11.thermal Stress Strain Problems

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ior Node eine of dish bao oF VU \o oe lhe globe a errictent node of a acl clemeck Problems. cross Seco “A> Young's ot the mal | bempes ature stresses inthe kb ih _—— aah ALT aa SS = pot a pushed back 4 suppost, (Pastial consfoatred) T= £¢ = peo =f to the na boul fo= tend V-EQpae Thus, the node Numbemi ol Stee oo for howelrae has a siambicant eflecb on ea and no-teno Weltittens Mh4hg , stifness mabiz [Kj] - a Numberwsite at-Po0l@ston used ad _, Le us G0 sidew an unifosm vod of Qomfh HL une modulus of clash ate T ex Pag sion () s heated Ly low i Chey maf a ' rise Or Tc. " bay fow bixed-fowo bo be 00% ; 0 intesnal stresses developed: this 1% Snsiuive equahoy Ave bq: 4 e= Achab 4 eee 18 emplo4od in Meshing 4. | lee oF [KI]: a) a schomes Ae. an integond pod es modeling Cowpled veal bile gax subjected to Thesmab stwesses (onibial twain) * arca ot * and wokreat mine Sho Abeammad Coodihrcns . fo dete ud are —> When a vod \s healed though a tempeoatuae riser, the vod would tend do expand by an amount = ALT —> this Covrespors to an foittal aleains €o= &T: _» IF the suppoxt sesteain the vod ane such that this oypantion fs poset ble, thon the god Fock undengoes the thesmal expansion On Lae and -lhus the mechanical coain th the vod 16 aluen by Pw OCT > fs these ave no fowtos 2¢ this theemal expan P Le| Cae ts on alae E(é Goditions steain So! —> However, te tho sod te entisely Pwevented from undenaedl the free thermal expansion ,as detaled by the foidi'al eal €o, then the mechanical, doain indke ad isi<0 — thus the ved i's subfecied do a Compeessive stress Ac; \ Te EG-f)° 5 (o- tT) « +EatT- —» This canbe Conceptual zed as, the vod can he frnagined to have expand d theouah the. suppoot ber the Amount FoueT), and the suppoxt ~ deve lops weachsn fowes which bash the vod back ie, Comemess) Ut He. 2o4-to Ibe original Po Sitvon. ‘ > at th geneval the Suppost is alittle die{an to atdou from the end othe ved, so that the ved fs allowed paxwtial tree expansion ‘ as eal y — then fntemal, stesses evar weenie ease: EEE Onise. ont cawwesponding do-thc ie “| oa Past oF Vinitial stoatrl-that — te las not actually reall'secd. Game lap ee 2 ‘s v= Eade t (Ear) 2 Sn teal Strvctines, Ghen a. Pant of te Sh Chuwe undoes qoes thormal oxpansicn it wit be against the elas ot tho otto ports. => thorefore onlge part of the dojal thoamal 2xpansfay wit be pesmitta- Example 4:4: Consides an unifoxm ved of Len Lies ea Of ew0ss Section ‘A’, Young's modulus E? and ef of thermal expansion & heakd unitowmly thoowgh a tempesatuse vise & Te- Detcamine te thermal, 25568 tn the bay foothe fked Tore end Condiffons shown below | { { & | ne te detesmine mechanica Snitial strain,ie, the Load , to cause & Mechanl Undey these Loads Bethe. sbhuchiwe consists yom these ackial detesmahon of the eta ature we tind » pn a cual mechanical strain ane Dittegence between the actual mn oor etoain ond te ortaina™ vy Smposed initial strain leads to the rade? fntexnad. tye sseS* : oe oe woe sod be de euitited Toto 40 Numbers of Vneay bao elements as ¢ hoon belo Nenad eal Colerrert 4 4) U + —= Now, potenti ‘al, ene “4 " =o given be Me : : AA a 2.8 Trte £18 3° Le Is 3° 13S go 8 re ® ® 3 ee ; ae 383 Element levet. nodal. dof xet Vedor = fat] ee t 47 ee (¢2 u, 4] = is 4 ‘ ie rk) lement level stiffness matix (fs element +) = [kJ fee - § [BJ [e7 EA de [83 stp ain- displacerent solalion mataix. fer element £ PdnN dasa]. a Ane rab dx | lf 6 i) che 2 L ore . J-+ = | , 7 @ e T, -i/e es = [aed . : Lal = |-¥e 4/2 — Now, th oxdew be decide the oad v Jee to dete ning thas mechawal toads ag Soitiad 1" [te dee Stos"e r oedby foote Vector cowwes pocding. do initial. stan {$3°= SUT Ee. A ify f We | neat bce > So total pat ential, ener eq mar be given Ma? ete 4 853° Kates - 153° 43° ss) me 2s 45] a es [a if ned Bak 2 AF fu. “ey riled (a) a =A (uy +4) Un a “ 1, = A br oe 44, eefiuaas asa > Bh ayo mee 37 AT 4) the toll pain onorg Sbiahad ie eet ee we Con have: a ation fe the. element 1 4 2M > BE (uy Ua a OU pm acl : > {06 al rani 4 ts i att lil élement level chaxaGesiaic eqyan: is given ba: anon. Ses the cee 2. AEdT ( e Ae oe aapees ta { te [ot TNO = {ye3 ee _,» Element level stiftness mabeix cotiderts mri bee actembled yo toom the Global shftness matxt- he rad she ere | ° -4L sf | — [kJ = Global stittness matrix foamed through assem BNA the element level aiffness matzix- ; _. The Final chasacten sic equation maybe csvitten as. 0 Ae 4 oe U 3 ‘ SAE Tt ] AE | ovh ad gelliie ese, gl cabo Tete Ld 5 Eee ales f AELT | -—- Substituting the essential bounda%4 fonditioo, 21, =9, e-Uz 2Ac |. ae ° — AEAT ee 4) ad Uz l= oO o -4) 4) fy AEAT = 24 = gap alia af aged [i Tae | Saving, 2U,- Hy = OF “Une toe AgAT XE 2 BAe Hy otc |e To Sethe datemcty Fed | dtu (1 2) es aro alee a Age) =(- ) at <= Shain th elemont 1 can be Caltalated ass 7 } fee etm AT 2 tT 2 ge ate a oy stadin th cloment 2 Can be ealeetated as: i cc dlistuaiss eS fe aint ae H 2& ye ha Ga ea ) ee oe 03 = oak or ) mal \ = TAT pdligd Ciel \\, meal, bel? ge X= cheat h-—- Now haere stress Pooduced eloment +: ww ® By tN, on ap ec thoamal. styess Produced iat 2 moe E eee aoe a (oo ar) a BERG x pI Example 4.5 Poore that an intenal stress eqpals to aileint “At wftbe devetoped ifthe end of the sod x=L {5 also Campd =. Dueto heatin fa et oe ny 3 ad el, Lempesoture T's ‘the > ans 3 i hei got 2 dendeny to a po ae get exparded dhysou 4 te if pe. Bae era pre ctoain nthe es =) LOnIia bax- f= #7 i ne y ny, > Quel Fixed fed ne Youndax anditions, adud). . sisal, produced. Mthe bos = £ = 0. : So. pycshess produced tnd be Bet: "7 £2 Prestoess th both they 7 Now tte toad vectoo & eee a 53°. -{ bi 4 ° ———— The clement level characterise equations mon be constituted as below + w 1 (Ces f iA FEATAT rt E elite, ae 1 sv io | = | CATA § a7 alemonk L£ and ac [4 En a 7 FEA TAL € |-f. sey oe ( | FATA f ce J sD ’ the Sustem level chanqcleristic eq” ™Y be Consituled us ‘ pe) See ae Css ) (-EATA ] = , z @ \ L se dh a W ee | 150, $74 = 4 ata ELTA t D 1 | | 2 } [ 4 JL) ss } EATA Bek eho Sub igi ] ss | Bethe. Bae | * a -1]246 [0 meres { |b .)eATA i LC ae —> Delamekon fod fog + Cith the clewem Oy =O, . = ere @ Enger em uc = 0- x’) I

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