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HSE Management Plan

Document Title: HSE Management Plan Rev. No. 1

Prepared By: Engineering Manager Last update 09 September, 2013
Reviewed By: Operation Director Document No.
Approved By: President Company Name: Ain Azmer

Kurdistan Iraq- Erbil - Pank Village- Villa 120

(+964 750 560 9159)

Operation Director: Mohammed Ridha Ali,

HSE Management Plan:
List of Content:

Chapter 1:
Environment Management Plan (EMP):
List of Content:
1. Introduction
2. Purpose of the Environment management plan (EMP)
3. What the Environment management plan must be containing?
3.1. Environmental Supervision before Construction
3.2. Environmental Supervision during Construction
3.3. Supervision after Completion of Inspection
3.4. Summary
4. Check lists:
4.1. Mobilization and Construction Stage/ camp base :( Check list)
4.2. Damage and Interference (on Structure, Roads, and Other Property): (check list)
4.3. Access
4.4 Site Clearing (check list)
5. Responsibilities:
5.1 Client’s project environmental manager
5.2 Contractor’s project environmental manager:
5.3 Contractor’s site foreman.
List of Figures:

Fig.1 (EMP progress review)

Chapter 2:
Waste Management Plan:
List of Contain:
1.0 Introduction:
2.0 Scope.
3.0 Purpose.
4.0 Waste Management Criteria
5.0 Document Control
6.0 Responsibilities.
7.0 Definitions.
8.0 Waste Storage and destination Intentions
9.0 General Approach.
9.1. Solid Wastes
9.2 Liquid Wastes
9.3 Chemical-based Liquid Wastes.
9.4 Wastewater
9.5 Other.
10.0 Waste process collection:

11.0 Process of waste collections and transportations:
12.0 Destinies for the Wastes Martials:
13.0 Waste Matrix
14.0 Form A: Waste Materials Log
15.0 Form of Wastes Key performance indicators

Chapter 3:
Safety Management Plan:
Section 1: Policy Statement
Section 2: Responsibilities.
Section 3: Inspection
Section 4: Incident& Accident Reporting and Investigation
Section 5: Safety meeting
Section 6: Site safety rolls
Section 7: Training.
Section 8: First Aid & Policy.
Section 9: Emergency Preparedness program.

Chapter 1:
Environment Management Plan:
1. Introduction:
An Environmental Policy for the project will be developed by the Contractors senior
management team. The environmental policy, as defined by ISO 14001, is a statement by the
organization of its intentions and principles in relation to its overall environmental performance
which provides a framework for action and for the setting of its environmental objectives and
targets. It will be communicated to all employees and Sub-Contractors via site inductions and
tool box talks and will be displayed on various notice boards throughout the construction sites.
The policy should also be available to the public.
Environmental Impact Assessment has become an increasingly well-known environmental
management tool as a result of demands that is mounted on companies and industries to advance
upon their environmental performance. It is now a common tool in the developed nations and is
increasingly being functional in developing countries by overseas and local investors.
The EMP document can be used throughout the project life cycle – commissioning,
mobilization &construction, operation & maintenance and decommissioning. It is regularly
updated to be aligned with the project progress from commissioning to mobilization to
construction to operation to decommissioning.
EMP’s outline the environmental impacts, the mitigation measures, roles and responsibilities,
timescales and cost of mitigation. EMP is a practical and achievable plan of management to
ensure that any environmental impact during all the phases is minimized and lead in the direction
of sustainable development.
2. Purpose of the Environment management plan (EMP):
Encourage good management practices through planning and commitment to environmental
issues concerning any project;
 It tells how the management of the environment is reported and performance evaluated
 To provide rational and practical environmental guidelines that will assist in minimizing
the potential environmental impact of activities;
 Helps in minimizing disturbance to the environment (physical, biological and ecological,
socioeconomic, cultural, and archaeological,).
 Combat all forms of pollution through monitoring air, noise, land, water, waste, and
energy and natural resources.
 Protection of sensitive and endangered flora and fauna;
 Prevent land degradation;
 Comply and adhere to all applicable laws, regulations, standards and guidelines for the
protection of the environment;
 Adopt best practicable waste management for all types of waste (liquid and solid) with
objective on prevention, minimization, recycling, treatment or disposal of wastes;
 Describe all monitoring procedures required to identify impacts on the environment;
 Train and bring awareness to employees and contractors with regard to environmental
obligations and compliance.
 Reduce environmental risk and provide better Health, Safety and Environment
 Increase efficiency through minimum consumption and conservation of energy deplete-
able resources
 Provides with a plan answering - what, where, when, how and who?
 Establishing the reporting system to be undertaken during the construction.
 The EMP also serves to highlight specific requirements that will be monitored during the
development and should the environmental impacts not have been satisfactorily
prevented or mitigated, corrective action will have to be taken.
3. What the Environment management plan must be containing?
EMP shall be including the following items:
1) Plan - Planning, including identifying environmental impacts and establishing
environmental goals.
2) Do - Implementing, including employee training and establishing operational controls.
3) Check - Checking, including auditing, monitoring and taking corrective action.
4) Act - Reviewing, including progress reviews and taking action to make needed changes.

As per the Fig.1 (EMP progress review) below:


Act Do


3.1. Environmental Supervision before Construction

Review of pollution prevention proposal: according to the process design of a specific project,
“three waste” (waste water, waste gas, and solid waste) discharge link during the construction
workmanship shall be reviewed. The advancement of treatment technology and feasibility of the
treatment measures, which are adopted during the discharge of major pollutant and design, shall
also be reviewed.
Before the project, the final method of disposal and source of the pollutant shall be planned
and implemented specifically after reporting the responsible department of the environmental
protection as per the regulations and treatment requirements of the related document. Review of
environmental protection clause in the Construction Contract: construction contractor must abide
by related requirements of environmental protection which shall be reflected in the construction
contract in the way of specific clause.

During the process of construction, strengthen supervision, inspection, and monitoring to
reduce the pollution effect on the environment during the construction period, and carry out
review on the level of civilized construction quality of the construction unit as well as
construction environmental management.
3.2. Environmental Supervision during Construction:
AIN AZMER will conduct daily on-site supervision, e.g. whether the construction is carried
out as per clauses of the environmental protection and EMP, and whether the clauses are changed
without approval; whether the environmental protection requirement is satisfied during the
construction process by monitoring whether construction work is in line with the environmental
protection standard, and whether it is carried out as per the design requirements of the
environmental protection; whether each environmental protection measure (which can guarantee
the environmental protection requirements) is implemented during the construction process.
The main contents are:
1) Supervise water and soil loss caused by the major works and the temporary works.
Inspect whether the facilities of water and soil conservation measure up to the
requirement of design and whether soils obtained and dumped as per the procedure and
location; as a key point, it shall be supervised that the waste soil and stone during
construction are not dumped to the side slope of the mountain in order not to spoil the
2) Environmental supervision of industrial and domestic wastewater disposal: Supervise the
source of the industrial and domestic wastewater, discharge amount and water quality
index, construction progress of the disposal facilities, as well as the disposal result.
Inspect and supervise whether it measures up to the approved requirement of discharge.
3) Environmental supervision of atmospheric pollution: atmospheric pollution in the work
area mainly comes from the exhaust gas and dust produced during the construction and
production process. For the source of pollution, discharge is required to be done when it
measures up to the standard. The specified environmental quality standard shall be met in
the work area and the area under its impact measure up to relevant standard.
4) Environmental supervision of noise control: In order to prevent the damage from sources
of noise or vibration, it shall be prevented as per the design requirements. In particular,
for the blast work, it is required that the noise environment quality in the work area and
the area under its impact measure up to the relevant standard.
5) Environmental supervision of solid waste disposal: solid waste disposal include
industrial, domestic trash disposal and industrial slag disposal. It is required to ensure that
the site is clean and tidy.
6) Environmental supervision of the wildlife: Prevent the impact of water and soil loss.
Control the construction as per the regulations of vegetation protection, especially the
implementation of the measures of protection and relocation of the ancient trees, as well
as separation of the rare animals.
7) Environmental supervision of people’s health: Ensure safety and reliability of the
domestic drinking water, prevent infectious disease, and provide necessary welfare and
8) Supervision of construction and installation of the environmental protection facilities:
supervise construction of the facilities of sewage treatment, acoustic protective screen
and green work.

3.3. Supervision after Completion of Inspection:

1. Assist the Owner in the organization of final acceptance of construction.
2. Prepare the final report for the environmental supervision of the project.

3.4. Summary:
The developed EMP addresses the environmental impacts during the design, construction and
operational phases of the project. EMP outlines the key environmental management and
safeguards that will be initiated by the project proponent to manage the project’s key
environmental concerns. Environmental Management Plan (EMP) is the mechanism to ensure
that environmental considerations are integrated into the project survey and design, contract
documents and project supervision and monitoring. These are tools for mitigating or offsetting
the potential adverse environmental impacts resulting from various activities of the project.
The EMP prepared consists mainly of mitigation measure, monitoring plan and
The EMP should consist of cost estimates for monitoring program, equipment procurement,
manpower, transportation, office cost, studies, reporting, stationeries, etc.

4. Check lists:
4.1. Mobilization and Construction Stage/ camp base :( Check list)

No. Question Yes No

1) Has the location been approved by the local authority?
2) Are the workers camps being kept clean and tidy for aesthetic
and hygienic purposes?
3) Have the basic utilities and amenities been provided?

Correction Action:

Checked by: Approved by:

Name: Name:

Title: Title:
Date: Date:

4.2. Damage and Interference (on Structure, Roads, and Other Property): (check list)
Project name/ Location:
No. Question Yes No
1) Have all precautions been taken to avoid damages and
interference (other than to the extent
that is necessary for them to be removed or diverted to permit
the execution of the works) to:
(a) Drainage systems? (b) Utilities? And (c) Structures, roads
or other property?
2) Has written permission been obtained prior to any excavation
or performance of any other
Work directly or indirectly affecting any utility (underground,
overhead or on the surface)?
3) Has appropriate remedial action been taken for any damage to
structures, roads or other

Correction action:

Checked by: Approved by:

Name: Name:
Title: Title:
Date: Date:

4.3. Access:
Project name/ Location:

No. Question Yes No

1) Has the arrangements for the alternative access been agreed by
the relevant Authorities if any?
2) (Are the permanent accesses reinstated as soon as practicable
after work is completed and the alternative access removed
immediately if it is no longer required, and the ground surfaces
properly reinstated?
3) Are all necessary precautions been taken to protect structures
or works being carried out bothers adjacent to and, for the time
being, within the site from the effects of vibrations,
undermining and any other earth movements, or the diversion
of water flow arising from the work?

Correction action:

Checked by: Approved by:

Name: Name:
Title: Title:
Date: Date:

4.4 Site Clearing (check list):
To incorporate disposal of waste material:
No. Question Yes No
1) Demobilization:
Upon completion of all contract works, are all areas of the project,
including the contractor's
Working areas cleared from all construction debris, waste, surplus
material, and rubbish?
2) Site Clearing and Disposal of Waste Material:
1. Have all debris; spoil material, rubbish and other waste being
cleared regularly from the site?
2. Is the disposal site for dumping of the waste material approved by
the local authorities?
3. Is the access to the work sites free of all debris, waste and excavated
material and other obstructions?
4. Are the waste oil and other scheduled wastes being handled and
disposed according to procedures for scheduled wastes?

3) Transportation of Construction Materials and Construction

1. Are the transportation routes being determined and approved by the
2. Are the loads of the lorries properly covered to avoid spillage?
3. Are mud and debris deposited on the roads cleaned?
4. Is there facility provided to clean the wheels before leaving the
construction sites?
5. If there is any damage to the roads, public and private properties,
has action been taken to repair the damage?
6. Is speed limit observed, especially near residential areas?
4) Socio-economic:
1. Has the contractor given the employment and sub-contracting jobs
priority to the local People?
5) Safety:
1. Have the contractors ensured that all workers understand and
comply with the standard safety procedures for handling heavy
machinery, vehicles and equipment?
2. Is there a safety officer to oversee that the overall safety compliance
has been adhered to?
3. Are first aid facilities available at all times at the construction site?
4. Is there available immediate transportation to hospital for medical
treatment, if required?
Checked by: Approved by:
Name: Name:
Title: Title:
Date: Date:

5. Responsibilities:
5.1Client’s project environmental manager
The Client’s Environmental Manager would be responsible for monitoring the performance of
the project
Against statutory requirements and the agreed objectives and targets. Duties would include:
 Review and approve the EMP, prepared by the contractor, and specialist procedures and
identify any areas for improvement.
 Identify the environmental competence of all contractors (and sub-contractors) working on
the project.
 Review method statements for environmental aspects and advise of any suggested
improvements prior to work starting.
 monitor construction activities to ensure that identified and appropriate control measures are
effective and in compliance with the CEMP
 Act as a main point of contact between the contractor and the client’s project team on
environmental issues.

5.2 Contractor’s project environmental manager:

The project environmental manager would be responsible for coordinating and managing all
the environmental activities during the construction phase. The project environmental manager
would carry out the following duties:
 Develop and review the CEMP, Construction Method Statements, work instructions
other specialist procedures.
 Identify environmental competence requirements for all staff working on the project
and ensure delivery of environmental training to personnel within the project team.
 Review and improve method statements for environmental aspects prior to work
 Monitor construction activities performance to ensure that identified and appropriate
control measures are effective and ensure compliance with the EMP.
 Act as main point of contact between the regulatory authorities and the project on
environmental issues.
 In conjunction with the site environmental representatives, overall monitoring of the
program forth environmental works, and provision of status reports as necessary.
 Provision of advice and liaison with the construction teams to ensure that
environmental risks are identified and appropriate controls are developed and
included within method statements.
 Assistance in the development and delivery of environmental training for site
personnel and sub-contractors.
 Liaison with the client's environmental manager.
 Liaison with the project’s public liaison officer.
 Management of the environmental monitoring program, including noise, vibration and
dust and review of the routine reports.
 Environmental audit of subcontractors and suppliers.
Contractor’s site environmental representative:

The site environmental representative would report to the project environmental manager and
would be directly
Involved in managing and coordinating environmental activities on-site. These would include:

 Assist environmental manager in developing and maintaining the environment
management plan, management system, work instruction, is and various registers
and checklists.
 Monitor construction activities to ensure that identified and appropriate control
measures are effective and in compliance with the EMP.
 Undertake weekly site inspections, initiate actions, and complete a weekly
environmental inspection report.
 Maintain training register, identify training needs and provide training where
 Provide advice and assistance to site personnel on environmental matters.
 Assist site foreman in maintaining environmental records.
 Assist in investigating and resolving complaints.
 Undertake monitoring when required.
 Ensure correct procedures are followed in the event of an environmental incident.
 Dissemination of waste reduction and waste management procedures to all
relevant personnel on site.
5.3 Contractor’s site foreman:
The foreman will report on environmental activities to the site environmental representative
and will be responsible for the following:
 Implement and maintain environmental controls on site
 Attend to any spills or environmental incident that may occur on site
 Report any activity that has resulted, or has the potential to result, in an
environmental incident immediately to the site environmental
representative/environmental manager.
 Complete daily environmental log.
 Maintain waste register and ensure correct waste management procedures are
being implemented

Chapter 2:
Waste Management Plan:
1. Introduction:
This sub plan contains environmental management objectives, mitigation measures,
monitoring and reporting requirements relating to waste management and reuse. This sub
plan has been prepared by AIN AZMER Company from the Review of Environmental
Factors& waste sources.
This plan identifies general mitigation measures required along the length of the
projects in order to reduce the generation of waste and implement a waste reduction and
reuse culture on all components of the project. Waste management will focus on the
training of project personnel through various site inductions and toolbox talks. This will
be undertaken through proactive implementation of appropriate management and
mitigation measures accompanied by awareness and accurate monitoring practices
throughout construction.
2. Scope:
The scope of the Waste Management Guideline (WMG) is to provide the general guides to
the minimum expectations as laid out.

3. Purpose:
To define the requirements for managing and controlling waste generated by any activity.

4. Waste Management Criteria

The Company personals shall undertake the works in a manner which aims to:
 Avoid unnecessary creation of waste.
 Reduce waste where possible.
 Reuse materials where possible
 Recycle materials.
The above is outlined in the Resource Management Hierarchy included in the Waste
Avoidance and Resource Recovery. Disposal is a last resort. Any materials which cannot be
reused or recycled will be taken to a waste disposal facility approved to receive that type of
The Company shall not cause permit, or allow any waste generated outside the site to
be received at the site for storage, treatment, processing, reprocessing or disposal on the site
except as expressly permitted.
The management of waste on site is to be in accordance with the applicable law in

5.0 Document Control

5.1 This HSE procedure is a controlled document as required by the HSE standards and issued
in accordance with the general health and safety requirements.

5.2 Revisions of this document will be issued when the main text changes or when an appendix
is added in accordance with that general procedure. Revised appendices for substitution will
be issued separately and, where appropriate, will include a separate schedule of contents.

6.0 Responsibilities:

6.1 The Safety Manager/Adviser in the working site are responsible for the overall
implementation of this procedure. Specific responsibilities have been assigned to other
personnel as described below.

6.2 All employees and subcontractors shall conduct their activities in line with the
Company’s environmental policy contained in the HSE Standard as a part of environment
management system.

6.3 The Safety Manager/Adviser/Supervisor shall put in place suitable arrangements to

ensure the proper consignment and disposal of waste materials. These shall include:
 Adequate drainage and sewerage facilities designed and installed in accordance
with project or standard specifications.
 Siting and provision of temporary soak pits in appropriate locations.
 Siting and provision of concrete wash areas and disposal area.
 Identification of disposal pits for uncontaminated materials such as spoil.
 Appointment of a site services contractor for the removal of hazardous and solid
wastes to existing incineration and landfill areas.

 Daily monitoring of site, yard or vessel conditions to ensure that any remedial
actions are implemented.

6.4 The Safety Manager/Adviser/ Supervisor shall satisfy himself that waste material
removed from the project, facilities yard is reaching the landfill area or incineration
facility and is not being tipped in an unauthorised manner or causing environmental

6.5 The Camp Boss/Supervisor, Senior Engineers and Medical Staff, as applicable, will
maintain a register for logging all waste materials removed from site by using the form of
waste materials as it is shown in appendix A.

6.6 Our subcontractors, including their subcontractors, are wholly responsible for ensuring
that the arrangements in place on a project are being followed and adhered to. They will

 Assign responsibility within their organisation for the control and elimination of
waste material.
 Monitor and maintain an audit process of the arrangements in place for
controlling waste management.

7. Definitions:
 Disposal: The discharge, deposit, injection, solid or hazardous waste into or on
any land or water so that the solid or hazardous waste or any constituent may
enter the environment.

 Generator: Any person, by site, whose act or process produces hazardous waste
identified or whose act first causes a hazardous waste to become subject to regular
soil contaminated with a hazardous substance causes the contaminated soil.
A solid waste, or combination of solid wastes, which because of its quantities
characteristics may either cause, or significantly contribute to, an increase in
mortality or an increase in serious irreversible or incapacitating reversible illness;
or pose a substantial present or potential hazard to human health or the
environment when improperly treated, stored, aged, Generator.

 Storage: When used in connection with hazardous waste, means the containment
of hazardous waste, either on a temporary basis or for a period of years, in such a
manner as not to constitute disposal of such hazardous waste.

 Aqueous waste: All untreated effluent such as sewage, detergent and other
contaminated water.

 Hazardous waste: Includes chemical waste either liquid or solid that may present
a risk of personal injury or adverse impact on the environment, including oils,
grease and other hydrocarbon-based materials.

 Solid Waste: Includes domestic waste, concrete, soil, redundant scrap etc.

8. Waste Storage and Destination Intentions
Waste and materials generated by construction activities will be reused on site where
possible. Waste (including soil/rock and fill) generated by construction works will be
stockpiled on site for future reuse where practicable.
To the extent possible, material such as concrete, steel, glass and timber will be
recycled. These items will be sorted, collected and taken to an appropriate recycling
Vegetation which is required to be cleared where practical will be chipped, mulched
and reused for site rehabilitation. These waste materials will be removed from site by a
licensed contractor and disposed of at an approved waste management facility. The
closest licensed waste management facility (accepting general Solid Waste, asbestos,
and waste tires) is Button Derry Waste Management Facility, Where necessary,
disposal of waste will be conducted in accordance with the applicable laws in
The Items below describe the management of waste in relation to handling, storage,
reuse and final destinations.

 Rocks: It will be stockpiled temporarily in the vicinity of its source, prior to

being reused.
 Top soil: It will be stockpiled and will then be reused on site.
 Green Waste: It will be stockpiled on site in its source and will be reused where
 Waste Concrete: It will be stockpiled in a determined waste stockpile area for
reused or recycling.
 Metals: It will be stockpiled on site within the compound locations and taken to
the recycling.
 Hydrocarbons: It must be kept in a bounded area within the compound
locations and taken to a waste facility licensed to accept that type of waste.
 Sanitary Waste: Waste from amenities will be stored in appropriate storage
tanks prior to being pumped out by licensed contractor and disposed of at a
licensed facility.
 General Waste: It will be stored in skip bins or wheelie bins on site for
transport and disposal by a licensed contractor.
9. General Approach:
The general approach for waste management during Project construction is to:

 Follow a systematic program that applies the waste management hierarchy to

reasonably minimize wastes requiring disposal. This program shall include
monitoring equipment performance and regular scheduled maintenance programs
to provide optimum performance and minimize waste generation.
 Manage waste on-site: Transfer of Project waste (including material for recycling
and wastewater) to third party facilities shall be avoided and shall be considered
only as an interim measure on an exception basis. Where it is necessary to utilize
a third party facility, an audit shall be undertaken of that facility and it may only
be utilized following submission of a satisfactory audit report to Company and
with Company’s prior written approval.
 Establish facilities and procedures appropriate to prudently manage wastes
requiring disposal on-site in accordance with applicable standards dumping,

spilling, leaking, or placing of any waste materials. For example, an action such
as unearthing Hazardous Wasted, concentration, or physical, chemical, and

9.1. Solid Wastes

Solid wastes will be managed pursuant as follows:

 Segregation by classification (restricted/non-restricted)

 Labelling, storage, containerization, and conveyance to facilitate designated
treatment and ultimate disposal.
 Volume reduction (shredding, compaction, etc.)
 Incineration for combustible wastes
 Spoils area for clearing & grubbing material
 Engineered landfill for non-combustible waste and treatment residues.

9.2 Liquid Wastes

1) Hydrocarbon-based Liquid Wastes:
Hydrocarbon-based liquid wastes will be managed as follows:
a. Collection in designated containers and / or purpose built facilities
b. Classification and labelling as restricted waste
c. Containerization and temporary storage in a manner that minimizes potential for
2) uncontrolled release to the environment
a. Conveyance to storage and/or disposal locations in a manner that minimizes.
3) potential for uncontrolled release to the environment
a. Volume reduction through routing and treatment in an oil-water separator
b. Incineration
c. Recycling/reuse where practicable.

9.3 Chemical-based Liquid Wastes:

Chemical-based liquid wastes will be managed as follows:

 Identification of the material and establishment of clear understanding of the

specific handling properties of the waste.
 Where the waste is unknown, undertake sampling and testing of the waste to
obtain data for use in classifying the waste.
 Collection in designated containers, and attachment of a copy of the Material
Safety Data Sheet
 Classification and labelling as restricted waste
 Containerization and temporary storage requirements, and that minimize
potential for uncontrolled release to the environment.

Conveyance to storage and/or disposal locations in a manner that minimize potential for
uncontrolled release to the environment by:

 Return to product supplier where possible and practicable

 Volume reduction and recycling by combining with waste hydrocarbon stream

 (Generally only solvents and glycol-based products).

9.4 Wastewater
Wastewater will be managed as follows:
 Liquid effluent collection via a system of drains segregated by flow source.
 Hydrostatic test water will be disposed in a manner that minimizes the impact on
environment, as detailed in Company’s Hydro test Management Plan.
 Routing and treatment through wastewater treatment units and retention pond. All
wastewater units associated with temporary construction activity will generally
also be temporary. All wastewater treatment should be accomplished in
above grade
Packaged plant type units. Ponds (any land-based units) may only be used for
treated effluent or uncontaminated storm water retention and their use is
discouraged due to malaria risk.
 Effluent discharge monitoring for compliance with discharge limits established
via the Project Environment Permit pursuant to applicable effluent guidelines.
 Waste sludge shall be incinerated after dewatering as much as practicable.
9.5 Other:
Any other type of waste including class, black water, sewage water, will be
treated and process as per the Waste Matrix table below which are details the
waste type, state, actions, process, PPE requirements, and safety conditions.
10. Waste process collection:
 All the waste generated from the kitchens will be collect in several packages each
for each type in separate.
 All the waste water, bathrooms will be transfers by suitable piping system inside
the camp to a buried tank with 30cubic meter in volume and it will vacuuming by
the licenses vehicle to the disposal area approved by the Government in
 All the hydrocarbons including waste oil from engines, waste hydraulic, waste
fuel…etc. Will be collecting in suitable barrels and transfers to the approved
recycling locations.
 All the solid waste chemicals will be transfers to the approved recycling locations.
 All the batteries will be transfers will be transfers to the approved recycling
 All the plastics waste will be transfers to the approved recycling locations.
 All the waste generated form the offices, bed rooms, and any other personal
wastes materials as PPE, filters …etc. will be transfers to the approved recycling
location after the separation by type in different packages.
 The waste packages, collections materials will be provided from the local areas
which are normally used in this country.
 Suitable sizes of barrels will be available in the site to be used for collection of the
waste hydrocarbons and waste oil.
 Suitable containers will be available in the kitchen for waste collections attached
with plastic packages.
 Suitable wastepaper basket will be available in each of the offices, bed rooms,
restaurants and bathrooms.

 All the waste chemicals will be transfers as per the instructions in the AIN
AZMER HSE manual.

11. Process of waste collections and transportations:

A. Responsibilities:
Each person in the working team including all the supporting teams, personals,
subcontractors' staff, guards, drivers, operators, managers and any other person
authorized to be available in the work area are responsible to keep the working
area including the camps facilities clean and complying with health requirements.
B. Duties:
The waste materials in the restaurant, kitchens are part of the scope of work for
the cooking and their assistants to be collected in suitable packages and be ready
for the shipment to the approved destines as per the applicable procedures.

C. The cleaning teams are responsible for collecting the waste from the offices,
rooms, bathrooms and transported to the approved area as per the advice of the
Safety officer to be ready for transportation to the final destines.
D. The mechanical supervisor and the machines operators are responsible for
collecting the waste oils from the machines and put it in suitable barrels and move
it in safe to the collecting area as per the advice the safety officer.
E. The mechanical supervisor is responsible to collect all the waste batteries from the
machines to the collection area to be ready for shipment.
F. All the waste chemicals will be collecting under the direct supervision of the
Safety officer.
G. The Safety assistance is responsible for preparing the waste form as it is shown in
the appendix A and reporting to the safety officer.
H. The Safety assistance will be responsible for the daily check of all the area to be
sure that the collections of the waste materials are in correct and in acceptable
I. The Safety officer and his assistance are responsible to inform the HSE manager
about any events not complying the health, safety, environments requirements and
the HSE manager is responsible to take the required action in time for correction.

12. Destinies for the Wastes Martials:

A. Batteries (all types), All cupper materials including electrical cables and
The final destination for the above waste materials will be to the following
address below for recycling as per the applicable procedures in the country:
Erbil-Koran-Media Center (Licensed by the Government)
Mr. Rajab Ali Muhammad
+ (964) (0) 750 456 5075

B. All types of waste oil for machines & engines and all the hydraulic fluids,
transformers oil, and the Hydrocarbons liquids will be forward to the following
address below for the recycling as per the applicable procedures in this country:
Mr. Emam Abu baker Omar (Licensed by the Government)
+964 (0) 750 445 4529

C. All the Iron waste materials including pipes will be forward to the following
factory address:
Address: Iraq Erbil Guwer Road 18th KM
Tel (1) : (00 964) 66 256 18 18
Tel (2) : (00 964) 66 256 19 19

D. All the other types of waste will be transfers to the following address:
Duhok-Zakho road-Kashy-Recycling factory.
Mobile: +964 (0) 750 4231674

E. All the Waste water including bathrooms, toilet…etc. will be transfers to the
approved area in Duhok which is in the below details:
The location is in between BADRIK and FAYDA and for exact location the
following address is available for any more information:
And below is some more details how to contact them for any information you
need The location:
Governorate of Duhok
Barzan Street
Web site is:
Phone numbers:
+964 062 722 0898
+964 062 722 1549
+964 062 722 8421

F. All the waste hydraulic oil, waste transformers oil will be transported to the
following address below:
BOGHOS CO. (for production and repair of electrical transformers)
+964 (0) 750 426 6653

Chapter 3:
Safety Management Plan:
Section 1:
Policy Statement:
To our employees:
It is the policy of (Ain Azmer company) to achieve the greatest practical freedom from
accidents and to ensure that every employee is provided safe and healthful working conditions
free from recognized hazards. We have instituted a loss control program which, with your help,
will succeed in providing safe, healthful and pleasant working conditions. Everyone stands to
benefit. Everyone stands to gain. The cooperation of all members in our organization is expected.
The results will be worth this effort.
Industrial injuries are always costly to the individual worker and often disastrous to
his/her future and the security of their family. They are also costly to the company, both in direct
financial burdens and in the reduction of efficiency. It is the firm and continuing policy of
management that industrial accidents shall be reduced or eliminated by every reasonable
precaution and aggressive promotion of safe practices. Every employee has an important place in
the safety program and is expected to cooperate fully.
Everyone must always keep in his mind that is our priority in any project is to send
back every one to his home in safe after the work is done.

Signed by:
Ain Azmer Company

Section 2:
The prime responsibility of HSE Manager is to ensure that the HSE plan remains
up to date at all time. To accomplish this following shall apply:
 Ensuring that all government Laws. Ordinances concerning industrial & work sit
safety and health are incorporated in the HSE manual.
 Securing necessary assistances from outside agencies on matters pertaining to
safety, health and environmental issues.
 To ensure that proper approved Personal Protective Equipment are issued to
 Ensuring that suitable Emergency Response Plan is available.
 To coordinate and conduct regular HSE meetings.
 To organize safety Incentive Scheme.
 Contribute to development of new techniques and standards;
 Design and structure in HSE program implementation.
 Direct and guide employees based on general policies and management guidance
and provide interpretation of compliance requirements.
 Develop processes that require innovation and creativity.
 Work without appreciable direction; utilize latitude in determining
objectives and approaches to assignments.
 Manage HSE Program for multiple offices and project locations within a region.
Frequent travel to offices and projects throughout the area of responsibility is
required, both scheduled and unscheduled.
 Ensure adequate staffing and training of HSE resources to support project and
office needs.
 Interface with project and operations management, sales, clients, and relevant
government agencies.
 Coordinates and leads the return to work program in conjunction with the
operations manager.
 Manage, monitor and ensure operation managers are meeting requirements
of the fleet safety fitness certificate.
 Actively participates in customer safety programs.
 Knowledge of HSE policies, procedures and management system.
 Working knowledge of auditing processes and protocols.
 Proficient in computer based systems and software.
 Knowledge of Health & Safety & Environmental Legislation and Regulations.
 Knowledge of corporate incident reporting requirements.
 Knowledge of industry associations, affiliations and other resources.
 Knowledge of industry standards and work practices.
 3+ years of HSE experience including supervising HSE professionals at a site-
specific level and managing multiple projects.
 Industry experience.
 Post-secondary certification; or advanced technical training in a related field; or
equivalent education and experience.
B. Managers and Supervisors:

Management and supervisory personnel have responsibility for planning, leading,
organizing and controlling field activities within a designated area and must
ensure that HSE Best Practices associated with work activities are considered and
complied with.
Management and supervisory personnel are responsible to:
 Be familiar with this AIN AZMERHSE Manual and integrate the requirements of
applicable practices into all work activities carried out by employees and
contractors under their control.
 Monitor compliance to applicable best practices and immediately inform
Employees or contractor management of any violation of these practices.
 Stop work immediately if any violation of these practices results in a situation that
presents an immediate danger to human life, the environment or property;
 Ensure HSE Practices are communicated to employees and contractors under
Their direction.
C. HSE& Safety officers Personnel:
HSE& Safety professionals are responsible for supporting AIN AZMER Company
business units and contractors with the implementation of these HSE Practices.
They will:
 Encourage the integration of HSE Practices as an integral part of performing
 Measure the competency of employees and contractors against the HSE Practices
and recommend areas for improvement.
 Maintain this AIN AZMERHSE Manual as changes to government regulations,
requirements and/or industry best practices occur.
 Assisting the HSE manager on all HSE aspects.
 To conduct safety briefing and safety visa scheme.
 To monitor that safe working conditions are maintained for all employees
working job site.
 To ensure that good housekeeping in all areas of work site.
 Assisting the HSE manager in maintaining HSE records and submitting reports to
HSE manager when necessary.
D. Employees/Workers:
This HSE plan has been develop to protect the interest of everyone involved in any
project including the workers. Each Worker is responsible for safely carrying out work.
They are committed to the following requirements:
 Integrate HSE Practices into all activities; exercise necessary steps to protect the
health and safety of self and others.
 Comply with all applicable requirements outlined in this HSE Manual
 Provide feedback on the effectiveness of HSE Practices and suggest
 To obey all safety rules and regulation, to protect himself and his coworkers from
 To immediately report all accident or near miss to his supervisor.
 To seek first aids for all injuries however slight it maybe.
 To immediately report all unsafe condition to the supervisor.
 To seek advice from his superior when not sure of the safe way to do a jobs.
E. Foreman:

Foreman shall play the important role of HSE issues. Therefore it is a responsibility to
him and his workers to work safely at all time. He is accordingly committed to the following
requirements of this HSE plan:

 To ensure that the workers conform to the relevant section of safety rules and
regulations of this manual.
 To supply his workers with appropriate approved PPE for the work they are
 To attend safety meetings.
 To rectify all unsafe conditions that is within his area of responsibility.
 To participate in Emergency Respond Plan Training and to be part of Emergency
F. Machines operators:
Ain Azmer has created a special system to ensure that all machine operators are
qualified for their jobs as per type the equipment; also operators have to complete training
courses which are different from one machine to another. An operator must pass the test
requirements for his specific job in additional to the certificates which will be awarded to
him and shall be valid for six months. It must be renewed under specific conditions taking
into consideration his service history.
The machine operators are committed to the following requirements:
 To be sure they have the ability to work together when several are doing different
parts of the job.
 To be sure they have enough and sufficient knowledge in their job titles.
 To be sure that each one of them received sufficient training about how to do the
work as required.
 Each Worker is responsible for safely carrying out work.
 To be sure that the operator have sufficient information about the primary
 To be sure that the operator is fit for his job.
The other responsibilities are mentioned in the (Self inspection System Document)
Section 3: Inspection:
A. Self-inspection system:
Please refer to the attachment T9 (Self inspection System) for all the details.
B. Inspection before the Mobilizations:
All the required inspection for all the equipments must be carried before the
mobilizations to be sure it is fit for the work, it is in good working conditions, it is
free any type of leak, and it is including all the primary safety requirements including
but not limited to:
 Rear and front horn.
 Safety sit belt.
 All lights are working without any type of damages.
 Firefighting equipments must be in valid date for use and it is in the correct
 All the gauges are working with no problems.
 The engine is working smoothly.
 The body is free from any damages.

 The front glass is acceptable and providing sufficient and clear vision.
 The tires is in good conditions (Check the chain conditions).
 The spear tier is in place and ready to use at any time.
 All the other Primary maintenance tools are in place including the safety red
 The drivers has licensed and fit for his job.
 All the Official documents related to the equipment are with the driver or
Any additional point of inspection can be added during the inspection process by
the safety officer.
C. Inspection for the working team personnel:
 All the working team personnel must be qualified and they are fit for their jobs.
 They are in good working health.
 All of them must be over 18 year's age.
 All of them are got the required primary training related to the working site
including clear information about the working area boundaries and all of them be
informed about the expected hazardous in the working area (including mines,
snow, slippery, animals, Assembly points locations....etc).
D. Temporary facilities:
All the types of temporary facilities must be inspected before using by the working
teams in the working area and it must suitable for life support including but not
limited to sleeping room, restaurant, water provided quality, bathrooms, washing
machines, TV, Satellite, Electric generators, cleaning team, air conditioning system,
firefighting equipments for each of the temporary facilities, food quality, and primary
medical supports in case of emergency.
Ain Azmer is already have it is forms of inspection for each of the above
inspections points.
Section 4: Incident& Accident Reporting and Investigation:
It will be including the following:
A. Reporting, Investigating and Managing of Incidents
Ain Azmer Company is committed to providing a safe working environment as far
as is reasonably practicable.
The company will undertake any steps possible to ensure the safety of its employees
and visitors by preventing incidents from occurring.
All accident, incident, near misses, dangerous occurrences, unsafe conditions and
unsafe acts must be reported immediately to the supervisor who in turn would relay
the message to other relevant persons and managers. If on a client’s site, the incident
must be reported to the client representative responsible for the job. All incidents
must be reported before the end of the work shift the accident occurred within.
Incidents must be dealt with in accordance to the Emergency Response plans for the
various types of incidents.
All incidents must be investigated by the supervisors and managers. In instances
where incidents occur on a client’s site, the client procedure for incident reporting and
investigation must be followed. The employees must take part in the client’s
investigation if required. The investigation team will be adequately trained and
possess the relevant experience to perform investigations (example Tap Root
training). The investigation team will comprise of a cross-functional team.
B. Incident& Accident Investigation Process for Critical Incidents
There are three levels of emergencies.
Level 1 – Minor and can be dealt with quickly and effectively by personnel on site of
Level 2 – Serious and requires the need for external assistance.
Level 3- Major and requires the need for external assistance.
Incidents categories include:
 Fire, explosion
 Chemical / oil spill
 Injury or illness
 Security breach
 Vehicular accident
Incident will be classified as minor, serious and major. For minor incident the supervisor
is responsible for carrying out the investigation. For the serious incident the Department
Manager, HSE Professional, Supervisor, and other appropriately trained employees will form
the investigation team. In the event of a major incident the Managing Director, HSE
Professional, Supervisor, other appropriately trained employees and competent external
personnel will comprise the investigation team.
C. Stop Work Order
Work must be suspended in the event of an incident. If the incident was minor work will be
resumed once the relevant checks are performed and the supervisor indicates it is safe to
resume work. In the event of either serious or major incidents, work will be suspended until the
situation is evaluated and senior management gives the okay to return to work.
If working on a client’s site employees of Ain Azmer Company will follow the client’s
procedure for work stoppage.

D. Incident Report Form:

No Item Date: Time Location
1. Type of Incident Minor Serious Major
2. Employee Full Name
3. Length of
4. Name Of company, Team Leader Name:
Details of Incident

Witnesses Contact information Job Title

Employee Signature: Date: Any Additional Notes:

Supervisor Signature Date

Reviewed By:

Lesson Learned: (This part is must be filling by HSE Manager)


E. Incident Reporting and Investigation Flow Chart and Responsibilities

INCIDENT Involved employee / witness

Report Incident to Employer /Site

Controller Company Representative

Report Incident to OSH TT if

Supervisor, Management, Trained

Preserve Scene Personnel, HSE Rep

Investigate Supervisor / Designated


Generate Report Supervisor

Inform Affected Employees Senior Management

Address recommendation in a HSE Manager

Timely Manner

Review all the information

E. Investigation report form:

No. Type of Incident Location of

1. Employee Name Job Tile
2. Length of Company name
3. Witnesses Job Contact
Titles Information
Notes If Any

4. Details of incident

5. What was employee was doing at time of incident?

6. What unsafe condition or actions existed to contribute to the incident?

7. The entire Permit to work, safety check lists, Confined spaces permit, etc. Are clear before
the incident is happened?

8. What preventative measure should have been taken?

9. Why this is happened?

10. Recommendations:

11. Prepared by: (Name) Signature:

12. Approved (Name) Signature:

Section 5:
Safety meetings:
The daily safety meeting must be done in every day before starting any type of activities.
Also the weekly safety meeting must also do in each week as per the advice of the safety
officer about the time.
All the working team personnel must sign there attendants to the safety meeting before
starting the work.
Please refer to the attachment T2 (Safety meeting format) for the details.
Section 6:
Safety site Rolls:
All the safety site rolls inside Ain Azmer company are according to the related Policies
and it is including but not limited to the following items below and always we updated it as
per our work experiences after each of our projects to keep the safety in high level because the
safety factor is always the mean priority for Ain Azmer Company.
Introduction of alcohol, drugs and controlled substances onto Ain Azmer sites is strictly
Additionally, no employee may work whilst under the influence of alcohol, drugs or
controlled substances. Violation of this policy may result in immediate dismissal. If you are
using prescribed medication you should be aware of any side effects as discussed by your
physician (e.g. drowsiness, dizziness, etc.). If you are under such medication, you must
inform your supervisor or department head, and include any side effects that can impact your
or others, working safety.
Also on behave of the applicable law in KRG and Iraq everybody knows the following:
Hold, distribution, trade with or using all type of Drug without legal rights it a crime and
the projects Managements must take an action to informing the local official security, Police
station departments if anybody break the law by use or trade or distribution of the drug
materials in additional to take the required actions including the termination of that employee
from his job immediately.
All the supervisors, team leaders, Safety officers are responsible to be sure that there is
nobody at all from them teams are using or under the effect of any type of alcohol even if is
partially while he is doing his job in the site.
Site communications:
The communication system will be used in the site during all the project period so all the
supervisors and engineers, surveyor, and team leaders will hold an instrument of
communications to be sure that all the working teams are stay in contact in the same time and
that is very active and useful during the emergency time.
Ain Azmer employees shall NOT work alone in areas where conditions exist that are
immediately life threatening. These include, but are not limited to areas with potential
exposure to live electrical circuits, hazardous substances, machine shop equipment, power
rooms and attic/roof areas.
When you work in these or other hazardous areas you MUST have at least one other
person, that is knowledgeable of the applicable hazards and emergency procedures, present.
You may work alone in non-hazardous areas (e.g. offices) as long as your activities can be
periodically monitored, either by your supervisor, manager, safety, or security personnel.
Ain Azmer employees shall not work alone whilst working a night shift or during an
emergency call out during hours of darkness. Ain Azmer should ensure that suitable and
sufficient portable lighting is available at all times in cases of emergency for use by
personnel, personnel shall ensure all such equipment is used when required. Employees shall
remain contactable at all times, via mobile telephone or two way radio.


This shall be the responsibility of the safety officer who shall ensure that:
(a) The electrical distribution system including all switch-gear wiring and sockets is tested
and inspected for electrical safety.
(b) All sockets plugs and extension leads are regularly inspected by responsible persons and
that faults are rectified by a competent person.
(c) Special electrical hazards are properly controlled.
(d) All portable electrical equipment liable to wear and tear and other damage is fitted with
residual current detector trip equipment or is only operated from sockets fitted with such
This includes - portable power tools as below:
 extension leads
 inspection lamps
 portable welding sets
 portable vacuum cleaners
 power washing equipment
The above equipment shall also be regularly inspected by the safety Management.
(e) All fixed or semi-fixed electrical equipment is inspected and tested by a competent
This equipment includes- Office Equipment
 Ventilation Fans
 Flameproof Lighting
 Abrasive Wheels
 Kitchen Equipment
The Company shall carry out their own electrical safety checks.
1. All visitors must report to a member of staff when first arriving on site.
2. A member of the Staff must accompany all visitors when on site.
3. Where visitors require entry to any hazardous area, they must be provided with
the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment and Respiratory Protective
Equipment as required.
The below form can be forward to any of the visitors as per his request to be used for his
notes or comments record and it must send back to the project managements to take the required
action after review it is details for achieving the safety at the working site.

Form 1: Site Visit Form
Location: Date: Time:
Attendees list:
No. Name Job title Signature

Issued Identified:
Item Observations Consequence Action to be Date Due

Prepared By:
Name: Job Title:
Date Signature
Correction Actions are taken, so this inspection form is closed.
Reviewed By HSE manager
Name: Notes
Date Signature


This includes: - Chains, Ropes and Lifting Tackle Chains, Ropes and Lifting Tackle, other.
All chains, ropes, lifting beams, block and tackles, slings must have Certificates of Test and
Examination specifying safe working loads. A competent person must renew certificates in
time. Never use damaged or worn lifting tackle chains, ropes or slings and always check safe
working load before lifting loads.
G. First Aid;
A suitable number of first aid boxes must be available in location as needed as example the
It the safety officers to check and be sure about the below:
 Check the contents of the first aid boxes weekly, replacing items/stocks as required.
 Charge of a situation and call for emergency services if required.
H. Ambulance Vehicle:

As additional action will be taken by AIN AZMER management during any project there is
an Official Ambulance Vehicle will be available in the site with a qualified medical staff to be
use in case of injury of anybody in the working site.
I. Speed limits:
The speed limits for all the trucks, vehicle, and any other equipment shall not be more than
25 km/h as maximum except the ambulance vehicle it will be the driver to be chose the suitable
speed with the limit of safety.
In case there is anybody breaks these instructions then it is the security team responsibility to
stop him and inform the safety officer to carry out the required investigation.
The required action will be taken as per the project management advice and it can be reach to
termination after one warning.
A suitable size of fire extinguishers will be available in or out of all the camps facilities
including kitchen, bathrooms, offices, sleeps rooms, warehouse, generators area, fuel tanks
In additional each equipment will be have at least one fire extinguisher also all of the fire
extinguishers must be tests and inspected by the safety officer from time to time to be sure it is
sufficient for use in case of emergency.
K. Safety meeting:
The safety officer is responsible to be sure that the safety meeting are hold every morning
before the work and with the help of the security team he must be sure that everybody are
attended the safety meeting.
L. Daily work schedule:
A. The wake up time will be 6:30 Am.
B. From 6:30 up to 7 Am the breakfast time. (The restaurant will be closed at 7 and
it is not allowed to anybody to enter after 7 AM). (Security team to be sure about
C. From 7 Am up to 7:15 (Safety meeting).
D. From 7:15 up to 12:00 the first part of the working day.
E. From 12:00 up to 1:00 PM the lunch time.
Each of the team leaders are responsible to check that all his working team are in safe
and move to the restaurant before he can left the site.
F. From 1:00 PM up to 6:00 Pm the Second part of the working day.
E. From 7:00 Pm up to 8:00 PM the diner time.
G. The sleeping time will be no later than 10:00 PM.

M. vacations and holidays:

As general practice in all of AIN AZMER projects all the employee know that the vacations
and holidays are be decided by the management by taking the following points in
 Weather: In case of the bad weather and there is no chance to continuing the work in safe
then the management can send everybody to their homes for a limited time until the weather
is change and that can in any day but not limited to weekends.
 In case we loss some working days because the previous point above then the weekends will
be working days.
 The work progress must be taken in consideration before decided to give any vacation.
 The management as always can send back anybody to home in case it is necessary as family
issues but for limited time.

 Any other chance to give the working team a general vacation will be decided at time.
N. Projects I.D:
Every person in the working team must have the project ID which is given to him by the
management and he is responsible to show his ID at request and that is why he needs to keep it
with him always.
The security team is responsible always to be sure that all of the working area is free from
any unauthorized persons to be available in the working site and they must report to the project
O. Refueling Procedure:
(Mobile Fueling): AIN AZME Company are going to use the mobile fueling vehicle, with
suitable capacity for re fueling the equipment's in it work locations, and simply the process as
1. AIN AZMER are going to provide one storage tank with 30 cubic meter in capacity to be used
as fuel tank and it will be located in suitable place near of the camp for feeding both of the
mobile truck and the electrical generators for the camp area.
2. The safety requirements for the fuel tank above must be checked by the safety officer before it
can be used.
3. The mobile truck (small one with about 3.5 cubic meters in capacity) will be used for refueling
the equipment's and also it must be checked by the safety officer before it been used.
4. The mechanical supervisor will be responsible for all of the refueling issues.
The following notes must be taken in consideration as safety roles for the refueling:
1. No person shall smoke or allow a source of ignition (cell phone) to be within 7.5 meters of a
vehicle while it is being refueled.
2. No person shall transfer flammable fuels into the fuel tank of a motor vehicle while its engine
is running.
3. Contractors / fuel truck operators must ensure they take precautions to prevent the fuel from
overflowing or spilling when dispensing flammable fuel.
4. Plastic fuel containers must be placed on the ground when filling to prevent static electric
build up.

P. Parking:
The following procedure will be followed by AIN AZMER during any project or in our
 All the equipment's, vehicle must be parking in the site in Separate.
 The entire vehicle must be parking in such that the front of it must be towards the way of
leaving the area so that can be very helpful during the emergency.
 All the flame sources must be away from the parking area.
 Always must be suitable space between any two vehicles to avoid any accidents.
 Only the projects vehicle will be allowed to move inside the working area after the approval
from the projects managements.

Section 7: Training
Management shall implement a training program that will provide for orientation and
training of each new employee, existing employees on a new job, or when new equipment,
processes, or job procedures are initiated. The training provided will consist of, but not be
limited to, the correct work procedures to follow, correct use of personal protective equipment

required, and where to get assistance when needed. This training should be accomplished by
the employee's supervisor but may be done by a training specialist or an outside consultant such
as a vendor or safety consultant. Training shall be provided to all persons in operating
supervisory positions in conducting safety meetings, conducting safety inspections, accident
investigation, job planning, employee training methods, job analysis, and leadership skills.
Section 8: First Aid
Management shall adopt and implement a first aid program which will provide for a
trained first aid person at each job site on each shift. A first aid kit with proper supplies for
the job exposures will be maintained and restocked as needed. Emergency phone numbers
for medical services and key company personnel must also be maintained.
Ain Azmer First Aid Policy:
This policy establishes guidelines for the deployment of first aid kits at AIN AZMER to
enable the provision of medical first aid treatment and follow-up of minor injuries at AIN
AZMER. The goal is to provide supplies for appropriate care for minor injuries. The process
begins with the evaluation of risk and potential need for first aid supplies, is triggered by a minor
injury on site, continues with the use of the first aid supplies, followed by the with reporting and
evaluation of the injury by Health Services, and ends with the restocking of needed supplies.

1. All employees and visitors to AIN AZMER who experience minor injuries
2. Co-workers willing to assist
3. AIN AZMER management
4. AIN AZMER procurement
5. AIN AZMER Health Services staff

The policy of Ain Azmer Company is to encourage and promote the safe, efficient provision
of first aid for minor injuries, using employee self-care, voluntary first aid providers, and Health
Services to provide care. AIN AZMER also requires the reporting and investigating of
circumstances causing first aid injuries, and following up first aid injuries in Health Services to
prevent complications during healing. The goal of this policy is to describe how first aid kits can
be obtained and used. First aid kits must not contain oral medications, to prevent serious allergic


1. First aid injury: An injury that can be adequately treated using topical wound cleaning,
topical medications, ice, heat, nonprescription medications (at nonprescription strength),
temporary splinting during transport, simple splinter removal or blister drainage, tetanus
immunization, adhesive bandages or wound closures, non-rigid splints, eye irrigation for a
foreign body, and/or the use of eye patches or finger guards. (AIN AZMER follows the federal
OSHA definition of first aid).
2. Voluntary first aid provider: An employee who provides first aid on a voluntary basis
to an injured person.
3. First aid kit: Medical supplies suitable for the provision of basic first aid.

1. AIN AZMER employees shall seek care when injured, and are responsible for reporting all
work-related injuries to their supervisor. If hosting a guest, they are responsible for report a
guest injury to their supervisor.
2. AIN AZMER visitors are responsible for reporting on-site injuries to their host.
3. AIN AZMER management is responsible for deciding whether to purchase first aid kits for
their work areas. The location of this kit should be made known to employees. Following an
injury, they are responsible for assisting their employee in obtaining appropriate medical
treatment for work-related injuries, and ensuring these injuries are reported to Health
Services. To receive treatment, the manager may direct the employee to AIN AZMER Health
Services, provide first aid by a qualified individual, or direct the employee to a local
emergency room. Following the use of the first aid kit, AIN AZMER management is
responsible for restocking or replacing the first aid kit, at their expense.
4. AIN AZMER procurement is responsible for limiting the purchase of first aid kits to those
pre-approved by the AIN AZMER Site Occupational Medical Director.
1) For Injured employees to seek care and report their injury:
a) Initiate self-care and report their injuries to their supervisor as soon as possible.
b) If on site during business hours, report to Health Services.
c) If on site after business hours, consider self-care from a local first aid kit, using the first aid
kit available outside health Services, or seeking appropriate care in the community.
d) If off site, follow the direction of their supervisor to seek an appropriate level of medical care.
e) Report their injury to Health Services.
2) For coworkers of injured workers:
a) If trained in first aid, it is permissible on a voluntary basis to provide care from local first aid
b) If not trained or comfortable in providing first aid, help locate assistance for the injured
c) Consider assisting the injured employee in getting transportation, seeking help, notifying
management, etc.
3) AIN AZMER managers of injured employees
a) Assist injured employees in getting appropriate medical care. If uncertain, seek someone with
medical training to evaluate the injury.
b) Refer the employee Health Services for initiation of an accident report and medical follow-up
as soon as possible, but no later than the next business day.
c) Notify the Environment, Health and Safety Division office of significant injuries.
d) Purchase and restock first aid kits, as needed.
4) AIN AZMER procurement
a) Restrict first aid kit purchases to those approved by the AIN AZMER SOMD. In general,
these will be kits containing no medications and no medical equipment requiring advanced

Section 9: Emergency Preparedness Program:
Ain Azmer Management is developed a written emergency preparedness plan to ensure to the
extent possible the safety of all employees, visitors, contractors, and vendors in the facility at the
time of emergency situations, such as but not limited to natural disasters, fire, explosions,
chemical spills and/or releases, bomb threats, and medical emergencies. Emergency shutdown
and startup procedures will be developed in industries having equipment that requires several
steps to properly shutdown and secure. Employees shall be trained in these procedures to reduce
the incidences of additional injuries, property damage, and possible release of hazardous
materials to the environment. Emergency plans shall comply with all governmental regulations
and state and local emergency response committee requirements.
All employees and contractors shall be trained in the facility's emergency plan. A facility
training drill will be conducted at least annually to test the emergency plan. The emergency plan
will be reviewed annually and revised as required. Employees shall be trained in the updated
emergency plan. Monthly inspections of all access and egress aisles and doors will be conducted
to determine that they are clear, unobstructed, and operable. Evacuation routes shall be posted in
all work areas showing primary and secondary routes for employees' evacuation to a safe,
predetermined location for a head count.


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