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Course Code:

Law Enforcement Administration 5

Course Title:

Fundamentals of Criminal Investigation

Course Description:

Crime is a major concern for many people. Indeed, for some it is

the major concern in their lives. Everyday people are forced to change their lives
because they were a victim of a crime or are fearful of becoming a victim. One means to
make life safer is to remove criminal offenders from the streets and place them in
confinement for some period of time. That is one of the major roles of the investigators.
These individuals used a wide variety of techniques to identify, arrest, and subsequently
assist in the prosecution of offender and to bring them (offender) to the bar of justice.


1. Help the students to pass their future Licensure Examination

2. To provide students with knowledge and information about the
nature of criminal investigation.
3. To let the students to have a better understanding about
criminal investigation.
4. To let the students know the ways and processes on how
criminal investigation is being conducted and an important tool
in solving a crime.

Credit Units:

Three (3)

Time Allotment:

Three (3) hrs/week


Four (4)

Course Topics

The course will cover the following topics:

MODULE I. Background of Information

I. The Nature of Criminal Investigation
II. The Birth of Criminal Investigation
III. Modes of Investigation
IV. Legal Aspect of Criminal Investigation
V. Nature and Role of Investigator

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VI. Distinction of Crime, Investigator and Investigation

MODULE II. The Criminal Investigator and Criminal Investigation

I. The Investigator
II. Trichotomy of Criminal Investigation
III. The Five Functions of Criminal Investigators
IV. The Golden Rules for Criminal Investigators
V. Basic Function of Investigators
VI. Qualities of Investigators
VII. Goals of Criminal Investigation
VIII. Phases of Criminal Investigation
IX. Elements of Criminal investigation as a Process
X. Modes of Criminal Investigation

MODULE III. Tools of Criminal Investigation

I. The Four I’s of Criminal Investigation
II. Identifying the Criminal

MODULE IV. Crime Scene Investigation and Crime Scene Processing

I. The Crime Scene
II. The Crime Scene Search
III. The Crime Scene Sketch
IV. Crime Reconstruction
V. Collection, Handling, Preservation of Physical Evidence

MODULE V. Criminal Investigation and the Law

I. The Apprehension Process
II. The Basic Doctrines in Criminal Jurisprudence
III. Rights of Persons under Criminal Investigation
IV. Legal Requirements of Custodial Investigation
V. Constitutional Rights of the Accused in Criminal Cases
VI. Arresting Suspects and Search and Seizure ( The Basics)
VII. Search and Seizure

Methods of Instruction/ Strategies:

Lecture – Demonstration
Individual Participation
Explanatory Method

Course Equipment:

Class Standing (CS)

Quiz 25%
Assignment 25%

Major Exam 50%

(midterm exam-50%)
(final exam -60%)

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