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Experiment no:-3

AIM:-To determine the engineering properties of whole dry chickpea.


The physical properties of seeds and splits like those of chickpea seeds are
essential for the design of equipment especially for handling, processing and
storing the grains

Properties that have been evaluated are:-

1. Colour
2. Moisture content
3. Angle of repose
4. Bulk density
5. Arithmetic mean diameter
6. Geometric mean diameter
7. Coefficient of friction
8. Sphericity
9. Surface Area
11.Area of transverse surface
12.100 grain mass
13.Aspect ratio
14.True density
16.Hydration capacity
17.Swelling capacity

1. Hunter colorimeter

L(dark) A(red) B(yellow) e

60.61 5.03 13.18 36.41
60.62 5.00 13.81 36.39
60.60 5.02 13.87 36.43

2. Moisture content(Tray dryer)

Minutes Weight.I(g) Weght.II(g) Weight.III(g)

0 5 5 5
20 4.9 4.9 4.9
40 4.8 4.8 4.8
60 4.7 4.7 4.7
80 4.7 4.7 4.7
100 4.6 4.6 4.6
120 4.6 4.6 4.6

Inital weight −final weight

Moisture content (%) = inital weight

= 5

=8 %

3. Angle of repose D(cm) h(cm)

1 13.8 3.7
2 13.8 3.7
3 13.8 3.8
4 13.8 3.7
5 13.8 3.9

θ= tan−1 ¿ )
−1 2∗3.7
1. h=3.7, d=13.8 , θ= tan−1 ¿ ) , θ= tan ( 13.8 ) =28.2◦

−1 2h −1 2∗3.7
2. h=3.7, d=13.8 , θ= tan ( d ), θ= tan ( 13.8 ) =28.2◦

−1 2h −1 2∗3.8
3. h=3.8, d=13.8 , θ= tan ( d ) , θ= tan ( 13.8 ) =28.84◦

−1 2h −1 2∗3.7
4. h=3.7, d=13.8 , θ= tan ( d ), θ= tan ( 13.8 ) =28.2◦

−1 2h −1 2∗3.9
5. h=3.9, d=13.8 , θ= tan ( d ), θ= tan ( 13.8 ) =29.47◦

Average angle of repose(500gm)=28.58◦

4. Bulk density Sample weight(g) Diameter(cm) Height(cm)

1 50 6.4 2.5
2 50 6.4 2.6
3 50 6.4 2.7
4 50 6.4 2.5
Average 6.4 2.575

ℓ= v

v= π r 2 h

1. h=2.5cm, d=6.4cm, v= π r 2 h = π 3.22∗2.5=80.42

m 50
ℓ= v = 80.42 =0.622 g/cm3
2. h=2.46cm, d=6.4cm, v= π r 2 h = π 3.22∗2.6=83.64
m 50
ℓ= v = 83.64 =0.597 g/cm3

3. h=2.7cm, d=6.4cm, v= π r 2 h = π 3.22∗2.7=86.86

m 50
ℓ= v = 86.86 =0.597 g/cm3

4. h=2.5cm, d=6.4cm, v= π r 2 h = π 3.22∗2.5=80.42

m 50
ℓ= v = 80.42 =0.622 g/cm3

0.622+ 0.597+0.576+ 0.622

Average bulk density(ℓ)= 4
=0.604 g/cm3

5. Height, Width, Thickness L(mm) W(mm) T(mm)

1 11.44 10.22 9.38
2 10.34 8.39 7.50
3 12.54 9.1 9.27
4 12.26 9.00 8.45
5 12.86 8.71 8.63
Average 11.862 9.084 8.646

Arithmetic mean diameter, geometric mean diameter, sphericity and surface area
L+W +T
Arithmetic mean diameter (da) = 3

Geometric mean diameter(dg) =( LWT ¿ ¿1 /3

1 /3 ¿
Sphericity(Ф)= LWT ¿ L ∗100 %

Surface area A=π (Dg)2

1. L=11.33mm, W=10.22mm, T=9.38mm

L+W +T 11.33+10.22+9.38
da = 3
= 3

dg =( LWT ¿ ¿1 /3 =(11.33∗10.22∗9.38)1 /3 =10.279

¿1 /3 10.279
(Ф)= LWT ¿ L ∗100 % = 11.33 ∗100 % =90.72

A=π (Dg)2 ¿ π ¿10.2792 =331.93mm2

2. L=10.34mm, W=8.39mm, T=7.50mm

L+W +T 10.34+8.39+7.50
da = 3
= 3

dg =( LWT ¿ ¿1 /3 =(10.34∗8.39∗7.50)1 /3 =8.66

1 /3 ¿ 8.66
(Ф)= LWT ¿ L ∗100 % = 10.34 ∗100 % =83.75

A=π (Dg)2 ¿ π ¿ 8.662 =235.48mm2

3. L=12.26mm, W=9.00mm, T=8.45mm

L+W +T 12.26+9.00+8.45
da = 3
= 3
dg =( LWT ¿ ¿1 /3 =(12.26∗9.00∗8.45)1/3 =9.76
1 /3 ¿ 9.76
(Ф)= LWT ¿ L ∗100 % = 12..26 ∗100 % =79.6%

A=π (Dg)2 ¿ π ¿ 9.762 =299.26mm2

4. L=12.52mm, W=9.1mm, T=9.27mm

L+W +T 12.52+ 9.1+ 9.27
da = 3
= 3

(dg) =( LWT ¿ ¿1 /3 =(12.52∗9.1∗9.27)1 /3 =10.18

1 /3 ¿ 10.18
(Ф)= LWT ¿ L ∗100 % = 12.52 ∗100 % =81.3%

A=π (Dg)2 ¿ π ¿10.182 =325.57mm2

5. L=12.86mm, W=8.71mm, T=8.63mm

L+W +T 12.86+8.71+8.63
da = 3
= 3

dg =( LWT ¿ ¿1 /3 =(12.86∗8.71∗8.63)1 /3 =9.86

1 /3 ¿ 9.86
(Ф)= LWT ¿ L ∗100 % = 12.86 ∗100 % =76.82%

A=π (Dg)2 ¿ π ¿ 9.882 =306.66mm2

10.31+ 8.743+10.30+9.90+10.06
Average Arithmetic diameter (Da) = 5

10.279+ 8.66+10.18+9.76+ 9.86

Average geometric mean diameter (Dg) = 5

Average spherictiy(Ф)= 5
331.93+ 235.48+325.5+299.26+306.66
Average surface area(A)= 5

Area of transverse surface (Ats)= π/4*T*W



Aspect Ratio(Ra) = W/L*100



6. Coefficient of friction (80g) Sample Added Weight Added weight Added weight

Weight in plywood in aluminium in steel
1 80g 55g 112.8g 66g
2 80g 56.2g 113g 67g
Average 55.6g 112.9g 66.5g

Coefficient of friction(µ)= N

1. In plywood
F 55
I. For 80g sample, force F=55g, (µ)= N = 80 =0.687

F 56.2
II. For 80g sample, force F=56.2g, (µ)= N = 80 =0.702

0.702+ 0.687
Average µ= 2

2. . In Aluminium
F 112.8
I.For 80g sample, force F=112.g, (µ)= N = 80 =1.41
F 113
II.For 80g sample, force F=113g, (µ)= N = 80 =1.4125

Average µ= 2

3. In steel
F 66
I. For 80g sample, force F=66g, (µ)= N = 80 =0.825

F 67
II. For 80g sample, force F=67g, (µ)= N = 80 =0.8375

Average µ= 2

7. Mass of 1000 seed=649gm

8. True density

Mass(g) Initial volume(ml) Final volume(ml) Actual volume(ml)

50 50 89 39

True density(ρ)=mass/volume


=1.282 g/cm3

9. Porosity,
bulk density
Porosity={1- true density } * 100%
= {1- 1.282 } *100%


10. Hydration capacity,

Wf −Wo
Hydration capacity Hc= Wo ∗100

Initial weight Wo=50g

Final weight after (8 hours) Wf=103g

Hc= 50


11. Swelling capacity,

Vf −Vo
Swelling capacity (Sc) = Vo ∗100

Initial volume (Vo)=39ml

Final volume (Vf)=90ml

Sc= 39 ∗100



1. Colour

The colorimetric value of whole dry chickpea are:- L=60.61, a=5.0167, b=13.83,

2. Moisture content

Moisture content of sample chickpea=8%

3. Angle of repose (500gm)=28.58

4. Bulk density (ρb) =0.604

5.true density (ρt) =1.282

6. Arithmetic mean diameter (Da) =9.86mm, Geometric mean diameter


7. Coefficient of friction

For plywood, µ plywood =0.684

For Aluminium µ aluminium =1.41

For stainless steel µ steel =0.831

8. Average sphericity =82.44%

9. Average surface area (As)=299.78

10. Area of transverse surface (Ats)=61.68

11. Aspect ratio (Ra)= 76.58%

12. Porosity =52.88%

13. Hydration capacity (%HC)=106%

14.Swelling capacity (%Sc) =130%

15. Mass of 1000 grains chickpea =649gm

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