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Edber Balza

Hoofdfase 3

De wegwerppoetsvingers

We zijn gekomen met het idee voor een wegwerppoetsvinger, om de tanden mee schoon
te kunnen maken als er geen tandenborstel in de buurt is. De poetsvingers zorgen tevens
voor een frisse adem. Bovendien zijn de poetsvingers ook handig voor gebruik na het
eten, op het werk, onderweg of zomaar tussendoor. De poetsvingers zullen een “triple
action” hebben:
1 Een frisse adem achterlaten
2 Plaque verwijderen
2 Witte tanden

De poetsvingers zijn kleine stoffen hulzen die je om de vinger schuift.

Water en naspoelen is overbodig. Je schuift de poetsvinger simpelweg om de vinger en
poetst tanden, tandvlees en tong.’ De poetsvingers zullen een geweven oppervlak hebben,
het speciale materiaal houdt tevens vocht tegen, zodat de vinger droog blijft. De
poetsvingers hebben een mintsmaak en chemiecalen die ervoor zullen zorgen dat plaque
verwijderd wordt en voor witte tanden. Door het kleine formaat zijn de wegwerpvingers
makkelijk mee te nemen.

Deze product zal gericht zijn op de consumenten die weinig tijd hebben om hun tanden te
poetsen, we zullen de belangrijkste noemen:
- Studenten tijdens schooltijd
- Kantoor medewerkers
The difficulty that we face is determining if the finger toothbrush will have market
acceptance and viability. 
Seven components (seven c's) contribute to innovation success: choice/control,
convenience, community, completeness, compatibility, coolness/communication and
customer’s cost.
1. Choice/control: The finger toothbrush offers the user more choice and control
than what is currently available on the market. Our product improves the process
of choosing by providing more information than was available previously. That
perception of choice also offers more control, or the sense of control. It is also
possible to demonstrate the difference in choice and control over the existing
2. Convenience: The finger toothbrush provides more convenience to the user, we
think enough to make them change or reinforce their existing behavior. Our idea
significantly reduce effort, cut costs over existing offerings. It is easy to try out
our offering, to "try before you buy" to reduce the risks of switching.
3. Community: A broad market exists with a possibly unknown need for our
product, because the idea can be easily communicated and can create a user
community that will create critical mass and word of mouth advertising. Because
Aruba is so small many people can be reach with little effort.
4. Compatibility: The finger toothbrush aligns tightly to existing technology and
reinforces existing compatibility standards such as the normal toothbrush and our
concept does create a new standard that can later evolve to different products
derived from the original concept.
5. Completeness: What will it take to make the idea "complete" from a user’s
perspective? We think that the finger toothbrush needs further investigation to
evaluate the documentation, channels, partners or other "whole product"
requirements, also what kind of material would be best to use.

6. Coolness: The finger toothbrush does create an "aha" moment for the consumer
for example you just eat a burger and sometimes you want to brush right away
after eating, there when the “aha” feeling is created, when you realized that you
can do that without any extra effort. Our product creates a meaning or experience
of having a clean and fresh mouth.
7. Cost: the company has to consider yet the cost to the consumer and to create a
model that suggests the cost for the consumer is correct. The cost for the
consumer should not incorporate the costs to find and investigate the solution
otherwise it would be to high.

We think this is a great idea, we think it would sell good with proper marketing, but there
is only one problem this is a short term product, what we mean is that the product needs
to constantly evolve to stay alive in the market.

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