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‫عندما تقوم شركه باالستثمار في شركه اخري بحصه ال تعطيها‬
20% ‫ اي اقل تقريبا من‬Significant Control
‫ ويمكن‬Investment in Equity ‫يمكن ان تستثمر الشركه في اسهم وتسمي‬
Investment in Debt ‫ان تستثمر في سندات وتسمي‬
‫ يمكن تصنيف االستثمارات كما يلي‬IFRS 9 ‫طبقا‬

Amortised Fair value through

Fair Value though OCI
Classification FINANCIAL Cost P&L
investment in Debt or investment in investment in
investment in Debt
Equity Debt Equity

‫المنشاه تحتفظ‬ ‫الغرض من االستثمار هو‬

‫المنشاه تحتفظ‬
‫باالصل المالي بغرض‬ ‫التجاره وليس االحتفاظ‬ ‫الغرض من‬
‫باالصل المالي بغرض‬
Business ‫تحصيل التدفقات‬ ‫بها و غالبا ماتصنف جميع‬ ‫االستثمار هو‬
‫تحصيل التدفقات‬
model test ‫النقديه المتفق عليها‬ ‫االستثمارات في حقوق‬ ‫االحتفاظ به وليس‬
‫النقديه المتفق عليها‬
‫الملكيه كما تقع المشتقات وال نيه لبيعها لطرف‬ ‫البيع‬
Criteria ‫ولكن لها نيه البيع‬
‫اخر‬ ‫تحت هذا التصنيف‬
‫التدفقات النقديه‬
Cash flow ‫التدفقات النقديه‬ ‫التدفقات النقديه تكون‬ ‫التدفقات النقديه‬
‫تكون ناتجه عن‬
characteristics ‫المتفق عليها هي ناتجه عن توزيعات ارباح او المتفق عليها هي‬
‫توزيعات ارباح او‬
Test ‫ الفائده‬+ ‫اصل المبلغ‬ ‫بيع االداه الماليه‬ ‫ الفائده‬+‫قيمه السند‬
‫بيع االداه الماليه‬

Transaction Costs ‫تعتبر‬
Initial recognition + Transaction FV + Transaction Costs
‫مصاريف وتحمل علي قائمه‬

At the reporting
date, the asset will be At the reporting date, the asset will
effective interest
Subsequent measurement revalued to fair value be revalued to FV with the gain or
with the gain or loss loss recognised in OCI.
recognised in the SOPL

Interest or dividend P&L P&L P&L

Derecognition when:
• The contractual rights to
the cash flows from the
financial asset expire, or The profit or loss The profit or
The profit or loss
• The entity transfers Derecognition the resulting from the loss resulting
resulting from the sale
the financial asset or asset sale is charged to from the sale is
is charged to P&L
substantially all the risks P&L charged to RE
and rewards of ownership
of the financial asset to
another party

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FINANCIAL liabilities
Financial Liabilities are classified as either
Amortised Cost
Fair value through profit or loss
‫ يمكن تصنيفها كما يلي‬IFRS 9 ‫طبقا‬

Classification Fair value through P&L Amortised Cost

• Financial liabilities held for

Criteria • Derivative financial liabilities All other financial liabilities
• Financial liabilities designated at
initial recognition

Initial recognition FV received - transaction cost FV received

Subsequent Fair value with all gains and losses «FV

measurement being recognised in profit or loss. at each period end»

Interest P&L P&L

Derecognition Gain or losses on derecognition should go to profit or loss.

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‫) وذلك بغرض التحوط من تقلبات‬Financial instrument( ‫تقوم الشركه بشراء اداه ماليه‬
)Hedged Item( ‫التغير في اسعار اصول او التزامات او استثمارات او معامالت متوقعه‬
Hedged Item ‫بحيث ان التغير في سعر االداه الماليه يقابل التغير في سعر‬

Hedging Relationship Designation and Documentation All three hedge effectiveness

requirements met
Must consist of: • An economic relationship
• Eligible hedging instruments • Credit risk does not dominate
• Eligible hedged items. changes in value
• The hedge ratio

:IFRS9 ‫ طبقا لمعيار‬Hedge ‫طريقه التعامل مع‬

‫يجب اوال ان تفرق بين‬


Must be with EXTERNAL parties Must be reliably measurable
Derivatives or Non-derivatives measured can be a single asset, liability, firm May be a single
FVTPL item, or a group of items commitment
EX: forward contract EX: Inventory
Hedge ‫هناك ثالث انواع للتعامل مع‬

Out of scope
Hedge of net investments Fair value hedge
Cash flow hedge
in a foreign operation
‫ اصــل او التــزام غيــر موجــود ـفـي مخــازن الشــركه‬Hedged Items ‫ اصــل او التــزام مملــوك للشــركه ونظــرا لخــوف‬Hedged Items
‫وســوف تقــوم الشــركه بشــراءه ونظــرا لخوفهــا مــن تغيــر اســعار‬
‫ لمواجهــه‬financial instrument ‫الصــرف لجئــت ا ـلـي شــراء‬ financial ‫الشــركه مــن انخفــاض ســعر المخــزون لجئــت ا ـلـي شــراء‬
‫التغيــر المحتمــل ـفـي ســعر الصــرف‬ ‫ لضمــان نســبه ر بــح محــدده‬instrument
‫) ويسجل التغير‬instrument( ‫ ) و‬Hedged Items( ‫يتم تقييم‬ ‫)وترفع االصل‬Instrument( ‫ ) و‬Hedged Items( ‫يتم تقييم‬
‫) فقــط امــا التغييــر ـفـي قيمــه‬Hedgeing instrument( ‫ـفـي ـفـي‬ ‫واالنخفاض‬Financial Liability ‫ والزياده في العقد تسجل‬FV‫لل‬
‫) ال يســجل‬Items( Finanical Assets ‫يسجل‬

Hedge effectiveness is recognised in OCI Gain or loss on hedging instrument and hedged item :
Hedge ineffectiveness is recognised in P&L Recognised in P&L
Unless the hedging instrument/item is an equity
,instrument measured at FV through OCI
then recognised in OCI

DISCONTINUATION WHEN The hedging instrument expires or is exercised, sold or terminated

The hedge no longer meets the hedging criteria
Ahmed Sonbol IFRS light Will Enlighten Your Way
As per IAS 37 Impairment: when the Carrying Amount>Recoverable amount
Initial recognition
‫ عن الخسائر‬expected credit losses ‫عند االعتراف االولي باالصل المالي يجب علي المنشأه االعتراف بمخصص‬
‫ شهر من تاريخ القوائم الماليه‬12 ‫المتوقعه لمده‬

Subsequent measurement


Impairment 12month expected credit loss Lifetime expected credit loss Lifetime expected credit loss
Applicable When no significant increase in When no significant increase in In case of credit impairment
credit risk and updated at each credit risk and updated at each
reporting date reporting date
Effective interest on the gross carrying amount Effective interest on the net
)before deducting expected losses( carrying amount

A-30days past due rebuttable presumption B- Low credit risk instruments
• Rebuttable presumption that credit risk has increased • Instruments that have a low risk of default and the
significantly when contractual payments are more counterparties have a strong capacity to repay (e.g.
than 30 days past due financial instruments that are of investment grade)
• When payments are 30 days past due, a financial • Instruments would remain in stage 1, and only 12
asset is considered to be in stage 2 and lifetime month expected credit losses would be provided.
expected credit losses would be recognised
• An entity can rebut this presumption when it has reasonable and supportable information available that
demonstrates that even if payments are 30 days or more past due, it does not represent a significant
increase in the credit risk of a financial instrument.
A-Short term trade receivables B-Long term trade receivables and lease
• Recognition of only ‘lifetime expected credit losses’ receivables
(i.e. stage 2) Entities have a choice to either apply:
• Expected credit losses on trade receivables can be • the three-stage expected credit loss model; or
calculated using provision matrix (e.g. geographical • the ‘simplified approach’ where only lifetime
region, product type, customer rating, collateral or expected credit losses are recognised.
trade credit insurance, or type of customer)
• Entities will need to adjust the historical provision rates to reflect relevant information about
current conditions and reasonable and supportable forecasts about future expectations.
• The three-stage expected credit loss model also applies to these off balance sheet financial commitments
• An entity considers the expected portion of a loan commitment that will be drawn down within the next 12
months when estimating 12 month expected credit losses (stage 1 ), and the expected portion of the loan
commitment that will be drawn down over the remaining life the loan commitment (stage 2 )
• For loan commitments that are managed on a collective basis an entity estimates expected credit losses over
the period until the entity has the practical ability to withdraw the loan commitment press here

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