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should be means can be
bidirectional along used to fill the
The communication Brands and with an innovative gap for physical
landscape in the organizations that feedback medium
current context has were reluctant to mechanism
changed drastically, The use of digital adapt to the new
and it's imperative There is a need
technology to normal or
to adapt to the new for innovation and FREQUENT: TRANSPARENT:
facilitate effective reinvent Communication should
normal and ways of digitalization of Transparency in
communication. communication themselves have be frequent so that communication to
engagement, no one feels left out
Face-to-face intensified and been adversely avoid confusion
outreach, and
interaction is long cutting-edge tech impacted and set
gone, and digital is booming to struggle for
interaction has years to come INNOVATIVE: This
increased by a without drastic ENGAGING:
new scenario has Engaging all the
hundredfold changes opened doors for stakeholders is
new and must in this new
innovative ways Normal


Reassuring stakeholders and Reinforcing brand promise

● Taking Care of employees - Provides a sense of concern towards stakeholders
● A zero-based approach to meetings, to help them choose which ones to attend
Target audience - Employees, Customers, Community, Investors
● Prioritize the work people do. Now is the time for organizations to finally tackle busyness and focus on the work
that matters most
Messaging Themes – Taking care of employees and Extending
● Helping each other - Brings a sense of oneness in the community
community support for the needy.
● Social help programs - Reassures stakeholders and audience that TATA Steel cares about the community and
helps the company develop a long-term relationship with the customer.
Formats - A short video from CEO addressing how he is
adopting to WFH culture and new normal, Community help
programs, Video Content
1. Pandemic and social distancing norms will continue till the end of 2021 ( until a vaccine is made available to all)
2. The company should focus on communicating with the stakeholders rather than looking for short-term sales.
Platforms - Social media, Podcasts, Youtube, Community halls,
3. Marketing spends should not be cut and should be utilized in the community help programs
business communication platforms (Employees)

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