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Cross-Reference Index

Cross-Reference Index for Units 1–8 Test A

Part Items Unit/Exercise Areas Tested
A 1 1 Listening: Spelling of names
2 3 Listening: Information about nationality
B 1, 2 7 Listening: Descriptions of houses and apartments
C 1, 2 1/9 Grammar: The verb be
3, 4 3/3 Grammar: Negative statements and yes/no questions with be
5, 6 3/8 Grammar: Wh-questions with be
D 1–3 1/3 Grammar: My, your, his, her
4–6 4/5 Grammar: Possessives
E 1 3/9 Vocabulary: Describing people
2, 3 8/1 Vocabulary: Jobs
3 8/6 Vocabulary: Adjectives to describe jobs
4 6/3 Vocabulary: Family members
5 6/7 Vocabulary: Time expressions
F 1, 4 2/8 Grammar: Yes/No and where questions with be
2 7/7 Grammar: There is, there are
3, 5 2/5 Grammar: This/these, it/they; plurals
6 4/5 Grammar: Possessives
G 1, 2, 3 4/9 Grammar: Present continuous statements; conjunctions

H 1 1/9 Grammar: The verb be

2 3/8 Grammar: Wh-questions with be
3, 4 8/4 Grammar: Simple present Wh-questions
I 1 1/14 Function: Saying good-bye
2 3/8 Grammar: Wh-questions with be
3 7/7 Grammar: There is, there are
4 6/7 Grammar: Simple present questions
5 2/8 Grammar: Yes/No and where questions with be
J 4 5/7 Grammar: Present continuous Wh-questions
1, 2, 3 4/9 Grammar: Present continuous statements; conjunctions
5, 6 4/9 Grammar: Present continuous yes/no questions
K 1 6/4 Grammar: Simple present statements
2, 4 6/7 Grammar: Simple present questions
3 7/3 Grammar: Simple present short answers
5 8/4 Grammar: Simple present Wh-questions

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