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practical Strain Gage



W ith today’s emphasis on

product liability and energy
efficiency, designs must not only be
lighter and stronger, but also more
measurements using bonded
resistance strain gages. We will
introduce considerations that affect
the accuracy of this measurement
and suggest procedures for
Appendix B contains schematics
of many of the ways strain gages
are used in bridge circuits and the
equations which apply to them.
Readers wishing a more thorough
thoroughly tested than ever before. improving it. discussion of bridge circuit
This places new importance on theory are invited to read Item
the subject of experimental stress We will also emphasize the 7 referenced in the bibliography.
analysis and the techniques for practical considerations of strain
measuring gage measurement, with an
strain. The main theme of this emphasis on computer controlled
application note is aimed at strain instrumentation.


practical Strain Gage measurements

s normal stress Rg gage resistance in ohms Rl lead wire resistance
t shear stress K t transverse sensitivity T temperature in °C
´ strain (normal) VIN bridge excitation voltage
L length
m´ ´
micro-strain ( x 106) VOUT bridge output voltage
g shear strain
DL change in length
E modulus of elasticity
DRg change in gage resistance
(due to strain)
or Young’s modulus
%DGF % change in gage factor
n Poisson Ratio
(due to temperature)
GF gage factor

Vr [(VOUT/VIN)[strained] — (VOUT/VIN)[unstrained]]

stress & strain

Force Force
(F) (F)
he relationship between stress
and strain is one of the most
fundamental concepts from the
study of the mechanics of materials L
and is of paramount importance to
the stress analyst. In experimental
stress analysis, we apply a given
load and then measure the strain on
Figure 1: Uniaxial Force Applied
individual members of a structure or
machine. Then we use the stress-
strain relationships to compute the See Figure 2. When this is written in
stresses in those members to verify
Tensile (+) Strain
This Surface
equation form, = DL/L, we can see
that these stresses remain within that strain is a ratio and, therefore,
the allowable limits for the particular Force (F) dimensionless.
materials used. To maintain the physical
significance of strain, it is often
written in units of inches/inch. For
Strain Compressice (-) Strain
This Surface most metals, the strains measured
When a force is applied to a body, in experimental work are typically
Figure 2: Cantilever in Bending less than 0.005000 inch/inch. Since
the body deforms. In the general
case, this deformation is called practical strain values are so small.
See Figure 1. This is the strain that they are often expressed as micro-
strain. In this application note, we
we typically measure with a bonded ´
strain, which is x 106 (note this
will be more specific and define the
resistance strain gage. Strain is equivalent to parts per million
term STRAIN to mean deformation
may be either tensile (positive) or or ppm) with the symbol m´ . Still
per unit length or fractional change
compressive (negative).
in length and give it the symbol, . another way to express strain is as
practical Strain Gage measurements

percent strain, which is x 100. For
example: 0.005 inch/inch = 5000
m´ =0.5%. F F
As described to this point, strain is
fractional change in length and is
D ∆D L
directly measurable. Strain of this
type is also often referred to as L + ∆L
normal strain. Є₁ = ∆L/L Є t = ∆D/D

Figure 4: Poisson Strain

Shearing Strain
Another type of strain, called that of Poisson strain. The dashed and structures as small and light as
SHEARING STRAIN, is a measure lines indicate that the bar not only possible, component parts should
of angular distortion. Shearing strain elongates but that its girth contracts. be stressed, in service, to the
is also directly measurable, but not This contraction is a strain in highest permissible level. STRESS
as easily as normal strain. If we had the transverse direction due to a refers to force per unit area on a
a thick book sitting on a table top property of the material known as given plane within a body.
and we applied a force parallel to Poisson’s Ratio. Poisson’s ratio, , n The bar in Figure 5 has a uniaxial
the covers, we could see the shear is defined as the negative ratio of
tensile force, F, applied along the
strain by observing the edges of the the strain in the transverse direction
x-axis. If we assume the force to be
pages. to the strain in the longitudinal
uniformly distributed over the cross-
direction. It is interesting to note
sectional area, A, the “average”
that no stress is associated with
stress on the plane of the section
the Poisson strain. Referring to
Shear Strain = is F/A. This stress is perpendicular
Force Figure 4, the equation for Poisson’s
to the plane and is called NORMAL
n ´ ´
ratio is = – t / 1. Note that isn s
STRESS, . Expressed in equation
form, s = F/A, and is denoted
Book in units of force per unit area.
Since the normal stress is in the x
Normal Stress

direction and there is no component
of force in the y direction, there is
While forces and strains are
Figure 3: Visualizing Shearing Strain no normal stress in that direction.
measurable quantities used by the
The normal stress is in the positive
designer and stress analyst, stress
See Figure 3. Shearing strain, , g is the term used to compare the
x direction and is tensile.
is defined as the angular change loading applied to a material with its
in radians between two line ability to carry the load. Since it is
segments that were orthogonal in usually desirable to keep machines E
the undeformed state. Since this
angle is very small for most metals,
shearing strain is approximated by Y
the tangent of the angle.

Poisson Strain F X F
In Figure 4 is a bar with a uniaxial
tensile force applied, like the bar in
Figure 1. The dashed lines show the Area (A)
shape of the bar after deformation,
pointing out another phenomenon, Figure 5: Normal Stress

practical Strain Gage measurements

Shear Stress
Just as there are two types of
strain, there is also a second type
of stress called SHEAR STRESS. function of the orientation of the stress. So the requirements for the
Where normal stress is normal to section. This means that stresses principal axes are met by the x-y
the designated plane, shear stress (and strains), while having both axes. In Figure 6, the x-y axes are
is parallel to the plane and has the magnitude and direction, are not the principal axes, since that bar is
symbol . In the example shown in vectors and do not follow the laws
of vector addition, except in certain
also loaded uniaxially. The n-t axes
in Figure 6 do not meet the zero
Figure 5, there is no y component
of force, therefore no force parallel special cases, and they should shear stress requirement of the
to the plane of the section, so there not be treated as such. We should principal axes. The corresponding
is no shear stress on that plane. also note that stresses are derived STRAINS on the principal axes is
Since the orientation of the plane is quantities computed from other also maximum and minimum and
arbitrary, what happens if the plane measurable quantities, and are not the shear strain is zero.
is oriented other than normal to the directly measurable. [3]
The principal axes are very
line of action of the applied force? important in stress analysis because
the magnitudes of the maximum
and minimum normal stresses are
usually the quantities of interest.
Once the principal stresses are
Y known, then the normal and shear
stresses in any orientation can be
computed. If the orientation of the
n principal axes is known, through
Fn knowledge of the loading conditions
F X F or experimental techniques, the
F task of measuring the strains and
Area (A´) computing the stresses is greatly
In some cases, we are interested
Figure 6: Shear Stress in the average value of stress or
Figure 6 demonstrates this concept load on a member, but often we
with a section taken on the n-t Principal Axes want to determine the magnitude
coordinate system at some arbitrary In the preceding examples, the of the stresses at a specific point.
angle, f, to the direction of action x-y axes are also the PRINCIPAL The material will fail at the point
of the force. AXES for the uniaxially loaded where the stress exceeds the load-
We see that the force vector, F, can bar. By definition, the principal carrying capacity of the material.
be broken into two components, axes are the axes of maximum This failure may occur because of
Fn and Ft , that are normal and and minimum normal stress. They excessive tensile or compressive
parallel to the plane of the section. have the additional characteristic normal stress or excessive shearing
This plane has a cross-sectional of zero shear stress on the planes stress. In actual structures, the area
area of A’ and has both normal that lie along these axes. In Figure of this excessive stress level may
and shear stresses applied. The 5, the stress in the x direction is be quite small. The usual method of
average normal stress, , is in the the maximum normal stress, and
we noted that there was no force
diagramming the stress at a point
is to use an infinitesimal element
n direction and the average shear
stress, , is in the t direction. Their component in the y direction and that surrounds the point of interest.
equations are: s = Fn /A’ and therefore zero shear stress on the The stresses are then a function of
t = Ft /A’. Note that it was the plane. Since there is no force in
the y direction, there is zero normal
the orientation of this element, and,
in one particular orientation, the
force vector that was broken into
components, not the stresses, and stress in the y direction and in this element will have its sides parallel
that the resulting stresses are a case zero is the minimum normal to the principal axes. This is the

practical Strain Gage measurements

orientation that gives the maximum have a linear portion (for example,
and minimum normal stresses on cast iron and concrete) to their
the point of interest. stress-strain diagrams. To do
accurate stress analysis studies X
for these materials, it is necessary
to determine the stress-strain
Stress-Strain properties, including Poisson’s

Relationships ratio, for the particular material p

Now that we have defined stress on a testing machine. Also, the

and strain, we need to explore the modulus of elasticity may vary
stress-strain relationship, for it is with temperature. This variation
this relationship that allows us to may need to be experimentally Figure 8: Shaft in Torsion and Tension
calculate stresses from measured determined and considered when
strains. If we have a bar made of performing stress analysis at
tension and torsion applied. The
mild steel and incrementally load temperature extremes. There are
point of interest is surrounded by an
it in uniaxial tension and plot the two other points of interest on the
infinitesimal element with its sides
strain versus the normal stress in stress-strain diagram in Figure 7:
oriented parallel to the x-y axes.
the direction of the applied load, the the yield point and the ultimate
The point has a biaxial stress state
plot will look like the stress-strain strength value of stress.
and a triaxial strain state (remember
diagram in Figure 7. The yield point is the stress level at Poisson’s ratio). The element,
which strain will begin to increase rotated to be aligned with the
rapidly with little or no increase in principal (p-q) axes, is also shown
stress. If the material is stressed in Figure 8. Figure 9 shows the
beyond the yield point, and then the element removed with arrows added
Ultimate Strength
stress is removed, the material will to depict the stresses at the point for
not return to its original dimensions, both orientations of the element.
Rupture but will retain a residual offset or
We see that the element oriented
strain. The ultimate strength is the
Yield Point along the x-y axes has a normal
maximum stress developed in the

Proportional stress in the x direction, zero
Limit material before rupture.
normal stress in the y direction
The examples we have examined and shear stresses on its surfaces.
to this point have been examples The element rotated to the p-q
Figure 7: Stress-Strain Diagram for of uniaxial forces and stresses. axes orientation has normal stress
Mild Steel
From Figure 7, we can see that, up In experimental stress analysis, in both directions but zero shear
to a point called the proportional the biaxial stress state is the stress as it should, by definition, if
limit, there is a linear relationship most common. Figure 8 shows
an example of a shaft with both
the p-q axes are the principal axes.
The normal stresses, p and s s E
between stress and strain. Hooke’s q
Law describes this relationship. The
slope of this straight-line portion
of the stress-strain diagram is σq


τ XY
the material. The modulus of σx
elasticity, E, has the same units σp σq

as stress (force per unit area) and

is determined experimentally for
materials. Written in equation form, X

this stress-strain relationship is

s ´
= E • . Some materials do not Figure 9: Element on X-Y Axes and Principal Axes
practical Strain Gage measurements

, are the maximum and minimum condition. There are methods of will also be highest in the narrow
normal stresses for the point. The measuring strain or deformation region; the part will rupture there
strains in the p-q direction are also based on various mechanical, before the measured average strain
the maximum and minimum, and optical, acoustical, pneumatic, and value indicates a magnitude of
there is zero shear strain along electrical phenomena. This section stress greater than the yield point
these axes. Appendix C gives the briefly describes several of the more of the material as a whole.
equations relating stress to strain for common methods and their
Ideally, we want the strain
the biaxial stress state. relative merits.
measuring device to have an
If we know the orientation of the infinitesimal gage length so we can
principal axes, we can then measure measure strain at a point. If we had
the strain in those directions
Gage Length this ideal strain gage, we would
and compute the maximum and The measurement of strain is the place it in the narrow portion of the
minimum normal stresses and measurement of the displacement specimen in Figure 10 to measure
the maximum shear stress for a between two points some distance the high local strain in that region.
given loading condition. We don’t apart. This distance is the GAGE Other desirable characteristics for
always know the orientation of the LENGTH and is an important this ideal strain measuring device
principal axes, but if we measure the comparison between various strain would be small size and mass,
strain in three separate directions, measurement techniques. Gage easy attachment, high sensitivity to
we can compute the strain in any length could also be described as strain, low cost and low sensitivity
direction including the principal the distance over which the strain is to temperature and other ambient
axes’ directions. Three- and four- averaged. For example, we could, conditions. [2,6]
element rosette strain gages are on some simple structure such as
used to measure the strain when the part in Figure 10, measure the
the principal axes’ orientation part length with a micrometer both
is unknown. The equations for before and during loading. Then we
Mechanical Devices
computing the orientation and would subtract the two readings to The earliest strain measurement
magnitude of the principal strains get the total deformation of the part. devices were mechanical in nature.
from 3-element rosette strain data Dividing this total deformation by We have already considered an
are found in Appendix C. the original length would yield an example (using a micrometer to
average value of strain for the entire measure strain) and observed
For further study of the mechanics
part. The gage length would be the a problem with that approach.
of materials, refer to Items 1, 4, and
original length of the part. Extensometers are a class of
6 referenced in the Bibliography.
mechanical devices used for
Properties of several common If we used this technique on the
measuring strain that employ a
engineering materials are listed in part in Figure 10, the strain in
system of levers to amplify minute
Appendix A. the reduced width region of the
strains to a level that can be read.
part would be locally higher than
 the measured value because of
A minimum gage length of 1⁄2 inch
and a resolution of about 10 me is
MEASURING the reduced cross-sectional area
carrying the load. The stresses
the best that can be achieved with


S tress in a material can’t be

measured directly. It must be
computed from other measurable
parameters. Therefore, the stress F
Area of High Local
Strain and Stress

analyst uses measured strains in
conjunction with other properties
of the material to calculate the
stresses for a given loading Figure 10

practical Strain Gage measurements

Figure 11: Large Area Strain Gages

Several optical methods are used

purely mechanical devices. The for strain measurement. One very practical for stress analysis
addition of a light beam and mirror of these techniques uses the work. These devices are, however,
arrangements to extensometers interference fringes produced by often employed in transducers.
improves resolution and shortens optical flats to measure strain. This The piezoelectric effect of certain
gage length, allowing device is sensitive and accurate, crystals has also been used to
2 me resolution and gage lengths but the technique is so delicate that measure strain. When a crystal

down to 1⁄4 inch. laboratory conditions are required strain gage is deformed or strained,
for its use. Item 5 referenced in a voltage difference is developed
Still another type of device, across the face of the crystal. This
the Bibliography gives excellent
the photoelectric gage, uses a voltage difference is proportional to
introductions to the optical methods
combination of mechanical, optical, the strain and is of a relatively high
of photoelasticity, holography, and
and electrical amplifications to magnitude. Crystal strain gages are,
the moiré method of strain analysis.
measure strain. This is done however, fairly bulky, very fragile,
by using a light beam, two fine
gratings and a photocell detector to
and not suitable for measuring E
static strains.
generate an electrical current that
is proportional to strain. This device Electrical Devices Probably the most important
comes in gage lengths as short as electrical characteristic which
Another class of strain measuring varies in proportion to strain is
⁄16 inch, but it is costly and delicate.
devices depends on electrical electrical resistance. Devices
All of these mechanical devices
characteristics which vary in whose output depends on this
tend to be bulky and cumbersome
proportion to the strain in the body characteristic are the piezoresistive
to use, and most are suitable only
to which the device is attached. or semiconductor gage, the carbon-
for static strain measurements.
Capacitance and inductance strain resistor gage, and the bonded
gages have been constructed, but metallic wire and foil resistance
sensitivity to vibration, mounting gage. The carbon-resistor gage
Optical Methods difficulties, and complex circuit is the forerunner of the bonded
requirements keep them from being
practical Strain Gage measurements

resistance wire strain gage. It is experimental stress analyst. It The semiconductor gage, having
low in cost, can have a short consists of a grid of very fine wire a much higher sensitivity to strain
gage length, and is very sensitive (or, more recently, of thin metallic than metallic gages, can have other
to strain. A high sensitivity to foil) bonded to a thin insulating considerations introduced into its
temperature and humidity are backing called a carrier matrix. measurement. We will use the
the disadvantages of the carbon- The electrical resistance of this grid term STRAIN GAGE or GAGE to
resistor strain gage. material varies linearly with refer to the BONDED METALLIC
strain. In use, the carrier matrix is FOIL GRID RESISTANCE STRAIN
The semiconductor strain gage is
attached to the test specimen with GAGE throughout the rest of this
based on the piezoresistive effect
an adhesive. application note. These foil gages
in certain semiconductor materials
are sometimes referred to as metal-
such as silicon and germanium. When the specimen is loaded,
film gages.
the strain on its surface is
Semiconductor gages have elastic Strain gages are made with a
transmitted to the grid material by
behavior and can be produced to printed circuit process using
the adhesive and carrier system.
have either positive or negative conductive alloys rolled to a thin foil.
The strain in the specimen is found
resistance changes when strained. The alloys are processed, including
by measuring the change in the
They can be made physically small controlled-atmosphere heat treating,
electrical resistance of the grid
while still maintaining a high to optimize their mechanical
material. Figure 12 is a picture of a
nominal resistance. The strain properties and temperature
bonded resistance strain gage with
limit for these gages is in the coefficients of resistance. A grid
a Constantan foil grid and polyimide
1000 to 10000 me range, with
carrier material. The bonded configuration for the strain sensitive
most tested to 3000 me in tension.
resistance strain gage is low in cost, element is used to allow higher
Semiconductor gages exhibit a high values of gage resistance while
can be made with a short gage
sensitivity to strain, but the change maintaining short gage lengths.
length, is only moderately affected
in resistance with strain is nonlinear. Gage resistance values range
by temperature changes, has small
Their resistance and output are from 30 to 3000 Ω, with 120 Ω and
physical size and low mass, and
temperature sensitive, and the high 350 Ω being the most commonly
has fairly high sensitivity to strain. It
output, resulting from changes in used values for stress analysis.
is suitable for measuring both static
resistance as large as 10-20%, Gage lengths from 0.008 inch to 4
and dynamic strains. The remainder
can cause measurement inches are commercially available.
of this application note deals with
problems when using the The conductor in a foil grid gage
the instrumentation considerations
devices in a bridge circuit. has a large surface area for a
for making accurate, practical strain
However, mathematical corrections given cross-sectional area. This
measurements using the bonded
for temperature sensitivity, the keeps the shear stress low in the
resistance strain gage. [2, 5, 6]
nonlinearity of output, and the adhesive and carrier matrix as the
nonlinear characteristics of the
bridge circuit (if used) can be made  strain is transmitted by them. This
larger surface area also allows
automatically when using computer-
controlled instrumentation to the bonded good heat transfer between grid
and specimen. Strain gages are
measure strain with semiconductor
gages. They can be used to
resistance small and light, operate over a
measure both static and dynamic strain gage wide temperature range, and can

respond to both static and dynamic
strains. When measuring dynamic strains. They have wide application
strains, temperature effects are and acceptance in transducers as
usually less important than for static he term “bonded resistance
strain gage” can apply to the well as in stress analysis.
strain measurements and the high
output of the semiconductor gage is nonmetallic (semiconductor) gage In a strain gage application, the
an asset. or to the metallic (wire or foil) gage. carrier matrix and the adhesive must
Wire and foil gages operate on work together to faithfully transmit
The bonded resistance strain gage the same basic principle, and both strain from the specimen to the
is by far the most widely used strain can be treated in the same fashion grid. They also act as an electrical
measurement tool for today’s from the measurement standpoint. insulator between the grid and the

practical Strain Gage measurements

Figure 12: Foil Bonded
Resistance Strain Gages
strained, it undergoes a change in
specimen and must transfer heat manufacturers are the best source electrical resistance, and it is this E
away from the grid. Three primary of information on this topic and change that makes the strain gage
factors influencing gage selection have many excellent publications to a useful device. The measure of
are 1) operating temperature; 2) assist the customer in selecting the this resistance change with strain is
state of strain (including gradients, proper strain gages, adhesives and GAGE FACTOR, GF. Gage factor is
magnitude and time dependence); protective coatings. defined as the ratio of the fractional
and 3) stability requirements for the change in resistance to the
gage installation. The importance fractional change in length (strain)
of selecting the proper combination along the axis of the gage. Gage
of carrier material, grid alloy, factor is a dimensionless quantity,
adhesive, and protective coating and the larger the value, the more
for the given application cannot gage factor sensitive the strain gage. Gage
be over-emphasized. Strain gage factor is expressed in equation
When a metallic conductor is
form as:
practical Strain Gage measurements

Overall Pattern Length

Gage Length Solder Tab Length
End Loops
It should
be=noted DR/R
= the change
in resistance D L/L straineis not due
Tab Spacing Grid Width
solely to the dimensional changes
in the conductor, butNo. 10the
resistivity of the conductor material
Solder Tab Width
also changes with strain: The term
Outer Grid Lines Grid Center
gage factor applies to the strain Alignment Marks Inner Grid Lines
gage as a whole, complete with
carrier matrix, not just to the strain-
sensitive conductor. The gage factor
for Constantan and nickel-chromium
Figure 13: Strain Gage Nomenclature
alloy strain gages is nominally 2, and Ideally, we would prefer the strain
various gage and instrumentation gage to change resistance only in
specifications are usually based on response to stress-induced strain in
this nominal value. the test specimen, but the resistivity
and is usually expressed in percent.
Values of K range from 0 to 10%. and strain sensitivity of all known
GF (transverse) strain-sensitive materials vary with
Transverse Kt =
To minimize
GF this effect, extra
(longitudinal) temperature. Of course this means
Sensitivity material is added to the conductor that the gage resistance and the
in the end loops, and the grid gage factor will change when the
if the strain gage were a single
lines are kept close together. This temperature changes. This change
straight length of conductor of small
serves to minimize resistance in in resistance with temperature for
diameter with respect to its length,
the transverse direction. Correction a mounted strain gage is a function
it would respond to strain along its
for transverse sensitivity may of the difference in the thermal
longitudinal axis and be essentially
be necessary for short, wide- expansion coefficients between the
insensitive to strain applied
grid gages, or where there is gage and the specimen and of the
perpendicularly or transversely to
considerable misalignment between thermal coefficient of resistance of
this axis. For any reasonable value
the gage axis and the principal axis, the gage alloy. Self-temperature-
of gage resistance, it would also
or in rosette analysis where high compensating gages can be
have a very long gage length. When
transverse strain fields may exist. produced for specific materials by
the conductor is in the form of a grid
Data supplied by the manufacturer processing the strain-sensitive alloy
to reduce the effective gage length,
with the gage can be entered into in such a way that it has thermal
there are small amounts of strain-
the computer that controls the resistance characteristics that
sensitive material in the end loops
instrumentation, and corrections compensate for the effects of the
or turn-arounds that lie transverse to
for transverse sensitivity can thus mismatch in thermal expansion
the gage axis. See Figure 13. This
be made to the strain data as it is coefficients between the gage and
end loop material gives the gage a
collected. the specific material. A temperature
non-zero sensitivity to strain in the
compensated gage produced in this
transverse direction. TRANSVERSE
manner is accurately compensated
defined as: Temperature only when mounted on a material
that has a specific coefficient of
Effects thermal expansion. Table 2 is a list
of common materials for which self-

practical Strain Gage measurements

Figure 14: Typical Temperature-Induced Apparent Strain

temperature-compensated gages The Measurement will likely be only in the tens of

are available. milliohms, some reference point
From the gage factor equation, is needed from which to begin the

we see that it is the FRACTIONAL measurement. The nominal value
CHANGE in resistance that is the of gage resistance has a tolerance
important quantity, rather than the equivalent to several hundred
absolute resistance value of the microstrain, and will usually change
gage. Let’s see just how large this when the gage is bonded to the
resistance change will be for a strain specimen, so this nominal value
Approximate Thermal
Expansion Coefficient of 1me . If we use a 120 Ω strain can’t be used as a reference.
Material PPM/°C gage with a gage factor of
An initial, unstrained gage
Quartz 0.5 +2, the gage factor equation tells us
Titanium 9 that 1me applied to a 120 Ω gage resistance is used as the reference
Mild Steel 11 produces a change in resistance of against which strain is measured.
Stainless Steel 16
Typically, the gage is mounted
Aluminum 23
on the test specimen and wired
to the instrumentation while the
The Magnesium
compensation is only26 effective
specimen is maintained in an
Table a2:limited
Thermaltemperature range
Expansion Coefficients or 240 micro-ohms. That means unstrained state. A reading taken
of of the nonlinear
Some Common character
Materials for Which
we need to have micro-ohm
Temperature under these conditions is the
of both the thermal coefficientGages
Are Available
Compensated Strain
sensitivity in the measuring unstrained reference value, and
of expansion and the thermal instrumentation. Since it is the applying a strain to the specimen
coefficient of resistance. fractional
DR = 120 change in resistance
x 0.000001 that
x 2 = 0.000240 Ω will result in a resistance change
is of interest, and since this change from this value. If we had an
practical Strain Gage measurements

ohmmeter that was accurate and and compile large quantities of

sensitive enough to make the data from multichannel systems.
measurement, we would measure The computer also removes the
the unstrained gage resistance necessity of balancing the bridge, When (R1/R2) = (Rg/R3), VOUT
and then subtract this unstrained compensates for nonlinearities becomes zero and the bridge is
value from the subsequent strained
values. Dividing the result by the
in output, and handles switching
and data storage in multichannel
[ R3 – R2
3 R
the resistor values+ (R ]
VOUT = VINIf we could adjust one of
R R1 + R2
g 2, for
unstrained value would give us applications.
Equation No. 11
the fractional resistance change
caused by strain in the specimen.
In some cases, it is practical to use
this very method, and these cases
will be discussed in a later section
of this application note. A more
sensitive way of measuring small
changes in resistance is with the
use of a Wheatstone bridge circuit,
and, in fact, most instrumentation
for measuring static strain uses this R1 Rg
circuit. [2,5,6,7,8]

methods μє

example), then we could balance

wheatstone Bridge Balanced Bridge Strain the bridge for varying values of the
circuit Gage Measurement other for
Figure 16: Bridge Circuit with Provision resistors. Figure
Balancing 16 shows a
the Bridge
Because of its outstanding schematic of this concept.
In Figure 15, VIN is the input
sensitivity, the Wheatstone bridge Referring to the gage factor
voltage to the bridge, Rg is the
circuit (depicted in Figure 15) is equation,
resistance of the strain gage, R1,
the most frequently used circuit for
R2 and R3 are the resistances of
static strain measurement. This
the bridge completion resistors, and
section examines this circuit and its
VOUT is the bridge output voltage. A
⁄4 bridge configuration exists when
one arm of the bridge is an active
gage and the other arms are fixed
value resistors or unstrained gages, we see that the quantity we need to
as is the case in this circuit. Ideally, measure is the fractional
the strain gage, Rg, is the only
DRg/Rg change in
GF = from the unstrained
gage resistance
resistor in the circuit that varies,
value to the strained evalue. If,
R1 Rg and then only due to a change when the gage is unstrained,
Equation No. 10
in strain on the surface of the we adjust R2 until the bridge is
VIN to strain gage
specimen to which it is attached. balanced and then apply strain to
measurement. By using a VOUT is a function of VIN, R1, R2, R3 the gage, the change in Rg due to
computer in conjunction with the and Rg. This relationship is: the strain will unbalance the bridge
R2 R3
measurement instrumentation, we and VOUT will become nonzero. If
can simplify use of the bridge circuit, we adjust the value of R2 to once
increase measurementBridge
Figure 15: Wheatstone accuracy,
Circuit again balance the bridge, the
practical Strain Gage measurements

amount of the change required in Unbalanced Note that it was assumed in this
resistance R2 will equal the change Bridge Strain Gage derivation that DRg was the only
in Rg due to the strain. Some strain Measurement change in resistance from the
DR -4Vr
indicators work on this principle unstrained tog the
= strained condition.
by incorporating provisions for The equation for V OUT can be Recalling R
the 1 + 2V
g equation forr gage
inputting the gage factor of the rewritten in the form of the ratio of factor: Equation No. 14
gage being used and indicating the VOUT to VIN:
change in the variable resistance,
R2, directly in micro-strain.
In the previous example, the bridge
becomes unbalanced when strain
is applied. VOUT is a measure of this
imbalance and is directly related and combining these two equations,
to the change in Rg, the quantity of This equation holds for both the we get an equation for strain in
interest. Instead of rebalancing the unstrained and strained conditions. terms of Vr and GF:
VOUT the unstrained
R2 of
bridge, we could install an indicator,
calibrated in micro-strain, that VIN
gage resistance
– the
as Rg and
R3 + Rg
due to strain
R + R2
as D1Rg, the
] GF =
responds to VOUT. Refer to Figure Equation No. 10
strained value No. resistance
of gage 12
16. If the resistance of this indicator
is much greater than that of the is Rg + DRg. The actual effective
strain gage, its loading effect on the value of resistance in each bridge
bridge circuit will be negligible, i.e., arm is the sum of all the resistances
in that arm, and may include The schematic in Figure 17
negligible current will flow through shows how we can instrument the
the indicator. This method often such things as lead wires, printed
circuit board traces, switch contact unbalanced bridge.
assumes: 1) a linear relationship -4Vr
between VOUT and strain; 2) a resistance, interconnections, etc. A constante =voltage power supply
GF(1 + 2Vr )
bridge that was balanced in the As long as these resistances furnishes VIN, and a digital voltmeter
initial, unstrained, state; and 3) remain unchanged between the (DVM) is usedEquation No. 15 VOUT.
to measure
a known value of VIN. In a bridge strained and unstrained readings, The DVM for this application
circuit, the relationship between the measurement will be valid. should have a high (greater than
VOUT and strain is nonlinear, but for Let’s define a new term, Vr, as the 109 Ω) input resistance, and 1

strains up to a few thousand micro- difference of the ratios of VOUT microvolt or better resolution. The
strain, the error is usually small to VIN from the unstrained to the gage factor is supplied by the
enough to be ignored. At large strained state: gage manufacturer. In practice,
values of strain, corrections must we would use a computer to have
be applied to the indicated reading the DVM read and store VOUT
to compensate for this nonlinearity. under unstrained conditions, then
take another reading of VOUT
The majority of commercial strain after the specimen is strained. E
indicators use some form of Since the values for gage factor
balanced bridge for measuring and excitation voltage, VIN, are
resistance strain gages. In By substituting the resistor values
that correspond to the two (VOUT/ known, the computer can calculate
multichannel systems, the number the strain value indicated by the
VOUTinto this equation,
VIN) terms VOUT we
of manual adjustments required Vr = – change in bridge output voltage.
for balanced bridge methods can derive an Vequation
VIN strained for DRg/Rg.
IN unstrained
This new equation is: If the value of VIN is unknown or
becomes cumbersome to the subject to variation over time,
Equation No. 13
user. Multichannel systems, under we can have the DVM measure
computer control, eliminate it at the time VOUT is measured
these adjustments by using an to get a more precise value for
unbalanced bridge technique. Vr . This “timely” measurement of
VIN greatly reduces the stability
requirements of the power supply,
practical Strain Gage measurements

we would see an error. The same

would be true of any other variation
that changed the bridge output
R1 Rg voltage. Any switching done in the
Voltage (VIN ) bridge arms can cause a change in
Power resistance due to variations in the
Supply switch or relay contact resistance
V OUT and can affect the bridge output
voltage. For that reason, it is not
desirable to do switching inside
R2 R3 the bridge arms for multichannel
systems, but, rather, to allow
those interconnections to be
permanently wired and switch the
DVM from bridge to bridge. Since
Figure 17: Instrumentation for Unbalanced Bridge Strain Gage Measurement a DVM has extremely high input
impedance compared to the bridge
allowing a lower-cost unit to be arms, it doesn’t load the bridge,
used. Note that, in the preceding and switching the DVM has no
⁄4 bridge example, the bridge was Multichannel effect on the bridge output voltage
not assumed to be balanced nor Wheatstone Bridge level. Figures 18 and 19 show the
its output approximated as truly Measurements schematics of these two methods
linear. Instead, we just derived of switching. We can see that
In the preceding example, switching inside the bridge
the equation for strain in terms of
measurement accuracy was arms allows the same bridge
quantities that are known or can
dependent upon all four bridge completion resistors to be used
be measured, and let the computer
arms’ resistances remaining for multiple gages, but that the
solve the equation to obtain the
constant from the time of the power to the gage is removed
exact strain value.
unstrained reading to the time of when it is not being read. Also,
In the preceding example, we the strained reading, except for any variations in switch contact
made some assumptions that the change in the gage resistance resistance will appear in series with
affect the accuracy of the strain due to strain. If any of the bridge the gage resistance and will be
measurement: arm resistances changed during indistinguishable from resistance
that time span, there would be a changes due to strain.
• resistance in the three inactive
corresponding change in bridge
bridge arms remained constant Figure 19 shows a multiple-channel
output voltage which would be
from unstrained to strained arrangement that switches the DVM
interpreted as strain-induced, so
• DVM accuracy, resolution, and
stability were adequate for the
required measurement,
0 1 Rg1
• resistance change in the active Rg2
bridge arm was due only to
change in strain, and
0 1
• VIN and the gage factor were V IN V OUT
both known quantities. 2

Appendix B shows the schematics R2 R3

of several configurations of bridge
circuits using strain gages, and
gives the equation for strain as a
function of Vr for each. Figure 18: Switching Inside Bridge Arms
practical Strain Gage measurements

Rg1 Rg2
Constant DVM 0 1
Voltage (VIN) D
Power (VOUT) 2
Supply 3

Figure 19: Schematic of Bridge Circuit with Shared Internal Half-Bridge and Power Supply

and also shares the power supply various channels in the group. This Four-Wire OhM Strain
and internal half-bridge. This circuit method keeps all of the gages Gage Measurement
is known as a “Chevron Bridge” and energized at all times, which
is often used for strain measurement minimizes dynamic heating and As we mentioned before, we can
on rotating machine elements to cooling effects in the gages and measure the change in absolute
minimize the number of slip rings. eliminates the need for switching value of gage resistance to compute
One channel is shown as a 1⁄4 bridge inside the bridge arms. If the DVM strain. This can be done quite
and the other as a 1⁄2 bridge (two has good low-level measurement accurately using a four-wire Ω
active gages). The midpoint of the capability, the power supply voltage measurement technique with a high
internal half-bridge for either of can be maintained at a low level, resolution (e.g., 1 milliohm per least
these configurations serves as a thereby keeping the gage’s self- significant digit) digital multimeter
voltage reference point for the DVM heating effects to a minimum. For (DMM). Figure 20 depicts the four-
and isn’t affected by strain. Since example, using a 2 volt power wire Ω method of resistance

the bridge completion resistors supply for the bridge yields a power measurement. The current source
must have excellent stability dissipation, in a 350 Ω gage, of is connected internally in the DMM
specifications, they are relatively only 3 milliwatts. Yet even with this to the source terminals, while the
expensive, and there is a cost low power, 1 microstrain sensitivity voltmeter is connected to the Ω
advantage to sharing the internal is still maintained with a 1⁄4 bridge sense terminals of the DMM. When
half-bridge in multichannel systems. configuration (assuming GF=2), a measurement is taken, the current
when using a DVM with 1 microvolt source supplies a known fixed
For this method to function properly,
the circuit must be designed and
resolution. Since several channels value of direct current through the E
are dependent upon one power circuit from the Ω source terminals,
constructed such that a change while the voltmeter measures the
supply and one resistor pair, a
in current due to strain in one arm dc voltage drop across the gage
failure of one of these components
does not change the current in
will cause several channels to
any of the other arms. Also, the
become inoperative. However, the
excitation voltage, VIN, must be
measurement of the excitation
measured across points A-B, and
it may be desirable to measure voltage permits the power
this voltage each time a new set of supply to drift, be adjusted, or
readings is taken from this group even be replaced with no loss in
of channels. The DVM is switched measurement accuracy.
between points C-D, C-E, etc., to Figure 20: Schematic of Four-Wire
Ohm Circuit
read the output voltages of the

practical Strain Gage measurements

resistance. The absolute resistance readings divided by the unstrained constant current rather than
value is computed from the values reading is the fractional change in constant voltage excitation, but
of current and voltage by the resistance that we use in the gage that is of little consequence if we
DMM and displayed or output to a factor equation to compute strain. solve an equation for strain versus
computer. The lead resistances, R l Of course the DMM can input these output voltage with a computer.
, from the Ω source terminals to the readings directly to a computer, The use of a constant current
gage, are in series with the gage which calculates strain using the source for a full-bridge configuration
resistance, but do not affect the gage factor for the particular gage. does eliminate the need to sense
accuracy of the measurement, since This technique also lends itself the voltage at the bridge, which
the voltage is read directly across to multichannel systems, since eliminates the need to run two wires
the gage. The input impedance to variations in switch resistance in the to the bridge. In general, there is
the sense terminals is extremely circuit have the same effect as lead no real measurement advantage
high, so the current flow in that loop resistances and do not affect the to using constant current rather
is negligible. The source current accuracy of the measurement. than constant voltage excitation for
value is typically very low, which bridge circuits as applied to strain
means the power dissipated in the gage measurements.
strain gage is also very low, and Constant Current The four-wire Ω measurement
self-heating effects are virtually Techniques discussed in the preceding section
eliminated. For example, used a constant current source
1 milliamp is a typical value In the discussion of bridge circuits,
for excitation, and we noted that
for the source current, and this we assumed that the bridge
the lead wires had no effect on
corresponds to a power dissipation excitation was furnished by a
the measurement. That method
of 120 microwatts in a 120 Ω gage constant voltage source. We could
required four wires to be connected
or 350 microwatts in a 350 Ω gage. have assumed constant current
to the gage. Constant current
excitation for those discussions
A technique for voltage offset excitation is sometimes used with
and derived the corresponding
compensation can be used with a two-wire gage connection for
equations for strain as a function of
four-wire Ω measurements to dynamic strain measurements
voltage out and current supplied.
correct for these effects. This is where temperature drift effects are
In the example of Figure 19, the
accomplished by first measuring negligible or can be filtered out
constant voltage supply which is
the voltage across the gage without from the strain data. In the circuit
shared by multiple bridges cannot
current flow from the source of Figure 21, changes in gage
be directly replaced by a constant
terminals, and then subtracting resistance result in proportional
current source, since we wouldn’t
this value from the voltage read changes in VOUT. Note that VOUT
know how the current was divided
with source current flow. The is also affected by changes in the
among the various bridge circuits.
resulting net voltage is then used lead resistances, Rl . By measuring
In some cases, the bridge output
to compute the gage resistance. only the time-varying component
is more nearly linear when using
Offset compensated four-wire
Ω measurements can be made
automatically by the DMM if it
has that capability, or the offset
compensation can be accomplished
by the computer controlling the
To use four-wire Ω for measuring
strain, we first make a resistance
measurement of the gage in the
unstrained condition and store this
reading. Then we apply strain to
the specimen and make another
measurement of gage resistance.
The difference between these two
Figure 21: Constant Current Circuit Dynamic Strain Measurement
practical Strain Gage measurements

of VOUT, the dynamic strain can be The lead wires do not affect the In Figure 23, the shaded portion
observed, while slowly- changing measurement, since the voltage, includes a Wheatstone bridge
effects, such as temperature, are as in four-wire Ω, is measured strain gage measuring circuit seen
rejected. directly across the gage. This previously in Figures 15 and 17.
arrangement also allows the use of The single active gage, Rg, is shown
The use of very sensitive DMM’s
a less sensitive, higher speed DVM mounted on a test specimen —
to measure the bridge imbalance
while maintaining reasonable strain e.g., an airplane tail section. The
voltage or the gage resistance
resolution. For example, a DVM bridge excitation source, VIN , bridge
directly with four-wire Ω limits the
with 100 microvolt sensitivity gives a completion resistors, R1 , R2 and
speed at which the measurement
can be taken, and only low
strain resolution of 6 me with a R3, and the DVM represent the
0.44 milliamp current source measurement equipment located a
frequency dynamic strains can be
(350 Ω semiconductor gage with significant distance (say, 100 feet)
measured with these methods.
Higher speed analog-to-digital ractical
GF = 100). from the test specimen. The strain
converters typically have lower straineasureme gage is connected to the measuring
equipment via three wires having
sensitivities, so higher signal levels
are needed when measuring higher
Shielding and Guarding resistance Rl in each wire. The
frequency dynamic or transient
Interference Rejection electrical interference which
degrades the strain measurement
strains. One way to achieve this is The low output level of a strain
is coupled into the bridge through
to amplify the bridge output voltage gage makes strain measurements
a number of parasitic resistance
to an acceptable level. Another susceptible to interference from
and capacitance elements. In this
method is to use a semiconductor other sources of electrical energy.
context, the term “parasitic” implies
strain gage and exploit its large Capacitive and magnetic coupling to
that the elements are unnecessary
gage factor. A semiconductor gage long cable runs, electrical leakage
to the measurement, are basically
can be used in a bridge circuit from the specimen through the
unwanted, and are to some extent
(such as Figure 19) with a DVM gage backing, and differences in
unavoidable. The parasitic elements
having lower resolution and higher grounding potential are but a few
result from the fact that lead wires
speed than that required with metal of the possible sources of difficulty.
have capacitance to other cables,
gages. A semiconductor gage can The results of this type of electrical
gages have capacitance to the test
also be used in a circuit similar to interference can range from a
specimen, and gage adhesives
that for four-wire Ω (see Figure 22). negligible reduction in accuracy
and wire insulation are not perfect
In this case, the current source to deviances that render the data

insulators — giving rise to leakage
and the DVM should be separate invalid.
instruments, to allow the current
level to be adjusted to obtain the Examining the parasitic elements
best output voltage for the expected in more detail, the active gage Rg
maximum strain level.
The Noise Model is shown to be made up of two
equal resistors with Ciso connected
at the center. Ciso represents
the capacitance between the E
airplane tail section and the gage
foil. Since the capacitance is
distributed uniformly along the gage
grid length, we approximate the
effect as a “lumped” capacitance
connected to the gage’s midpoint.
Riso and Ciso determine the degree
of electrical isolation from the test
specimen, which is often electrically
grounded or maintained at some
“floating” potential different than
the gage. Typical values of Riso
Figure 22: Circuit for Semiconductor Gage and High Speed Digital Voltmeter
practical Strain Gage measurements

Adjacent Power or Signal Cable

Cc Rc
Measurement Unit Rl

+ R1 Rg
+ Rl
Vs VIN – +
– –
R2 Ciso
R3 Rl

Cps Rps 100 FT

+ –

Measurement Earth

Figure 23: Remote Quarter-Bridge Measurement Illustrating Parasitic Elements and Interference Sources

and Ciso are 1000 megohms and windings of the power transformer. To analyze the sources of
100 pF, respectively. Elements The resistive element Rps is caused electrical interference, we must
Cc and Rc represent the wire-to- by imperfect insulators, and can first establish a reference potential.
wire capacitance and insulation be reduced several decades by Safety considerations require that
resistance between adjacent power ionic contamination or moisture due the power supply, DVM, bridge
or signal cables in a cable vault or to condensation or high ambient completion, etc., cabinets all be
cable bundle. Typical values for Cc humidity. If the power supply connected to earth ground through
and Rc are 30 pF and 1012 Ω per does not feature floating output, the third wire of their power cords.
foot for dry insulated conductors in Rps may be a fraction of an Ω. It In Figure 23, this reference potential
close proximity. will be shown that use of a non- is designated as the measurement
floating or grounded output power earth connection. The test specimen
The power supply exciting the
supply drastically increases the is often grounded
bridge is characterized by parasitic
mechanisms causing electrical (for safety reasons) to the power
elements Cps and Rps. A line-
interference in a practical, industrial system at a point some distance
powered, “floating output” power
environment. Typical values for away from the measurement
supply usually has no deliberate
Cps and Rps for floating output, equipment. This physical separation
electrical connection between
laboratory grade power supplies often gives rise to different
the negative output terminal and
are 0.01 mf and 100 megohms, grounding potentials as represented
earth via the third wire of its power
respectively. It is important to by the voltage source Vcm. In some
cord. However, relatively large
realize that neither the measuring cases, functional requirements
amounts of capacitance usually
equipment nor the gages have been dictate that the test specimen be
exist between the negative output
“ grounded” at any point. The entire “floated” or maintained many volts
terminal circuits and the chassis and
system is “floating” to the extent away from the power system ground
between the primary and secondary
allowed by the parasitic elements. by electronic power supplies or

practical Strain Gage measurements

Cc Rc

+ R1 Rg
+ Rl
Vs Ciso
VIN – +
– –
R3 Rl

Cps Rps

+ –


Figure 24: Current Leakage from Adjacent Cable Flows Through Gage Wires Causing Measurement Error

signal sources. In either case, Vcm Shielding of The DVM reading error has been
may contain dc and time- varying Measurement Leads eliminated. Capacitive coupling
components — most often at power- from the signal cable to unshielded
The need for using shielded

line related frequencies. measurement leads will produce
measurement leads can be seen by similar voltage errors, even if the
Typical values of Vcm, the common examining the case shown in coupling occurs equally to all three
mode voltage, range from Figure 24. Here, an insulation leads. In the case where Vs is a
millivolts due to IR drops in “clean” failure (perhaps due to moisture) high voltage sine wave power cable,
power systems to 250 volts for has reduced parasitic dc to a the DVM error will be substantially
specimens floating at power-line few thousand Ω, and dc current reduced if the voltmeter integrates
potentials (for example, parts of
an electric motor). The disturbing
is flowing through the gage
measurement leads as a result of
the input for a time equal to an
integral number of periods (e.g., 1,
source, Vs, is shown connected to the source Vs. Negligible current 10, or 100) of the power line wave
measurement earth and represents flows through the DVM because of form. The exact amount of the error
the electrical potential of some cable its high impedance. The currents reduction depends upon the DVM’s
in close proximity (but unrelated through Rg and Rl develop error- normal mode rejection, which can
functionally) to the gage wires. In producing IR drops inside the be as large as 60-140 dB or 103:1
many applications, these adjacent measurement loops. - 107:1. If the DVM is of a type
cables may not exist or may be so
In Figure 25, a shield surrounds the having a very short sampling period,
far removed as to not affect the
three measurement leads, and the i.e., less than 100 msec, it will
measurement. They will be included
current has been intercepted by the measure the instantaneous value
here to make the analysis general
shield and routed to the point where of the dc signal (due to strain) plus
and more complete.
the shield is connected to the bridge. interference. Averaging the proper
number of readings can reduce

practical Strain Gage measurements

Cc Rc
Measurement Unit Rl

+ R1 Rg
+ Rl Ciso
Vs VIN – +
– –
R3 Rl

Cps Rps

+ –


Figure 25: Addition of a Metal Shield Around the Gage Wires Keeps Current Due to Vs out of Measurement Leads

the error due to power line or other or when the highest accuracy is due to current entering at the gage.
periodic interference. required.
Whereas shielding kept error-
Where the measurement leads producing currents out of the
run through areas of high measurement loop by intercepting
magnetic field, near high-current Guarding the the current, guarding controls
power cables, etc., using twisted Measuring Equipment current flow by exploiting the fact
measurement leads will minimize that no current will flow through
Figure 26 shows the error-
the loop areas formed by the an electrical component that has
producing current paths due to
bridge arms and the DVM, thereby both of its terminals at the same
the common mode source, Vcm,
reducing measurement degradation potential.
entering the measurement loop
as a result of magnetic induction.
via the gage parasitic elements, In Figure 27, a “guard” lead has
The flat, three-conductor side-by-
Ciso and Riso. In the general case, been connected between the test
side, molded cable commonly used
both ac and dc components must specimen (in close proximity to the
for strain gage work approaches
be considered. Again, current flow gage) and the negative terminal of
the effectiveness of a twisted
through gage and lead resistances the power supply. This connection
pair by minimizing the loop area
result in error voltages inside the forces the floating power supply
between the wires. The use of
bridge arms. Tracing either loop and all the measuring equipment
shielded, twisted leads and a DVM
from the DVM’s negative terminal —including the gage — to the
which integrates over one or more
to the positive terminal will reveal same electrical potential as the
cycles of the power line wave form
unwanted voltages of the same test specimen. Since the gage
should be considered whenever
polarity in each loop. The symmetry and the specimen are at the same
leads are long, traverse a noisy
of the bridge structure in no way potential, no error-producing current
electromagnetic environment,
provides cancellation of the effects flows through Riso and Ciso into the
practical Strain Gage measurements

Figure 26: Error-Producing Common Mode Current Path


Figure 27
practical Strain Gage measurements

measuring loops. Another way of channel strain gage measurement current flows harmlessly through
interpreting the result is to say that using a shared power supply and the gage leads of the unselected
the guard lead provides an alternate internal half-bridge completion channel. It should be noted that
current path around the measuring resistors. For simplicity, only the each lead wire shield is “grounded”
circuit. It should be observed that, if capacitive parasitic elements at only a single point. The
the power supply and the rest of the are shown. In ordinary practice, common mode current through
measuring circuits could not float capacitive coupling is usually more each combined guard and shield
above earth or chassis potential, significant and more difficult to is limited by the relatively high
the guarding technique would avoid than resistive coupling. For impedance of the parasitic element
reduce the interference by factors generality, we’ve used two test Cps, and should not be confused
of only 2:1 or 4:1. Proper guarding specimens at different potentials with the “heavy” shield current
with a floating supply should yield with respect to measurement earth. which might occur if a shield were
improvements on the order of The switching shown in the figure grounded at both ends, creating a
105:1 or 100 dB. allows simultaneous selection of “ground loop”.
the DVM and the associated guard
In situations where it is possible connection.
to ground the test specimen at
measurement earth potential, the Figure 29 illustrates the currents CMR Limitations
common mode source, Vcm, will be flowing due to the specimen
The schematics and discussion
essentially eliminated. potentials Vcm1 and Vcm2 . Note
of guarding presented thus far
that, regardless of which channel
might convey the impression
is selected, the guard line (also
that infinite rejection of common
functioning as the shield for the
Extension to wires to the gage) keeps the
mode interference is possible. It
Multichannel common mode current out of
seems reasonable to ask what,
Measurements the gage leads selected for the
if anything, limits common mode
rejection? Figure 30 includes a
Figure 28 shows the extension of measurement. Common mode
new parasitic element, Cug, the
the guarding technique to a multi-

Figure 28: Multichannel Strain Measurement Including Two Separate Test Specimens

practical Strain Gage measurements



Figure 29: Multichannel Guard Switch Keeps Common Mode Current out of Selected Gage Leads

Rg1 Ciso


– Cps
– +
DVM DVM Switch

Rg2 E

Cps Guard

+ +
– –

Figure 30: Unguarded Capacitance of Multiplexer and DVM Result in Measurement Error Due to Vcm2 of Selected Channel
practical Strain Gage measurements

unguarded capacitance to chassis

associated with the DVM and sampling.
multiplexer. In practice, the DVM Reference 10 provides additional
and multiplexer are usually realized information on the subjects of
as guarded instruments [Reference floating, guarded measurements
13] featuring three-wire switching and rejection ratios. Appendix D
and measurements, but the guard Equation No. 19
contains measurement sensitivity
isolation is not perfect. Capacitance where Vcm and VDVM are both data which can be used to compute
ranging from 15 pF to 20 mf can sinusoids at the power-line measurement error (in me) as a
be found between the instrument frequency of interest - 50, 60, function of DVM, power supply,
low connection and chassis. In or 400 Hz. Note that VDVM is an and bridge completion resistor
Figure 30, this capacitance causes ac wave form presented to the specifications.
a portion of the common mode terminals of a dc voltmeter. Thus,
current in the selected channel CMRR is an ac voltage transfer
to flow through the internal half- ratio from the common mode
bridge resistors R1 and R2, giving source to the DVM terminals.
Vcm (ac) Bridge Excitation Level
rise to a measurement error. In CMRRmust
Caution = 20be
logexercised in
VDVM (ac) The bridge excitation voltage level
a multichannel system, all of the comparing CMRR specifications affects both the output sensitivity
unselected channels (gages) Equation
to insure that No. procedures
identical 17
and the gage self-heating. From a
sharing the same power supply are employed in arriving at the measurement standpoint, a high
also contribute current, but this numerical result. excitation level is desirable, but a
current exits the bridge via the
power supply and returns through
the guard wire, causing no
additional error.
In Figure 30, the ac interference
voltage presented to the terminals
of the DVM causes an error
because the dc measuring
voltmeter does not totally reject
the ac. A DVM’s ability to measure
dc voltage in the presence of ac
interference is called the normal The overall figure of merit for lower level reduces gage self-
mode rejection ratio (NMRR) and a measurement system is the heating. The electrical power in the
is usually stated for 50 and 60 Hz effective common mode rejection gage is dissipated as heat which
interference. ratio
EMCRR which reflects
= theCMRR x
must be transferred NMRR
from the gage
system’s ability to measure dc to the surroundings.
A dc voltmeter’s NMRR is a function ac interference
voltage = ac of
(strain) in the presence interference x ac In order for
this heat transfer to occur, the gage
of input filtering and the analog- ac
response mode
error If @DVM dc response error
temperature must rise above that of
to-digital conversion technique all measurements same frequency,
the specimen and
dc voltmeter gage
the air. The
employed. and if the rejection ratios are transmission
temperature is therefore a function
via parasitics response to
Additionally, the DVM and expressed
in dB, and guarding ac input and
of the ambient temperature
multiplexer system reject ac the temperature rise due to power
Equation No. 18
interference via guarding and dissipation.
design control of parasitics. The
An excessive gage temperature
quantitative measure of a system’s
can cause various problems. The
ability to reject common mode
carrier and adhesive materials will
ac voltage is the common mode Thus, ECMRR describes how no longer be able to transmit strain
rejection ratio, (CMRR), defined as: well the parasitics are controlled faithfully from the specimen to the
VNM (ac) in the system and the sampling grid if the temperature becomes
NMRR = 20 log characteristics of the DVM, i.e.,
VDVM (dc) too high. This adversely affects
integrating or instantaneous hysteresis and creep and may
Equation No. 16
practical Strain Gage measurements

show up as instability under load. The temperature rise of the grid is to 0.01-0.05 for poor heat sinks
Zero or unstrained stability is also difficult to calculate because many (such as unfilled plastics). Stacked
affected by high gage temperature. factors influence heat balance. rosettes create a special problem,
Temperature-compensated gages Unless the gage is submerged in in that the temperature rise of the
suffer a loss of compensation when a liquid, most of the heat transfer bottom gage adds to that produced
the temperature difference between will occur by conduction to the by the two gages above it, and that
the gage grid and the specimen specimen. Generally, cooling of the of the center gage adds to the top
becomes too large. When the gage gage by convection is undesirable gage’s. It may require a very low
is mounted on plastics, excessive because of the possibility of creating voltage or different voltages for
power dissipation can elevate time-variant thermal gradients each of the three gages to maintain
the temperature of the specimen on the gage. These gradients the same temperature at each gage.
under the gage to the point that the can generate voltages due to the [6 ]
properties of the specimen change. thermocouple effect at the lead
wire junctions, causing errors in One way we can determine the
The power that must be dissipated maximum excitation voltage that
the bridge output voltage. Heat
as heat by the gage in a bridge can be tolerated is by increasing
transfer from the gage grid to
circuit with equal resistance arms is the voltage until a noticeable
the specimen is via conduction.
given by the following equation: zero instability occurs. We then
Therefore, the grid surface area and
the materials and thicknesses of reduce the voltage until the zero
the carrier and adhesive influence is once more stable and without
gage temperature. The heat sink a significant offset relative to the
characteristics of the specimen are zero point at a low voltage. Bridge
also important. completion resistors also dissipate
where P is the power in watts, power and in practice may be more
Rg is the gage resistance, I is the susceptible to drift from self-heating
current through the gage, and V is effects than the strain gage. The
POWER DENSITY is a parameter
the bridge excitation voltage. From stability of the bridge completion
used to evaluate a particular gage
Equation 20, we see that lowering resistors is related to load-life, and
size and excitation voltage level
the excitation voltage (or gage maintaining only a fraction of rated
for a particular application. Power
current) or increasing the gage power in them will give better long
density is the power dissipated by
resistance will decrease power term stability. If the above method of
the gage divided by the gage grid
dissipation. Where self-heating may finding the maximum voltage level

P = V2higher
/4Rg =values
(I2)Rgof gage area, and is given in units of watts/
be a problem, is used, care should be exercised to
in2. Recommended values of power
resistance should be used. Table 3
Equation No. 20 insure that the power rating of the
density vary, depending upon
illustrates the relationship between completion resistors is not exceeded
accuracy requirements, from 2-10
voltage, gage resistance and power as the voltage is increased.
for good heat sinks (such as heavy
aluminum or copper sections), Reducing the bridge excitation
voltage dramatically reduces gage

strain gage power dissipation power, since power is proportional
to the square of voltage. However,
gage power in milliwatts
excitation bridge output voltage is proportional
voltage 1000 Ω 500 Ω 350 Ω 120 Ω to excitation voltage, so reducing it
0.1 0.0025 0.005 0.007 0.021 lowers sensitivity. If the DVM used
0.2 0.010 0.020 0.029 0.083 to read the output voltage has
0.5 0.0625 0.125 0.179 0.521 1 microvolt resolution, 1 micro-strain
1.0 0.250 0.500 0.714 2.083 resolution can be maintained with a
2.0 1.000 2.000 2.857 8.333 1
⁄4 bridge configuration, using a 2 volt
3.0 2.250 4.500 6.429 18.750 bridge excitation level. If the DVM
4.0 4.000 8.000 11.429 33.333 has 0.1 microvolt resolution, the
5.0 6.250 12.500 17.857 52.083 excitation voltage can be lowered
10.0 25.000 50.000 71.400 208.300 to 0.2 volts while maintaining the
same strain resolution. From Table
Table 3
practical Strain Gage measurements

3 we see that, at these excitation resistance.

levels. the power dissipated by a
350 ohm gage goes from 2.857
to 0.029 milliwatts. Thus, using a
sensitive DVM for measuring the
bridge output permits the use of low
DRg -4Vr Rg + Rl
excitation voltages and low gage Rg 1 + 2Vr Rg
self-heating while maintaining good Equation No. 21
measurement resolution.
The four-wire Ω technique is also a
good way to keep the power in the lead wire desensitization This factor is lead wire
gage extremely low. This is due to (Refer to figure 32) desensitization, and we see from
the low value of constant current
⁄4 and 1⁄2 bridge, 3-wire connections Equation 22 and from Table 4 that
supplied to the gage by the DMM, awg rg
If the resistance= 120
of the lead=wires
Ω rg 350 Ω the effect is reduced if the lead
typically 1 milliamp. This current is
18 known, the computed
.54% values .19%of wire resistance is small and/or the
(1 milliamp) corresponds to a power strain
20 can be corrected
.87 for LEAD .30 nominal gage resistance is large. If
dissipation of 0.12 milliwatts in a WIRE
1.38 In
.47 ignoring this term (1 + Rl /Rg) will
120 Ω gage and 0.35 milliwatts a prior section, we developed -4Vr
cause an unacceptable error, R
( )
24 2.18 .75 l
in a 350 Ω gage. With four-wire equations
26 for strain as a function it eshould
= be added to the computer
) • strains Rg
3.47 1.19 1 +
Ω, a gage is energized only of the measured voltages for a 1⁄4 program GF(1
2Vr the
28 5.52 1.89

when it is selected and is actually bridge configuration:
30 8.77 3.01
being measured by the DMM. As
Magnitudes of computed strain values will be
mentioned previously, resolution will low by the above percent per 100 feet of hard
Equation No. 22
be lower using four-wire Ω than with drawn solid copper lead wire at 25°C (77°F)
a bridge, but will be adequate for Table 4
many applications.
computed in Equation 15 are
These equations are based on the multiplied by this factor. Appendix
Lead Wire Effects assumptions that Vr is due solely B gives the equations for various
to the change in gage resistance, bridge configurations and the lead
In the preceding chapter, reference
was made to the effects of lead wire
DRg, and that the total resistance of wire resistance compensation terms
the arm of the bridge that contained that apply to them. Appendix A has
resistance on strain measurement
the gage was Rg. Referring to a table containing the resistance,
for various configurations. In
Figure 32, we see that one of the at room temperature, of some
a bridge circuit, the lead wire
lead wire resistances, Rl , is in commonly used sizes of copper
resistance can cause two types
series with the gage, so the total wire.
of error. One is due to resistance -4Vr
changes in the lead wires that are
DRofg that bridge
resistance -4Vr arm is
The most e common
actually RR + R =. If we substitute this GF(1 cause
+ 2Vr )of
indistinguishable from resistance g
g l (1 + 2Vr) changes in lead wire resistance
into Equation 14, it becomes: Equation No. 15
changes in the gage. The other Equation No. 14 is temperature change. The
error is known as LEAD WIRE copper used for lead wires has a
DESENSITIZATION and becomes nominal temperature coefficient
significant when the magnitude of resistance, at 25°C/77°C, of
of the lead wire resistance 0.00385 Ω/Ω °C. For the 2-wire
exceeds 0.1% of the nominal gage circuit in Figure 31, this effect will
resistance. The significance of this cause an error if the temperature
source of error is shown in Table 4. Rewriting the equation to solve for during the unstrained reading is
strain, we see that the previous different than the temperature
strain equation is in error by a during the strained reading. Error
factor of the ratio of the lead wire occurs because any change in
resistance to the nominal gage resistance in the gage arm of the

practical Strain Gage measurements

Figure 31: Two-Wire 1⁄4 Bridge Connection

Figure 32: Three-Wire 1⁄4 Bridge Connection

bridge during this time is assumed temperature coefficient of resistance connection because only one lead
to be due to strain. Also, both and be maintained at the same wire resistance is in series with the
lead wire resistances are in series temperature. In practice, this is gage. The resistance of the signal
with the gage in the bridge arm,
further contributing to the lead wire
effected by using the same size
and length wires and keeping them
wire to the DVM doesn’t affect the
measurement, because the current E
desensitization error. physically close together. flow in this lead is negligible due to
the high input impedance of
The THREE-WIRE method of Temperature compensation is
the DVM.
connecting the gage, shown in possible because resistance
Figure 32, is the preferred method changes occur equally in adjacent Mathematical correction for lead
of wiring strain gages to a bridge arms of the bridge and, therefore, wire desensitization requires that
circuit. This method compensates the net effect on the output voltage the resistances of the lead wires
for the effect of temperature of the bridge is negligible. This be known. The values given in wire
on the lead wires. For effective technique works equally well for tables can be used, but, for extreme
compensation, the lead wires must 1
⁄4 and 1⁄2 bridge configurations. temperatures, measurement of the
have approximately the same The lead wire desensitization wires after installation is required for
nominal resistance, the same effect is reduced over the two-wire utmost accuracy. Two methods for
arriving at the resistance of the lead
practical Strain Gage measurements

wires from the instrumentation side The unstrained resistance of the have 1000 MΩ or higher isolation
of the circuit in Figure 32 follow: gage should be measured after resistance, so any gages with low
the gage is mounted but before values should be suspect.[2]
(1) If the three wires are the
the wiring is connected to the
same size and length, the
instrumentation. This test will help
resistance measured between
identify gages that may have been
points A and B, before the
damaged during installation. Under
Diagnostic Bridge
wires are connected to the
laboratory conditions with room-
instrumentation, is 2Rl .
temperature curing adhesives, the Additional errors occur when
(2) Measure the voltage from A-B mounted resistance value of metal voltages are induced in the
(which is equivalent to B-C) foil gages will usually fall within the measurement circuit by sources
and the voltage from B-D. package tolerance range for the other than strain. These voltages
Since R3 is typically a precision gage. Under field conditions, the may be in the form of static
resistor whose value is well shift in gage resistance will usually offsets (such as a thermally
known, the current in the C-D be less than 2%. Greater shifts may induced voltage) or time-
leg can be computed using indicate damage to the gage. The varying disturbances (such as a
Ohm’s Law. This is the current farther the gage resistance value magnetically induced voltage).
that flows through the lead deviates from the nominal value, the Other sources of interference are:
resistance, so the value of Rl larger the unstrained bridge output capacitive coupling of signals to the
can be computed, since the voltage. This limits the strain range gage or wiring; resistive leakage
voltage from B-C is known. The at maximum resolution when using paths to the gage or from the
equation for computing Rl is: the unbalanced bridge technique. wiring to adjacent signal carriers;
The easiest, most accurate way to a leakage path in the excitation
measure this resistance is with the supply; a poor connection to a
four-wire Ω function of a DMM. guard; or a damaged shield. Since
error-producing interference can
arise from so many unexpected
sources, what can be done to detect
Gage Isolation the presence of unwanted voltages?
These measured values for lead
The isolation resistance from the
resistance should be retained for The first step is to disconnect the
gage grid to the specimen, if the
later calculations. excitation supply from the bridge
specimen is conductive, should also
and power up all equipment that is
be measured before connecting the
to be operating during the test. This
lead wires to the instrumentation.
insures that all possible interference
Diagnostics This check should not be made
sources are activated. Next, take
with a high-voltage insulation
To insure strain data that is as several consecutive bridge output
tester, because of possible damage
error free as possible, various voltage readings for each strain
VAB to the gage, but rather with an
= can be• R3 ohmmeter. A value of isolation
gage channel. The voltages should
performed on theVgageBD installation be very nearly zero. If there is an
resistance of less than 500 MΩ
and instrumentation. In 23
Equation No. a stress offset voltage, it could be thermally
usually indicates the presence of
analysis application, the entire induced or due to a resistive
some type of surface contamination.
gage installation can’t be calibrated leakage path. A time-varying
Contamination often shows up as a
as can be done with certain cyclic voltage could be caused by
time-varying high resistance shunt
transducers. Therefore, potential resistive, magnetic or capacitive
across the gage, which causes an
error sources should be examined coupling to the interfering source.
error in the strain measurement. For
prior to taking data. Erratic voltage readings could be
this reason, an isolation resistance
due to an open input to the DVM.
value of at least 150 MΩ should be
An integrating voltmeter which
samples over a whole number of
Mounted Gage A properly mounted gage with power line cycles greatly increases
Resistance fully cured adhesive will usually rejection of magnetic induction

practical Strain Gage measurements

Figure 33: Gage Wiring to Minimize Magnetic Induction

and other interference sources at DVM of the excitation voltage is a to correct the voltage readings. If,
power- line frequency. When we good verification that the excitation after a reasonable time for the gage
use non-integrating voltmeters, supply is set to the correct voltage and bridge resistors to reach steady
several readings can be averaged level and is stable enough to allow state temperatures, the voltage is
to minimize the effect on static the accuracy expected. Some still drifting, the excitation level may
strain readings. thermally induced voltages may be be too high.
due to heating effects from power
Thermally induced voltages are Another test on the gage,
dissipated in the bridge circuit, so
caused by thermocouple effects at particularly on the gage bond, can
a check should be made with the
the junctions of dissimilar metals be performed at this time. While
power applied. This is done by
within the measurement circuits monitoring the bridge output with
taking a sequence of readings of

in the presence of temperature the DVM, press lightly on the
the bridge output, then reversing
gradients. These can occur at strain gage with a pencil eraser.
the polarity of the excitation supply
connectors, where the lead wire The output voltage should change
and repeating the sequence. One-
meets the gage metal, in switches slightly but then return to the
half the difference in the absolute
or in the DVM. Magnetically induced original value when the pressure
values of the bridge output voltages
voltages occur when the wiring is is removed. If the output voltage
is the thermally induced voltage. If
located in a time-varying magnetic doesn’t return to the original value
the temperature and power levels
field. Magnetic induction can be
controlled by using twisted lead
will remain at this level during the or becomes erratic, the gage is
probably imperfectly bonded or is
test, then subsequent voltage
wires and forming minimum but damaged and should be replaced.
readings could be corrected by
equal loop areas in each side of
this offset voltage amount. To The unstrained bridge output
the bridge. These loops should be
monitor the thermally induced voltage level also has diagnostic
arranged as shown in Figure 33
voltages, the bridge power can be value. A shorted or open gage will
to have minimum effect on bridge
connected with switches so that give an output of approximately
output. In severe magnetic fields,
the voltage readings can be taken one-half the excitation voltage.
magnetic shielding for the wiring
with both power supply polarities. In many cases, the unstrained
may be required.
If the measured thermally induced bridge output should be 2 millivolts
The next step is to connect the voltages are more than a few micro- or less per excitation volt. For
excitation supply to the bridge. A volts, the source should be found example, if each of the four bridge
series of readings taken by the and eliminated rather than trying arms had a tolerance of ±1%, the

practical Strain Gage measurements

unstrained output would at most The value of the shunt resistor is

be 10 millivolts per excitation volt. often in the 10-500 kΩ range, so
So, if the unstrained output is more the current through it is low, less
than a few millivolts per volt of than 1 milliamp. This resistor is
excitation, the installation should be also outside the bridge arms, so
inspected. If the test entails some the effects of switching and lead
type of temperature cycle and a wires are not as important as for
temperature compensated gage is the gage. Any of the bridge arms
utilized, recording the unstrained for any bridge configuration can be
output over the temperature cycle is shunted and a corresponding value
a method of verifying the adequacy of equivalent strain computed.
of the compensation.

Temperature Effects
Shunt Calibration We have examined ways to
(Verification) compensate for the effects of Figure 34: Typical Installation
When using the unbalanced bridge temperature on the lead wires to
method of strain measurement with the gage. Now let’s look at some temperature, in a uniaxial stress
instrumentation under computer methods to compensate for the field, on a material with a Poisson’s
control, there are no adjustments for temperature effects on the gage ratio of 0.285, for that particular
bridge balance or span. Since shunt resistance and the gage factor. lot of gages. The tolerance on the
calibration was originally used to Some of these methods require the gage factor directly affects the
adjust the span of balanced bridge temperature to be measured at the accuracy of the strain computation.
instruments, what is the role of gage. This can be accomplished In other words, the computed
shunt calibration with an unbalanced by several different temperature strain value will have a tolerance
bridge? Shunt calibration with this sensors such as thermocouples, at least as great as the gage factor
technique might more correctly thermistors and resistance tolerance. A plot showing how
be termed “shunt verification,” temperature detectors (RTD’s). gage factor varies with temperature
since the instrumentation won’t Since we want to sense the is also furnished with the gage.
actually be calibrated by shunt temperature of the strain gage itself, This plot is in the form of % gage
calibration. Shunt verification is the problems can arise when large factor variation (%DGF) versus
placing in parallel with one of the thermal gradients exist or when the temperature (T). The temperature
bridge arm resistors, or gages, of temperature is rapidly changing. We at which these variations become
a resistor of known value. This will need a sensor that has adequate significant depends upon the gage
change the bridge output voltage thermal response, and we need alloy and the accuracy required.
by a predictable amount and, if we to locate it such that it senses the
measure this output change just as same temperature that exists at In practice, the temperature must
if it were caused by strain, we can the gage. be measured at the gage during the
compute the equivalent strain value. strained measurement and the gage
Since we already know the change factor variation computed or “looked
in resistance from the parallel up.” The actual gage factor is then
combination of resistors, we can computed using this variation and
compute the equivalent strain value Gage Factor versus the nominal gage factor.
for a given gage factor, i.e., Temperature
e = (1/GF)(DR/R). By using the
The gage manufacturer supplies a
same program subroutines and
nominal gage factor and tolerance
instrumentation which will be used
with each gage. If this gage factor
in the actual test, we verify most of
is per NAS 942, Reference [9],
the system and gain confidence in
it is the nominal gage factor and
the test setup.
tolerance as measured at room
This actual gage factor, GFA, is then
practical Strain Gage measurements

used in the equation for computing Temperature-Induced thermal coefficient of resistance of

strain, e.g., Equation 15, instead Apparent Strain the gage and the differential thermal
of GF. The value of strain thus expansion between the gage and
computed is compensated for the For temperature compensated the specimen. Also, the specimen
effect of temperature on the gage strain gages, the manufacturer will seldom be the exact alloy
(1 + % DGF)
factor. supplies a plot of temperature- used by the gage manufacturer
100 induced APPARENT STRAIN in determining the apparent
For most metallic gage alloys versus temperature. This plot is strain curve. Apparent strain is, of
commonly Equation
used for No. 24 strain
static obtained by installing a sample course, zero for the temperature
measurement, the gage factor of gages from the lot on a piece at which the gage is mounted. If
variation with temperature is nearly of unstrained material having a that temperature were maintained
linear over a broad temperature thermal coefficient of expansion for the duration of the test, no
range and is less than ±1% matching that for which the correction would be required, but if

for temperature excursions of compensated gage was intended, the temperature varies during the
±100°C/180°F. For example, the and then varying the temperature. course of the test, compensation for
equation for gage factor variation The apparent strain value can thus the apparent strain may be required
versus temperature in °C for a be computed and plotted versus depending upon the temperature
typical temperature-compensated temperature. The apparent strain changes, the gage alloy and the
Constantan alloy gage, as taken curve may have been plotted accuracy required.
from the plot enclosed by the by using a gage factor of +2.
manufacturer, was found to be: This should be considered when If the temperature changes between E
%DGF=0.007T–0.1. using this plot, since the actual the time of the unstrained and
For gage alloys with nonlinear gage value may be different and strained readings, errors may be
characteristics, we need to use temperature-dependent. A fourth- or incurred, as can be seen from the
a point-by-point correction or fifth-order polynomial can be used apparent strain plot. These errors
some type of curve-fitting routine to describe the apparent strain are in the form of a strain offset.
to approximate the temperature curve and can be obtained from the If the gage temperature and the
dependence. In general, gage manufacturer or derived from the apparent strain characteristics are
factor temperature compensation is plot. Thermally induced apparent known, this offset can be calculated
required only for large temperature strain occurs because perfect and the strain value compensated
extremes or for tests requiring the temperature compensation over a accordingly. Another way of
utmost accuracy. broad range can’t be achieved. It achieving compensation is to use an
results from the interaction of the

practical Strain Gage measurements

unstrained “dummy” gage mounted by subtracting this amount controlled instrumentation, the data
on the same material and subjected from them. can be taken automatically while
to the same temperature as the the temperature is varied. If the
There are some cases where it is
active gage. This dummy gage temperatures of the actual test are
desirable to generate a thermally
and the active gages that are to be known, the apparent strain values
induced apparent strain curve for
compensated should all be from can be recorded at only those
the particular gage mounted on
the same manufacturer’s lot so they temperatures and used as a “look
the test specimen. Such would be
all have the same apparent strain up” table for correction of the test
the case if a compensated gage
characteristics. The dummy can be data. The temperature compensated
weren’t available to match the
used in a bridge arm adjacent to gage factor of the mounted gage
thermal coefficient of expansion
the active gage, thereby effecting should be used for computing these
of the specimen material, or if the
electrical cancellation apparent strain values. If the test
compensation weren’t adequate for
of the apparent strain. temperatures at which data will be
the desired accuracy. Any time the
For multichannel systems where taken are not known, then it will be
temperature varies during the test,
many gages are mounted in an necessary to generate the equation
the accuracy of the apparent strain
area of uniform temperature, it is for the apparent strain curve over
compensation can be improved by
more efficient to read the dummy the temperature range of interest.
using the actual characteristics of
gage directly. The value of strain Curve-fitting computer programs are
the mounted gage. To accomplish
read from the dummy gage will be available to generate an equation
this, the mounted but mechanically
the value of the apparent strain. that approximates the measured
unstrained gage must be subjected
The strain readings from the characteristics. [5,6]
to temperature variation, and
active gages that are mounted
the apparent strain computed at
on the same material at the same
appropriate values of measured
temperature can then be corrected
temperature. With computer Data: Input,
practical Strain Gage measurements

Output, Storage
unstrained raw data
When using unbalanced bridge chan vout Vin Ratio
strain readings
techniques with computer control, 0 -0.000589 1.980 -0.000298 channel microstrain
data storage becomes an important 1 -0.000528 1.980 -0.000267
0 –286
consideration. Storage of the 2 -0.000065 1.980 -0.000033
1 410
3 -0.000101 1.980 -0.000051
unstrained bridge imbalance voltage 4 -0.000128 1.980 -0.000065
2 1165
ratio is especially critical, since for 3 417
5 -0.000418 1.980 -0.000211
4 291
some tests it may be impossible to 6 -0.000275 1.980 -0.000139
5 776
7 -0.001345 1.980 -0.000679
return to the unstrained condition. 6 257
8 -0.000276 1.980 -0.000139
This unstrained data should be 9 -0.000244 1.980 -0.000123
7 142
8 351
stored in nonvolatile media such
Unstrained Data Should Be Stored 9 117
as magnetic tape or disc, with a in Nonvolatile Media
redundant copy if the test is critical Strain Readings from 10 Channels
or of long duration. Storage of the
subsequent strained readings can lost should a resistor fail. This can
be done during or after the test be accomplished by reading the Use of a computer to control
as required for data reduction or voltage across each of the two instrumentation, data manipulation,
archival purposes. Large amounts resistors and the power supply and storage gives us almost
of data can be stored quickly voltage, and storing these voltages unlimited data output capability.
and inexpensively with the media in a nonvolatile medium. Should With the wide variety of printers,
available today, and frequent the resistor pair fail, they can be displays and plotters available,
storage of data is good insurance replaced with a new pair and a new the test data can be reduced and
against power interruptions and set of voltage readings taken. These output by the computer in almost
equipment failures. two sets of readings would then be any conceivable format, often while
used to compute an offset voltage the test is still in progress. With
Previously we discussed using to compensate for the difference in computational power and “smart”
one power supply for several the ratio of the two pairs of resistors. instrumentation, we can greatly
different channels of strain gages This offset voltage would be added increase the speed and accuracy of
and measuring it with an accurate to all strained imbalance voltage the measurement while eliminating
DVM. This enables us to use an readings taken with the new pair of the tedious manual-adjustment
inexpensive supply and also allows resistors. This technique can result process. Now we have more time to

its replacement should it fail, with no in as little as ±10 microstrain loss in concentrate on the test results.
loss in measurement accuracy. We measurement accuracy.
also discussed a circuit that used
a common internal half-bridge for
several channels of strain gages. date and time:
For very expensive and/or long term
tests when using this technique, it
may be desirable to have some type
of “backup” for this resistor pair,
since several data channels will be

Plot of Stress vs. Time Computed from Strain Gage Mounted on a Cantilever Beam
practical Strain Gage measurements

appendices and average properties of selected engineering materials

Exact values may vary widely
bibliography modulus of elastic
poisson’s elasticity, E strength (*)
material ratio, n psi x 106 tension (psi)
ABS (unfilled) — 0.2-0.4 4500-7500
appendix a: tables Aluminum (2024-T4) 0.32 10.6 48000
Aluminum (7075-T6) 0.32 10.4 72000
wire resistance Red Brass, soft 0.33 15 15000
solid copper wire Iron-Gray Cast — 13-14 —
awg Ω/foot (25°C) diameter (in)
Polycarbonate 0. 285 0.3-0.38 8000-9500
18 0.0065 0.040
Steel-1018 0.285 30 32000
20 0.0104 0.032
Steel-4130/4340 0.28-0.29 30 45000
22 0.0165 0.0253
Steel-304 SS 0.25 28 35000
24 0.0262 0.0201
Steel-410 SS 0.27-0.29 29 40000
26 0.0416 0.0159
Titanium alloy 0.34 14 135000
28 0.0662 0.0126
(*) Elastic strength can be represented by proportional limit, yield point,
30 0.105 0.010 or yield strength at 0.2 percent offset.
32 0.167 0.008

appendix B: BRidge Circuits Equations compute strain from unbalanced bridge voltages:
sign is correct for VIN and VOUT as shown Vr = [(VOUT /VIN) strained – (VOUT /VIN) unstrained]:
GF = Gage Factor n = Poisson’s ratio: e = Strain: Multiply by 10 for microstrain:

tensile is (+) and compressive is (–)

Quarter-Bridge Configurations
Rl Rl

R1 R1
Rg () Rg ()
+ Rl + Rl
– + – +
– –
Rl Rg (Dummy)
R2 R3 R2

e =
GF(1 + 2Vr ) • (
Rg )

Half-Bridge Configurations (AXIAL) (BENDING)

Rl Rl

R1 R1
Rg ( + ) Rg ( + )
+ Rl + Rl
– V + – +
– –
Rg ( – ) Rg (– )
R2 Rl R2 Rl

e =
GF[(1 + n ) -2Vr (n – 1)] • 1+
Rl e =
GF • (1+
Rg )
© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 1999. Reproduced with
Permission, Courtesy of Agilent Technologies, Inc.

practical Strain Gage measurements

Full-Bridge Configurations (BENDING) (AXIAL)

–  + –  + –  +

+ + +
V – + V – + V – V +
– – –

+ –  +  –  + – 

–Vr –2Vr –2Vr

e =
e = e =
GF(n + 1) GF[(n + 1) – Vr (n – 1)]

appendix C: Equations

sX sy sX sy E
ex = –n ez = –n –n sy = (ex + n ex)

sy sx sx =
(ex + n ey )
ey = –n sz = 0

Rectangular Rosette:

ep,q = 1
2 [
e e =e e
1 +e e e ] 3 ± ( 1 – 3)
+ (2 2 – 1 – 3)

sp,q = E
2 [ e
n =
e e 3
e e e ]
( 1 – 3)
+ (2 2 – 1 – 3)

Up,q = 1 TAN 2e2 – e1 – e3

1 2 -1
e1 – e3
Delta Rosette:

3 2 ep,q = 1
3 [ e
1 e e = [e e
+ e2 + 3 ± 2( 1 – 2)
+( 2 – e3 )2 + (e3 – e1) 2] ] E
sp,q = E
3 [ e
1 e e
= [
e e
2 + 3
2( 1 – 2)
+ (e2 – e3 ) 2 + (e3 – e1) 2] ]
Up,q = 1 TAN =3 (e2 e3 )
1 2 -1
2e1 – e2 – e3
© Agilent
Technologies, Inc. 1999. Reproduced with
WHERE: Permission, Courtesy of Agilent Technologies, Inc.
e p,q = Principal strains
sp,q = Principal stresses
Up,q = the acute angle from the axis of gage 1 to the nearest principal axis. When positive,
the direction is the same as that of the gage numbering and, when negative, opposite.
NOTE: Corrections may be necessary for transverse sensitivity. Refer to gage manufacturer’s literature.
practical Strain Gage measurements

appendices and appendix D: instrumentation accuracy

bibliography Measurement error (in me ) due to instrumentation is often difficult to
(continued) determine from published specifications. However, accuracy can be
computed using the following simplified error expressions. For the 1⁄4 bridge,
add equations 1-6 (N = 1). For the 1⁄2 bridge with two active arms, add
R1 Rg equations 2-6 (N=2). For the full bridge with four active arms, add equations
3-6 (N = 4).
The total error for a measurement must also include gage, lead wire, and,
if applicable, bridge nonlinearity errors. These are discussed in the body of
this application note. Additionally, other equipment imperfections which vary
R2 R3 from instrument to instrument must occasionally be considered (e.g., offsets
caused by leakage currents due to humidity or ionic contamination on PC
boards and connectors).
⁄4 Bridge Circuit

(1) R3 change from unstrained to

strained reading (due to DR3 /R3
temperature, load life, etc.) eerror ‘ –

(2) R1 change from unstrained to

R2 strained reading (due to
eerror ‘ D
R1 R1
temperature, load life, etc.) R2 R2
Digital voltmeters and A/D converters are specified in terms of a ± gain error (% of reading) and a ± offset
error (number of counts, in volts). Since strain calculations require two measurements, a repeatable offset
error, e.g., due to relay thermal EMF, etc., will cancel, but offset due to noise and drift will not. Assuming
that noise and drift dominate, the offset on two readings will be the root sum of squares of the two offsets.
This is incorporated into the formulas.

(3) DVM offset error on bridge measurement

eerror , –4

VIN•GF•N • =(Offset error strained) 2
+ (Offset error

Error terms 4-6 can usually be ignored when using high accuracy DVM’s (e.g., 51⁄2 digit). These error terms
are essentially the product of small bridge imbalance voltages with small gain or offset terms. For equations
4-6, VOUT, the bridge imbalance voltage, is a measured quantity which varies from channel to channel. To
calculate worst case performance, the equations use resistor tolerances and measured strain, eliminating
the need for an exact knowledge of VOUT.

(4) DVM gain error on bridge measurement

eerror ‘
•[(VOUT)•(Gain Error) strained reading –(VOUT)• (Gain Error) unstrained reading]
,– e
measured • (Gain Error) strained reading – S tolerances on R1/R2,R3,Rg • Gain Error change

GF • N
(strained-unstrained )
The bridge excitation supply can be monitored with a DVM or preset using a DVM and allowed to drift. In
the first case, supply related errors are due only to DVM gain and offset terms, assuming a quiet supply. In
the second case, since power supply accuracy is usually specified in terms of a ± gain and a ± offset from
the initial setting, identical equations can be used. Also for the second case, note that the strained reading
gain error is the sum of the DVM and excitation supply gain errors, while the strained reading offset error is
the root sum of squares of the DVM and excitation supply offset errors.
practical Strain Gage measurements

(5) Offset error on supply measurement (or on supply drift)

eerror ‘
[•(VOUT)•(Offset Error) strained reading – (VOUT)• (Offset Error) unstrained reading]
‘ measured• (Offset Error)strained reading + S tolerances on R1/R2,R3,Rg • =(Offset errorstrained) + (Offset error
V IN V IN • GF • N 2

(6) Gain error on supply measurement (or on supply drift)

eerror ‘
[•(VOUT)•(Gain Error) strained reading –(VOUT)• (Gain Error) unstrained reading]
‘ measured • (Gain Error) strained reading + S tolerances on R1/R2,R3,Rg • (Gain Error change )
GF • N
Equation ⁄4 bridge 1⁄2 bridge full bridge
1 even when using state-of-the-art
bridge completion resistors and
(1) R3 15.5 — — measuring equipment.
EXAMPLE (2) R1/R2 31.0 15.5 — • Although typical measurements will
Evaluate the error for a 24-hour (3) VOUT offset 2.3 1.1 0.6 have a smaller error, the numbers
strain measurement with a ±5°C/9°F (4) VOUT gain 0.4 0.4 0.3
computed reflect the guaranteed
instrumentation temperature variation. instrumentation performance.
(5) VIN offset 2 0.2 0.2 • Measuring the excitation supply for
This includes the DVM and the bridge
completion resistors, but not the gages. (6) VIN gain 1.3 1.1 1.0 both the unstrained and strained
Sum ±50.08 me ±18.3 me ±2.1 me readings not only results in smaller
The hermetically sealed resistors have errors, but allows the use of an
a maximum TCR of ±3.1 ppm/°C, and inexpensive supply.
have a ±0.1% tolerance. The DVM/ • Bridge completion resistor drift
Scanner combination, over this time
and temperature span, has a 0.004%
CONCLUSIONS limits quarter- and half-bridge
performance. Changes due to
gain error and a 4 mV offset error on Based upon this example, several temperature, moisture absorption
the 0.1 volt range where the bridge important conclusions can be drawn: and load life require the use of ultra-
output voltage, VOUT, will be measured. • Surprisingly large errors can result stable hermetically sealed resistors.
The excitation supply is to be set at 5 V

bibliography and credits

using the DVM. The DVM has a 0.002%
gain error and a 100 mV offset error on

the 10 volt range. Over the given time
and temperature span, the supply has a Application Note 290-1—Practical Strain Gage Measurements
0.015% gain error and a 150 mV offset 1. Higdon, Ohlsen, Stiles, Weese and Riley: MECHANICS OF MATERIALS, 3rd Edition,
error and will not be remeasured. The John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1976.
mounted gage resistance tolerance is 2. C.C. Perry and H.R. Lissner: THE STRAIN GAGE PRIMER. McGraw-Hill, Inc.,
assumed to be ±0.5% or better. The strain New York, 1962.
to be measured is 3000 me and the gage 3. I.S. Sokolnikoff: TENSOR ANALYSIS (Theory and Applications to Geometry and
factor is assumed to be +2.
Mechanics of Continua), Second Edition, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1964.
Notice that the temperature, as given, 4. Hornsey, McFarland, Muhlbauer, and Smith: MECHANICS OF MATERIALS
can change by as much as ±10°C/18°F (An Individualized Approach), Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, 1977.
between the unstrained and strained 5. MANUAL ON EXPERIMENTAL STRESS ANALYSIS, Third Edition, Society for
measurements. This is the temperature Experimental Stress Analysis, Westport, Ct, 1978.
change that must be used to evaluate the 6. James W. Daily and William F. Riley: EXPERIMENTAL STRESS ANALYSIS,
resistor changes due to TCR. The R1/ Second Edition, McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York, 1978.
R2 ratio has the tolerance and TCR of 7. William M. Murray and Peter K. Stein: STRAIN GAGE TECHNIQUES, 1958.
two resistors included in its specification, 8. Peter K. Stein: ADVANCED STRAIN GAGE TECHNIQUES, Stein Engineering Services,
so the ratio tolerance is ± 0.2% and Inc., Phoenix, AZ, 1962.
the ratio TCR is ±6.2 ppm/°C. The 9. National Aerospace Standard 942, Revision 2. 1 July 1964: STRAIN GAGES, BONDED
gain error change on the bridge output RESISTANCE, Aerospace Industries Association of America, Inc., Washington DC
measurement and on the excitation 10. Hewlett-Packard Co., Application Note 123: FLOATING MEASUREMENTS
measurement can be as much as twice AND GUARDING, Hewlett-Packard Co., Palo Alto, CA, 1970.
the gain error specification. The following
table shows the total error and the © Agilent Technologies 1999.
contribution of individual error equations Reproduced with Permission, Courtesy of Agilent Technologies Inc.

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