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Program : Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) Mechanical (EM220)
Course : Manufacturing Processes Laboratory
Course Code : MEM564
Title of Topic : Section 1 : CADCAM
Class : EMD5M10B2
Date of Report 09/11/2020
Submission :

Lecturer/ Instructor : Dr. Mohamad Firhan Bin Morni / Dr Nurul Hayati Abdul
No. Student Name Student ID Number
1. Muhammad Firdaus Abd Hamid 2019615346

General Guidelines:
LEVEL Weak Marginal Satisfactory Good Excellent

Scale 1 2 3 4 5

Level Marks
Criteria Scale
Achieved Obtained
Qualifying requirements:

Cover - Acceptable? * Yes / No

Introduction 2
Apparatus 2

CLO3 Safety and Experimental Procedure 4

Conclusions 3
Recommendation 3

References 1
Report delivery 1

Total Marks (80%)

General Guidelines:
LEVEL Weak Marginal Satisfactory Good Excellent
Scale 1 2 3 4 5

Report Contents Content Description Weightage Factor Score

Refer to title of topic. - - - -

2.0 State the purpose that

Objective(s) describes the intention of
the computer - - - -
simulations/demo videos to
the topic.

3.0 Provide an understanding

Introduction of the computer
(Theory and simulations/demo videos to
Background) relate with the body of
knowledge of the topic 10 % 2
which includes necessary
diagrams, theory or
[CLO1 - PO1]

4.0 List equipment, machine,

Apparatus accessories, and
components, involved in the
computer simulations/demo
videos with the necessary
May include a brief 10 % 2
description of the
instrumentation/set-up if
necessary, to connect with
the main body of knowledge
of the topic.
[CLO1 - PO1]
Describe safety, standard
Safety and
operating procedures and
methods applied to relate
with appropriate techniques 20 % 4
of the topic using available
modern engineering set up/
machineries and IT tools.
[CLO3 – PO5]

6.0 Conclusions Summarize the outcome of 15% 3

the computer
simulations/demo videos.
Relate this to the

[CLO2 – PO4]

7.0 Recognize a need for

Recommendation improvement/ modification
in the system/process for
15% 3
further investigation (At
least 3).
[CLO2 – PO4]
References List references to methods
and related studies with
appropriate style of report 5% 1
writing. (At least 10).
[CLO5 – PO10]
9.0 Able to comprehend and
Report delivery write effective reports and
design documentation; and
give and receive clear
instructions 5% 1
(Formatting and writing
skill, Language, include
Turnitin report)
[CLO5 – PO10]

Please note:
Compulsory to
include/attach this
lab report assessment
form in your report
submission. NO
MARK be given if
failure to do so.
To study the working principle of Computer Numerical Control (CNC) Milling Machine
using G-Code (NC-Code).

Computer numerical control (CNC) is programmed code that represents instructions
for precise movements to be carried out by machines. Indirectly, this code defines how to
automatically create, produce, or transform a virtual object into a real one. Based on this
definition, a CNC machine must interact with a computer equipped with software that
transforms numerical code into Cartesian coordinates. This allows the machine to work with
a high degree of precision, just like a robot.
In milling operation the milling machines is divided into a few categories based on
their cutting axis (1 – 5). However, in CNC milling machines, it can have any amount of axes
since it operates through a computer system called G-Code (NC Code).
G-codes are a called preparatory codes, and are any word in a CNC program that
begins with the letter G. Generally it is a code telling the machine tool what type of action to
perform. In this experiment, the G-codes that were used is;
• Controlled feed move in a straight line or arc
• Series of controlled feed moves that would result in a hole being bored, a
workpiece cut (routed) to a specific dimension, or a profile (contour) shape
added to the edge of a workpiece
• Set offset
• Switch coordinate systems
By using CATIA V5 software :
1 Part design 1. Sketch: To create a 2D shaped
2. Constraint: To set a measurement
3. Pad: Extrude the sketch into 3D shape
4. Pocket: To cut through at certain depth
2 Drafting 1. Text: Create a “name” on a sheet to be copy-
3 Generative Shape Design 1. Create Rough Stock: Rough stock creation
for machining
2. Axis System: Set a new axis for machining
4 Surface Machining 1. Roughing: To adjust/modify the machine
tool (offset, feed, speed, etc) and creates a
simulation of milling process.
2. Generate NC Code is Batch Mode:
Computerized the G-code and document it
using NC processor file (siemen840)
3. Display G-code after product is
5 File toolbar 1. Save file
2. Propagate directory

1) Sketch a 2D rectangular shape (50mm x 100mm) part design and extrude it into 3D
rectangular of 25mm height of block named Part 1.
2) Start with a new drafting design window and use the Text toolbar to create a “Student
ID” and set to 100000mm size. Then save in ig2. named Drawing1.ig2.
3) Open Part 1, and after that open Drawing1.ig2. and copy the student ID and paste it on
Part 1. Adjust its position accordingly.
4) Open a Generative Shape Design with Part 1 as it’s product. Create a rough stock on Part
1. Then, insert a new axis 25mm from original origin in z-direction. Save the file in Cat
5) Create a milling process using Surface Machining using the same product. Double click
on PartOperation.1 to set some necessity data. Set /Part1/Part1/PartBody as design part
for simulation. /Part1/Part1/Rough stock.1 as its stock and safety plane on top part with
50mm offset. Also, set the new axis as the reference machining axis system.
6) Using roughing toolbar, set the speed of federate to 1000turn_mn. Then, set the diameter
of milling machine to 1mm with Rc of 0.5mm. Select stepover length with 0.5mm
maximum distance between pass. Set the cutting depth to 1mm. After that, set 0mm on
both part and check offset. Make sure roughing process is worked on the rough stock,
part, top and bottom of product.
7) Click on Tool Path Replay to process and display the simulations of the milling process
8) Open file toolbar, open save management and save Process1. and propagate its directory
9) After the process is done, go to Generate NC code toolbar and set it’s output to the same
file as the drafting and drawing saved. In NC code sub-section, execute siemen840 as its
IMS-Post processor file.
10) Make sure to recheck every steps, dimension, processes is generated accordingly to users
demand and no error occurred.

G-Code generated :
STARTFIFO ……………………………….
N1 G54 G40 G90 G17 N3657 X85.866 Y25.281 Z-.958
N2 M8 N3658 X85.827 Y25.287 Z-.947
N3 G53 N3659 X85.788 Y25.285 Z-.937
N4 T1 M6 N3660 X85.75 Y25.276 Z-.926
N5 G0 X9.776 Y23.613 S1000 M3 N3661 X85.714 Y25.259 Z-.916
N6 Z50. N3662 Z9.084
N7 Z10.001 N3663 G0 Z50.
N8 G1 Z.001 F300. N3664 M5
N9 X8.882 Y23.041 Z-.283 N3665 M30
N10 X8.831 Y23.003 Z-.3 N3666 M2
…………………………. N3667 M30
In fundamental terms, G-code is a language in which people tell computerized
machine tools how to make something. The how is defined by instructions on where to move,
how fast to move, and the offset needed. The most common situation is that, within a
machine tool, a cutting tool is moved according to these instructions through a toolpath,
cutting away excess material to leave only the finished workpiece. Most manufacturers all
around the world use CNC programming to control a machine’s tools to produce parts.
For example, from this CADCAM experiment we can see that we use G54 to work on
the offset This code is used to define a fixture offset which determines the distance from a
machine’s internal coordinates to the datum on a workpiece before it starts milling. In real
situation, people can program multiple offsets if a job requires machining multiple parts at
Safety precautions must be taken when working on these codes. Any miscellaneous
could start off with the wrong foot. As a safety precautions, engineers develop a computer
simulation system to work on those codes according to proper procedure. By doing so, any
error or minor problems could be eliminated before working on the real working system.
Also, having a recheck on the system would be crucial as it is now a must in working on a
real system coding.

1. Having the system rechecked multiple times before starting the simulation so that we
can eliminate any possible error or system crash.
2. In real-life situation, modifying or altering the codes without permission or
supervision is absolutely prohibited because any miscellaneous could cause major
3. Make sure to supervisors verify every program once the coding process is complete
because if there is any section that can be improvise should be taken care off by the
4. Keep the process as minimum as possible by not producing much waste from the
product. Waste product from CNC programs are all non-reusable since the dimension
cannot be alter or modify in real situation
1. Mike Lynch, 2008, “The Basics of Computer Numerical Control”, CNC Concepts,
2. Andreas Velling, 2020, “What Is CNC Machining? Working Principles, Capabilities
& More”, Engineering Blog.
3. Marti Deans, 2018, “G-Code: The CNC Programming Language”, AutoDesk
4. Lynch, Mike, 2010, "When programmers should know G code", Modern Machine
5. Lynch, Mike, 2011, "Five CNC myths and misconceptions CNC Tech Talk column,
Editor's Commentary", Modern Machine Shop
6. American Micro, Inc, 2018, “The Differences Between G Code and M Code”,
American Micro Industry.
7. Bob Warfield, 2020, “CNC Programming with G Code: Definitive Free Tutorial”,
CNC Cookbook.

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