Compiler Construction CS-4207: Lecture 1 & 2 Instructor Name: Atif Ishaq

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Compiler Construction


Instructor Name: Atif Ishaq

Lecture 1 & 2
Today’s Lecture

 Introduction (Course Objective)

 Language Processor

 Structure of Compiler

 Phases of Compiler


Course Objective
 The course is intended to teach the students the basic techniques that underlie the

practice of Compiler Construction.

 The course will introduce the theory and tools that can be standarly employed in

order to perform syntax-directed translation of a high-level programming

language into an executable code.


Recommended Books
 The Recommended book for this course

Compilers – Principles, Techniques and Tools by Aho, Sethi and Ullman

Other Material

Slides + handout [if required]


Marks Distribution
 Mid Exam 20% (Min 2 Assignments)

 Quiz 10% (Min. 2 Quiz)

 Assignment & Class participation 10% (0 marks < 75%)

 Final Examination 60% (MCQ, Logical,Theory)


What is Compiler?
 Programming Languages are notation for describing computation for both human

and machines

 All software are written in some programming language

 A Program first needs to be translated into a form in which it can be executed by


 The Software System that does this translation is called Compilers

Language Processors

What is Compiler?
 Compiler is a program that can read a program in one language (source language)

and translate it into an equivalent program in another language (target language)

 An important role of compiler is to report any errors in source program that it

detects during the translation process. 7

Language Processors

What is Interpreter?
 An interpreter directly execute the operations specified in the source program on

inputs specified by the user

Source Code

Interpreter Outputs


 An Interpreter does not generates any target program.

Language Processors

Compiler Vs Interpreter
 Target Program generated by compiler is much faster that Interpreter

 Error Diagnostics of Interpreter is better than compiler due to statement by

statement execution

Why Study Compiler Construction?

 Many applications use components of compilers, e.g. analysis and translation.

 The study of compilers clarifies many deep issues in programming languages and
their execution, e.g. recursion, multithreading, object orientation. It may help you
design your own mini-language.

 Underlying compilers construction are many Computer Science seminal concepts

such as syntax vs. Semantics, Generator vs. Recognizer and Syntax Directed

 Understanding a compiler and its Optimization mechanisms enable us to write

more efficient programs

For example

Why Study Compiler Construction?

Maximal Expressibility and Maximal Efficiency

Compiler plays an important role to bridge between maximal expressibility and
maximal efficiency. The current trend

 Development of more expressive (and user-friendly) high level programming


 Development of more advanced (and parallel) architectures that enable more

efficient execution

The compiler should be able to reconcile these two (sometimes conflicting) trends.

Why Study Compiler Construction?

Fields and Disciplines

There are different fields and disciplines that grew out of studies of compilers

 Semantics of programming languages

 Formal Languages and theory of parsing.

 Type theory and its logics

 Theory of abstract interpretation and program analysis

Structure of Compiler

A Compiler is mapped into two parts : analysis and synthesis

 The analysis part breaks up the source program into constituent pieces and
impose a grammatical structure on them. The analysis part also collects
information about the source program and stores it in a data structure called
symbol table which is passed along with intermediate representation to the
synthesis part.

 The synthesis part constructs the desired target program from the
intermediate representation and the information in the symbol table.

 The analysis part is often called the front end of the compiler and the
synthesis part called the back end of compiler.

Context of a Compiler

A Compiler is often applied as a stage within a sequence of transformations

Phases of a Compiler

Analysis of Source Program

 Analysis can be partitioned into three phases

 Linear (Lexical) Analysis : Stream of characters is read left-to-right

and partitioned into tokens

 Hierarchical (Syntax) Analysis Tokens are grouped hierarchically

into nested collections

 Semantic Analysis : Checking global consistency. Often does not

comply with hierarchical structure. Type Checking is an instance
of such analysis.

Example Illustration (1/4)

Suppose a source program contains the assignment statement

position = initial + rate * 60

• position is a lexeme that would be mapped into token (id,1), where id is

abstract symbol standing for identifier and 1 stands for symbol table
entry for position

• the assignment symbol is lexeme that is mapped into token (=)

• initial is lexeme that is mapped into token (id,2)

• + is lexeme that is mapped into the token (+)

• rate is the lexeme that is mapped into token(id,3)

• * is lexeme that is mapped into the token (*)

• 60 is lexeme that is mapped into the token (60)
Lexical Analysis

 The first phase of a Compiler is Lexical Analysis or scanning

 Reads streams of characters and groups the characters into

meaningful sequence called lexemes

 For each lexeme produces as output a token of the form

(token-name , attribute-value)

 token-name is abstract symbol used during syntax analysis

 attribute-value points to an entry in the symbol table.

 Token is passed to subsequent phase , syntax analysis

Example Illustration (2/4)

Example Illustration (3/4)

Example Illustration (4/4)

Syntax Analysis

 The second phase of a Compiler is Syntax Analysis or parsing

 Use first component of tokens to create a tree like intermediate

representation – represents the grammatical structure of the token

 syntax tree is typical representation – interior node represents an

operation ( * ) - children of the node represents the arguments of
the operation (id3 and 60 )

Semantic Analysis

 The semantic analyzer uses syntax tree and information in symbol

table to check the source program for semantic consistency with
the language definition

 Gather type information and save it either in syntax tree or symbol

table for further use in intermediate code generation.

 An important part of Semantic Analysis – type checking - each

operator has matching operand (Example of Index of Array)

 Some languages permits type Conversion – called coercions. For

example evaluation of arithmetic expression

 intofloat(60) in above example converts integer into float 23

Intermediate Code Generation

 Many compilers generate an explicit low level or machine-like

intermediate representation

 The intermediate representation should have two important

i. It should be easy to produce

ii. It should be easy to translate into target machine

 Example of intermediate form is three-address code, which

consists of sequence of assembly like instructions with three
operands per instruction

Code Optimization

 Improve the intermediate code to have better target code

 Faster means better

 Other objectives may be desired like shorter code or target code

that consumes less power

 Code may be optimized by eliminating repetitive operation and

instruction like intofloat() and temp3 variable in out case

Code Generation

 Code generation maps intermediate representation of source

program to target program

 First operand specifies the destination

 F specifies that operation is performed on floating value

Symbol Table Management

 Symbol table record variable name and collects information about

various attributes

 In case of function, it records number and type of argument, call

type and returned value

 A symbol table data structure is very significant as it must allow

compiler to perform operations quickly

Lecture Outcome

 Difference between Compiler and Interpreter

 The reasons to study compiler construction

 Structure of Compiler (Analysis & Synthesis) – Two Pass


 Phases of Compiler with brief overview

 Phases of Compiler with program example


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