gazette tio ..86, 15 • AUlllllt 2019 P.IC
20. License Fees
Fees payable for the issuance, renewal or other related
Off.U 1\'P~ OOIPI.:" L:1"1: I\ooilm:"f I\"7""ilfi
1\I\.I\"l· .,.y yy 1\',A "'I1\".,.l· ffllLmf.,.cu- hli:Y
services of license pursuant to this proclamation shall be
determined by licensing authority pursuant to the
OL:1"Y.: fl,,,l.aJ. Ill\ilAIlJ1 1lf+fl&.O·'" Ill\cu- ~"'Ifi
applicable laws.
1\fl&'C·"L'COY.1.lffiA II


01\ 1I;Jt:,.

fli· f1l:Jtt"'225 frilhc m,+t ,&).,.X 21. Types o(Certjfisate o(CompetePse

IIOJb.f:1 "'1111.:" il&. fOY.h'''''·:'' f11:1"'''' "71.;J;JfifiJ. The following certificate of competence may be issued for

f9"ilhC CDI..,..,.l· 1.fln,,,.I- mineral transaction undertakings:

s. fOJb.f.:1 1\:"&.(l H· 11.9>:" f"7I.;J;Jfifi]. f9"ilhC

1. Mineral supplier Certificate of Competence;

f. fOJb1..·') b" '1'(111 11..~'''' f"7I.;J;Jfifi]. frilhc

CDI..,.:" f 3. Mineral crafting Certificate of Competence;

(. fOJbY,o'') "7n,&.:" 'fI:1":" f"7I.;J;Jli5l. frilhc

CDI."'·'" i 4. Mineral refining Certificate ofCompe,tJnce;

~. f"7b.f.:,) "7:"1\'1' 11:1":" f"7I.;J;JIiJIl. frilhc

CDI..,.:" I 5. Mineral smelting Certificate of Competence

l;. fOJb1..·') ')"'11..'11:1"'''' "71.;J;JIifiJ. frilhc' CDI."':"I

6. Mineral Transaction Certificate of Competence
~. fOJb.f:,) I\II.~:" 117'''' "71.;J;JfifiJ. f9"ilhC CDI..,.:",
7. Mineral Export Certificate of Competence .

fl· fll;t:t "'2'5 frObc m,+t A,=at lIt

22. Elhzjbjljty (or Certificate o(Competepcc

it. OJ')~cu-9" 11')"'11: ~"'I OOIPI.:". f,)"'I1: P&'

1. Any person, who qualifies to carryout trade in
"7 •.• ~1: foy.l·A flcu- IItlll h'P~fi f,U') h'P~ accordance with relevant laws and fulfills the
I\OJilL1.9" (I~CDm "'111j ooootyP'':i' requirements under this Proclamation, Regulation
f·'·11\1.··.,.·) '''LI\'l. 1")'~P'l'1f~y~1\ hll'~ IIff.U and Directives issued for the implementation of this
h'P~ f·"m.,.flcu-·) f117'''' "71.;J1fifiJ. frilhc proclamation, may acquire any certificate of
CDI..,.:" "7"'1'f:" 1.l'I\A I I
competence referred in this proclamation.
UilJfg* 11661
,,.. 1J.t,.A ~)~+?I&.,., 4t'l'C i'l ~111\. fi +') ritIii .,.,. Federal Negarit Gazette No ..86, 15 do August 2019 ..... .page

2. Notwithstanding the provision of sub article (1) of

this article;

01 r"'lbt:1 ,,,,~. IJJY-IJOr4\h.H" 11.4"''''' "'I~;J1<i51. at Mineral transaction or exporter certificate of

rlJO,..hc IJJ~+''''' fttJ)o6f!'I1ftIJ11'-'" hf.(a'1'IJOi competence shall not be issued to foreign
It! (lIltJ htp~ OOlP~."" rlJO,..hc IJJ~+'I: r""(a~"o·""
(atJ)o rlJO,..hc IJJ~"''-'" h·,...•~"O·.,.. .,., ~IJOe bl No person whose certificate of competence has
ft.,.ft·"" '00;1"''''' 1\.4\ rlJO"hc IJJ~+''''' "'I""';,"" been suspended pursuant to this Proclamation

hY-l'AIJOi may hold another certificate of competency for

two years following such Suspension;

(. OIltJ htp~ oolP~ •.,.. rlJO,..hc QJ~+''''' r""(amaJ< (aaJ< 3. Any person who has been granted with certificate of
p't-aJ<1 hoo1:oo~ 04l.'-'" h..,1111 tlftaJ< roo1"'1p',-", competence pursuant to this roclamation, before
ooP'61 0.'-'" ''''1ft ,"~;I" 000".2,4\''''' ~:J>1: commencement of the work, shall acquire a license
ODtJ)o(a.("hftn.-,..II from the appropriate Government Office upon
fulfillment of the requirements.

If· 0",+ .,42 •••••• rr=Abc tKtt ,,"'Abf 23. Application for Certificate of Competence

r11.4"'-'" "'I~;J1~ rlJO,..hc IJJ~"''-'" ft"'l""';,,,,, An application for certificate of competence shall be made
f"7.+C11 "'IooAh~ mt"..~ If~ 00/11 I/\n.-,.. in writing and contain as the case may be the requirements
OD,..~C.-,..A1~h"'I1I1' ~.4".(" ft"'l""';,,,,, OlltJ htp~ for license stipulated under article 14 and other
h1+b I! f""~~1"''-'" At; I\.ft-l· DY.t,..·.,..~ requirements to be decided by Directive to be issued by the
nUDUDCI f"'l.IJJ,..t;:ftJ)o '.lft; A • Ministry.

II. wt "'21•• rrohc 8t+ OA-ocot 24. IssuanGe of Certificate of Competency

Ii. r11.4"'-'" "'I~;J1~ IJO,..hc QJ~"""" fI~l.aJ< 1. The certificate of competence issuing authority may
I1ftp'A(1J1-"'IODAh~m-1 h·,...,.nftt; hODA •.•:t: issue a certificate of competence after ascertaining
.,..,R. :".("00 ,"~;I"sPl'1 "'I".l4\·1:1 "'~;J1m 11:\4\ that the applicant has fulfilled the requirements upon
.,..1l1.aJ<1 h~1 1I"'I"h~A fthooA •.• :r: rlJO,..hc payment of the prescribed fee .

IJJ~"''-'" Y-flmtpA ••

2. Where the application is denied or the applicant is

f. r+~naJ< "7oo.Ah~ """'I1..e~,"" "'4\"'; IJJY-IJO
not eligible to receive the certificate of competence
fthODA •.•=ti n •.••.,. OD(a~•.,.. rlJO,..hc IJJ~+'''''
.•. pursuant to the law, the certificate shall not be
ft.flmaJ< r"'l.e111 tn"" rlJO,..hc IJJ~""I:
I!i1i'.U$~ 11662
11i ~u,.".~,7"+;J1L"l "'"C ~I ~"I\ II +'J In:!Ii 't." Federal Negarit Gazetle No ..86. 15 III August 2019
r. L:J> 1.: fl"'l.(1}· 1lI\p'A",") fS"''''hc m(."'·'" 3. If the licensing authority refuses to grant the
f"7.eft'1' tun ?; "''1'•.,.
II '1' (I} •••• II~','r~ certificate, it shall notify the decision and the reason

I\hrmA I):': h~S"'h'}Y'I: "''''m:'' hl\lI""" for refusal to the applicant, in writing within 5 days.

f~ {"\lI;t:t -U2" frObe CIJ,+t U'" "'I' 25. Duratiop apd Repewal ofCertjficatc ofCompetcpee

1. Any certificate of competence shall be valid for one
Ii ."7'P;:OJ'S'"f S"''''he (I)(. .,...,. lI.,.fl10II'''' .,.") ~ S"'l!'
year from the date of issuance.
t\ h ").f: 'J 00'", f 8'1 .ell' 'I A II

fl. f S"''''he (I)(. .,. •.,. I'.,.fllOtD. flOJ' f S"''''nc 2. The certificate may be renewed for one year if the
co('''''1:1 t\", •••~... h•••
L,\1. fll'~""") 1").;J--sP~·· holder of certificate meets all requirements and is
11"X'\c; fILII") h'P~ fD.eS'" .f,U")") h'P~ not in breach of any provision of this proclamation
1\"7"'L"ltS'" I' fD10' ~")11 "'I 0000 6YsP':i'") or Regulation or Directives
.. issued for the
noo.,.,\I\tt: t\oofl(.lf foy.yn:J> '1'4...,. I)AL"ltoo implementation of this Proclamation which
IIfl·,..,. C '''1(L0J'1 htt:J' lloohLA I\h").f: constitutes grounds for the suspention and upon
hoo"" f"''''~'''001)"" .e'i(''PAi payment ofthe prescribed fee.

r. ",")~OJ'S'" f 11:J>:" "7 t.,;J1 Mol. f S"''''hc m(..,...,.

tlt\n."" flJ'").&; 1~. f9u •••hc m(."''''' 1100") 3. All certificates shall be renewed at the end of every

~(} hnU"", , 1I't;S'"

u711<1:J' ~J', ",••• II:"",·'" period of certificate of competence. However, it

t\.;J--1.fl fOY.~"'t\{H' ,").;J-- may be renewed with penalty. The detailed shall be

.e'i t.A.1 Iht\()''''"lfC11~ f!~1"1.efDfl'iA II determined by the Regulation .

Q. "''''~(J)-S''' f11:J>:r "'t.,;J16~ ic m(."'''''

fr ••••
tlt\n...,. t\b.(- •••..,. t)OY ••I'C1111"" m:""" fm:"'II") 4. Any holder of certificate who wishes to renew his

n~"" 'Joo:r °l1lC •••l\oohLt\. h"l1lC fl"lI•••n, certificate shall produce tax clearance certificate for
the budget year from tax office.
UDP'6J' 0."" "7"'('~ "':"(,11 hl\'''''11

II. fll;t:t "'2'-& rrobe CIJ«t oo.,1t'i' 26. Suspepsipn and Capeellatipp pf Certjfieate pf

00"0'" Cpmpetepee

s. nllu h'P~ 001»(' •.,. f''''''10 f11:J>'''' "7(.,;J1AJ. 1.The certificate of competence issued pursuant to this
Proclamation shall be suspended where the holder of
fS"''''hc fDt."'·'" fS'"p'hc fD(."'·'" 1l1\0.rfI-
the certificate:
U/ h"l1l1lH' 1l1):f(J)- ;,..-)':i' .001»(' •.,. OUY11
a. Fails to maintain books and records as required by
fOY.1tl(J)-·} c; ",1~l!'':i· IIAY"
oott"l1•.•.•• i
~ relevant laws;
t\/ ;"',;J1f! fOI1I.e"" fl~.f: •••.eIO<I'S'" ",b.f:'i""; h1tt
a. Purchase, sale or transfer mineral without legal
fD.eS'" h7im m.eS'" 1)•••.,.'\1\ L l transaction document.
I{iilU~i: 11663
'lA' 4J!.(,.A ~)6-l- ;J1t."1 <liTe ·iti ~111\ it .,.., rlf.Ui ~.,. Federal Negarit Gazetle No ..86, IS'" August 2019 page

chi .,..,.llJllJtsPl· OJJ'..Fir fl:l' "'},t; .e1fi- hhi\hi\ c. Holder of a license if he prohibit the inspectors not to
OJ.e'r ~:J>J'..~ lJAIf~ OJY,'r OO1'1fll'j "71J'..C"l· to enter or unwilling to show books and records or
OJ.e'r lbl\"l' ll~p.l· "'},t;f~ lJJ'..~1 fS"'ilhc other documents.
OJ~""I: .e:l'1,t;A II

r 1I1l" hffJ: OOl.J.I~,}- f.,.llm f11:J>..,. "7~;J16liJ, f'rilhc

3. The certificate of competence issued pursuant to this
aJ~""}- lli\o.'l: 1-
Proclamation shall be cancelled where the holder of the

a. Has ceased to operate his business, <,

i\/ f'rilhc (lJ~""I:') f1'fm- fOll,}- oo~1fsPl"}

b. Is found to have obtained his licences by
1l"7:"~11 hlf~ i submitted false documents,

tI,1 Illl., hffJ: ll"'OJll~m- f'UI, 1J'..11 m-il1' f'rilhc

c. Has failed to to renew his certificate of
OJ~""I:,} •••f •••~il h"'~ i
competence pursuant to this proclamation,

001 Il'rilh(: OJ~""}- ,\y, IlA"'ooi\h'l: "7"Y..'Cj'}-

d. An holder to have engaged in unauthorized activity
8111.e'}-FlrsPl· '\.e .,.ll"7C'" h"'1'f i
which is not envisaged in the certificate of
IPI 1111.4''''' "7~;J16r.l f'rilhc OJ~""I: f"'~'" J'..i\""'}
e. An holder of the licence of minerals buying or
"7" ,f:,} ~.4' s: hlbi\m- llm- h1tJ OJ.e'r A-.4'Y..'
selling or transfer a mineral permited in his
i\lbi\tD- lltD- hitm OJ.e'r lJil''''\i\~ i
certificate of competence to a person who has no

a 1I'r-r''lmtD-f11:J>..,. "7~;J161iJ. f'r'-hc OJ~""}-

f. Engage ill illicit transaction or fraudulent activites in
h~ll/rtD- IAI/r ;JC fI.,.f fl1 ih1OJ1' 8111.e"" lJlJY.J'..
connection with the work stated in his certificate of
OJ.e'r f"76J.1'fI~flC"'"'IIlC hA-~oo i

It/ Oil" h'}.,.;r '}o-il h'}.,.;r Ii y"''};J1,sPl· ODl.J.I~,}-

f11.4''''' "7~;J161iJ. f'rilhc io~.,.," i\"71Y..'. g. fails to rectify reasons of suspension of certificate of

'rtn f'}- flf~'}-,} .,.).;J·sPl· flJ'..,}11 fI"7.OJll~tD- competence specified under sub Article 1 of this

n.tI. 1J'..11 at-il1' "7ll.,.lJhA lJA:Fi\ i f'rilhC Article with in the period that will be determined by
OJ~""I: Y,ll~tJAI I

n. ilA:Q,tt "'2,... rObe .,+t by 27. Certificate ofCompetepce Fees

fill., hffJ: OOIP~"" f'rilhc OJ~"''''' i\ooilm""l Fees payable for the issuance of certificate of competence,

i\"7"'J' OJ.e'r i\i\.l\ol· .,. f f~ h1A "'11\0..,. renewal or other related services pursuant to this"'tD- h~' .e1J'}'} hffJ: i\"7ilA-O'r flUJ.OJIlJ Proclamation shall be determined in accordance with

J'..,}11f"?OJll,} ft.1f'} hll" fI~"" Y,lllrll:ftD- f~fI~'}- regulation to be issued for the implementation of this
'1\" Federal Negarit Gazette No ..86. IS oilAugust 2019

fh~f p'c,.,.l· ~1~ P'1r I\.e "lahO?(J)-AIH- .,., proclamation; however previous fee payment procedures .,.4C.'lDt"li: .e"'1' I\A I I shall remain applicable until the Regulation becomes
b,.A rAt
", ,'tv rvt -U2'5 ,rQbe cp,tt 'IIDOmtv
,,,O"',U; r=AdJl 28. POwer of Issuance
Competence and Management
of Licence and Certificate of

f 4C.:J>
1..' {)"'1. (J)- flt\P' A IIn ftl'l. h.,. A·"" P' A IInli "''?fl C
.e~"~;J-AI- The authority has the following Power and Duties.

11/ 4C.:J>1:fODlam-h f"7~la: fOD{)1.1' "fJ f'?11.e-}- p'C'-1:

at Issue, renew, revoke the license and monitor the
IIh'?flll- ODhfJOJ.,.,fODh;J-rl·A Ii fOD4>lIJmC I
performance of the activities;
M fll?b1:1 1I?1IJ1r-}-4C.:J>
1:1 f111.-}-fJ 111.-}- "lh II?b1;Ii-}-
b. Issue mineral refining, smelting for metallic and
II?~ t\ l' 4C.:J> s: f ODlam""
1..' " fJf "7b1..-fJ..,. 1\h. "I"" 4C.:J> i
associated minerals and mineral exporter
certificate of competence;'
ell! hDtODt\h;J-TlJ)< hi'tl\"" ;JC IIOD11'1 fll?b.f..'Ii+ ,?11.e,}- c. In collaboration with relevant organs, monitor the legality
ih.?'C"I'}-1 fuu4>llJmC "Ii ih1OJ1' fll?b1:fJ'}- ,?1I.e,}- of minerals transaction and bring those engaged in illegal
4C.'lO?SDl·Aih'? "'Jl"'CII- fV?1:I.'?11 minerals transaction before the court of law.

OD/ hO?ODAh;J-TlD" hi'tl\+ ;JC aODU'1 hla4C.I\l"I-I: d. Establish minerals market center subject to the importance
A;J-OD"lflT(J)-"7b1:fJ-}- f1af "7bhA f"7**9" I of the mineral.

2.The Ministry has the following Power and Duties;

a. Issue mineral refining, smelting for metallic and

11/ f"'lb1:1 "'III'Ir+ 11:J>+ "'I I..? 1651.1 f111.+1i 111.+ ."1h
associated minerals and mineral exporter
II?b1..'Ii'}- II?~A1' 11:J>+ "71..?11i1iJ.
"Ii fOttb1..-li+ I\h."I'}-
certificate of competence;
f9"lahC OJI..,.'}- fODlam+ I

M fll?'}mCl fOD:t>I.K": f"7/IJODC "fJ f"7IIJIr-}- p'IrSDl"

b. Set and enforce standards in which smithery,
fDtfhfJlJ)<.,.n+1fhlPIrC ~I.jf fOttlJ)<II'+fJ f"7la4C.1l9"I
lapidary, combining and refining activities are
carried out.
th/ hl11C IIDtOJlflofJ IIDt 111- Ottb1:1i'}- I\.e fn."'-OD-hlr
c. Approve and conduct inspection whether a laboratory
9"CODIr OD~I."'" f"'lI..?11'fJ f~1'1'C lj;,,.if fOtt1:I.'?1
test is made on export and import minerals.
Federal Negarit Gazette No ..86, 15'" August 2019 page

dI Work together with relevant entities and set the price of

oof IIhA9" h.,.": ~~~ 'f' .?Tm- II'?A~ f"7 J',;J-(J):" "761:Cj:"
minerals if the price is not internationally
A'Ii.f"'" "''''C(}- hD?ooAh:1'Tm- hi)4\:" ."JC noo.,"}
'f' ."JTtJJ<"} foo(J)ft"}!

(al II~~~ .,.AJ',"'m- Am-6f!"111.f All'/."'Cf.. "76X'Cj:" ~~~ b. Determine for the minerals to be exported.

r. II'/.'1n-J;~ lilli' h'f':f h.,.ftffim- FAtlJ"}Cj "''?IlC m-n'l'

3.The Ministry Shall Delegate some of its Powers and
Functions from those specified under this proclamation that
hn.t4\1. H: f ;J·00~1I·"'") OJon"} F&- h '?1l11~'''' 4\4\TOJo
is considered necessary to appropriate Federal and Regional
f4.~&-ACj fhAA hi)4\'''' ntD-hACj'l' J',l'4\AII

! IIIlIJ h"}"'~ "}(}onh"}"'~ Ii ~~A .,.&- ( A )"Cj "}(}on

4. Licenses and Certificate of Competences other than specified
h"}"'~ g ( A )h"'"~"~:" m-6J.l'.fA·:" .t?p,.l·Cj f11?:" under sub Article 1(b) and 2(b) of this Article will be given
"7~."J16~ 9"nhc (J)~"''''l' IIhAi\"l· J',fttlJt\·1I by the Regions.

29. Inspectjon and Regulatjon

Ii. f11?'''' "7~."J1"~ f9"nhc (J)~""'" ft(J.).m- llAnAtlJ") 1. Those Inspectors Who Is Deployed by the certificate of

fll'/.00 X' 11Tm- .,.."a, tlJt sPl· f11?'''' "7~."J14SlOJ. Competence Issuing Authority shall have the power to

f9"nhc(J)~"':" llAo.:" n&- P:1' foo ,?ll:" I CjtlDcCj enter in to the working sites of the holder of certificate
foom-(a~.fh:":"A Cj ck'l''I'C n&-sPl" f"7hCj(J)"} nA ,,,"} of competence, take samples and undertake follow up

J','i&-TCPAu and inspection activities.

2. The Duties of Inspectors while undertaking their
1..,..,.,,,,,,tsPl· n&-TOJo"}'1I00..fhCjm-.,.nT (J):":" A.'i &-Tm-
activities will bedetermined by Regulation.
f"?1f" '?~:1'sPl' n~"}11 J',(J)nCjAIl

m:A. A4-t
M M &'121,.,
I.,,'Ib ;?I44.)t 30.RespoPSjbility oftbe Bank

The Bank shall have the following Duties and Responsibilities;

Ii· 1111;"
4\'l!Cj nA~ ·h~n.,.~ "76~") "79"~'''' F&- 1. Purchase gold or silver produced by the holders of
llA.t?p,.l· fll'/.oo~"·OJo"} f(J)C:" fD'J',9" f11C artisanal or special small-scale mining or supplier license.
"6~Cj:" hh9"&-¥l' (J)J',9" hh:"&-(LsPl·

fl. f6~ '1'1111llA.t? p,.l· fDt.fn.tA."JTm-") f(J)C;:" . 2. Make available gold or silver for sell to the holder of
(J)J',9" f11C "76~Cj·'" lI'Ii.f6f!" f"7""~1h crafting license.
r~itU81 11666
1l' 4'./,.A t",,+ .,11."1 •••••• c -W-I ,.,1\. II +' litHi 't." Federal Negarit Oume No ..I6, 15· August 2019 JIII'
r. ":"t-flsPl·, A..rOI.;J-'1: fUJ.l·t\· fht;:.r 'Jo~;J-sPl' 3. Facilitate better payment condition to encourage the
"'''lOD;J==Ji f'"l1C ."bh".... .,.~t-.,,~
..•. suppliers, make accessible market centers and expediting
"'''l 'i"t-TOJ- "t; f'"l.,I.e.... p'C"1: f"''''''m4C. the transaction system.

" , "l"" f., I: I. '"11

g. ,..,,,.t5tl ".•••.S",., Outt)t .& ..,. 1M' 31. Temmr.ry Elmn ofS.mples gfMiperals
1. A holder of mineral crafting license shall have the
Ii. f"7bl:' b~ •••0.,1 'It\4C.:J'1: fODQ.l,
I. i't' •.••
C1CTOJ-' right to temporarily export sample of gold or silver in
f.rlf. mC•.••
" .,IC 1D.e'r flh.c.A 1D.e'r 1JDot\. their final shape; other processed or semi processed
I\oo-t\. .rl\.,.,,:':OJ- ft\.t\·l· "7bl:":" t;oo-t;sPl" minerals for the purpose of promotion in accordance
1\"7ft·,.cPm:" '''''7 O'l,h· ODODt.r 00 IPI.•.,. with the Directive of the bank,

1I1.H..r'e~·'"m~ 1D'''1'' lJ1C OD"h .el·"A I

fl. f"7b1:"'''' "h.~"" 4C.:J'1: 'll\fL.... fOD""I.i't' 2. A holder of mineral exporter license shall have the

C'l:fOJ-·) es» ec ..•.
" .,IC "'''l.Jor t\.t\-l· right to temporarily export sample of gold or silver in

"7b1:":'" O"'~l Oh.c.A 1JDot\. I\oo-t\. their final shapes; other minerals in raw, semi
processed or processed form for the purpose of
, .•.•.•" n. "oo-"sPl" fI'l,h· ODODt.r ODIPI.''''
I\"7ft·,.cpm.... ,,,.,, 01.H..r'e~:" ID~ m~ lJ1C promotion in accordance with the Directive of the
001\" .el·I\A i

r. lIH.lJ ",.,.X· ,o-ft ",.,.Yl Ii "t; I ",.ODt\h·"OJ- Notwithstanding to the provision of sub article (1)
II.'i"C9'" fb~ •••0.,1 r"ll~'''' 4C.:J'1: .rl\OJ- and (2) of this Article, a holder of mineral crafting or
"'OJ-,OD(,tl.I.i't·:"CYl t s» fDC.)o "t; .,IC "'''l.Jor exporter license to export sample of gold or silver in
t\.fr>l· "7b~'''''''') n•••~l Ilh.c.A oo-t\. their final shape; other minerals in raw, semi
IIOD' ". ,.,. ".';OJ-, I\."ft·,.cplD •.•• ,,,.,
••• m~ OJ-Q.l. processed or processed form shall be in accordance

001\" f4C.I\1 h"'~ fI~h.,.t\1D' P'~ p'C'·'" with the following procedure;

ODIPI.:" 1,I1'''A 1-

lJI "ODAtl=J: f,I\9'" "'+t;: CP;J "I\TID' flCP;J:f1D' aJ The applicant shall produce a bank guaranty equivalent

x, "l.Jo9'" '1\9'" "''''tt: cP;J. ht\. "TaJo s: '"I"" to the amount of their current world market price,

"'.tfti:~ f)." ••"9'"~OJ- ODIPI..... f'l,h cpft•.••" where they are quoted in the International Market, or in

.rft.etfAi the absence of such price, in an amount to be specified

by the ministry.
t\/ "'.tft·l;~ IItll' "',.,.Yl ODIPI.'''' f"7bl:" •.••
bl The Ministry shall certify the type, quality and quantity
"oo-"sP:t: m~ 1D''1.''lJ1C ••••"11·" m~ lJ1C ID'ft•••
of samples of minerals before export and upon their
001\.... ',,~;J·:fOJ-·h
•••• •••t-;J-TOJ-·)" ODm"TaJo'
return in accordance with this Article.
,I.;J'"I'IJA !
I~lI'.U~l 11667
1lt 4Y.1rA t)6T "u.", .,.,.c iti till\. U +' 11I'.I~••.,. Federal Negarit Gazette No ..86. IS II> August 2019 page

dt/ (I'lIJ """'1t UUIP~'''' CD~CD-6J.1>

V1C f+~h··'" c/ Where the sample of the minerals exported pursuant to
f", II". 'i :,. 'i (Irk 'i ?'";f. 0 Hm 'i + 'i'''' CD-
{Il' II(Irk 1\. this Article fails to return fully or partially within 90
CDJ!,9" IIh~A IJA·,.ooft,," 1)1h· ~'i O?t{l""~ days from the date of their export, the bank .and the
(1)1h r+.fllCD- f'P{I:"li 111111CD~oy.ool\h+CD- ministry shall facilitate the deposit of the bank guaranty
f001..,p:" "IJA 1tl ~1Jll1'1 .f~C;JI\·!. to the relevant Government Authority,

00/ +00~'1i fl1'~'''' li oo·li?'";f. + ~9" nA h·,.~t

•.,.,. d/ Where the Ministry verifies that the returned samples of
;JC lloom11 1I1't-:" OJJ!,9" '1'J!,~:" h1'"
minerals are not identical in quantity, quality or type
'J!,~:" hftool1'liTm-1 "'l.t{l""~ IJ~;J1m fH.1I with the exported samples, the Provision of paragraph
')o-{I h ,+'" ~~A ,"t- /dJ Y:1;J~ ,,.L '117. (c) of this sub article shall apply. However, subject to
J!,l1'liA II l1'c;9" x1 ~ ",,, Y:~ , J!,~''''li I) ~ t J!, the type and character of the minerals, the list of the
I19"Coot- CD:":" hoomliTm- f+OJfI~m-1 .filA mineral that decreases in size during examination shall
t\.""~ fo?':}··I\. "711Y:li:" lIC11C 1I~'11 be prescribed by the Regulation.

II. AM "."""., 32. Adding' of Yalues

As the detailes will be determined based on the types of
lIClI~ ~1~ ",1IY:li'l: ~'i ~1~ L:J>~. 'J!,~:"
minerals, to enable the trade licence holder to sale it in
fot'a.fl1 l1'c; f"'11J!,:" qft~:J>,(' ",1I"'li:" 1I+;r1\ 'P;J
better price he shall mold, polish, decore and other
OD'Ii1' ~'Jl";f·.I\.lf"'l\{lft{l If''7{1'P11f",I'looCI :,.C'"
similar activites.
f", dJ-lIJ·'" ~ li Ibft••";f· ooflA +"'I)t- ,"" ",hli CD1
33. By-products

1. The licensee shall discard by-products from crafting;

h.flll.. 1'11111 f",lIJt-:"1 f"7:"ft1' Pt-?'";f· nhlim-~
refining and smelting that do not have value and have
f"'.Lm~:" 'P;J f"7.fOJffl- fhIJI)(l 11hl\:"
cause environmental pollution.
f", •.f{lh:"1\. +{'L 9"C.y.";f·1 I)ftL:J>~. Oh"'I)''-
"'{lCD1'" Aftll:" j
2. Where the by products mentioned under sub article (1)

f. 011.11A'+'" ,o-{I h1+'" Ii f+m+{)dJ- +{'L of this Article is valuable, the Ministry shall determine

9"C:" 'P;J f"'l..fCDlIJhl1'~ 1':"9" ~J!, f"'l.m-AO:"1 by Directive on how such by product can be used.

A"'1)11"'l.t{l""~ lloooot.f J!,OJ{I'iA

II 34.Personal Use

II· AnA. "'coMt The quantity and quality of minerals in their final shape
for personal use that any person may hold, transport, carry
""~dJ-9" fldJ- L~Y: •••.f{lLA1dJ- f~d{.;r :"C?·,
• I
abroad or bring from abroad without obtaining a license
f.fll f..,A oom+OY
..fdJ-1 ",1IY:1 00.flll "7~~1I1 J!,tf
shall be prescribed by Regulation.
CDJ!,l)OOJ~ V"C m-{l1' "'{I-,I):"
(lft"7.l·AO:" 1"),:1'1 oom1'i 'I't-:" 0~111 J!,CD{)'iA

Federal Negarit Gazette No..86. 1.5 • August 2019 p.gc

fI~. r"..tgac '&1" 35, Duty to Cooperate

"71;;:OJ-9" "OJ- ffl.'" 1\'I'~ 1\'1':(1 A"7iI~'A9" Any person has the duty ~pect the implememartOO-
fU?"OJIflo~1-tl'1 0000tf?J-:;'1 lI"7i1~'A9" 'I.~,.,. of this Proclamation and state of emergency measures
h"1l)-tl IJAOJ- I)AFAflJ1 ;JC foo"'I)IIC "1~:r taken by the emergency command post and law
hAII+1I enforcement organ or its officials and cooperate there

fiX. f:thAbc\: .,.'94-+ with.

36,P[objbjted Actjyjtjes
hfl.t' 11;1'-:;' N'ooAh'I:''''' '''''11)('''''' oo~fJ9" f·,.hAhA
The following activities are prohibited;

Ii· lIf1.t' h'P ~ "'I 1\"11)-tl~'''' f ATOJ- I\.""l· ;,.-)l· 1. Conducting transaction of minerals without obtaining
oolP I.'''' f"'''m ffJ'I 1"11: ~:J>1: •••.e Ii1.dJ- valid license pursuant to this Proclamation and other
f"7fJ1:1 "1-tl.e+ "7h'lOJ1! relevant Laws;

fl· "71;;:OJ-9" I)A~:J>1: II~:J>~ J'A,,.ooAh·I:+1

2. Any holder of a license undertakes activities not
P>l· "7h'I m 1 !
F (,.
indicated in the license or certificate of competence;
r· fh:"(,.(t~+ I)A~:J>.~ OJC:" OJ.e9" llC1 hl)1h·
3. Any holder of a supplier license to transfer gold or
OJ.e9" 11;""1 FAI'n h"'''IIldJ- hilA dJ-6""
silver to another person other than the bank or legally
"7i1.,.I\Afj:: f.,. ••••••
.,. '1'(,.+ fAOJ- OJC:" mY,9" -tIC
authorized organ, to sell an erroneous quality of gold
001i'l' mY,9" 1I"7'1TOJ-9" I"~:r A1)1h· mC:"
or silver, or in any form to deceive the bank or
m.e9" -tlC1 hoo7i'l' ;JC 0." f f" f"7 :rAA "'''1I)C
legally authorized organ in the sale of such minerals;
00l.fJ9" 1

~. "";;:m·9" f"7fJ1:'1+ 1"11: fj::J>1: I)Ao.+ h"1l)-tl

4. Any holder of mineral transaction license to sell
I)AOJ- ffJ~ '1'1111 I)A~:J>'~: fA.,.oo£.. ..,.' 9"C''''
products not produced by the holder of crafting
.001i'l'! nfJ~ 'I'II-tl I)A~:J>1: f·,.ool.',., 9"C+
license, to modify products produced by the holder
'1'&-·1:1OJ.e9" oom~1 IIU?"flll\'ii ooAll· 00.,. ffCf
of crafting license with a view of compromising the
OJ.e9" ". m:J>U?"OJ.e 9" s: 1 II;;: fU?"""'OJ-1 9"C•.,.
quality or quantity of the product, to sell a product to
'I'(,...,. OD rn 1 Il.11)OJ- . lD.e9" Il.f OJ-'"rn-
consumers or users in a way they could not
11"7.el·AOJ- 1"~;1' "7h'lOJ1'1 f~ m·fj: "71.;J16.1,
understand or know the quality and quantity, and not
hAooilm+ i
providing written proof of the description;
~. "71;;:OJ-9" f fJ s: '1'(111 I)A~:J>1: hI)1 h m.e 9" 1\.1\
;";J<f! FA (1)1 h"'''mdJ- hlJA dJ-"f.bmC:"'1 -tlC1 5. Any holder of crafting license to purchase raw gold
00"1•.•• m-1 mC:"'1 -tIC n'l'~
.,. mY,9" f',•.• ooAh· or silver from other than the bank or legally
A I\.1\ "7 iI·,.1\Afj:! authorized organ or transfer the same to any other
Federal Negarit Gazette No ..86, IS II. August 2019 page

~."7'}~(I)<SI" 1:
1)i\~..cJ> fhn~ (J}~SI" nhLA fhn~
. 6. Any holder of a license to store precious or
"71:'i'1-') noooD6)' hO?,(J}(}'1(1)<
nl\~ "7h"7T'r!
semiprecious minerals more than the amount to be
determined by directive;
~. "7'}~(I)<9'" fl\h."'-'- (J}JI,9'" fb~ '1")1) ~..cJ>I: I)i\o.,r
i\"7f1"""'(J}:" (J}~SI" i\ fo..,.. oo-h/r ct:.,' """11)(; 7. Any holder of mineral exporter or crafting licence
fails to return precious or semi-precious minerals he
lIttl.)'ce'1,r tunc )'(J}fI)TtD-') fhll~'i 1I1iLA
temporarily exported for promotion or laboratory test
fhn~ "7b.f.:'iT nlll' h"'~ .f.-,};J't h""ooi\h.,..oJo
in violation of the provisions of this Proclamation;
tD-".1. /tJl,ooAfI oo:"~T!

~. "7'}~(I)<SI" fb~ 'I'()1) 1:

1)i\~..cJ> n"'l.),ooc;J-TtD-
8. Any holder of crafting license to produce, to sell or
"I.fIJ"I.{lll· I\JI, nil" h"'~ ni-ooi\hi-(J)o oolP~'r
to transfer of ornaments without having the proper
'''1(l (J)o') SI"A h'r h i\ "71: ~ "1 (J) JI, SI" fOY.itfl) T (J)o')
producer mark on it or pat the sign in a way that the
Sl"C-fl· .,.m..cJ>lII1. (J}~SI" s: '}n~ tD- 'I'&,'I:'}'i
quality and quantity cannot be understood by
00 m .,.') i\.'II)(J)o (J) ~ 9'" i\.)' tD-cf>
(1)0 II"7JI,l· AnT
consumer or user, and not provide written proof of
I,.~;J- "71.:~'?'i ""1tlClJo') f~"'l'ct: "7~;J161iJ. the description and add impurities which are lower in
hi\ooflmTI'I'&.T . fOJ..r 'I1: i\. I)C)1: '11L!"l''} quality;

ii· fl\tl'1T ~:J>.f: l)i\o.T fo.,,. OD·h&. CIJofl}.'1: 9. Any holder of mineral exporter license to export
f"7 ~;J-tD:" '1'&"1: f""~~i\ "7b1:,} i\'if )'6J.1> mineral which is lower in quality for sale or
tD~'r i\"7f1i-"'(J}:" '1\"7 (J)~ (I)o6'J.1>
ool\h r promotion purpose without having a laboratory

I. n.w h"~ n'''~'111tD- oolP~T'i 1Ih. ,}~flT6C1Jo

10. To Undertake crafting activity without having due te
f"".~i\10J0') ""1(ltD-'} foth).h lI'?~'r It)' ~C.,.
preparation as required by the industry and according
fC)~ Tn 11 P'&'CIJo'}"7h'i(J}'} t
appropriate provision of this proclamation.
IIOY.).fli:~ tD~SI" 1I"'1.OOi\h;J-TtD- foo'}'?p"r
11. To Violate safety and environmental protection
no!»6)' o.-fl· fli\~",}'1T'i fli\ht)l)(l 'I'1I..cJ>
operating standard set by the ministry or other
ftD(floT'} fhf\('·C ~~)fsPl''}oofl)fll
appropriate Government Authorities.
"7,}~ OJoSl"f"7 c) 1:") "7 fIJ &.,1' ~:J>1: I)i\ 0.•.,. f.,../t /t.,..
12. Any holder of refining license to communicate
f"7 fIJ &.•.,. CIJofl}.
T "7 fli- ~i\ct: (J) ~ 9'" f"7fIJ &.•.,.
erroneous refining results or to conduct the refining
P'&,CIJo'Jh'''1(ltD ~~)f lI;J-l· "7-h'i(J}'} t
below the required standard. "

rr, nil" h"~ (J}1.9'" h,,:(') .,..hT/r> 1I0000tDfIJ ~ ,}1)

13. To Hold, to store, to transport, to carry out of the
no(}~•.,.· i\'?A nom"'''''.)' h""~"'~tD- nl\~ fh()~'i
country or to bring from abroad precious or semi-
IIhLA fhn~ "7bl:'iT'} DO )'111 "7h"7TTl "7~~1I1
precious mineral for personal use exceeding the limit
h1l1l: "7C1JofI)T(J}JI,9'" (J)~ V1l: CIJofl'l'"7f11I)T' prescribed under this Proclamation or Regulation to
be issued.
HiitUtt 11670
11t ~)~+.""'''1 .••"c '1'1 ~111\ II +, litHi 't."
1..¥./rA Federal Negarit Gezette No ..86. IS • August 2019
If!. "'I~ OJ<IJOf"'lll 1:1 "'I:" 1\... L:J>1: ql\o.o}- h"7l11:') 14. Any holder of mineral smelting license not to
"'1:"1\... ;JC lli'.f .1'" ;«»t-0J<1 flh..,qn- perform properly or act decisively in relation to his
hl\"'Ih ••w1 wl,r f"'l;J-I\A ·,...,qC uuL~lJOl duty of smelting,

15. Violates Regulation, Directives and Provisions which

uuuut.f OD(lJfa
are necessary to implement this proclamation.

37. Penalties

s, "'I1~0J<1JO"'OJ<"'1(t L:J>I.' (J)I,IJOf11:J>O)-"7~;J'''1.

1. Any person who engages in the transaction of minerals
without having the proper license or certificate of
frilhc (JJ~+'''' 1i.r,'il"n)<l-

VI fUlfI~ (JJ.r,1JOflhkA flhfl~ (JJI,IJO 11~o)- ~h

at Where it is,a transaction of precious or semi-precious or
"'III 1:,,'''' ..,11.r,0}- ;«» s- ".r, h·,.•••"7t- 11":(
metallic minerals, his minerals and any associated
f~ 1'f OJ<"'III I.'" O}-.. "'.1'.1' V' 00.., or "l· 1D.r,IJO
equipment or machine shall be confiscated and shall be
"'I·if,,"l· f~(JJ~""fI-1- t1''i h ~lit- nt 11C punishable with a fine of 50,000 - 100,000 Birr and an
111111 :"('1•.,. ".. "fah i '000)- 1I000".c:il Jt~ imprisonment not more than 7 years;
"pt-.'" .r,"'(IJA I

III flH.U h1"'~ 1o-fa h1"'~ (Ii) kF.A .,.t- (V) bl Where it is a transaction of minerals other than those
h·,.,ncl·•••OJ<"'1111:1 (J)o6f!' 1I1\.1\0l· f"'lIl1:1 ,.r,~.,. mentioned under sub article 1 (a) of this Article, his
..,11.r,"" Pt- ".r, h••••••
"7t- fI":( fUJ.,,"fOJ< minerals shall be confiscated and shall be punishable
•• -1-
"'1111.' f~(JJ~""flo)- t1''i' h @it -. !lit 11C with a fine of 30,000 - 50,000 Birr; and an
""'(IJA :" •• "fah ~ '000}- (lOY.F.Cfa~~. "pt-.'" imprisonment not more than 1 years;
""'(IJA I

fl. "'I1~(JJor ql\L:J>1: flH.tJ h'P~ h1"'~ @~ 1o-il 2. A holder of a license who breaches the Provision set
under sub article 2, 6 and 7 of Article 36 of this
h1.,.1\ J:l 1; " •• Z »«: f"'F.~11(JJo1 f •••"I\L h11C
proclamation shall be punishable with a fine of
@t11C - !lit 11C fI~F.Cfa f111111 00+"1. " ••
30,000 - 50,000 Birr and an imprisonment not more
. Afah Z ,00'", fI~F.Cfa ~~ Afat-"" .r,+flJA I
than7 years;

I:. "'I1~OJ<r ql\L:J>1: fltl.tJ h'P~ h1"'~ @1; 1o-fa 3. A holder of a license who breaches the provision set

h1+1\ [; A•• ?; pC f"'F.~11(JJo1 f •••"I\L hpt-dJ' under sub article 3 and 5 of Article 36 of this

;JC ". .I'.I'V'~..,..I'"T(JJo 0011sr "l·.. "'I'if~t"l· Proclamation, his minerals and any associated

A1 Jl'1-1JO "'III.~·~ fUJ.,(JJ~il" l.'C:~'1: f~II;J 11''''' equipment or machineries shall be confiscated, his
business shall be closed and shall be punishable with
h11C .~n. - lIC .~!ln.1IC (lOY.F.Cfaf111111 00.,.66},
A•• A•••h X '000}- fI~F.Cfa ~~ Afat-o}-.r,+(I1~ I a fine of 100,000 - 150,000 Birr and an
imprisonment not more than 10 years.
1Jt 4oY.lrA ))/.+ ..,,,'" "'I'C 'j'1 )11/\ ii +') filII'." Federal Negarit Gazette No ..86. IS 1h August 2019 page

~. 117'~ro-9'"Ill\L:J>.~· IIfL" htp~ h'+X' qj~ ,0-" h'+X'

. 4. A holder of a license who breaches the provision set
!i ~i ib I ,,~ If FC f ••·~~110l-' f"'"I\L h'flC !Iit- under sub article 4, 8, 9, 10 and 12 of Article 36 of

11C itit n",.~c" f1'''11 OD"'~IiJ.~"tall I 'OD'''' the proclamation shall be punishable with a fine of

1I"7..~C" X'~ ""to"" ~+IIJA i 50,000 - 80,000 Birr and an imprisonment not more
thanl0 years;

?i. "?'~0l-9" Ill\L:J>.(' 1111.11

htp~ h'.,.X' qj~ ,0-" h'.,.X' 5. A holder of a license or a certificate of competence
Hi FC f"'~~11ro-' f.,."I\L fhlJll(l •••6,,«r "'1"1117 who breaches the provision set under sub article 11
"'''L(', ,,~ f ••·.,.ODlflo..,.' f ••• 4-..,. Ol-•••~?'l· .•.
.,Iltoce of Article 36 of this proclamation shall be punishable

',If~I\·1 pursuant with proclamation which is implemented on

Environmental Impact Assesment;

~. 117'~ID-'I" Ill\L:J>.(' flllI' htp~ h'.,.X' qj~ ,0-" h'.,.X' 6. A holder of a license who breach the provision set

.n: f •••~~111D-' ffl,ta 1176y"'~~dJ~"'A II under sub article 13 of Article 36 of this

proclamation, his minerals shall be confiscated;

~. 117'~d"'I" fIl76Y..·' 117:"I\~ 111\L:J>Y..'fill." htp~ h'+X' 7. A holder of mineral smelting license who deceived
qj~ 10-" h'+X' I! f"'~~110l-1 f,,?;J-I\A •••.,IlC his customer as provided under sub article 14 of
hLOoo h11C .~it- 11C f!lit 1I°'l.~C" f1'"11 00"'~1iJ.~ Article 36, shall be punishable with a fine of 100,000
""h I ,00'", fI"'.~C" X'~ ""to·'" ~"'IIJA i - 150,000 Birr and an imprisonment hot more than
10 years;

t. 117'~0l-'I" fIl761:' 117:"1\

••• Ill\L:J>1: 1111.11
htp~ h'.,.X' 8. A holder of mineral smelting license who failed to
qj~ '0-" h'+X' Hi f"'~~11(1Jo Ftoro-" IIh.,Il(l< perform his activity as provided under sub article 14
1ll\lI7h~dJ' I\fll/.f~ctaOl- '1-.14''''h !lit- 11C fit IIf11/.~C" of Article 36 of this proclamation and caused
f1'"11 00+, ••• ~"'("A i damage, shall be punishable with a fine of 50,000 -
100,000 Birr;

ii. 117'~ID-9'"f"?')mC 6~ •••1111111\L:J>Y..' h.,I\ta11 11.,11:

9. Any holder of smithery license who fails to submit
ffll/.taO"IlTd'" f •••I1"": dJ~'I" f •••tall~ fmC:"'i" 11C
report of the amount of used or broken gold or silver
oom') flrt.., htp~ IH·ODI\h·,.Ol- ODIP~"" t,TC''''
that he purchased as per this proclamation c, shall be
hl\"?1:~" h1lC $it- 11C ~it 1I"'1.~C" f1')1I1I
punishable with a fine of 20,000 - 30,000 Birr and an
oo+ftj,'i" "tah r ,00'", Ofll/.~C" ""to"" ~+('JA I I
imprisonment not more than 3 years.

Ii!7tH(tf 11672
11i" I..UrA ~)(.+ ;Jlf.n, 4t'l'C 'ifi ~1I1\. II +') lit!?i 't." Federal Negarit Gazette No ..86, 1$ II August 2019 p•••

!J~.(,.112'(;' &"121. 38. Transjtory Provisions

hhU~. 117{)f:CJ"'" aJ,(.1.1. Utn fll7{)f:1 '"HIJ','''' I\f, The provisions of this proclamation shall be applied to

frw hP~ .f:1;J1.sPT "'~'UOf. fUOf.If~lD' hP:( minerals transactions other than precious minerals
h1lCJ'U-l-.,..) ~rC' hfl.(·fl·'" CDC U~I\ J',lfCJ'A I I transactions after six months starting from the date of the
comingin to force of this Proclamation.

39. Repealed Laws

Ii· fhU~ iI'J{)f:CJ'..,. '"I11J','''' hP~ ~1'C ~r.!lIi/f{7t1i 1. The precious Mineral Transaction Proclamation No.

UH.1l hP~ .,.·nZ:A I I 651/2001 is hereby repealed.

~·hH.lJ hP~ ;JC f01J.:J>~1 1171~a)or :it'"lt ~11h 2. No law, Regulation, Directives or Customary
UDUD(,f CDJ',r f"'I\UD~ hlP6-C UH..J htp~ Practices shall, in so far as they are inconsistent with
()'Ni~'" "'~f'l' I\f, "'~~~~-l- hJ',lj'~lD'rll this Proclamation, be applicable with respect to
matters governed b~ this Proclamation.
!to &1:fl'j' ,.,.(;, ,.,fD:llJT FA""
40. Power to Issue Regulation and Djreetiyes
Ii· f01J.tfl-l-C'l· rhc 0...,. J',1I1 hP~ l\"'Ifl~"r
The Council of Ministers may issue Regulations
snr fll..A .,. ~1(ll'1 I\.fCD"I J',l'I\A II
necessary for the implementation of this
fl· "".tfl·l:~ .eU1 hP~CJ' (It",J h').,.~c..,)Ofl h1"'~ Ii Proclamation. \
UDIP~'''' fCDm s:1 (ll'1 1\"71l~"r fUOf.ffl~A'" 3. The Ministry may issue Directives necessary for the
UDUD(,f sPl'1 I\.fCDr" .el· •••A I I implementation of this Proclamation and Regulations
issued pursuant to sub article 1 of this Article.

41. Effective Date

.ell hP~ U&".f.6-A ~;J('-l- ;JH.n, ;J--l-'l0 hCD"lU''''
This Proclamation shall enter in to force on the date of
.,.') ~rC' fOCJ' f,lfCJ'A I I

publication in the Federal Negarit Gazette.

Done at Addis Ababa, On the 15th Day of August., 2019


fk-l-r-A".r 1..u.4'! •••••h~iU"e PRESIDENT OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC

~T:flA.h T&'VI"tT

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