Phung Nguyen Gia Huy

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Failure Test It is a way to gauge the capacity of a system in order to ensure whether a system is capable
of allocating extra resource. The entire process is an effort to create a backup system. Failover Testing
aims to verify that a system is efficiently handling extra resource like additional CPU or servers during a

Step 1: Data Collection The first step in a root cause failure analysis is data collection. During this step,
NTS will collect information about how the device failed and when it occurred. We will also work with you
to determine your goals for the failure analysis examination, determine how the part should operate, and
consult with additional subject matter experts, if needed.(this may take hours to complete depend on the
numbers of devices) We will be conducting tests on the product being analyzed during this phase.
Checking a representative sample of failed devices and those that work properly is normal. This can help
determine which components will malfunction and when the failure will occur. If necessary, in checking for
malfunction analysis, we prefer non-destructive tests. It helps to provide the most accurate data for the
consumer and is more cost-effective. Sometimes the diagnosis of failure involves cross-sections of the
material or thermal monitoring. We carry out these tests later in the data collection process in these

Step 2: Analyze Data Collected to Determine Root Cause Failure Determining the root cause of the failure
is the next step in the failure analysis process. Device failure is seldom the outcome of a single incident.
Our experience has shown that even a "fast" failure has multiple inputs. It means that there are often
different ways of preventing potential loss. Consider this example of an electronic device failure. An
organization has received customer complaints of a device short circuiting periodically and contracts with
NTS to conduct a root cause failure analysis. Electronic failure analysis tests show the component short
circuits because depending on where the metal in the part is located the metal used is of the wrong
hardness. (this will take 1 to 2 days)
Step 3: Determining Corrective Actions For most companies, the most important part of a root cause
deficiency report is assessing corrective actions. You will provide a comprehensive report on both the
causes and effects of system failure when using NTS for root cause analysis. NTS can also provide
recommendations for troubleshooting. (this only take 1 day) In some cases, we find that failure occurs
when customers use a device for too long or in the wrong operating conditions. In these cases, our
recommendations might include additional product education for marketing and sales staff. These
employees can then provide this information to customers. This prevents device failures from improper
use or application. We can also help you determine whether corrective action is needed. It is
inappropriate for some companies to determine the economic costs of fixing unusual product failure.
When system failure is uncommon and has minimal effects, it may be more cost-effective to repair failed
components than to alter the production process. Checking for failure detection will give you the
information you need to make an informed decision.

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