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Lactose, Maltose, and Sucrose in Health and Disease

Xin Qi* and Richard F Tester

perhaps honey, would not be found in

Scope: This review represents a focus on the structure and properties of the nature. It is thus sugary drinks have re-
common nutritional disaccharides (lactose, maltose, and sucrose) in health ceived most health-related concerns in
and disease. The aim is to provide a comprehensive reference source related the literature.
to the role of disaccharides in human nutrition.
Methods and results: Key reference sources are searched, including Web of
Science, PubMed, Science Direct, and Wiley Online, and key reference works
2. Structure and Properties
are selected to support the factual basis of the text where interpretations and
relevance of the works are discussed in the review. There are key nutritional The disaccharides lactose, maltose, and
sucrose are composed of galactose plus
health benefits of receiving dietary energy in the form of sugars, but equally
glucose, glucose only, and glucose plus
life-threatening issues exist associated with constant/excess consumption. fructose, respectively, which exist with
These issues are discussed together with genetic disorders, which impact specific bonding profiles: namely 𝛽-(1-
upon health associated with consumption of the disaccharides (e.g., specific 4) for lactose, 𝛼-(1-4) for maltose, and
disaccharide intolerance due to deficiency of relevant digestive enzymes). glucose-𝛼-(1-2)-𝛽-fructose for sucrose
Conclusions: As the three common dietary disaccharides (lactose, maltose, (Table 1). These configurations leave free
reducing ends (aldehyde groups in the
and sucrose) are consumed on a very regular basis in the human diet, it is
non-ring conformations) for the glucose
critical to understand insofar as possible their role in health and disease. This residues (C1) in lactose and maltose
review provides an insight into the structure and properties of these but loss of reducing power for sucrose
molecules in health and disease. as the potential reducing end (ketone)
of fructose (C2) is bonded to C1 of the
glucose residue.
Lactose is located within mammalian milk (“milk sugar”, pro-
1. Introduction vides energy for the baby when sucking), maltose within malted
This review “follows” a review on monosaccharides by the same (germinated) grains (although made by man during starch hy-
authors,[1] and readers are referred to that article to get further drolysis too and especially within high maltose syrups), and su-
insight into the positive and negative health-related issues asso- crose universally in plants as a carbon transfer molecule and en-
ciated with the constituent monosaccharides. In some situations, ergy reserve (especially, high concentration within sugar cane
the disaccharide molecules themselves provide gut (rather than and sugar beet). Maltose will also be generated in the gut dur-
systemic)-focused health-related issues while in other situations, ing starch digestion (which proceeds via the dextrinization of the
it is their constituent monosaccharides that have a deleterious starch molecules in the small intestine due to 𝛼-amylase). More
health impact. details regarding the sources of these disaccharides can be found
In terms of sugar-related health issues generally, it is im- in Table 2. Although the molecular weight of these three disac-
portant to recognize that energy is required by the body and charides is the same, their physical properties differ considerably
that sugars provide energy. The context of consumption is im- as shown in Table 3. The solubility and sweetness of sucrose is es-
portant however—for example, if sugars are consumed within pecially different in comparison with the other two disaccharides
fruit, other nutrients and digestive moderating tissues of the (Table 3).
fruit structure are co-consumed and thus the body has to extract Cooking of foods creates substantial transformation of the
the sugar from the fruit. On the other hand, sugary drinks pro- constituent molecules, including sugars. A reducing sugar con-
vide a more intense “dose” of sugar which, with the exception of denses with a free amino group (amino acid or proteins, es-
pecially the 𝜖-amino group of lysine, but also the 𝛼-amino
groups of terminal amino acids) to give a condensation prod-
uct which via the Amadori rearrangement product (ARP) devel-
Dr. X. Qi, Prof. R. F Tester
ops brown colored compounds, created through a number of
Glycologic Limited
Glasgow G4 0BA, UK complex reactions.[2,3] Sucrose (a non-reducing sugar) can only
E-mail:; brown, however, when pre-hydrolyzed to glucose and fructose.
Glycation end products or more usually “advanced glycation
The ORCID identification number(s) for the author(s) of this article end products (AGEs)” incorporate proteins or lipids that are gly-
can be found under cated. Animal foods are often rich in these types of molecules,
DOI: 10.1002/mnfr.201901082 which may be generated further during food processing.

Mol. Nutr. Food Res. 2020, 64, 1901082 1901082 (1 of 9) © 2020 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Using sugar glycine models, the order of browning for differ-

Xin Qi obtained her Ph.D. in
ent sugars reported by Buera et al.[4] at pH 6 was xylose > glucose
Starch Chemistry in 2002. Since
> fructose > lactose > maltose > sucrose, reflecting the capacity
then she has been working at
of the individual sugars to react with the amino groups of glycine.
Glycologic Limited, developing
It is well established that with respect to browning reactions with
new technologies involving car-
different types of reducing sugars, pentoses react > hexoses >
bohydrates in the areas of food,
nutrition, and pharmaceuticals.

3. Effects on Health
The effects on health include (in alphabetical order):

3.1. Acrylamide Richard Tester has run Glyco-

logic Limited since its creation
During the thermal processing of food, when browning type re- in 2002, having worked previ-
actions occur (discussed above), amino acids (asparagine espe- ously in the academic and in-
cially) can react with reducing sugars to generate acrylamide.[3,6,7] dustrial sectors for many years
Acrylamide is a potential carcinogen and hence the growing con- on carbohydrate structures and
cern associated with acrylamide presence in food and the poten- properties, plus their applica-
tial to cause (chronic especially) disease. Tumors may be created tions in food and drink, clinical
at multiple sites in the body post consumption of acrylamide, as nutrition, and pharmaceutical
has been shown, for example, in rodents.[8] applications.

3.2. Advanced Glycation End Products

There are some associations/correlations of advanced glycation

3.4. Cancer
end products with aging and disease states such as Alzheimer’s
disease, atherosclerosis, diabetes, and kidney disease. Only the
Sugars, fructose in particular (and hence sucrose), are associated
low-molecular-weight advanced glycation end products are ab-
with an increased risk of cancer.[9,12–14] Different forms of cancer
sorbed actually from the diet. It is not understood if or how di-
have been reviewed by these authors. In general, fructose, and
etary advanced glycation end products may contribute to disease
hence sucrose, provides the greatest cause of concern for trig-
and aging, or if only advanced glycation end products produced
gering different forms of cancer. Presumably, the sugars provide
within the body have the perceived health-related significance.
energy in excess of basal requirements for cell replication and
growth. Fructose (and hence sucrose) have been linked especially
to the development of breast cancer in particular.[14]
3.3. Blood Lipid Profile Debate

There is a relatively heated debate about the impact of ingested 3.5. Cognition
sugars and, in particular, sucrose on blood lipid profiles. In some
reports, sucrose appears as a more favorable passive dietary com- There are loose links between cognitive decline and sugar
ponent with respect to impact on blood lipids than others. This intake, although there is a sense that cognition more broadly is
debate has been linked to the commercial interests of manufac- associated with a healthy diet.[7,15,16] Ginieis et al.,[17] however,
turers of sucrose in some publications. The specific cause of con- have indicated that “neuro-cognitive research has confirmed that
cern has been the development of coronary heart disease due glucose, as a main energy substrate for the brain, can momen-
to sucrose consumption.[9] Cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein, tarily benefit cognitive performances, particularly for memory
and high-density lipoprotein changes in the blood have been re- functioning.” This is not surprising in that glucose (which may
viewed in detail by Jameel et al.[10] They discussed the role of fruc- be derived from relevant disaccharides and starches of course) is
tose, glucose, and sucrose in this context and concluded that fruc- the key source of energy for the brain.[9,13,18] The brain requires
tose has the greatest impact on blood lipids. Readers are referred a constant drip-feeding of glucose from the diet. In fact, adult
to, for example, the recent review of Kearns et al.[9] to understand brains require about 100 mg min−1 glucose and infants about
the detailed concerns with respect to fructose (and hence sucrose) twice this amount.[15]
consumption on the generation of a negative blood lipid profile.
Hypertriglyceridemia due to sugar consumption is key to their 3.6. Glycemic Index
concerns, an issue discussed in detail as long ago as 1969.[11]
Some of these related issues are addressed with respect to other The glycemic index (GI) is a measure of the relative ability of a car-
health concerns below. bohydrate or carbohydrate containing drink or food to increase

Mol. Nutr. Food Res. 2020, 64, 1901082 1901082 (2 of 9) © 2020 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Table 1. Lactose, maltose, and sucrose disaccharide constituents.

Disaccharide Constituents Chemical name Bonding profile

Lactose Galactose plus glucose 𝛽-d-galactopyranosyl-(1→4)-d-glucose Galactose–glucose 𝛽-(1-4) bond

Maltose Glucose 𝛼-d-glucopyranosyl-(1→4)-d-glucose Glucose–glucose 𝛼-(1-4) bond
Sucrose Glucose plus fructose 𝛼-d-glucopyranosyl-(1→2)-𝛽-d-fructofuranoside Glucose–fructose glucose-𝛼-(1-2)-𝛽-fructose

Table 2. Examples of lactose, maltose, and sucrose sources. affect mood/activity. Some authors on the other hand have re-
ported a greater correlation and believe there is a connection be-
Disaccharide Natural sources Man-made sources tween ADHD and sugary drink consumption.[25]
Lactose Milk Milk(s); cheese; yoghurts;
ubiquitous ingredient in
different foods and drinks 3.8. Metabolic Disease
Maltose Malted grains Hydrolyzed starches; ubiquitous
(malt) ingredient in different foods and Metabolic disease is a combination of diseases related largely to
drinks; malt-containing drinks over consumption of food. It refers to cardiovascular disease, type
Sucrose Plants; fruits; Table sugar extracted from sugar 2 diabetes, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease combined as dis-
vegetables beet or cane; ubiquitous cussed by Das[13] and Stanhope[28] and under the respective sec-
ingredient in different foods tions below. In common with other disease states linked to sugar
and drinks
excess, fructose/fructose containing sugar (sucrose) appears to
be of particular concern.
the concentration of glucose in the blood.[7,19] Foods are classi-
fied as high, medium, or low GI depending on their capacity to
3.8.1. Cardiovascular Disease
impact on the blood glucose.[20] A GI of ≥70 is considered as high
and ≤55 as low.
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) involves the heart and/or blood
The relative glycemic indices (GI) of different sugars are:
vessels and includes angina and myocardial infarction especially,
although many other disease states are included in the defini-
• Maltose 105 (high)
tion. There appears to be a positive correlation between blood
• Glucose 100 (high)
triglyceride (TG), very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL), and low-
• Sucrose 65 (medium)
density lipoprotein (LDL) and sugar consumption (especially
• Lactose 46 (low)
fructose), inversely with high-density lipoprotein (HDL), as dis-
• Galactose 23 (low)
cussed elsewhere.[7,16,19,28–30] (See also the blood lipid discussion
• Fructose 19 (low)
section above.) The blood lipid profile as a consequence of excess
sugar consumption is thus a real risk factor and concern for the
The disaccharides tend to “sit” almost on average between the
development of cardiovascular disease.
GI of their constituent monosaccharides. This is not unexpected,
as the constituent monosaccharides are absorbed from the gut
into the blood stream. Note that when water is “added back” 3.8.2. Diabetes (Mellitus)
(water of hydrolysis) to maltose upon hydrolysis, the apparent
“amount” of free glucose increases and hence the GI of 105. Diabetes mellitus is evident when blood glucose control is
defective in the body and where i) fasting blood glucose is
> 7.0 mmol L−1 ; ii) glucose exceeds 11.1 mmol L−1 2 h after the
3.7. Hyperactivity—Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder consumption of 75 g glucose; iii) other medical symptoms asso-
ciated with high blood glucose and/or; iv) glycated hemoglobin
Milich et al.[21] discussed the various relatively inconclusive re- (≥11.1 mmol L−1 ). Type 1 reflects loss of the insulin-producing
ports on a relationship between sugar consumption and attention beta cells in the pancreas (in most cases autoimmune in nature).
deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Others in more recent re- Type 2 reflects insulin resistance (of tissue) in the body with per-
ports took a similar inconclusive cause versus effect view.[7,22,23] haps reduced insulin production. Body mass is correlated with
Johnson et al.[24] took the same view as the other authors based insulin resistance.[31] The effect of specific sugars rather than ex-
essentially on existing data but discussed the issues in the context cess calories per se on the development of type 2 diabetes is the
of neurotransmitter signaling. They indicated that “…chronic ef- subject of much debate and in many cases conflicting opinion.
fects of excessive sugar intake may lead to alterations in mesolim- This lack of a coherent picture has been reviewed by Laville and
bic dopamine signaling, which could contribute to the symptoms Nazare.[32]
associated with ADHD.” They also reported that ADHD “may Different sugars have different impacts on blood glucose (see
be associated with a disruption in dopamine signaling whereby sections above), where lactose has a consistently lower impact
dopamine D2 receptors are reduced in reward-related brain re- in this respect post ingestion than sucrose in test diets.[33] Fruc-
gions.” Hence, in this context, circulating nutrients/drugs may tose (and hence sucrose) is of particular focus and concern with

Mol. Nutr. Food Res. 2020, 64, 1901082 1901082 (3 of 9) © 2020 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Table 3. Physical properties of lactose, maltose, and sucrose.

Disaccharide Melting point [°C] Molecular weight [g mol−1 ] Density [g cm−3 ] Solubility [g L−1 ] Sweetness (relative to sucrose = 1) Energy [kcal g−1 ]

Lactose 203 342.3 1.525 190 (25 °C) 0.2 3.75

Maltose 102 342.3 1.540 1080 (20 °C) 0.4 3.75
Sucrose Decomposes at 186 342.3 1.587 2000 (25 °C) 1 3.75

respect to the development of type 2 diabetes in individuals.[34] 3.9. Non-Ingested Fate of Disaccharides as a Point of Nutritional
It is apparent from previous sections and Paper 1 in this series[1] Reference
how fructose in particular impacts negatively on health. Monto-
nen et al.[35] reported that a “combined intake of fructose and In normal health, disaccharides are not absorbed through the gut
glucose was associated with the risk of type 2 diabetes but no but are converted by the digestive enzymes to their constituent
significant association was observed for intakes of sucrose, lac- monosaccharides which are absorbed.
tose, or maltose.” According to Rippe et al.[16] however, “…sin- Disaccharides do not exist in the blood stream. Weber et al.[26]
gling out added sugars as unique culprits for metabolically based infused 10 g of lactose, sucrose, or maltose in adults and found
diseases such as obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease ap- no rise in blood glucose where a mean of 8.7 ± 1.89 g lactose and
pears inconsistent with modern, high quality evidence and is 6.3 ± 1.39 g sucrose was excreted in a 24-h urine sample. Only a
very unlikely to yield health benefits.” Janket et al.[36] indicated very small quantity (0.11 ± 0.03 g) of the maltose was recovered in
that “intake of sugars does not appear to play a deleterious role the urine, indicating that unlike the other disaccharides, the mal-
in primary prevention of type 2 diabetes.” Hence, the respec- tose was metabolized. Clearly, this is a very unnatural situation
tive role of sugars versus (excess) calorie consumption in terms where the gut was bypassed, where the key constituent enzymes
of type 2 diabetes development is, according to some groups, are located that convert disaccharides to monosaccharides.
less clear cut than other groups’ report. The overall role of (dif- As a matter of interest, there are unusual situations where dis-
ferent) sugars with respect to an association with the develop- accharides do appear in the blood stream and urine, and these are
ment of diabetes (type 2) has been discussed in further detail by not related to digestive disorders. One such example is drug users
others.[7,16,28–30] which inject medications intended for oral consumption only.[27]
Here, the disaccharide excipients (carriers) of the oral drug for-
mats are injected into the blood and appear consequently in the
3.8.3. Non-Alcoholic Related Fatty Liver

This disease state reflects a buildup of fat in the liver and is as- 3.10. Obesity
sociated most often with obesity. Sugar consumption (especially
fructose) is associated negatively with the development/presence Consumption of excess calories compared to their utilization
of fatty liver, which correlates with an excess accumulation of fat in the body leads to obesity. Overweight/obese body states re-
in the individual liver hepatocyte cells.[7,16,28–30,37] flect excess fat within the body leading to considerable health is-
Das[13] discussed the specific issue of fructose (sucrose) con- sues. The body mass index (BMI) is calculated from a person’s
sumption in comparison with glucose to cause fatty liver and has weight (kg) divided by the square of height in meters (m2 ). A BMI
indicated all fructose consumed in the diet is taken up by the of >25 represents excess weight and >30 obesity. The calories
liver and converted to fat rapidly. However, glucose remains in within the diet may be consumed as different types of carbohy-
the bloodstream for some time and is used either for energy pro- drates (sugars and amorphous starches). Sugar excesses are asso-
duction or conversion to glycogen. When energy demands are ciated extensively with obesity.[7,16,19,28–30,38,39] A diet rich in fruc-
met, only then it is converted to fat. tose (including sucrose) does in particular, according to some au-
Hence, glucose has a more positive energy profile than fruc- thors, contribute to the onset and treatment-resistance of obesity
tose in terms of handling and storage in the liver and throughout and obesity-related complications.[28–30,37–39] Fructose and thus
the body. sucrose (over consumption) seem to be particularly problematic
in terms of excess bodyweight and hence growing concerns over
fructose utilization in drinks.[38] Later articles by some of the
authors[30] are not so heavily focused on fructose but more gener-
3.8.4. Monosaccharides Versus Disaccharides ally on the reduction of dietary calories (in the form of soft drinks
In a sense, disaccharides do not impact on metabolic dis-
ease directly as they have to be converted to their constituent
monosaccharides in the gut, and it is the monosaccharides them- 3.11. Osmotic Diarrhea
selves which are the causative agents of the conditions. Read-
ers are referred to a previous publication by these authors on Excess intake of sugary drinks can cause (osmotic) diarrhea.[40]
monosaccharides[1] for more details. This type of diarrhea can also be caused by congenital

Mol. Nutr. Food Res. 2020, 64, 1901082 1901082 (4 of 9) © 2020 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

abnormalities associated with enzyme deficiencies (which will be Some disaccharides can be digested by man and can thus gen-
discussed later). The retention of water in the intestinal lumen erate calories while other molecules pass through the small in-
due to the osmotic pressure of the unabsorbed disaccharide, plus testine.
sodium ion equilibrium, is the most important causative mecha-
nism of diarrhea with respect to disaccharide malabsorption.[41]
4.1. Lactose

3.12. Satiety Lactase or 𝛽-galactosidase is a small intestine brush-border-

based/located enzyme which converts lactose into galactose and
Sugars promote satiety (“feeling full”), which leads to the con- glucose. Without this enzyme, the constituent monosaccharides
sumer reducing food intake. There are different physiological cannot be made available to the intestinal monosaccharide trans-
and psychological elements to satiety. Although this response oc- porters and hence enter the blood stream from the gut.[50–52] Ba-
curs after eating, it cannot be due entirely to effect(s) on blood glu- bies would thus not be able to utilize this undigested disaccha-
cose concentration.[42] Ochoa et al.[43] have discussed a range of ride for energy and growth. Congenital lactase deficiency leads to
physiological mechanisms whereby different sugars might con- osmotic diarrhea and lack of growth, caused by the undigested
trol and regulate satiety. Not all forms of drinks and food are lactose remaining in the digestive system. Late-onset lactase de-
treated in the same way by the body. Liquid and solid foods may ficiency (primary lactase deficiency) becomes prevalent later in
impact differently on satiety and the role of the carbohydrate life.[53]
needs to be viewed in this context.[7] Fructose may be less sati- According to Heyman,[50] the following terms apply to lactose
ating than glucose.[15,43] intolerance/malabsorption/deficiency conditions:

• “Lactose intolerance is a clinical syndrome of one or more

3.13. Transit Through the Digestive System of the following: abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, flatu-
lence, and/or bloating after the ingestion of lactose or lactose-
Lactose, maltose, and sucrose can all be cariogenic, depending on containing food substances.”
the consumption (amount, form, frequency, etc.) profile[15,44–47] • “Lactose malabsorption is the physiologic problem that mani-
and the oral tooth hygiene procedures in place. fests as lactose intolerance and is attributable to an imbalance
When experimental animals have been fed glucose, lactose, between the amount of ingested lactose and the capacity for
maltose, or sucrose, there has been no clear distinction be- lactase to hydrolyze the disaccharide.”
tween the efficacy of the individual sugars for the creation of • “Primary lactase deficiency is attributable to relative or abso-
periodontal syndrome in certain studies.[48] Studies reported by lute absence of lactase that develops in childhood at various
other authors,[49] however, have shown that maltose encourages ages in different racial groups and is the most common cause
the growth of Streptococcus mutans and formation of plaques less of lactose malabsorption and lactose intolerance. Primary lac-
than sucrose and especially less than lactose. This is contrary to tase deficiency is also referred to as adult-type hypolactasia, lac-
the commonly held view that lactose is far less cariogenic than tase non-persistence, or hereditary lactase deficiency.”
other sugars. Presumably, sugars in the diet are non-deleterious • “Secondary lactase deficiency is lactase deficiency that results
in the mouth before tooth formation (as in babies), but once from small bowel injury, such as acute gastroenteritis, persis-
teeth were in place, any sugars may become detrimental to tooth tent diarrhea, small bowel overgrowth, cancer chemotherapy,
health. The primary health measures for reducing caries risk, or other causes of injury to the small intestinal mucosa, and
from a nutritional perspective, are i) the consumption of a bal- can present at any age but is more common in infancy.”
anced diet and ii) adherence to dietary guidelines and the dietary • “Congenital lactase deficiency is extremely rare; teleologically,
reference intakes.[44] Clearly, oral hygiene is also of critical im- infants with congenital lactase deficiency would not be ex-
portance. pected to survive before the 20th century, when no readily ac-
Unless the disaccharides are malabsorbed (see above and be- cessible and nutritionally adequate lactose-free human milk
low), they will enter the blood stream after digestive enzyme hy- substitute was available.”
drolysis as monosaccharides. If not, osmotic diarrhea will be ini- • “Developmental lactase deficiency is now defined as the rela-
tiated in the small intestine (see above and below). Thereafter, tive lactase deficiency observed among preterm infants of less
any disaccharides not absorbed will enter the colon and ferment than 34 weeks’ gestation.”
causing great discomfort. Hydrogen, methane, and carbon diox-
ide gases will be generated. If the load is excessive, excretion of The incidence of lactose intolerance in human is about
the disaccharides in the feces will occur. 1/60 000 newborn babies, although probably around 70% of peo-
ple have a reduced ability to digest lactose after infancy.[50,52–55]
Nature would not have intended, it is assumed, adults to con-
4. Related Diseases/Disorders sume milk from other animals or products made from milk.
Some cultures consume very little milk or milk-derived products.
The disaccharides need to be hydrolyzed to their constituent Non-white populations are more affected with this recessive trait
monosaccharides (in the small intestine) for the body to be able than other ethnic groups.[51,54,56,57] For babies with lactase defi-
to absorb and metabolize them. The monosaccharides are then ciency, avoidance of lactose in the diet is critical so that they can
transferred across the gut epithelia by transporter systems.[1] maintain health and survive. As an alternative to mammalian

Mol. Nutr. Food Res. 2020, 64, 1901082 1901082 (5 of 9) © 2020 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

milk, they (babies) can drink either plant-based (soya) “milk” chronic diarrhea.[71] The enzyme deficiency and more especially
(soya bean particles suspended in water and usually sweetened the associated diarrhea can be treated by eliminating starch (and
with sucrose) or lactase-treated mammalian milks.[53] Different starch derivatives) from the diet.[71]
plant-based products are available on the market. Sucrase-isomaltase (debranching enzyme or isomaltase) is lo-
cated in the brush border of the small intestine in common with
maltase-glucoamylase. The two-domain complex (which origi-
4.2. Maltose nated biochemically as one single polypeptide) has sucrase and
maltase activity in one domain (about 80% of small intestine
Maltose occurs in mature plants[58] although it tends to be as- “maltase” activity), while in the other domain it has 𝛼-(1-6) de-
sociated with biosynthesis in germinated grains, especially bar- branching activity.[67,69] The two domain activities have been re-
ley, which is used for malt (malted barley of the malting pro- ferred to as maltase Ib and maltase Ia, respectively.[63,70,72]
cess) production.[59] Maltose is produced commercially as a sugar The incidence of primary sucrase-isomaltase deficiency dis-
by industrial processing (hydrolysis) of starch. Maltase activity ease is typically 1/500 to 1/2000 (of live births), although in some
is conferred by different enzyme activities in the human small populations the incidence is higher.[53,72–74]
intestine[60–69] as discussed below. Treatment (of chronic diarrhea, abdominal pain, and bloating)
Maltase-glucoamylase (called also maltase commonly and is achieved by restricting sucrose and starch in the diet.[53,72–75]
maltase-𝛼-glucosidase) is located in the brush border of the small However, this can be quite challenging as starch provides a large
intestine and hydrolyses both i) maltose and ii) linear 𝛼-(1-4) proportion of dietary calories.[65] A secondary (transient) form of
chains (of starch) to glucose; accounting for about 20% of the the disease exists[74,76] with the same symptoms as the primary
small intestine’s “maltase” activity.[67,69] The dual activity of this form.
“double-headed” enzyme (within two separate domains for ac-
tivities (i) and (ii)) plays a critical role in amorphous starch di-
gestion. Consequently, the enzyme plays a crucial role in the 4.3. Sucrose
regulation of postprandial glucose homeostasis.[62] Historically,
the “maltase” activity of this enzyme was referred to as maltase Sucrase-isomaltase deficiency has been discussed above. Dis-
II and III activity.[63,68,70] orders of fructose metabolism have also been discussed
The incidence of maltase-glucoamylase deficiency disease in elsewhere.[1] Often ailments associated with sucrose con-
humans is probably around 2% of children presenting with sumption are focused on the fructose moiety, although both

Scheme 1. Malabsorption and maldigestion relevant to disaccharides (adapted from the text of ref. [77]).

Mol. Nutr. Food Res. 2020, 64, 1901082 1901082 (6 of 9) © 2020 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Scheme 2. Examples of malabsorption syndromes relevant to disaccharides (adapted from the text of ref. [77]).

monosaccharides provide calories (which in excess can lead to are converted to monosaccharides in the brush border of the gut
a range of diseases as discussed before). and absorbed thus. Disaccharides can be used therefore to mea-
sure the permeability of the gut to identify disease states of the
4.4. Maldigestion Versus Malabsorption gut. Sucrose[78] has, for example, been used for this purpose.

Clark and Johnson[77] provided a very good definition of these in-

terrelated conditions as follows: “Malabsorption is impaired ab- 5. Conclusions
sorption of nutrients caused by any disruption in the process of
normal absorption. Impaired digestion of nutrients within the The three common dietary disaccharides lactose, maltose, and
intestinal lumen or at the brush border membrane can also in- sucrose as themselves and their constituent monosaccharides
terfere with nutrient absorption. This is known as maldigestion. (galactose and glucose, glucose and glucose, glucose and fruc-
Malabsorption and maldigestion differ pathophysiologically but tose, respectively) provide health benefits (calories) but are also
the processes of digestion and absorption are interdependent. associated with health issues due namely to:
Therefore, in clinical practice, malabsorption refers to deficien-
cies in the process of both absorption and digestion.” These con-
1) their role as calorific sources and metabolic substrates;
cepts are highlighted in Scheme 1. In terms of specific malab-
2) health/disease states associated with the consumption of the
sorption states that can affect disaccharide digestion/absorption,
disaccharides as nutritional sources, for example, obesity, os-
examples of these are represented in Scheme 2. Clearly, a
motic diarrhea, tooth decay, and satiety;
number of factors can interplay to affect the digestion and sub-
3) disease states caused by processing induced modification, for
sequent metabolism of disaccharides.
example, the generation of acrylamide;
4) congenital defects associated with metabolism.
4.5. Gut Permeability Studies with Disaccharides to Identify
Much is known about these disaccharides, although many
Previously (above), it was discussed that disaccharides do not en- health-related issues associated with their consumption are still
ter the blood stream via the gut as disaccharides themselves; they largely misunderstood.

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