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1. Discuss the benefits and constraints of different network types and standards.

A network is a set of devices that are connected by physical connection in

some way to exchange data and share resources.
a. The benefits and constraints of different network types.
Networks are divided into categories based on their characteristics, but
this section will only analyze the advantages and disadvantages of two
main types: LAN (Local Area Network) and WAN (Wide Area Network).
- LAN:
LAN network is a group of devices connected together in a certain
area such as school, hospital, office, ... The server is used to provide
services to workstations.
+ Advantages and disadvantages:
The devices in the LAN can exchange information and transfer data
easily to each other, can use the same devices as printers, ... High
data transfer rates, low installation costs and administration Simple
network (Using server-workstation model).
However, Lan's connection range is small, can only be used in offices,
buildings and Workstations can only use services provided by the
- WAN:
WAN network has unlimited distance connection. Commonly used in
multinational companies. LAN uses third-party service provider's
transmission layer, using multiplexers, bridges and routers to connect
local and urban networks to global communications networks like the
+ Advantages and disadvantages:
The range of wide (global) networks, connected by cable or satellite
so cost is expensive, suitable for multinational companies.
b. The benefits and constraints of different network standards.
In order for the data to be sent to the correct destination, the protocols
are created and to explain the principles standards are created. These
standards include the OSI reference model, TCP / IP and IEEE 802.

. OSI reference model: OSI reference model is a model based on the hierarchical principle to
explain communication techniques between computers and their network protocols.

Fig.1 OSI models.

Layer 1 (Physical Layer)

Describing the physical characteristics of the network, they also provide the characteristics
of the signal.

Layer 2 (Data Link)

Provide data exchange service (frame). It formats messages into a data frame and adds a
header containing source and destination hardware addresses. In addition, it also controls
errors and traffic control.

Layer 3 (Network)

Package the frame and set the logical address. Devices on this floor (router) use that address
and header to guide the package to the destination.

Layer 4 (Transport Layer)

Provide reliable data transfer service, ensuring all data is transmitted to the destination. In
addition, this layer also ensures that data is not broke when the transmission fails.

Layer 5 (Session Layer)

Control sessions between computers, control the connection process between


Layer 6 (Presentation Layer)

This layer is like an interpreter for the whole process. Data is formatted into formats to suit
each process.

Layer 7 (Application Layer)

provide means for users to access information and data on the network through the
application program.

The data transmission process is as follow:

Data will be imported from the application (layer7), Next, information is transferred to the
Presentation layer to convert to a general format for encoding and compressing data (layer
6). Next, the data is transferred to the Session layer for more information about this session
(layer 5). Data continued to be transferred to the Transportation class, in this class, the data
was cut into multiple Segments and additional information about the mode of data transfer
(layer 4). The data continues to be transferred to the Network layer, in this layer, each
Segment is cut into multiple Packages and added routing information (layer 3). Then the
data is transferred to the Data Link layer. In this class, each Pack will be cut into multiple
Frames and additional information about the package check (will be checked at the

receiver). Finally, each Frame will be turned into a series of bits by the Physical layer and
pushed onto the transmission medium to be transmitted to other devices.

The benefits and constraints of OSI model:

+ Benefits:

Help us easily survey and research.

Model distinguish clearly protocol function.

+ Constraints:

This model is complex, slow and expensive.

This model is for reference only, not for actual use

TCP/IP models: TCP/IP model is similar to the OSI reference model, but has fewer layers.

Fig.2 Layers TCP/IP model

Layer 1 (Link layer)

Is a series of methods that operate on a server connection (Ethernet).

Layer 2 (Internet)

Just like the OSI network layer, this layer has the function of navigating the file to the
destination. The common protocol used in this class is IP.

Layer 3 (Transport)

This layer perform the same function as Transport Layer in OSI model. The common
protocols used in this layer is TCP and UDP.

Layer 4 (Application)

This layer includes layer 5,6,7 of the OSI model.

The benefits and constraints of TCP/IP model:

+ Benefits:

Is the standard model made in practice

The model allows communication between multiple platforms

+ Constraints:

Do not distinguish the functions of each class.

2. Explain the impact of network topology, communication and bandwidth requirements.

A network requires many factors to be able to function normally,
including topology, communication and network bandwidth
requirements. Network topology is a structure that shows the layout and
arrangement of network devices (physical topology) and data
transmission in the network (logical topology).
Layer 1 of the OSI model specifies the layout of the transmission medium
(referred to as physical network topology).
Layer 2 of the OSI reference model is divided into two sub-classes: MAC
(Media access control) and LLC (logic control) according to IEEE 802.2
Communication is the exchange of data between devices on the same
network. Communication works on standardized models and protocols to
ensure interoperability between devices and make communication easier.
The bandwidth is called the width of the electronic frequency band, which
indicates the width of the frequency range over which the electrical signal
occupies the transmission medium.
* The impact of topology, communication, and bandwidth requirements on
the network:
The network must build on certain structures to function normally. The
network must have communication between devices to be considered a
complete network.
The network must have enough bandwidth so that network devices can
communicate without clogging.
* Mutual impact of these requirements:

The physical topology represents the physical transmission of the network.
Logical link structure shows the means of media access of the data transfer
Network bandwidth depends on media access methods (CSMA / CD or token
passing) and transmission media (cable)
Each different topology has different bandwidth.
III. Networking devices and operations
1. Discuss the operating principles of networking devices and server types.
- There are many types of network devices, each with different
network devices. We will now discuss some of the main devices:
Network interface cards, Switch, route, and gateway.
- + Network Interface Card (NIC): A device that connects a computer
and a network cable. They are connected through physical slots such
as PCI, ISA, USB, PCMCIA and use standards such as UTP, BNC, AUI to
communicate with network cables. -

Fig. 3 PCI Giga DGE-528T

Function: Transfer data from bit to electrical signal to transmit on cable, control
data flow between computer and cable. In addition, each card has a different
MAC address to distinguish and help the packets to be returned to the correct
+Switch: A device used to connect network segments together (according to the
star-shaped network model) or to connect terminals to the network.
Function: They act as a multi-port bridge. The switch receives an electrical signal
and converts it into data and passes it to the corresponding port. Most switch
work on layer 2, some high-end switch can work on layer 3 as well.

+ Route: A device used to transfer data packets between networks or between
different VLANS through the routing process.

Fig. 3 DrayTek Vigor2925

Function: Transfer data between networks, divide the network into different
lines of the network. They operate at Layer 3 of the OSI model.
+Gateway: A device used to pair two types of protocols together.

Fig. 4 VoIP Gateway ACOM608Pro
Function: Function to connect protocols. In addition, it also has many other
functions such as signaling function, packet switching network interface function,
signal channel security functions, management functions, recording and
reporting functions of used messages. This device operates at Layer 4 and 5 in
the OSI model.
- The operating principles of server types: Servers are the device used
to provide services and resources to other computers. Based on the
usage, the function of the server is divided into categories: Web
server, database server, FTP server, SMTP server, DNS server, DHCP
+ Web server: is the server with web software installed (Store and
exchange information).
Web servers exchange information with computers using the HTTP
+ Database Server: Servers used to store web, data, and information.

+ FTP server (File transfer protocol): It is often used to exchange data
by TCP / IP protocol.
+ SMTP server (Simple mail transfer protocol): Used to transmit email
over the internet.
+ DNS server (Domain Name System): is the server used to resolve
domain names.
+ DHCP server (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol): As the server
used to provide dynamic IP to workstations, it manages dynamic IP
allocation and TCP / IP configuration data.
2. Implement a network design topology infrastructure based on a prepared
design and list the different types of topologies:
Network topology represents the layout of the end devices in the
The topology is divided into two main categories: physical topology
and logical topology.
The physical topology shows the arrangement and connection of the
end devices while the logical structure displays the data transmission
in the network.
An implementation of star topology:

An implementation of bus topology:

An implementation of ring topology:

3. Discuss the inter-dependence of workstation hardware with relevant

networking software.
Workstations are devices used to perform tasks in a network environment.
Servers and workstations can communicate with each other through the
Network software is a collection of commands or instructions written in a
programming language that is run on computers to perform specific tasks.

• The inter-dependence of workstation hardware with relevant networking
Workstation hardware works at low layers and helps workstations
connect and communicate with each other. In addition, some hardware
can be used to store network software.
Computer hardware and network software need to coordinate each other
like our bodies and souls. Software needs to have hardware stored and
implemented as well as hardware that must have software to determine
the purpose and mode of conduct.
IV. Design efficient networked systems.
1. Design a networked system to meet given specification.
The requirement given is: Design a networked system for a local educational
institution includes:
- People: 200 students, 15 teachers, 12 marketing and administration
staff, 5 higher managers including the head of academics and the
programme manager, 3 computer network administrators
- Resources: 50 student lab computers, 35 staff computers, 3 printers
- Building: 3 floors, all computers and printers are on the ground floor
apart from the IT labs – one lab located on the first floor and another
located on the second floor.

My design as follow:

a. Target:

- Everyone can access the Internet.

- All network devices in the institution can communicate with each other.

- All network devices can access Mail and Service Server.

- Only administrators can access DHCP Server.

- Only staff, teacher and manager computers can use printers

- Do not give guest access to Database Server by web (http and https)

b. Structure:
All students 'lab computers are divided and placed in students'
laboratories on the first and second floors of the building.
All staff computers (marketing and administrative staff), printers and
management computers are located on the ground floor.
The server is placed in the room with the printer.

The administrator room is on the same floor as the server room and the
The wireless network on the ground floor for guests.
c. Device:
Hardware devices:
+ 1 router 2911.
+ 1 switch 3560-24PS.
+ 5 switch 2960-24TT.
+ Suitable cable and RJ 45 connectors.
- End devices:
+ 85 computers, 4 servers, and 3 printers.
d. Design diagrams:
- Physical topology:

- Logical topology:

e. Configuration:
- Set VLANs for manage access:

+ Vlan 10: student Ip:

+ Vlan 20: staff Ip:
+ vlan 30: teacher Ip:
+ Vlan 40: manager Ip:
+ Vlan 50: Guest Ip:
+Vlan 99: administrators Ip:
+ Vlan 100: Server Ip:
+ Vlan 200: Printer Ip:
- Set static IP address for servers:
+ DHCP Server:
+ Database Server:
+ Mail Server:
The IP range used for the connection between the institution’s router (R-
Gate) and the
ISP Router is
- Configure devices to make this LAN connect to the internet (using NAT
overload, IP routing configuration).
- Configure Access Control Lists (ACLs) to control the access of each VLAN.

2. Test and evaluate the design to meet the requirements and analyze user
After building a complete networked system in this organization, we need to
check the system.

- Check the connection between Vlan: ping, etc.
- Check the device's access to the server, equipment to devices and devices
with the Internet.
+ All network devices can access Mail and Service Server except guest. +
Only administrator (Vlan 99) can access DHCP Server (IP address
+ Only employees, computer managers and teachers (Vlan 20, 30, 40) can use
the printer (Vlan 200)
+ Not for guests (Vlan 50) access to servers (vlan 100).
- Check Internet access.
If all requirements are met, the network diagram is considered satisfactory.
3. Install and configure network services and applications on your choice. I
install and configure DHCP service.
- Install and configure DHCP service: I install a dedicated server as a
DHCP server to auto-configure the private IP address for devices on the
local network.
The configuration process is described in part IV.
4. Design a maintenance schedule to support networked system.
Administrators must regularly check the network and find errors.
-Check daily network. Detection of errors must be corrected
immediately. -Make sure that the device, the server works normally. V.
Implement and diagnose networked systems.
1. Implement a networked system based on a prepared design.

-Configure on 3560-24PS switch: hostname, passwords line VTY, VTP service,
VLANs (setup, name, IP address, route VLANs) and ports.
-Configure the same on other switches at ground, first and second floor.
-Check the connection of the LAN.
-Setup basic configuration on router.
-Configure on Gate router: IP addresses for used port, NAT overload, default
route to ISP.
-Configure on servers: Static IP addresses, services (DHCP, HTTP, ...). -Check
the connection to the external Google server.
2. Document and analyze test results against expected results.
Step 1: Configure on 3560-24PS switch
- Change hostname, set up password for mode line VTY.

Basic switch installation

Set vty line pass by:

To config terminal mode

Line vty 0 4
pass cisco

- Configure VTP service: domain, password cisco and mode


Set switch 3560-24PS as VTP server.

Use code: Vtp mode server
vtp domain
Vtp pass cisco

- Set the port that connect switch to switch in trunk mode.

The port was trunking

It is possible to enter each port (int f0 / 0) or multiple ports (int r f0 / 0-n) then write

Switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q (Sw tr en dot1q)

Switchport mode trunk (sw m tr).

- Name the VLANs as required.

Go to vlan(int vlan n) and name it(name <name>).

- Configure routing VLAN and set an IP for each VLAN (default gateway
for devices).

Set the ip address for vlan by going to each vlan and writing the command (ip add <IP>

Step 2: Do the same with other switches:

+ Password configuration: Do the same with the 3560-24PS switch.

+ Configuring VTP service: Implementing the same with 3560-24PS conversion (domain
name of, password cisco) except mode. Their mode is Client.

+ I do not need to set up Vlan in these switches because all Vlan configuration at switch
3560-24PS (VTP mode server) will be transferred to the switch (VTP Client mode).

Assign the ports according to the corresponding vlan. (port f0 / 1 is an employee's device
that should be assigned to vlan 20)

+ Configure static IP address for computers in servers.

Step 3: Configuration on router

+ Name and configure the ports used to connect on routers (assign suitable IP address and
turn on):

Configure the default route to the router's ISP: The IP address of the gateway belongs to the
router port is and the router's ISP address is Packages from
the router The ISP router gateway must go through port so we need to
navigate there. And for the packet to come back, we also need to orient the switch port.

+ Configure NAT overload (PAT) at Router Gate:

In addition, administrators must setup ACLs to control access on the network:

+Only VLAN 99 can access DHCP Server (IP address, only VLAN 20, 30 and
40 can access VLAN 200 and do not give VLAN 40 the access to Server (VLAN 100):

*Install and configure network services and applications.

I configured the DHPC service in a server called DHCP.

First, set up DHCp groups for VLANs that need to issue dynamic IPs. In this model, the VLAN
10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 99, 100 and 200. Then turn on the service.

Next, Go to device switch (3560-24PS), access each VLAN and specify the IP of DHCP server
with the command "Ip helper <DHCP DHCP server>"

VLAN 99 can using “telnet” command to access switch 3560-24PS.

All computers use the network.

Students cannot ping DHPC servers Conclusion.

This task presents my knowledge of network infrastructure. I also designed a network

model, fulfilling the requirements with the Cisco Packet Tracer Intortor tool.


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