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December 22, 2020


SUBJECT: Operation “PENCE” CARD - Dec 23rd h

BACKGROUND: U.S. Constitution & U.S. Code Prohibit Vice President Michael R. Pence from “receiving”
electoral votes from six fraudulently certified States.

On December 23, the Vice President will notify1 each Secretary of State which certified for Biden where the
fraud occurred that he hasn’t RECEIVED any Certificates of legally “APPOINTED” Electors or their votes
(because of the fraud). The Vice President further requests that the Secretaries of those States (and the
relevant District Judge) send the Certificates of legally “Appointed” Electors & their votes-based upon non-
fraudulent elections-that did not violate laws passed by the States’ Legislatures, to him before January 6,
2021 (per U.S. Constitution Art. 2, Sec 2, Cl1; 14th Amend. Section 1, Equal Protection Clause; 3 USC12 & 13). 2

Since all State Legislatures essentially require (in some form or fashion) that their Electors be “APPOINTED”
by honest and non-fraudulent elections, the Senate President will NOT HAVE RECEIVED any Certificates of
permissible votes from “APPOINTED” electors as required by the Constitution in the manner directed by the
Legislature of those states.
ANALYSIS: Why President of the Senate cannot “receive” legally insufficient State electors
A. Article II, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution requires that “Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as
the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors.” Therefore, the papers (or “slates”) the
states attempted to submit to the President of the Senate and Archivist of the United States are not
legal, permissible certificates of votes and lists by Electors as recited in Title 3, U.S.C., sections 9 and
11. Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin violated the U.S. Constitution’s
Art. 2, S.1, Cl.2 and 14th Amendment, Section 1, Equal Protection Clause in administering their
elections, therefore rendering their slates impermissible.
B. On Dec. 14, the States consummated a fraudulent and Constitutionally deficient certification of their
electors as required by 3 USC 7. State and federal authorities have discovered Overwhelming
evidence of election fraud and irregularities since Nov. 4, likely rising to the level of criminal election
fraud and public corruption. Civil courts dismissed these claims procedurally, rather than on
C. The President of the Senate, as the Vice President, statutorily sits on the National Security Council and
is privy to information no other individual in the Presidential electoral process has -- not the States,

not the SCOTUS, not U.S. Congress. This specifically includes any classified evidence and assessments
which emanate from EO 13848 regarding foreign interference with US elections. Therefore, the
President of the Senate is uniquely qualified to issue judgement on impermissible electors.
D. Lastly, The Vice President has access to federal information related to pending Federal Criminal
investigations in progress at the DOJ, each Election District Officer, FBI Field Office, US Attorneys
Offices, USPS Postmaster, USPS Inspectors General of the six States and 8 cities in contest.
E. JUDGMENT: All of these factors above inform and contribute to the Vice President’s analysis in
deciding that he, as the representative of the Federal Seat of Government did not “receive” a
constitutionally permissible slate of electors. For that reason, he is not only duty-bound to request
that the States send certificates and lists as required by Title 3, U.S.C., sections 9 and 11 from
Electors that were appointed in the manner that the State Legislatures directed as soon as
possible, he is also the sole plenary power that has the authority to make this determination.


Dear Sir/Madam:
Pursuant to the requirements of Title 3, U.S.C., section 12, I hereby request that you send the
certificate and list lodged with you by the Electors of your State and transmit the same by registered
mail to the President of the Senate at the seat of government.
The papers received by the President of the Senate and Archivist of the United States are not
certificates of votes and lists by Electors as recited in Title 3, U.S.C., sections 9 and 11; since Article II,
Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution requires that “Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the
Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors . . .”
The Electors of your State were not appointed in the manner that the [INSERT STATE, e.g., Nevada]
State Legislature directed because the manner in which your State’s election was administered were
marred with violations of laws passed by your respective State’s legislature that included fraud, public
corruption, and foreign influence and manipulation of the electoral process as detailed in Exhibit A.
[Note: Exhibit A, includes evidence, documents, memos showing how your State Constitution and
Election Statutes were violated. Additionally, are included copies of pending litigation, and other
pending administrative actions and audits that will even further vitiate the results of your election.
The Federal Executive Branch will provide further evidence of election fraud and irregularities to your
State as it is obtained.
Kindly send the certificates and lists as required by Title 3, U.S.C., sections 9 and 11 from Electors that
were appointed in the manner that your State Legislature directed as soon as possible, and before
January 6, 2021 at 1:00pm EST in the manner prescribed in Title 3 U.S.C.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
\\Original Signed\\
Michael R. Pence
Vice President of the United States
President of the Senate of the United States
Presiding Officer of the Joint Session of Congress on Jan 6, 2021

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