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Syeda Maham Waseem

Roll no. 170156

BBA (7-A)
Business Research Methods
Assignment no. 1

Problem Statements:

Problem Statement: Intensive manual processing due to physical handling of paperwork.

Description: Annual leave forms are typically filled out by the employee, then printed and
sent to the Manager for approval, and then it is sent to Human Resources for verification
and data entry, scanned and uploaded to the EDRMS, and then sent to Payroll for (re) data
entry. So problem was that because of physical handling of paperwork the process become
intensive and takes longer time than it should take.

 This highly manual scenario leads to ‘bottlenecks’ in service delivery
 It promotes the risk of poor organisational response to business
 Time is lost that should be spent carrying out core business or other important stuff


Problem Statement: Does upgradation of software always improves efficiency?

Description: Let say I am the manager of company Maham Pvt Ltd. Almost 2 months back
we had manual logging system of all the invoices but then we purchased a software, in
which all the data of our customers and partners was already added and we just had to type
the amount in front of that company space. So by that software, the logging task was shifted
from 10 minutes to just 1 minute task. But there wasn’t any substantial change seen in the
efficiency of the system. So the problem was that why isn’t some improvement seen in the
efficiency of the system?

 Before that software there were also 3 people required for logging task and still
there are 3 people required for that vary task
 Before that software it took 2 days to send the logged invoice to regional manager
for the signature, but after that software too it still took 2 days to send that to the
regional manager.
 I believe that it is a problem statement because people and system both make the
tasks of an organization efficient, but just by providing better software doesn’t
always bring positive changes because efficiency is dependant of several other
factors too.


Problem Statement: Remote workers across the company need to be able to communicate
with one another seamlessly and effortlessly, without getting bogged down in unnecessary
or irrelevant messages.

Description: Messages tend to get lost or cluttered through multiple email strings. This
results not only in lost productivity, but also multiple problems in miscommunication. So the
problem is that sometimes because of a lot of emails, many important emails get ignored or
get lost in long lists of emails.

 To avoid missing important information
 Conversations could be easily searched and organized by some channel and only
more formal communication, like official announcements, should be sent over email
in order to be professional and effective
 Someone could may get distracted my irrelevant messages
 To avoid disturbance in official communication

Problem Statement: To what extent is financial compensation important for customer

Description: There’s an organization ABC, in which almost 70% of the employees are more
concerned about financial compensation as compared to other motivational factors etc. So
the manager of that company wants to have a research that how much important is
financial compensation with other esteem and motivational benefits.

 Employees are always trying to get an “A” appraisal, and if asked why then they say
that they want “A” because of good increment. So their main interest is to have good
increment, not to be known for their good work etc.
 Those who are not in good package often go for second job too e.g. some start
evening jobs and some go for visiting lectures etc. So they don’t give their 100%
attention to just one organization in that case sometimes.


Problem Statement: Small industries’ turnover rate is increasing every year

Description: In small industry people are switching jobs very frequently as compared to
other sectors and industries.
 Not satisfied by job
 Don’t find challenge in their jobs
 Don’t have control over their work
 Bad work environment
 Low compensation


Problem Statement: To what extent openness to change affect the implementation of new
technology or system
Description: In 2017, Air University implemented case study method in AUSOM department.
The effectiveness of that method was dependent upon many things like the students’
background and temperament, then choosing the right medium to conduct case classes etc.
But one other main factor was that are the lecturers there able to adapt this method or not
 Effective case conduction
 Teachers preparing for case in right manner
 Involving the class in participation
 Teachers demotivating the students to study through this method. If the teachers
would be reluctant then how could students be able to adjust to this new method.

Problem Statement: Effect of leadership style on the employees’ job satisfaction

Description: In small industry people are switching jobs very frequently as compared to
other sectors and industries.
Not satisfied


Problem Statement: Effect of leadership style on the employees’ job satisfaction

Description: In a company many employees were seen that they’re not that much devoted
to the work as they were before and their job satisfaction was also low. Among the many
factors after some negotiation with some employees it was observed that because of the
top managements’ attitude people were less satisfied with their jobs
 Employees also have esteem and according to Maslow hierarchy everyone at some
level need to maintain their self esteem
 Friendly environment improves efficiency
 People are more likely to work in favourable work environment


Problem Statement: The change of organizational structure affects overall performance

Description: In company ABC, they are thinking to change their organizational structure and
they want to know its effects on overall performance if the company
 People take time to adjust
 Everyone has their own style of working, it’s difficult to adopt as stated by others
 Mind set of that organization’s employees

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