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Cite This: J. Chem. Educ. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX

Modifying Laboratory Experiments To Promote Engagement in

Critical Thinking by Reframing Prelab and Postlab Questions
Jon-Marc G. Rodriguez and Marcy H. Towns*
Department of Chemistry, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907, United States

ABSTRACT: As described by the National Research Council, science practices reflect, in

part, the way science is done. When researchers are developing an explanation for a
phenomenon, they are using a combination of knowledge and skills reflected in the
science practices. Laboratory-based chemistry courses provide the opportunity for
See for options on how to legitimately share published articles.

students to move beyond surface-level thinking as they use quantitative reasoning skills,
analyze data, and draw connections between observations and explanations. Thus, when
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students in a laboratory course are utilizing science practices, they are making use of the
shared set of tools used by researchers. Here we discuss laboratory curriculum
development that focuses on taking current laboratory experiments and modifying them
by framing the prelab and postlab questions in terms of science practices, which provides
the opportunity for students to engage in critical thinking. This approach toward creating
a practice-centered curriculum is an easy way instructors can promote engagement in
science practices without having to expend the time and resources needed to completely
redesign laboratory experiments.
KEYWORDS: First-Year Undergraduate/General, Laboratory Instruction

C hemistry education is implicitly associated with labo-

ratory instruction; however, it is worth validating the
assumption that laboratory instruction is effective at promoting
7. Engaging in argument from evidence
8. Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information
student learning. A review of the literature reveals there is a The importance placed on student engagement in skills such
lack of evidence that directly correlates student learning with as these in university-level science education, particularly in
laboratory instruction, with some researchers using this gap in chemistry education, has been recognized in the literature, and
the literature to build an argument that chemistry courses has been described in the ACS guidelines for bachelor degree
should not have a laboratory component.1−5 Taken within the programs as critical for a “rigorous and excellent” chemistry
context of the enormous cost and time expenditure exhausted program that adequately prepares students for careers in
by laboratory courses, there is a need for research that chemistry.14−19 Therefore, our intent is to provide a resource
evaluates the role of laboratories in learning chemistry. As for instructors to develop laboratory curriculum that explicitly
indicated in the literature, part of the problem with learning in promotes student engagement in science practices, which
laboratory courses is the need for the goals of laboratory work makes the goal of laboratory coursework clear, concise, and
to be more intentional, communicated more explicitly, and measurable.
assessed more systematically, with multiple studies confirming
there is a general disconnect between student and faculty goals
in chemistry laboratory courses.6−12 In order to adequately
address these claims and state whether or not learning is Why Practices?
occurring it is necessary to be explicit about the nature of
learning expected from these courses. In agreement with the As seen in the description for each of the science practices
National Research Council,13 this work asserts that the primary provided in Table 1, there is some overlap. For example,
purpose of science education (e.g., chemistry laboratory developing and using models often involves describing a process
coursework) is to emphasize the nature of science as the using mathematical formalisms (i.e., using mathematical and
confluence of knowledge and skills by focusing on engagement computational thinking) that fit empirical data. The blending of
in science practices, which encompasses: the descriptions provided is a result of the nature of scientific
inquiry; scientists have a set of tools they use to address
1. Asking questions questions, often making use of multiple tools at once.
2. Developing and using models However, the key point is that students are engaging in
3. Planning and carrying out investigations
4. Analyzing and interpreting data Received: August 20, 2018
5. Using mathematics and computational thinking Revised: September 20, 2018
6. Constructing explanations
© XXXX American Chemical Society and
Division of Chemical Education, Inc. A DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.8b00683
J. Chem. Educ. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX
Journal of Chemical Education Article

Table 1. Science Practices (Adapted from NRC Framework)13

Science Practice Description
1. Asking questions Asking scientific questions that can be investigated and addressed empirically
2. Developing and using Using a variety of models (mathematical, conceptual, etc.) as tools that reflect evidence, explain phenomena, and have predictive
models power; understanding the limits of models and the appropriate context to use a particular model
3. Planning and carrying Taking into account experimental design considerations; gathering data that addresses research questions; deciding on appropriate
out investigations tools/instruments to collect data
4. Analyzing and Using tools to look for patterns and trends in data; considering implications of sources of error or evidence that conflicts with existing
interpreting data models; refining models based on emerging evidence
5. Using mathematics and Expressing relationships mathematically; using computational methods for data analysis and mathematical modeling; using
computational thinking mathematical models to make predictions and describe phenomena
6. Constructing Providing coherent explanations for processes; making connections between evidence and models
7. Engaging in argument Collaborating with peers; critically considering the validity of proposed explanations; communicating connections between claims and
from evidence data
8. Obtaining, evaluating, Oral and written dissemination of concepts and results (including the use of data, figures, graphs, and mathematical formalism to
and communicating communicate meaning); using primary literature as a source of information; critically evaluating claims presented in primary
information literature and other media

activities that reflect the nature and process of science, and Similarly, critical thinking skills are involved when engaging in
practices (as a unit) are clearly defined by the National multiple practices simultaneously, for example, using new data
Research Council (NRC),13 and thus lend themselves to be (analyzing and interpreting data) to refine existing models
systematically measured, assessed, and identified. (developing and using models).
We acknowledge the important role laboratory coursework Development of Tasks That Promote Engagement in
plays in chemistry education.18,19 On the basis of the nature of Science Practices
the science practices presented in Table 1, which center on
generation, analysis, and discussion of empirical data, Research has identified the need for explicitly articulated and
laboratory work provides an excellent opportunity for students systematically measurable goals, and through qualitative and
to engage in science practices. When looking at the NGSS quantitative surveying three common goals have emerged that
science practices, the ACS guidelines for B.S. degree programs, are consistent among faculty that teach undergraduate
and the goals chemistry faculty have for laboratory coursework, chemistry laboratory-based courses; namely, in addition to
there is an emerging consensus: They each view critical engaging in critical thinking, students should be familiar with
thinking as an important part of instruction (see Figure considerations of experimental design and learn laboratory
1).6−8,13,18,19 As mentioned by Stowe and Cooper,21 “critical skills/techniques.6−8 Experimental design considerations are
encompassed in the science practice planning and carrying out
investigations, and although learning chemistry laboratory
skills/techniques is not explicitly outlined in the NGSS science
practices, it is also implied when planning and carrying out
investigations. Being able to design experiments involves
considering which instruments to use and which techniques
will be useful for collecting data that will address the research
question. Due to the nature of the science practices as domain-
general, they do not explicitly address learning specific data
collection techniques (creating a standard curve, pipetting,
titrating, etc.), and instead emphasize the overarching practices
used in all science domains. For the purposes of this work, we
will focus on the development and emphasis of science
practices that are relevant to all scientific fields.
As mentioned previously, faculty goals are addressed and
clearly articulated in the NGSS science practices. Thus, from
an assessment standpoint, the recent movement from science
involving the vaguely defined act of inquiry (National Science
Education Standards released in 1996) to a practice-centered
view (Next Generation Science Standards released in 2012) is
Figure 1. Diagram illustrating the common emphasis placed on a positive step for educators, due to the clearly defined nature
critical thinking, as presented in the literature: NGSS science of the set of practices.15,20,22,23 The clearly defined practices
practices, ACS guidelines for B.S. degree programs, and faculty goals. have the potential to improve the ability to create and assess
goals in laboratory courses, with a single item on an exam
potentially assessing student ability with respect to multiple
thinking” is a term that is often vaguely defined but can be practices. The challenge then becomes assessing engagement
reframed in a readily measurable way by describing course in science practices in courses with large enrollment, which is
objectives using the “language of practices”. In terms of the not trivial since practices are noncontent goals that involve
NGSS practices, critical thinking skills are involved in each of more than simple recall; this requires adaption of current
the practices, such as when analyzing and interpreting data, assessments without losing the validity, reliability, and
constructing explanations, or engaging in argument f rom evidence. convenience afforded by traditional forms of assessment.14,17,22
B DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.8b00683
J. Chem. Educ. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX
Journal of Chemical Education Article

On a similar note, due to the extent to which information is context of this paper, the prelab and postlab questions for the
readily accessible, it becomes increasingly important to develop traditional and modified laboratory experiments were charac-
assessments and tasks that go beyond content knowledge and terized using the “Criteria for Constructed Response Assess-
require more than factual recall, rote memorization, or simply ment Tasks” from the 3D-LAP developed by Laverty et al.;16
looking up answers online.15,24,25 thus, each question was assigned the appropriate code if it met
Addressing the need to develop assessments that measure the criteria for engagement in a particular science practice (see
engagement in the science practices, a group of researchers Table 2). After initial assignment of codes to each prelab and
designed the Three-Dimensional Learning Assessment Proto-
col (3D-LAP), which provides a systematic way to evaluate test Table 2. Assigned Codes for Analysis of Prelab/Postlab
items based on whether the test item involves student Questions
engagement with the three dimensions of the NRC framework:
Code Science Practice
science practices, crosscutting concepts, and core ideas.16 Due
to the scope of this work, we will focus on the portion of the N/A Not applicable
3D-LAP related to science practices. The protocol developed NSP No science practice
by the researchers is straightforward to use, involving a simple SP1 1. Asking questions
and practical set of criteria for each science practice. In order SP2 2. Developing and using models
for an assessment item to be described as involving student SP3 3. Planning and carrying out investigations
engagement in a specific science practice, the assessment item SP4 4. Analyzing and interpreting data
must meet each of the criteria outlined by the 3D-LAP.16 It is SP5 5. Using mathematics and computational thinking
also important to note that the research group that designed SP6/7a 6. Constructing explanations
the protocol created two different sets of criteria for evaluating 7. Engaging in argument from evidence
test items, one for assessment tasks that involve “constructed SP8 8. Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information
responses” (free-response or short answer) and one for Science practices 6 and 7 are combined in the 3D-LAP.
assessment tasks that involve “selected responses” (multiple-
choice questions), with the development of two separate sets
of criteria serving as an acknowledgment of the need for
postlab question, an additional researcher independently coded
assessments that cater to large-enrollment courses.16

the questions; the code assignments were then adjusted as
COMPARISON OF TRADITIONAL AND MODIFIED necessary to reach a consensus between researchers.27 Having
PRELAB AND POSTLAB QUESTIONS an additional researcher involved in this process was
particularly useful to operationalize the criteria provided by
In order to clearly communicate what it would entail to Laverty et al.16 From a practical standpoint, when adapting
develop a modified laboratory curriculum, we provide an prelab and postlab questions using the 3D-LAP we suggest
example of a traditional laboratory experiment26 and a instructors collaborate with other faculty members to help
modified laboratory experiment that has been adapted to make decisions regarding what would need to be added to a
promote student engagement in science practices. The question in order to elicit engagement in science practices.
laboratory experiments are placed in the context of acid− Traditional Prelab and Postlab Questions
base titrations, which was chosen as a context because it is
ubiquitous in undergraduate general chemistry. A survey of Initial analysis of the traditional laboratory questions revealed
acid−base titration experiments from different general that, among the six prelab questions, four required the students
chemistry courses reveals that the protocol is largely the to do calculations, one acted as a reminder for students to
same (i.e., students do multiple colorimetric and/or potentio- bring a USB memory storage device, and one asked the
metric titrations to determine the concentration of an students to copy the procedures into their laboratory
unknown solution), with the difference between the courses notebook. Further analysis using the 3D-LAP indicated that
being how the experiment is framed in terms of the prelab only one of the prelab questions elicited engagement in science
questions and the postlab discussion/report. Taking a standard practices (SP5; using mathematics and computational thinking).
protocol and framing it in terms of science practices provides a As stated by Reed, Brandriet, and Holme,17 it is important to
simple model instructors can follow; rather than completely keep in mind that practices involve content and skills, which
developing new laboratory experiments, which takes significant involves demonstrating what you can do with content
time and resources, they can simply modify their existing knowledge. For this reason, simply performing a calculation,
laboratory experiments by focusing on adapting prelab/postlab without any subsequent prompting that requires the student to
questions to engage students in critical thinking. This is think about the value or demonstrate an understanding of the
analogous to the suggestion made by Underwood et al.25 for value, is not adequate for evidence that the student is engaging
faculty to adapt current assessments to more explicitly engage in the science practice of using mathematics and computational
students in critical thinking, rather than develop completely thinking. This is encompassed in the 3D-LAP criteria; in order
new assessments. Therefore, the modified laboratory experi- for a task to promote engagement in the science practice using
ment was developed by using the 3D-LAP to adapt the mathematics and computational thinking, it must meet the
traditional laboratory prelab and postlab questions. following criteria:16
In the sections that follow we present our discussion of the 1. Question gives an event, observation, or phenomenon.
extent in which a traditional laboratory experiment promotes 2. Question asks student to perform a calculation or
engagement in science practices. This analysis was informed by statistical test, generate a mathematical representation,
the work of Reed, Brandriet, and Holme,17 in which the or demonstrate a relationship between parameters.
authors used the 3D-LAP to analyze the role of science 3. Question asks student to give a consequence or an
practices in ACS Exams Institute (ACS-EI) test items. In the interpretation (not a restatement) in words, diagrams,
C DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.8b00683
J. Chem. Educ. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX
Journal of Chemical Education Article

Table 3. Traditional Prelab and Postlab Questions

symbols, or graphs of their results in the context of the were sorted using the ACS Anchoring Concepts Content Map
given event, observation, or phenomenon. (ACCM), certain science practices were more common for
That said, although multiple prelab questions had students specific big ideas.17 In their analysis, Reed and colleagues17
perform calculations, in most cases students were not asked to noted that for test items that assessed content related to the
assign any meaning to the values, so it did not involve big idea category of “Chemical Reactions”, which is the
engagement in science practices. Applying this analysis to the category that is relevant for our discussion here regarding
four postlab questions, only the first postlab question elicited acid−base reactions, developing and using models was the most
engagement in sciences practices, SP4 (analyzing and common science practice. The idea that certain practices may
interpreting data) and SP5 (using mathematics and computa- be more relevant or better suited for a particular topic is useful
tional thinking). Table 3 provides a summary of the codes to keep in mind for assessment and was perhaps a missed
assigned to each prelab and postlab question. Overall, the opportunity for this traditional laboratory experiment, which
general impression of the traditional laboratory experiment was did not involve student engagement in developing and using
that it emphasized calculations without connecting the models.
mathematics to chemistry, and science practices as a whole
Modified Prelab and Postlab Questions
were not well-represented.
From previous work that involved analyzing ACS test items The development of the modified laboratory experiment
for engagement in science practices, generally science practices centered on science practices involved starting with the
were not common among the test items, but when the items traditional lab discussed above and focusing on modifying
D DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.8b00683
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Table 4. Modified Prelab and Postlab Questions

the prelab and postlab questions to more explicitly engage the science practices as being rooted in both content and skill,
students in science practices. Additionally, the modified focusing on a conceptual understanding in the prelab fits well
laboratory experiment was designed so that students would with how the science practices are conceptualized.
engage in each of the eight science practices over the course of As shown in Table 4, in comparison to the traditional prelab
the laboratory experiment. Furthermore, in addition to using and postlab questions, the general format for the modified
the 3D-LAP criteria to write these questions, a recently laboratory experiment involves the representation of each of
published review paper by Agustian and Seery28 provided some the science practices, fewer questions, and a greater emphasis
input regarding how to frame prelab assignments. Agustian and on conceptual understanding. In addition, for the prelab, the
Seery28 discussed how students have too much to think about first question prompts students to consider the general
in lab (chemistry concepts, procedure, lab techniques, safety, questions that are being investigated in the experiment and
etc.), and it is best to minimize the amount of information how the data generated from the method used will help
given to the students before the laboratory session by only respond to these questions. This reflects engagement in the
focusing on “supportive information” in prelabs (what the science practice planning and carrying out investigations, and it
students need in order to have a general understanding and addresses Augustian and Seery’s28 suggestions regarding
overview of the theory behind the task), instead of “procedural emphasizing the general overview of the experiment instead
information” (the specific information students need to of specific details (such as how to calculate the concentration
complete each step of the task). These ideas were used to of analyte in a titration or simply writing down all the
procedures in the laboratory manual).

help frame the prelab questions in the modified laboratory
experiment by primarily focusing on ideas such as the
connection between the content, the question at the center CONCLUSION
of the lab experiment, and how the method/approach is well In our discussion of placing this study in the context of science
suited to answer the question of interest. Due to the nature of practices, we integrated recommendations from the National
E DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.8b00683
J. Chem. Educ. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX
Journal of Chemical Education Article

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Jon-Marc G. Rodriguez: 0000-0001-6949-6823 Changes in the 2015 ACS Guidelines for Bachelor’s Degree Programs.
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