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[학교시험을 위한 학평변형] 2019학년도 고2 9월 학평변형 영어

03강 Q.31, 32, 33, 34

Q.31 빈칸 추론 ➜ 어법, 서술형, 어휘 ★ <대표 예상 문제>
Children develop the capacity for solitude in the presence of an Q. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 옳은 것은?
attentive other. Children develop the capacity for solitude in the presence of an
Consider the silences that fall when you take a young boy on a quiet attentive other. Consider the silences that ①fall when you take a
walk in nature. ★The child comes to feel increasingly aware of what young boy on a quiet walk in nature. The child comes to feel
it is to be alone in nature, supported by being “with” someone who increasingly aware of what it is to be alone in nature, ②supporting
is introducing him to this experience. Gradually, the child takes by being “with” someone who is introducing him to this experience.
walks alone. Gradually, the child takes walks alone. Or imagine a mother giving
Or ★imagine a mother giving her two­year­old daughter a bath, her two­year­old daughter a bath, allowing the girl’s reverie with her
allowing the girl’s reverie with her bath toys as she makes up bath toys as she makes up stories and ③learning to be alone with
stories and learns to be alone with her thoughts, all the while her thoughts, all the while ④knows her mother is present and
knowing her mother is present and available to her. Gradually, the available to her. Gradually, the bath, ⑤taking alone, is a time when
bath, taken alone, is a time when the child is comfortable with her the child is comfortable with her imagination. Attachment enables
imagination. solitude.
Attachment enables solitude.
<추가 예상 문제>
Q. 서술형> 다음 문장의 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 내용을 [우리말 해석]을
참고하여 주어진 단어를 올바르게 배열하시오. (필요시 어형 변화, 중
복 사용 없음)
The child comes to feel increasingly aware of , ☆ 정답: ①
supported by being “with” someone who is introducing him to this ② supporting → supported
③ learning → learns
[우리말 해석] 그 아이는, 그에게 이러한 경험을 처음으로 하게 한 누군가
와 ‘함께’ 있다는 것에 의해 도움을 받아, 자연 속에서 혼자 있는 것이 어 ④ knows → knowing
떤 것인지에 대해 점점 알아 가는 것을 느끼게 된다. ⑤ taking → taken
be, be, nature, what, to, alone, it, in

Q. 어휘> 수업을 들으면서 보라색으로 표시된 주요 어휘를 확인하세요. ☆ 서술형 정답: what it is to be alone in nature

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[학교시험을 위한 학평변형] 2019학년도 고2 9월 학평변형 영어

Q.32 빈칸 추론 ➜ 문장 삽입, 서술형, 지칭 추론 ★ <대표 예상 문제>

Much of the spread of fake news occurs through irresponsible Q. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳을 고
sharing. 르시오.
A 2016 study from Columbia University in New York City and Inria,
a French technology institute, found that 59 percent of the news Then they may be sharing fake news.
from links shared on social media wasn’t read first. People see an
Much of the spread of fake news occurs through irresponsible
intriguing headline or photo in their news feed or on another website
sharing. ( ① ) A 2016 study from Columbia University in New York
and then click the Share button to repost the item to their social
City and Inria, a French technology institute, found that 59 percent of
media friends ― without ever clicking through to the full article.
the news from links shared on social media wasn’t read first. ( ② )
<Then they may be sharing fake news.>
People see an intriguing headline or photo in their news feed or on
To stop the spread of fake news, read stories before you share
another website and then click the Share button to repost the item
(A)them. ★Respect your social media friends enough to know what
to their social media friends ― without ever clicking through to the
information you are sending their way. You may discover, on close
full article. ( ③ ) To stop the spread of fake news, read stories
inspection, that an article you were about to share is obviously
before you share them. ( ④ ) Respect your social media friends
fraudulent, that (B)it doesn’t really say what the headline promises,
enough to know what information you are sending their way. ( ⑤ )
or that you actually disagree with (B)it.
You may discover, on close inspection, that an article you were
<추가 예상 문제> about to share is obviously fraudulent, that it doesn’t really say what
Q. 서술형> [우리말 해석]을 참고하여 주어진 단어를 올바르게 배열하여 the headline promises, or that you actually disagree with it.
문장을 완성하시오. (중복 사용 및 어형 변화 없음)
[우리말 해석] 여러분이 그들에게 어떤 정보를 보내고 있는지 알 만큼 충
분히 여러분의 소셜 미디어 친구들을 존중하라.
Respect, their, your, way, social, media, sending, enough, what, ☆ 정답: ③
know, information, friends, you, to, are
☆ 서술형 정답: Respect your social media friends enough to know what information you
are sending their way
Q. 지칭 추론> 밑줄 친 (A), (B)가 가리키는 대상을 찾아 적으시오.
☆ 지칭 추론 정답: (A) stories (B) an article (you were about to share)
(A) (B)

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[학교시험을 위한 학평변형] 2019학년도 고2 9월 학평변형 영어

Q.33 빈칸 추론 ➜ 문장 삽입, 서술형, 어휘, 어법 ★ <대표 예상 문제>

New technology tends to come from new ventures ― startups. From the Q. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳을 고
Founding Fathers in politics to the Royal Society in science to Fairchild 르시오.
Semiconductor’s “traitorous eight” in business, ★small groups of people
At the other extreme, a lone genius might create a classic work of art
bound together by a sense of mission have changed the world for the
better. or literature, but he could never create an entire industry.

The easiest explanation for this is negative: ★it’s hard to develop new
New technology tends to come from new ventures ― startups. ( ① )
things in big organizations, and it’s even harder to do it by yourself.
From the Founding Fathers in politics to the Royal Society in science to
Bureaucratic hierarchies move slowly, and entrenched interests shy away
Fairchild Semiconductor’s “traitorous eight” in business, small groups of
from risk. In the most dysfunctional organizations, signaling that work is
people bound together by a sense of mission have changed the world for
being done becomes a better strategy for career advancement than
the better. ( ② ) The easiest explanation for this is negative: it’s hard
actually doing work. <At the other extreme, a lone genius might create a
to develop new things in big organizations, and it’s even harder to do it
classic work of art or literature, but he could never create an entire
industry.> by yourself. ( ③ ) Bureaucratic hierarchies move slowly, and entrenched

Startups operate on the principle that you need to work with other people interests shy away from risk. ( ④ ) In the most dysfunctional
to get stuff done, but you also need to ★stay small enough so that organizations, signaling that work is being done becomes a better strategy
you actually can. for career advancement than actually doing work. ( ⑤ ) Startups operate
<추가 예상 문제> on the principle that you need to work with other people to get stuff
Q. 서술형 1> 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 내용을 [우리말 해석]을 참고하여 done, but you also need to stay small enough so that you actually can.
주어진 단어를 올바르게 배열하시오. (중복 사용 및 어형 변화 없음)
Startups operate on the principle that you need to work with other people
to get stuff done, but you also need to .
[우리말 해석] 스타트업은 일을 끝내기 위해 여러분이 다른 사람들과 함
께 일해야 하지만, 또한 실제로 그렇게 할 수 있도록 충분히 작은 규모를
유지할 필요가 있다는 원칙에 따라 작동한다.
can, you, so, small, stay, enough, that, actually ☆ 정답: ⑤

Q. 어휘> 수업을 들으면서 보라색으로 표시된 주요 어휘를 확인하세요.

Q. 어법> 수업을 들으면서 파란색으로 표시된 주요 어법을 확인하세요. ☆ 서술형 정답: stay small enough so that you actually can

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[학교시험을 위한 학평변형] 2019학년도 고2 9월 학평변형 영어

Q.34 빈칸 추론 ➜ 어휘, 문장 삽입, 글의 순서, 연결어 ★ <대표 예상 문제>

If you want to use the inclined plane to help you move an object (and Q. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것
who wouldn’t?), then you have to move the object over a longer distance 은?
to get to the desired height than if you had started from directly below If you want to use the inclined plane to help you move an object (and
and moved upward. who wouldn’t?), then you have to move the object over a ①longer
<This is probably already clear to you from a lifetime of stair distance to get to the desired height than if you had started from
climbing.> Consider all the stairs you climb compared to the actual directly below and moved upward. This is probably already clear to you
height you reach from where you started. This height is always less than from a lifetime of stair climbing. Consider all the stairs you climb
the distance you climbed in stairs. compared to the actual height you reach from where you started. This
★<In other words, more distance in stairs is traded for less force to height is always ②more than the distance you climbed in stairs. In other
reach the intended height.> Now, if we were to pass on the stairs words, more distance in stairs is traded for ③less force to reach the
altogether and simply climb straight up to your destination (from directly intended height. Now, if we were to pass on the stairs altogether and
below it), it would be a shorter climb for sure, but the needed force to simply climb straight up to your destination (from directly below it), it
do so would be greater. would be a ④shorter climb for sure, but the needed force to do so would
Therefore, we have stairs in our homes rather than ladders. be ⑤greater. Therefore, we have stairs in our homes rather than ladders.

<추가 예상 문제>
Q. 문장 삽입> < >로 표시된 문장의 위치를 확인하세요.
Q. 글의 순서> 단락이 나뉜 부분에 유의하면서 순서 배열을 확인하세요.
Q. 연결어> 수업을 들으면서 파란 밑줄이 칠해진 연결어를 확인하세요.

☆ 정답: ②
② more → less

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