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The Electranet Group of NAWROZ

H&S Induction Training


Health and Safety Induction Training

12/20/2020 1
Group HSSE Manager

• Adrian Harrod & Mike Fleming

• 07508 173898 / 07508 588024
• •

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Topics covered in Induction
• H&S Law Policy/H&S Representatives
• Accident/Incident Reporting
• First Aid Facilities
• PPE (Personal Protective Footwear, Clothing & Equipment)
• Fire Evacuation Procedure/Emergency Exits/Assembly Points
• C.O.S.H.H. (Chemical/Hazardous Materials)
• Manual Handing

Specific Site Risks

a) Electricity
b) Transport, Internal and External
c) Hand Arm Vibration

• Signage
• Risk Assessments
• Display Screen Equipment
• Welfare Facilities

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Defining Health and Safety

• Health is defined as both physical and mental wellbeing.

• Ill health can include physical injuries and medical ailments.

• Safety is the control of unplanned events.

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Overall Aims & Objectives of Health & Safety
• To ensure safety requirements are appreciated by all employees of The
Electranet Group & Dashti Company

• To enable you to identify hazards that you are exposed to and control these

• To enable you to seek positive improvements in your own health & safety
through education.

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Why Are We Doing This?
• Humane - An employee should not have to expect that by coming to work they
are risking life or limb, and nor should others be affected by their undertaking.

• Economic - legal fees, fines, compensatory damages, investigation time, lost

production, lost goodwill from the workforce, and lost goodwill from customers.

• Legal - We have a duty under the law to ensure, so far as is reasonably

practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work of all our employees.

In other words, the degree of risk in a particular job or workplace to be

needs against time, trouble, cost and the physical difficulty of taking
measures to avoid or reduce the risk. What the law requires here is what
management andare
common sense wouldmeasures
lead you oto ackle
do anyway: that is, to
at what the risks and take sensible
them. t t
12/20/2020 6
What is Health & Safety?
• No accidents.

• Absence of disease and illness.

• Physical and mental wellbeing.

“Accident prevention is everyone's responsibility”

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The Health & Safety at Work etc Act 1974

Employers MUST so far as is reasonably practicable:

• Ensure the Health, Safety & Welfare of all its employees.

• Provide a written statement of their Health & Safety policy.
• Consult with employees representatives.

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• Two Company H&S Policies

• The General H&S Policy & Environmental Policy.
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The Health & Safety at Work etc Act 1974

Employees MUST so far as is reasonably practicable:

• Take reasonable care of their own Health & Safety.
• Take reasonable care for the Health and Safety of anyone who may be
affected by their own acts or omissions.
• Co-operate with their employer to enable the fulfilment of statutory

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How Do We Handle Health & Safety?
• Risk Assessments

• Safe Ways of Working

• Control Measures

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First Aid At Work

First aid is defined as the first help given to

someone to prevent injury or illness from
becoming worse.

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First Aid Provision & Facilities

• First aid equipment is provided in the building these will be pointed

out on your building orientation
• There are First aiders in all departments

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Personal Protective Equipment

Personal protective equipment is provided for your work. However

you should remember that personal protective equipment is an
essential last resort where hazards can not be controlled in any
other way.

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What Is PPE?

Examples Include:
• Gloves
• Hard Hats
• Protective Footwear
• Eye Goggles
• Overalls
• Ear Protection
• Barrier Creams

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Fire Safety

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Fire Evacuation Wardens

The Company Fire Wardens are:

• Adrian Harrod – Group HSSE Manager

• Samer Jajou – Dashti Group Manager
• Ivan Yousif – Dashti Site HSSE Officer

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Action – In the Event of a Fire

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Assembly Points

Make sure you know:

• How to raise the alarm

• Your nearest fire exit route
• Where your assembly point is situated

Never take personal risks and IF


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DO NOT attempt To Put Out A Fire
Unless It Is Safe & You Are Trained To
Do So!

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Hazardous Substances

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Chemical Safety

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Product Name

Chemical Reg. No.

Hazard Classification

Risk Phrase

Safety Phrase

Supplier & Contact No.

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Hazard Warnings

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Employee Duties - COSHH

• Follow safe systems of work practices

• Use safety controls
• Use correct PPE
• Ensure PPE is useable
• Report any problems

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Golden Rules For Chemicals

• Undertake Risk Assessment

• Never mix chemicals or substances
• Follow handling instructions
• Wear appropriate & correct PPE
• Maintain good personal hygiene

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Manual Handling

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How do we Define Manual Handling?

• Lifting
• Pulling
• Pushing
• Putting down
• Carrying
• Moving

Of a load by hand or by bodily force.

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Hazards Associated With Handling

• Task itself

• Individual doing the job

• Load being handled

• Working environment

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What are the Problems?

The most common causes of workplace back

injuries are:
• Bad posture, losing the curve of the back
• Lifting with legs straight –TOP HEAVY LIFTING
• Lifting off balance
• Lifting weights that are too heavy
• Twisting with or without a load and not using feet
• Stretching or reaching
• Pulling or pushing off balance or with the point of contact too high or too

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Employers Duties

• Avoid manual handling

• Risk assess activities posing a risk of injury

• Reduce risk

• Provide information and training

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Employee Duties
• Take reasonable care
• Co-operate with the employer
• Make full and proper use of any systems of work
• Follow training guidelines
• Reports anything that appears dangerous

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Base Movement

Ensure that the movement flows in 1 motion, with practice this

technique will become 2nd nature and will help prevent
injuries caused by manual handling.

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Basic Electrical Safety
All electrical equipment checks MUST be completed daily before the
commencement of each shift.

If a piece of electrical equipment is thought to be faulty you MUST:

•Ensure that no other operator uses the equipment

•Notify your supervisor or manager immediately

•On no account try to repair the equipment yourself

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Basic Electrical Safety
• All Electrical equipment must have an in date PAT or Equivalent
testing certificate on it.

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Internal and External Logistics Transport

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Transport Safety
• Approximately 2115 deaths over the past two years involving
• In 2012 being struck by a moving vehicle was the 2 nd most common
kind of fatal accident.
• HGV’s and Fork Lift Trucks are the most commonly cited agents in
fatal accidents.
• 5455 plus “over 3 day” injuries
– Reported under RIDDOR
• Types of incident:
• Being hit
• Being run over
• Being struck by objects

Data Taken from the HSE

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Transport Hazards

Internal External

Fork Lift Trucks • HGV’s

• Pedestrian • Delivery
Trucks Vehicles
• Tow Trucks • Cars

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Safety Measures: INTERNAL

• Pedestrian walkways
• 5mph site speed limit
• RTITB Trained
(Can not drive if not been verified)
• Daily Inspections
• Safety signs

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Safety Measures: EXTERNAL

• One way traffic system

• 10mph site speed limit
• Speed ramps
• Pedestrian crossings
• Stop junctions
• Traffic lights
• Safety signs

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Hand Arm Vibration

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Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVs)

Exposing your fingers and hands to high levels of vibration on hand tools etc can:

• Damage blood vessels and reduction in blood supply

• Damage nerves causing a permanent loss of feeling
• Bones and muscles may also become damaged, e.g. arthritis
Early Symptoms Of Vibration White Finger (VWF) Include:
• Usually first set off by the cold.
• Numbness
• Pins and needles, chilblains, and numbness.
• Grip strength reduced.
What can you do……read, understand and adhere to any safe systems prepared by your
Manager. Bring to the attention of managers any signs or symptoms of HAVs that you
think you have developed. When requested, attend health surveillance.

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S ign a ge

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Safe Condition

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Fire Equipment

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Fire Exit Signs

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Risk Assessment

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Risk Assessment

Risk Assessments are used by Electranet Group to

reduce the risk of accidents through:

• Planning
• Organisation
• Control
• Monitoring
• Review

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Risk Assessment Involves Hazard & Risk

Hazard Risk

An alien entering But the risk of it

the company could happening is
Be hazardous! Insignificant!

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Hazards and Risks

What is a Hazard?
Something that has the potential to cause harm.

What is a Risk?
The likelihood that the hazard will cause

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Purpose of Risk Assessment

“Identify measures to protect health and safety”

• Prevention of risk

• Provision of information

• Provision of training

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Risk Assessments

Management Regulations

Chemicals Noise

Manual DSE

Fire First Aid

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Who is Covered by Risk Assessment?

• Employees
• Temporary workers
• Contractors
• The public

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Simple Risk Assessments

• What are the hazards?

• Who might be harmed?
• Is the risk adequately controlled?
• Can anything else be done?

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Identifying People At Risk

• Employees
• Temporary workers
• New employees
• Visitors • Pregnant women
• Contractors • Less able-bodied
• Young
• Lone workers

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Display Screen Equipment

Safe Working Practices

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Health Risks

• Stress
• Neck and back pain
• Eye strain
• Headaches

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Working Safely With Display Screen Equipment

• Good posture

• Right equipment

• Proper setup

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Display Screen Equipment

Good Posture Right Equipment

• Arm position • Adjustable seat
• Head/eye • Space on desk
position • Foot stool
• Position at desk • Document
• Glare/reflection holder
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Display Screen Equipment

Set Up Work Patterns

• Screen position • Take breaks
• Keyboard • Vary work
position • Look to infinity
• Chair • Wear glasses if

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Welfare Facilities

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Welfare Facilities

• Kitchen area
• Toilet facilities
• Food consumption
• Smoking area

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It is your responsibility to keep your working

environment clean and tidy.

This means putting things

in bins, sweeping the floor and wiping down your
machinery or work bench daily.

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• You have a legal duty to protect your own safety and
• Follow the advice of safety notices.
• Report any safety concerns to your manager.
• Don’t undertake tasks you have not been trained to do.
• Do not enter restricted areas without authority.
• Keep access routes clear.
• Maintain good housekeeping standards.
• In the event of a fire, raise the alarm.

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• Use materials and chemicals in accordance with

manufacturers instructions.
• Do not carry out electrical repairs.
• Wear personal protective equipment provided.
• Always be aware of what is going on around you.

If in doubt ASK FOR HELP!

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