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Received: 20 December 2018    Accepted: 14 January 2019

DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.13132


Ecological succession in a changing world

Cynthia C. Chang1  | Benjamin L. Turner2

Division of Biology, University of
Washington, Bothell, Washington Abstract
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, 1. Ecological succession – how biological communities re‐assemble and change over
Balboa, Republic of Panama
time following natural or anthropogenic disturbance – has been studied since the
Correspondence birth of ecology, and the resulting theoretical framework underpins many aspects
Cynthia C. Chang
of the discipline. Recently, the mechanistic basis of classic succession theory has
been advanced by studies of plant and microbial interactions, functional traits,
Handling Editor: Richard Bardgett
and retrogressive stages of ecosystem development. This special issue brings to‐
gether a series of papers that highlight these contemporary novel approaches and
how our understanding of ecological succession has advanced.
2. Four key themes emerge from the issue: (a) generalizations about succession, (b)
the influence of dispersal and habitat size on successional trajectories, (c) changes
in plant functional traits during succession, and (d) belowground community inter‐
actions during long term during ecosystem development.
3. Synthesis. The articles in the special issue highlight novel perspectives on succes‐
sion theory, revealing the importance of historical contingency, disturbance sever‐
ity, dispersal limitation, functional traits, and belowground community processes
in determining patterns of ecosystem development. Together, they reinforce the
importance of ecological succession in understanding the response of plant and
microbial communities to disturbance in a changing world.

community assembly, dispersal limitation, disturbance, disturbance severity, global change,
ecosystem development, functional traits

1 |  I NTRO D U C TI O N and has direct relevance to studies of landscape ecology, ecosystem
development, restoration ecology, and global change ecology (Meiners
Ecological succession – the study of how biological communities re‐as‐ et al., 2014; Prach & Walker, 2011; Walker, Walker, & Hobbs, 2007;
semble following natural or anthropogenic disturbance – has been a Walker & Wardle, 2014). In particular, successional studies provide
foundation in ecology, and the theoretical framework underpins many insight into the community assembly mechanisms, including dispersal
aspects of the discipline (Egerton, 2015; Meiners, Cadotte, Fridley, limitation (Makoto & Wilson, 2016; Tilman, 1993), species pool effects
Pickett, & Walker, 2014; Prach & Walker, 2011; Walker & Wardle, (Li et al., 2016), priority effects (Fukami, 2015), abiotic environmen‐
2014). Although succession is sometimes perceived as an old‐fash‐ tal filtering (Lebrija‐Trejos, Perez‐Garcia, Meave, Bongers, & Poorter,
ioned topic, recent studies and reviews demonstrate that succession 2010; Lohbeck et al., 2014), stochastic processes (Marteinsdóttir,
continues to play a central role in modern ecological theory and ap‐ Svavarsdóttir, & Thórhallsdóttir, 2018; Norden et al., 2015), biotic in‐
plication. For example, our understanding of succession is embedded teractions (e.g. competition, facilitation, herbivory; Connell & Slatyer,
in theories of modern community assembly and species coexistence 1977; Huston & Smith, 1987; Tilman, 1993), and feedbacks (e.g. be‐
(Chang & HilleRisLambers, 2016; HilleRisLambers, Adler, Harpole, tween plant and microbial communities; Bauer, Mack, & Bever, 2015).
Levine, & Mayfield, 2012; Pulsford, Lindenmayer, & Driscoll, 2014), Ecological succession clearly serves as a foundation for modern ecology.

Journal of Ecology. 2019;107:503–509. © 2019 The Authors. Journal of Ecology |  503  
© 2019 British Ecological Society
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504       EDITORIAL

Recent advances in our understanding of ecological succession belowground community interactions on long‐term ecosystem devel‐
are particularly relevant in the current era of rapid global change. opment. Together, the articles extend our conceptual framework for
For example, land‐use change and habitat fragmentation directly af‐ understanding succession by providing novel insights into the mecha‐
fect dispersal, species pool sizes, and priority effects (e.g. Damschen nisms driving community assembly in ecosystems worldwide.
et al., 2008; De Meester, Vanoverbeke, Kilsdonk, & Urban, 2016;
Fukami, 2015). Changes abiotic conditions due to nutrient deposi‐
1.1 | Generalizations about succession
tion or climate change affect environmental filtering and the strength
and direction of plant–soil feedbacks, with potential consequences Despite succession being a foundation of ecological theory, few studies
for community development (e.g. Blois, Zarnetske, Fitzpatrick, & have sought broad generalizations across a range of successional sites.
Finnegan, 2013; Ettinger & HilleRisLambers, 2013; Härdtle, Niemeyer, Such comparative studies are necessary because they provide insight
Niemeyer, Assmann, & Fottner, 2006). Furthermore, because natural into the relative importance of community assembly mechanisms (e.g.
and anthropogenic disturbances (e.g. fire, volcanic eruption, recla‐ environmental filtering, biotic interactions, priority effects, and dispersal
mation sites, and old‐field/forest recovery from land‐use) influence limitation) at different stages of succession (Chang & HilleRisLambers,
community assembly mechanisms in different ways, they provide 2016), in different successional types (e.g. primary versus secondary
valuable natural experiments to disentangle the mechanisms of com‐ succession), and across broad spatial and temporal scales (Walker, 2011;
munity change. Studies of ecological succession can therefore help Walker & Wardle, 2014). Broad comparative studies also provide the
understand how ecosystems respond to global change. opportunity to understand successional trajectories, including whether
Recently, the application of modern techniques and data analy‐ communities recover to a previous state or diverge to a new state (Prach
ses have advanced our understanding of ecological succession. For et al., 2016), which provides a basis for understanding and informing
example, developments in molecular analysis have allowed the study restoration management (Suding & Hobbs, 2009; Walker & del Moral,
of succession in belowground microbial communities over both short 2009). This special issue contains four papers that specifically address
and long timescales (Jangid, Whitman, Condron, Turner, & Williams, the theme of generalizations in succession.
2013; e.g. Bauer et al., 2015; Cutler, Chaput, & van der Gast, 2014), Understanding how patterns of succession differ across a dis‐
while functional trait measurements (e.g. Diaz & Cabido, 2001; turbance severity gradient (e.g. primary versus secondary succes‐
Garnier et al., 2004) and null model analyses (e.g. Dini‐Andreote, sional sites) provides context for how disturbances and their severity
Stegen, van Elsas, & Salles, 2015; Purschke et al., 2013) have provided influence community trajectories and recovery rates. By explicitly
novel perspectives on community assembly. Updated conceptual comparing primary and secondary succession across a broad range
frameworks have also advanced our understanding of succession. of ecosystems in the published literature, Prach and Walker (2019)
For example, primary succession is now understood to extend be‐ report that primary successional sites more often increased in spe‐
yond “climax” communities, as ecosystems continue to develop into a cies richness, had more divergent trajectories, and suffered less im‐
retrogressive phase linked to long‐term depletion of soil phosphorus pact of alien species compared to secondary succession sites. Their
(Peltzer et al., 2010; Wardle, Walker, & Bardgett, 2004). These novel meta‐analysis also reveals that recovery rates differ among ecosys‐
approaches have revealed mechanisms that drive succession, and tem types, for instance between cold and warm biomes, suggesting
addressed key questions such as when stochastic versus determinis‐ that global climate changes will influence community recovery rates
tic processes dictate succession trajectories (Li et al., 2016; Norden and restoration management practices in the future.
et al., 2015) and how abiotic factors versus biotic interactions influ‐ There have been few opportunities to compare the effect of
ence these community and ecosystem outcomes (Fridley & Wright, disturbance across a severity gradient within a single ecosystem.
2012; HilleRisLambers et al., 2012). Only by examining succession Taking advantage of the variety of disturbance impacts following
across a variety of ecosystems can we begin to understand whether the Mount St. Helens (Washington, USA) volcanic eruption in 1980,
there are universal rules governing the process of succession. Chang et al. (2019) synthesized three 36‐year datasets to examine
Originating from an Organized Symposium in August 2017 at succession patterns across a disturbance gradient ranging from pri‐
the 102nd Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America in mary to secondary succession. They found that disturbance severity
Portland, Oregon, this special issue brings together a series of articles played a greater role in succession than small‐scale influences such
that highlight how contemporary studies are bringing novel perspec‐ as site history and local environment, yet, surprisingly, communi‐
tives to our understanding of ecological succession. The articles span a ties were most variable in the intermediately disturbed, secondary
range of disturbance regimes and timescales during both primary and successional sites. Sites suffering high and low‐severity disturbance
secondary succession. They examine successional patterns in plant and recovered more slowly, but in response to different mechanisms
belowground microbial communities in a diverse range of ecosystems, (seed/abiotic conditions versus light limitation, respectively). These
including temperate and tropical grasslands and forests, sub‐alpine vol‐ findings indicate that rates of community change are driven not
canic landscapes, and human‐disturbed reclamation sites. Four main only by disturbance severity, but also by the various mechanisms
themes emerge (Figure 1): (a) generalizations about succession, (b) the that mediate community dynamics. Together, the studies of Prach
role of dispersal and habitat size in driving successional trajectories, (c) and Walker (2019) and Chang et al. (2019) suggest that it is possi‐
functional trait dynamics during succession, and (d) the influence of ble to make broad generalizations about disturbance severity and
EDITORIAL Journal of Ecology |

F I G U R E 1   Themes in ecological succession, and the methods used to advance theory and knowledge in basic and applied ecology in a
rapidly changing world [Colour figure can be viewed at]

succession, although confirmation of driving mechanisms requires species pool size and environmental conditions at local scale (e.g.
further research. space availability, increased biotic interactions). An understanding
Understanding the patterns and rates of succession is critical of these community assembly mechanisms during succession has
to determining whether the recovery of plant communities follows importance in understanding meta‐community dynamics, landscape
a particular successional trajectory after disturbance, yet there are ecology, invasion ecology, and restoration ecology. This special issue
few opportunities to experimentally compare recovery rates in dis‐ has three papers that explore the role of dispersal limitation and
turbed and non‐disturbed communities at a large scale. In this issue, habitat size on successional processes.
Fischer, Antos, Biswas, and Zobel (2019) examined the influence of Many past studies have focused on the role of dispersal limita‐
disturbance severity following the eruption of Mount St. Helens by tion on early successional stages (Walker & del Moral, 2003), while
harnessing a remarkable long‐term experiment in which tephra de‐ studies on late successional stages often focus on ecosystem de‐
posits were removed from understory forest plots in the immediate velopment (e.g. Wardle et al., 2004). In a meta‐analysis of primary
aftermath of the eruption. They found that recovery was site‐spe‐ succession sites across many systems, Makoto and Wilson (2019)
cific, because initial conditions and disturbance intensity interacted examined the role of dispersal limitation on both the early and late
to determine community change. Similarly, Clark, Knops, and Tilman stages of succession. They found that dispersal limitation influ‐
(2019) found that divergent successional trajectories in the herba‐ ences rates of succession in both the early and late stages, even
ceous community after 88 years of old‐field succession were due after centuries, and overall appears to limit key processes linked to
to contingent (non‐random) factors such as site conditions, com‐ ecosystem development such as vegetation cover and soil carbon
petition, and demographic trade‐offs rather than stochastic (ran‐ accumulation. In a study of secondary succession in neotropical
dom) factors. To identify which of these major drivers influenced forests, van Breugel et al. (2019) found that both dispersal limita‐
successional dynamics, the authors compared meta‐community tion and soil nutrient status caused variation in species composition
model simulations to long‐term old‐field succession data at Cedar at local and landscape scales, although the influence of soil nutri‐
Creek, Minnesota, USA. They discovered that compensatory trade‐ ents fades during later successional stages, presumably reflecting
offs between colonization and mortality rates drive the divergent increasing light limitation as forests mature. Their findings indicate
patterns of community change found over the course of succession. that spatial heterogeneity in the landscape can promote resilience
Together these studies highlight the importance of deterministic of ecological communities in human‐modified ecosystems.
mechanisms such as disturbance intensity, site conditions, competi‐ Habitat size can also influence species pool size and site condi‐
tion, and demographic trade‐offs on successional trajectories. tions, and both mechanisms directly impact community assembly.
By studying a gradient of island size caused by habitat fragmen‐
tation created by a dammed river in China, Liu et al. (2019) found
1.2 | Influence of dispersal limitation and habitat
that island size influenced functional trait composition, diversity,
size on succession
and successional direction, and that rates of succession were faster
A number of factors influence which species are able to colonize and on large compared to small islands. Overall, habitat size influenced
persist as community assembly occurs over the course of succes‐ successional patterns more than isolation effects in a study system
sion (HilleRisLambers et al., 2012). For example, successional trajec‐ where seed dispersal is facilitated predominantly by birds, and veg‐
tories reflect regional species pool size, distance from seed source, etation regeneration occurs in the context of secondary succession.
and functional traits related to dispersal (Jones & del Moral, 2009; Together, these studies have implications for generaliza‐
Makoto & Wilson, 2016; Tilman, 1993), while habitat size affects tions about successional theory, and for the applied contexts of
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Journal of Ecology EDITORIAL

community response to global climate change and habitat fragmen‐

1.4 | Influence of belowground community
tation. For example, climate change will affect dispersal processes
interactions on succession
in direct (e.g. dispersal phenology, traits) and indirect ways (e.g. en‐
vironmental factors, biotic interactions), further influencing succes‐ There is an increasing interest in successional patterns in the soil mi‐
sional trajectories (Makoto & Wilson, 2019). Similarly, understanding crobial community, both for understanding how heterotrophic and
human land use and habitat fragmentation will require insight into symbiotic organisms change over time, and how these changes link
factors that drive secondary successional processes and community to corresponding changes in plant communities. A number of studies
recovery following land abandonment. The importance of habitat have examined this topic, across short and long timescales, on a variety
size and site conditions highlighted in this issue therefore provides of parent materials and under a variety of climates (e.g. Jangid et al.,
critical insight into restoration and land management plans. 2013; Tarlera, Jangid, Ivester, Whitman, & Williams, 2008; Uroz, Tech,
Sawaya, Frey‐Klett, & Leveau, 2014). While past studies have explored
belowground microbial communities, they have typically focused on
1.3 | Functional trait dynamics over the
a single taxonomic group (most often the bacteria), but advances in
course of succession
metagenomics now allow for broader integration across taxonomic
Plant traits that influence fitness or performance provide a mech‐ groups, including assessment of symbiotic organisms and linkages
anism to understand patterns of plant distribution and productiv‐ between plant and microbial communities and plant–soil feedbacks.
ity in the environment (Diaz & Cabido, 2001; Garnier et al., 2004; Three papers in the special issue specifically address this theme.
Reich, 2014; Wright et al., 2004, 2010). In turn, this has significance Turner et al. (2019) examined patterns of α‐diversity for archaea,
for understanding successional patterns by providing insight into bacteria, and fungi over 2 million years of ecosystem development
species turnover through environmental filtering during succes‐ along the Jurien Bay chronosequence of coastal dunes in Western
sion (Kraft et al., 2014; Lasky, Uriarte, Boukili, & Chazdon, 2014). Australia. The chronosequence is of particular interest because it
There has been considerable interest in patterns of plant traits dur‐ represents an extremely strong fertility gradient in a global plant
ing succession (Douma, de Haan, Aerts, Witte, & van Bodegom, diversity hotspot, allowing the assessment of coordination in the re‐
2012), with a number of recent studies in grasslands (e.g. Kahmen & sponse of plants and soil microbial communities to long‐term pedo‐
Poschlod, 2004; Kelemen et al., 2017; Purschke et al., 2013), forests genic change. The authors found contrasting patterns of diversity in
(e.g. Chai et al., 2015; Derroire, Powers, Hulshof, Varela, & Healey, biological communities, with the greatest α‐diversity of prokaryotes
2018; Lasky et al., 2014; Lohbeck et al., 2014), and volcanic islands on young or intermediate‐aged soils, but eukaryote diversity increas‐
(Karadimou et al., 2018). Two new studies extend this for grasslands ing continuously throughout the chronosequence. Although plant
and tropical forests. and microbial communities became increasingly decoupled through
Traits related to nutrient dynamics are linked to plant metabo‐ time, the changes for both groups were linked to soil acidification
lism and can vary markedly among species, thus representing a key during pedogenesis, revealing a coordinated driver of above and
aspect of functional diversity. To examine factors influencing the below ground diversity during long‐term ecosystem development.
relative success of invasive plant species in temperate grasslands, The community composition of mycorrhizal fungi shifts during
Duffin, Li, and Meiners (2019) quantified foliar nutrients as func‐ succession (e.g. Bauer et al., 2015; Gao et al., 2018; Johnson,
tional traits in native and exotic taxa in New Jersey, USA, and linked Zak, Tilman, & Pfleger, 1991), which might influence successional
this to information on long‐term community dynamics. Successional patterns through positive plant–soil feedbacks (Bever, Platt, &
trajectories of abundance‐weighted foliar nutrients differed mark‐ Morton, 2012). In this issue, Koziol and Bever (2019) examined the
edly between native and exotic species, suggesting that the success influence of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on ecological succession
of exotic invasive species is influenced by selection of plant traits in prairie grasslands. By growing plants in mesocosms inoculated
during succession. In tropical forests of Singapore, Lai, Chong, Yee, with fungi from different successional stages, they found that early
Tan, and van Breugel (in revision)1 examined the extent to which successional plants consistently exhibited negative frequency–de‐
plant functional traits influence recruitment during secondary suc‐ pendent growth, while late successional plants demonstrated pos‐
cession in treefall gaps. Although traits such as specific leaf area ap‐ itive frequency–dependent growth in the presence of beneficial
peared unimportant, they found evidence that wood density, seed fungal partners. These findings were supported by results from
mass, and adult stature all influence the development of the sapling field inoculation assays, in which beneficial fungi facilitated late
community. These results suggest that traits related to the leaf eco‐ successional plant establishment. The results indicate that posi‐
nomics spectrum have little influence on recruitment following dis‐ tive plant–mycorrhizal feedbacks accelerate plant community suc‐
turbance, with successional trajectories instead explained by cessional trajectories once late successional plants establish.
multiple life history tradeoffs. Together, they add to a growing body Mycorrhizal symbioses vary predictably as soil nutrient availabil‐
of evidence showing how functional trait change can help under‐ ity changes from nitrogen to phosphorus limitation, involving a shift
stand community dynamics during ecosystem development. from plant communities dominated by arbuscular mycorrhizal plants
on relatively young soils, to an increasing abundance of ectomycor‐
Accepted articles published in Journal of Ecology but appearing after the Special Issue. rhizal and ericoid mycorrhizal plants on older soils (Lambers, Raven,
EDITORIAL Journal of Ecology |

Shaver, & Smith, 2008; Zemunik, Turner, Lambers, & Laliberté, of successional research, but also encourages future successional
2015). Although most species form associations with only one type research to be better integrated into relevant global change issues.
of fungus, some species can associate with either arbuscular or ec‐
tomycorrhizal fungi, and often form associations with both types
simultaneously (e.g. Dickie, Koide, & Fayish, 2001; McGuire et al.,
2008). Furthermore, some of these plant species associate with ni‐ We thank the Ecological Society of America for hosting the sym‐
trogen‐fixing bacteria, forming a triple symbiosis. In this issue, Teste posium on Ecological Succession, Dr. John Bishop for his con‐
and Laliberté (2019) examined the symbiotic associations of two tribution to the organization of the symposium, Dr. Lawrence
dual‐infected species, one of which also associates with nitrogen‐ Walker for critical comments on the manuscript, and Prof. Richard
fixing bacteria, across a long‐term chronosequence of coastal dunes Bardgett and James Ross for their support in organizing and edit‐
in Western Australia. They found plasticity in symbiotic associations ing the special issue.
during long‐term ecosystem development, although the “favoured”
symbiont predominated on both young and old soils despite marked
variation in soil fertility. In addition, by simultaneously assessing the
influence of biotic effects (through inoculation) and abiotic condi‐ No data were used for this editorial piece.
tions (along the chronosequence), they demonstrate the importance
of soil properties in driving patterns of plant and root responses
during long‐term ecological succession. ORCID

Collectively, these three studies highlight the remarkable insight Cynthia C. Chang
that belowground communities can bring to our understanding of
Benjamin L. Turner
ecological succession. Given our relatively limited understanding
of microbial community dynamics during succession, and the rapid
advances being made in metagenomic analysis, it seems likely that
this topic will continue to yield important novel insight into the
mechanistic underpinnings of ecological succession in the coming Bauer, J. T., Mack, K. M. L., & Bever, J. D. (2015). Plant‐soil feedbacks as
drivers of succession: Evidence from remnant and restored tallgrass
prairies. Ecosphere, 6, art158.
Bever, J. D., Platt, T. G., & Morton, E. R. (2012). Microbial population
and community dynamics on plant roots and their feedbacks on plant
2 | FU T U R E C H A LLE N G E S communities. Annual Review of Microbiology, 66, 265–283.
Blois, J. L., Zarnetske, P. L., Fitzpatrick, M. C., & Finnegan, S. (2013).
Climate change and the past, present, and future of biotic interac‐
This special feature identifies several opportunities for future re‐ tions. Science, 341, 499–504.
search that will improve our understanding of the drivers and pat‐ Chai, Y., Liu, X., Yue, M., Guo, J., Wang, M., Wan, P., … Zhang, C. (2015).
terns of succession. First, the papers in this special issue highlight Leaf traits in dominant species from different secondary succes‐
sional stages of deciduous forest on the Loess Plateau of northern
the need for large temporal and spatial scales to best account for
China. Applied Vegetation Science, 18, 50–63.
inherent variation across these scales, which provides the basis for Chang, C. C., Halpern, C. B., Antos, J. A., Avolio, M. L., Biswas, A., Cook, J.
understanding the extent to which successional dynamics can be E., … Zobel, D. B. (2019). Testing conceptual models of early plant suc‐
generalized. This highlights the value of long‐term datasets, chron‐ cession across a disturbance gradient. Journal of Ecology, 107, 517–530.
Chang, C., & HilleRisLambers, J. (2016). Integrating succession and com‐
osequences, and large‐scale studies to understanding successional
munity assembly perspectives. F1000Research, 5, F1000 Faculty
processes, and we encourage efforts to maintain and sample long‐ Rev-2294.
term study sites along successional gradients. Second, papers in this Clark, A. T., Knops, J. M. H., & Tilman, D. (2019). Contingent factors ex‐
issue demonstrate that combining experimental manipulation with plain average divergence in functional composition over 88 years of
old field succession. Journal of Ecology, 107, 545–558.
long‐term monitoring can provide unique insight into the specific
Connell, J. H., & Slatyer, R. O. (1977). Mechanisms of succession in natu‐
mechanisms that drive successional patterns. Matching large‐scale ral communities and their role in community stability and organiza‐
and/or long‐term community change patterns with mechanisms that tion. The American Naturalist, 111, 1119–1144.
explain these patterns are critical to allowing general succession Cutler, N. A., Chaput, D. L., & van der Gast, C. J. (2014). Long‐term
theory to be used in more applied restoration and management set‐ changes in soil microbial communities during primary succession. Soil
Biology and Biochemistry, 69, 359–370.
tings. Finally, the articles in this special issue reveal novel ways in
Damschen, E. I., Brudvig, L. A., Haddad, N. M., Levey, D. J., Orrock, J.
which studies of succession can inform ecosystem and community L., & Tewksbury, J. J. (2008). The movement ecology and dynamics
responses to climate change, habitat fragmentation, and restoration of plant communities in fragmented landscapes. Proceedings of the
ecology. Such connections between ecological theory and applied National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 105,
ecology are fundamental to understand the challenges facing eco‐
De Meester, L., Vanoverbeke, J., Kilsdonk, L. J., & Urban, M. C. (2016).
systems in our rapidly changing world. As such, we hope that that this Evolving perspectives on monopolization and priority effects. Trends
special issue not only highlights the continued value and relevance in Ecology & Evolution, 31, 136–146.
|Journal of Ecology
508       EDITORIAL

Derroire, G., Powers, J. S., Hulshof, C. M., Varela, L. E. C., & Healey, J. R. Karadimou, E., Kallimanis, A., Tsiripidis, I., Raus, T., Bergmeier, E., &
(2018). Contrasting patterns of leaf trait variation among and within Dimopoulos, P. (2018). Functional diversity changes over 100 yr of
species during tropical dry forest succession in Costa Rica. Scientific primary succession on a volcanic island: Insights into assembly pro‐
Reports, 8, 285. cesses. Ecosphere, 9, e02374.
Diaz, S., & Cabido, M. (2001). Vive la difference: Plant functional diver‐ Kelemen, A., Tóthmérész, B., Valkó, O., Miglécz, T., Deák, B., & Török, P.
sity matters to ecosystem processes. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, (2017). New aspects of grassland recovery in old‐fields revealed by
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Disentangling mechanisms that mediate the balance between Kraft, N. J. B., Adler, P. B., Godoy, O., James, E. C., Fuller, S., & Levine, J.
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Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of filtering metaphor. Functional Ecology, 29, 592–599.
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How to cite this article: Chang CC, Turner BL. Ecological
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