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The formation and progress of relations with other countries by taking suitable steps at global
level in order to shield the national interest is called foreign policy.

Description of foreign policy

George Madlikosi said that the methodical activities progressed by communities for shifting the
behavior of other states for adjusting their own activities in a global level is called foreign policy.

Foreign policy includes some appreciable level relations between states and others by involving
of decisions and actions. (Prof. Joseph Frenkel)

F.M Muhammad Ayun Khan said that the foreign policy of a country is in a sense a forecast of
its interior rules i.e. social, political, and economics.

Foreign policy commands how a country will act with esteem to other countries politically,
socially, economically, and systematically, and to somewhat lesser range, how it acts towards
non state actors.

Padelford and Lincolin said that the foreign policy is the key part in the development by which
a state translates it broadly considered goals and interests into tangible course of action to reach
these purposes and preserve interest.


The foreign policy of Pakistan pursues to promote the internationally known customs of national
relations, i.e. admiration for sovereignty and territorial honesty of all States, non-interference in
the internal matters of other State; non-aggression and diplomatic settlement of disputes.

Foreign policy of Pakistan took new turn like other states including some permanent ideals with
the passage of time.

Pakistan’s foreign policy seek to protect, promote and advance Pakistan’s national interest in the
comity of state.

Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the Creator of Pakistan and its first Governor General,
in a film conversation to the people of the USA in February 1948, drew the following goals of
Pakistan’s foreign policy:

“Our foreign policy is one of friendliness and goodwill towards all the states of the world. We do
not cherish violent designs against any country or state. We believe in the principle of honesty
and fair play in national and international dealings and are prepared to make our utmost
contribution to the promotion of peace and wealth among the nations of the world. Pakistan will
never be found lacking in spreading its material and ethical care to the oppressed and suppressed
peoples of the world, and in maintenance the values of the United Nations Charter.”

The Quaid’s foreign policy vision thus specified Pakistan’s unfaltering devotion to the
resolutions and principles of the UN Charter, chiefly the principles of sovereign equality,
territorial integrity, non-interference in each other’s matters, and nonviolent settlement of two-
sided disputes.

Functionally, he also predictable the nation’s irrevocable promise to the principles of democracy,
diversity, market economy, social justice, common agreement and democratic order. Based on
the Quaid’s principles, the rudimentary goals of Pakistan’s foreign policy can be totaled up as
“protection of sovereign independence and territorial honesty, socio-economic growth, upkeep of
Islamic identity while rolling as a modern and forward-looking self-governing nation pursuing in
unity with the international communal the cause of global harmony and security and making
Pakistan a strong factor of regional and worldwide constancy.”

Quaid-e-Azam thought in a foreign policy based on peace, calmness and support.


Foreign policy is the name of running country’s matter.

Foreign policy maintains the relationship between one country to another.

Foreign policy safe-guarding the interest of country.

Foreign policy keeping the state harmless and secure.


The importance of foreign policy is acknowledged widely and it basically defines a state’s
approach towards the other states. 

A foreign policy should defend the territorial honesty of the country and defend the interests of
its citizens, both within and outside the country.

Its not possible to defense the country’s interest unless essential policies and strategies are to be
formed, which is the result of accepting secure and applied foreign policy.

Foreign Policy attain integrity and safety of one state and its political constancy from other states
through which a country can become friends from one country and vice versa, by commerce with
discreetly to achieve states defense.

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