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Safety, Reliability and Risk Analysis: Beyond the Horizon – Steenbergen et al.

© 2014 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-00123-7

Hierarchical Bayesian model for gas transmission network reliability

T. Iešmantas & R. Alzbutas

Lithuania Energy Institute, Kaunas, Lithuania

ABSTRACT: Gas transmission pipeline network is of great importance to any country using natural
gases in its various technological processes. However, the usefulness cannot overshadow the threat posed
to people and property by the grid failures. In order to quantify these risks, several widely recognized
pipeline incident databases have been established: OPS, EGIG, UKOPA, to name a few. Each database
contains data about pipelines operated in different geographical regions with varying soil types, under
different maintenance environments. In addition, definitions of incident vary across data samples. Hence,
direct integration or pool of data into one analysis and sample raises suspicions about the validity of
resulting inferences. The purpose of this paper is to move beyond the qualitative pipeline accident data-
base comparison and to draw guidelines for quantitative integration of all available statistical information
to improve reliability evaluation. We will review five natural gas transmission pipeline network accident
databases and develop a methodology based on hierarchical Bayesian model of pipeline reliability data
while taking into consideration varying incident criteria.

1  INTRODUCTION i.e. statistical information carried by one database

was not used to support information contained in
Gas transmission pipeline network is of great another. Qualitative comparisons like Papadakis’
importance to any country using natural gases in (2010) do not fill the gap as well. This is under-
its various technological processes. However, the standable since each database contains data about
usefulness cannot overshadow the threat posed to pipelines operated in remote geographical regions
people and property by failures in the system. The with varying soil types, under different data collec-
importance of recognizing such events has been tion criteria. Hence, direct integration of data into
already expressed in EU Council Directive 96/82/ one analysis and sample raises suspicions about
EC (for more on this see works by Papadakis et al. the validity of resulting inferences.
(1999) and Papadakis (2000)). Upon the gas leak- On the other hand, the data in one database
age event if ignited jet fire, flash fire or explosion are not completely different from the sample in
could be an outcome (Jo & Ahn, 2002). In addi- another database. No matter in which country it is
tion to this kind of risk, leakage of significant size operated, pipelines still bear some resemblance to
could lead to cascading events (Han and Weng, each other: coating, diameter, maximum pressure,
2010), i.e. loss of pressure and flow rate at the type of transported material, etc. Hence, the fail-
failed node or pipeline will lead to reduced param- ure rates are similar at some degree as well. Impor-
eters in other parts of the network, hence failing to tant question should be raised: how to extract that
achieved required performance measures. information arising out of similarity and use it to
In order to quantify these risks, several widely support inferences for another natural gas pipeline
recognized pipeline incident databases have been network reliability assessment?
established. Organizations that initiated these The purpose of this paper is to move beyond
databases are: US Department of Transporta- the qualitative pipeline accident database com-
tion Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety parison and to draw guidelines for a quantitative
Administration Office of Pipeline Safety (further integration of all available statistical information
OPS), European Gas pipeline Incident data Group to improve reliability evaluation. In Section 2, we
(EGIG), United Kingdom Onshore Pipeline Oper- will review four natural gas transmission pipeline
ators’ Association (UKOPA), Canadian National network accidents databases and describe the spe-
Energy Board (NEB). Even though these data- cificity of Lithuanian natural gas transmission
bases are quite extensive (some more than other), pipeline reliability data; section  3 is devoted for
its accident data seems to be never used together, development of methodology based on hierarchical

Bayesian model of pipeline reliability data when
taking into consideration various data collection
criteria; finally, all available statistical data in data-
bases will be jointly analyzed in order to improve
inferences as well as forecasts for Lithuanian trans-
mission network reliability.



Mostly used and cited international pipeline inci-

dents databases are as follows:
Figure  1.  Influence of collection criteria to incidents
• OPS (data from 1970 to 1990  in (Golub et al. frequency (OPS database).
2010), from 1991 to 2011  in PHMSA online
• EGIG (EGIG report, 2008);
• UKOPA (McConnell and Haswell, 2011);
• NEB (Michael Baker Jr., 2008).
However, these databases are not identical and
differ in covered time periods, incident criteria,
geographical location of pipeline networks, etc.
Main differences and similarities are summarized
in the following table.
As we can see, the data collection criteria highly
differ for OPS database—whole time series is
divided into three regions (Figure 1), which cannot
be analyzed as a one sample without taking into
consideration those differences.
Incident criteria can be though of as the basis Figure  2.  Incidents frequency change over time for
for screening out insignificant events or applying Lithuanian natural gas transmission network.
censoring procedure.
It is important to realize, that the data repre-
sented by these databases do not cover every coun- sion network might be questionable. On the other
try and the usage of it to analyze samples from hand, samples from small countries like the one
another, not covered by database, gas transmis- from Lithuanian gas pipeline network are not rep-
resentative enough and there is no other choice but
to use the international experience.
Table  1.  International pipeline databases: Similarities Regarding Lithuanian gas transmission pipeline
and differences. network, data are quite scattered due to relatively
short length of the pipelines and due to informa-
tion collection about accidents that resulted to gas
(Location) Incident criteria
explosions or fires. The criterion was changed in
OPS PHMSA (USA) 1970–1983: 2004 and since then all incidents resulting to gas
damage higher than 5000 $; leakage are recorded. To obtain more clear dem-
1984–2002: onstration and to avoid the profusion of zero
damage higher than 50000 $; frequencies we pooled incidents data as well as
2003–2012: pipeline lengths into 5-years bins (Figure 2).
damage higher than 50000 $; Current state-of-the-art situation of pipeline
leaks above 43000 m3. reliability analysis involves physical (cracking,
EGIG (Europe) All detectable unintentional degradation, etc.) analysis (stochastic/determin-
gas releases. istic) or statistical investigation. In the follow-
UKOPA (Great Britain) All detectable unintentional ing sections we confine ourselves to the second
gas releases.
option due to several reasons—scientific lit-
NEB (Canada) All detectable unintentional
gas releases; the death of or
erature covering physical analysis issues is quite
serious injury to a person. well developed and the statistical incidents
data aspects are left somewhat underrepresented.

The  usual approach is to concentrate on several pj is the probability of incidents under jth
(but possibly incorrectly calculated) main charac- criterion.
teristics like mean and variance and to conclude Since the information of how many accidents X tj
from these measures the overall state of pipeline have occurred under each criterion is not available
system reliability. to us, all that could be done is to model the pooled
sum ∑ C X tj = X t together with probability vector
p. From the properties of Poisson distribution
3  METHODOLOGY we easily conclude with a Criterion-Dependent-
­Poisson (CDP) model
3.1  Network reliability assessment considering
variation of incident criteria X t ~ Poisson ( Et Λ(t )) (4)
We present here the methodology of modelling
incidents count data, when the incident definition where Λ(t ) = λ (t )∑ C pi and the summation is
changes over time. This methodology is already over those probabilities that correspond to the
described in (Iešmantas and Alzbutas, 2013) and collection of criteria Ct. The general framework
we will just describe it quite roughly. Although we schematically can be represented as in flow-chart
will consider poissonian data, the methodology Figure 3.
can be extended to other distributions as well. Sup-
pose we have a number of incidents X over some 3.2  Accounting for database differences
time period ∆ when the length of pipeline system
is L and the exposure is E  =  ∆L. To make things In this section we will tackle a problem arising due
more transparent we assume that ∆ = 1 and drop to the differences of databases. Each database or
this variable from our further notation. We assume data sample represents different natural gas pipeline
that the rate of incidents at the age t is the function networks, controlled by different operators in dif-
of age and incident criteria at that time Ct, i.e. ferent environmental and social conditions. Hence,
one cannot expect homogeneity in failure data.
λ = λ (t; Ct ), (1) Especially the heterogeneity is pronounced in
the initial failure rates of each database sample.
where Ct might be a set of different criteria, which This raises a question: would it be appropriate to
we will assume to be mutually independent of each pool all data into one sample and further proceed
other and the occurrence of incidents can fall just reliability assessment while pretending we are ana-
in one of the categories defined by the set. In addi- lysing “virtual” network, which accurately repre-
tion, let C denote the set of all criteria used, so that sents international situation? That would be one
Ct  ⊆  C, ∀t. However, this is not entirely correct, possible (and easy) way to go. But without taking
because in reality an incident could satisfy more into account variability in data we would end up
than one criteria and model is just an approxima- with overly optimistic reliability boundaries, not
tion of the phenomena. to mention that estimates would hardly fit real
We assume that each data point Xt is a sum of situation when data varies a lot from one source
multinomial random variables—the number of to another.
incidents under each criteria out of overall number
of accidents follows multinomial distribution with
parameters p and Xt, where p = (p1,..., pK) and K is
the cardinality of C. More formally, if X t1,…, X tK
are number of incidents under each criteria, then
the distribution of vector of incidents (X t1,…, X tK )
conditional on ∑ X t is as follows:


(X t1, …, X tk ) | ∑ Xtj = Xt ~ Multinomial ( pt , Xt )


where p is the probability vector of incidents. The
unconditional distribution for each vector compo-
nent is then:

X tj | Pj , λ (t ) ~ Poisson Pj Et λ (t ) )
Figure  3.  Methodology of pipeline network reliability
model construction under different accident criteria.

In order to deal with this issue, we employ hier- 4  APPLICATION: JOINING PIPELINE
archical Bayesian model perspective, which can be INCIDENT DATABASES FOR ONE
represented as in Figure 4. ANALYSIS
The lowest level of the hierarchy represents data
and its stochastic behaviour expressed by some As presented at the beginning of the paper, we
parametric distribution. Data might be collected at have samples from OPS, EGIG, UKOPA, NEB
different pipeline networks or databases. It is then and Lithuania. Hence, overall there are 5 samples,
partially merged in the second level of hierarchy, which traditionally would not be analysed jointly,
where all samples share part of their information but our methodology resolves this issue. EGIG,
through within-source parameters θ i1 and θ i 2 called UKOPA and NEB could be regarded as very simi-
unobservable variables. lar data samples, since incident criteria are almost
Then this information is used to infer in the identical and no change of the incident criteria
third stage, or hyper-prior stage, about between- have ever occurred. Hence, criterion sets for each
source parameters φ. As showed, information goes these databases can be regarded as identical. OPS
up to the highest hierarchy level and its strength used 3 criteria and sample from Lithuania is based
deteriorates as it flows deeper and deeper. on two criteria. Therefore, in order to apply hier-
Our final addition to the methodology of pipe- archical method, we need to construct a set C of
line network reliability analysis is to use hierar- criteria.
chical  Bayesian modelling approach for the CDP Until 1983 accidents were recorded to OPS
model (Hierarchical CDP, or HCDP). To do if the damage were above 5000 $, or there were
this, we need to decide which parameters will be events with injuries or deaths. Then the criterion
treated as hierarchically dependent, and which were increased to 50000 $ in 1984 and finally addi-
should be estimated independently of the others. tional criterion were introduced in 2002—leakage
The most general case would be to put hierar- above 43000 m3. Accidents with deaths and inju-
chies on all parameters in the model; however, this ries were always recorded, so that we can discard
might be impossible to do for probability vectors it from our set of criteria, so that we are left with
p = ( p1, …, pK ), since different operators may 3 not mutually exclusive criteria. Hence, we form
employ some different criteria. the set
The hierarchical construction opens a possibil-
ity to not just investigate international pipeline
accident databases jointly and assess the variability C = {C 1( > 5000$),C 2 ( > 50000$),
of worlds’ pipeline grid reliability, but also to inves- C 1( > 50000$ or 43000 m3 )}.
tigate gas transmission grids not covered by any
of databases: if few data samples are available—­ None of the criteria are mutually exclusive and
hierarchical structure will strengthen the infer- following relations hold:
ences; if no statistical information is at hand
(newly deployed transmission network)—more
realistic reliability boundaries still can be obtain C 2 ⊂ C 1, C 3 ⊂ C 1, C 2 ⊂ C 3 .
from HCDP rather than just using one database
information. Due to this, we have that redefinition of C is
needed. However, it is not so trivial with C3, since
accident in this group might be of damage greater
than 50000 $ but with leakage less than 43000 m3
or vice versa. It may also happen that an accident
falls in both categories. This leads to following
redefinition of the set of accident criteria:

{ (
C ′ = C 1′ > 5000$, < 50000$, < 43000 m3 , )
C 2′
(> 5000$, < 50000$, > 43000 m ),

C 3′ (> 50000$, < 43000 m ),


C 4′ (> 50000$, > 43000 m )}


Figure  4.  Graphical representation of hierarchical where all criteria are mutually exclusive and the
Bayesian model (Iesmantas and Alzbutas, 2012). following expressions holds:

Here we made an assumption that λ (t; θ) has
C 1 = C 1′ ∪ C 2′ ∪ C 3′ ∪ C 4′;
two unknown parameters θ k = (θ1k ,θ 2k ) of which
C 2 = C 3′ ∪ C 4′; the first is positive, hence has lognormal distri-
bution, and the second is normally distributed.
C 1 = C 2′ ∪ C 3′ ∪ C 4′.
Normality and log-normality are assumptions
If we denote p′ = ( p1′, p 2′, p3′, p 4′) a probability and the sensitivity has not been investigated in
vector for C ′, then it is obvious, that vector for this paper. We admit this shortcoming, but think
3′ 4′ 2′ 3′ 4′
C will be p = (1, p + p , p + p + p ) or (since that it is a reasonable assumption in our setting.
∑ p = 1) p = (1, 1 − p − p , 1 − p ).
k′ 1′ 2′ 1′ We are particularly interested in how well our
It should be mentioned, that the last expres- hierarchical model covers all observed data and
sion of probability vector should be used to avoid how much including the international experience
identifiability problems. on the incidents in pipeline grids strengthens infer-
Next we will construct criterion sets for Lithuanian ences on Lithuanian gas network.
accident data sample. However, to avoid unnecessary The first issue, performance of our model with
profusion of notation, we will use the same letters regard to all data samples, is not easy to address.
C and p to denote sets and probability vectors—the Since the number of data samples is small, param-
reader should be able to still understand it clearly. eters θk form so called unobservable data sample
Since 2004, Lithuania collected information about which itself is small. Due to this reason the
incidence with gas leakage (denote it C 2), so until this uncertainties in second level hierarchy parameter
moment, previously used criterion forms a subset of estimates will be high, resulting to very broad cred-
C 2. If we denote the first criterion C 1 we have a rela- ibility intervals. Hence, the influence of the hyper-
tion C 1 ⊂ C 2. We transform C = (C 1,C 2) as follows: prior (Level III) distribution has to be investigated.
We will consider three prior distributions of the
C ′ = {C ′1 ( Explosion ), following forms:
C ′ 2 (Gas leakage without explosion)}. - π (µ, σ) ∝ 1 - uniform distribution;
1 2
Evidently, criteria C ′ and C ′ are mutually - π (µ, σ) ∝ σ -2 - Jeffrey’s prior;
exclusive and C 2 = C ′1 ∩ C ′ 2 C 1 = C ′1. This leads - π (µ, σ) ∝ σ -1 - invariant Haar measure.
to a probability vector p = ( p1′ , 1) for C. For the sake of consistency, we will consider
It is difficult to relate probability vectors for different the failure rate trend λ (t; θ) alone, i.e. when all
databases through hierarchical structure—the number incidents are observed. The influence of the prior
of components differs and the criteria themselves are distributions on the trend line is negligible—no sig-
not identical. In our case it would be possible, though nificant differences were observed, hence allowing
not entirely exact, to relate probability to observe inci- to conclude that even under small sample of unob-
dent under gas leakage criterion C 2 and probability to servables, the parameter estimates are very robust.
observe incident under criterion C 1 ( > 5000$ ) in OPS However, the impact is much more pronounced
dataset. However, this would be quite artificial and when we turn to the estimation of credibility inter-
would be true just approximately. Hence, we apply vals, as Figure 5 shows.
hierarchical structure only for parameters of trend The widest intervals are under the uniform
λ (t ) = λ (t;θ ) , which itself represents the criterion hyper-prior distribution, since it is the least inform-
under which all accidents are recorded. ative distribution. However, the bounds in this case
Mathematical representation of hierarchically are extremely wide (the figure is in log-scale) and
structured data is as follows: clearly unreasonable: any experienced expert would

Figure 5.  Comparison of the influence of hyper-prior

distribution on Bayesian credibility intervals.

discard such bounds as carrying no useful informa- 5  CONCLUSIONS
tion. Hence, we can say that by using such subjec-
tive judgement, we discard uniform hyper-prior Presented methodology allowed to join all pipe-
distribution from our further analysis and turn to line accident data sources without the necessity to
more informative ones. Upper bounds for Haar discard data under different criteria. Hierarchi-
measure and Jeffrey’s hyper-prior are still very high cal Bayesian method allowed taking into account
resulting to 107 and 26  incidents for 1000  km of differences between pipeline network deployed in
pipelines accordingly. We again use a subjective various locations of the world and Criteria-Based
judgement and select for our further analysis the Poisson model enabled to use data collected under
most informative prior out of three considered— different criteria. In addition we assessed the sen-
Jeffreys prior. This distribution represents most sitivity of hierarchical method to various priors
realistic situation of failure rates in pipeline net- on dispersion parameters, and based on subjective
works, because highest observed rate is 1.61  inci- decision selected one with best reflection of reality.
dence for 1000 km at OPS database, thus 107 would We showed how reliability forecasts are affected
be clearly too high even for the credibility bounds. by hierarchical and non-hierarchical models as well
We also observed a good coverage of the incident as the reduction of uncertainty in future reliability
frequencies plotted from all data samples. Hence, values when all data is taken into consideration.
the validity of our model is supported as well.
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