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Geophysical investigations near the ancient Agora at the city of Argos, Greece

Article  in  Journal of Geophysics and Engineering · May 2010

DOI: 10.1088/1742-2132/7/2/S03


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3 authors, including:

Irene Zananiri Vasileios Hademenos

IGME - Greek Institute of Geology and Mineral Exploration Ghent University


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Geophysical investigations near the ancient Agora at the city of Argos, Greece

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J. Geophys. Eng. 7 (2010) 174–182 doi:10.1088/1742-2132/7/2/S03

Geophysical investigations near the

ancient Agora at the city of Argos, Greece
Irene Zananiri1 , Vassilios Hademenos1 and Christos Piteros2
Institute of Geology and Mineral Exploration, Olympic Village (Entrance C), Acharnae 13677, Greece
4th Ephoria of Prehistorical and Classical Antiquities, Syntagma Square, 21100 Nafplion, Greece
E-mail: and

Received 25 July 2009

Accepted for publication 15 January 2010
Published 4 May 2010
Online at

It is possible to reduce risk in archaeological excavations by identifying areas of high potential
at an early stage and locating trenches accordingly. Towards this goal, a non-invasive
geophysical survey was carried out at the city of Argos, which from the beginning of Archaic
Times and through to Classical Times was one of the most prominent city-states. Based on
historical and archaeological evidence, two sites were chosen near the ancient Agora of Argos.
Total field and gradient magnetic measurements were collected over several grids, with 1 m
spacing between measurement points. Representative samples were taken for laboratory
measurements of the low-field magnetic susceptibility. Mapping, filtering and inversion
procedures of the magnetic data have been used in tandem. The data management and
cartographic representation was performed using Geographic Information Systems, where a
geographic database was created, including all available information for the broader Argos
area. The results of the geophysical survey were able to highlight the presence of linear and
square structures possibly representing inhabitance ruins, namely small building remnants and
road foundations according to observations from neighbouring excavations. Thus, the authors
were able to suggest to the archaeologists excavation tests on the basis of the residual magnetic

Keywords: Argos, archaeology, geophysics, magnetometry, inversion

1. Introduction (2003), Gaffney and Gater (2003), Monaghan and Lovis

(2005)). Their application is based on the detection of
The Institute of Geology and Mineral Exploration (IGME) inhomogeneities of the geophysical parameters of the ground
of Greece, in the frame of ‘Community Support Framework caused by the presence of buried archaeological structures
2000–2006’, Operational Program ‘Competitiveness’, and artefacts. Detailed magnetometry is a rapid, effective
implemented the project called ‘Collection, codification and non-invasive tool for the localization of buried structures
and documentation of geothematic information for urban and constitutes the basis of archaeological surveying,
and suburban areas in Greece. Pilot studies’. During the complemented where necessary by ground penetrating radar,
implementation of the project, geoarchaeological research electric and electromagnetic methods (e.g. Sambuelli et al
studies were carried out in urban archaeological locations. (1999), Kvamme (2001), Drahor (2006), Negri and Leucci
Geoarchaeology is the application of earth science (2006), Papadopoulos et al (2009)).
principles and techniques to the understanding of the Although techniques of archaeological geophysics have
archaeological record (Clark 1996, English Heritage 2008); been used in Greece since the late 1960s (e.g. Ralph (1968),
over the past 50 years, advanced geophysical techniques Foster and Hackens (1969), Rudant and Thalmann (1976),
have been widely employed to assist archaeologists during Tsokas et al (1986, 1994), Diamanti et al (2005), Vafidis et al
excavation planning (e.g. Pattantyùs (1986), Patella and (2005), Sarris et al (2007)), their routine application has not yet
Hesse (1999), Sarris and Jones (2000), Bevan and Roosevelt become commonplace. The magnetic survey presented here

1742-2132/10/020174+09$30.00 © 2010 Nanjing Geophysical Research Institute Printed in the UK 174

Geophysical investigations near the ancient Agora at the city of Argos, Greece

Figure 1. Site location map showing the main cities and major archaeological sites of the Argolis Prefecture.

Figure 2. Topographic sketch of the city of Argos (modified after Pitéros (1998b)). 1–3: suggested position of main roads leading ESE; 4:
southern Stoa; 5: building structure, possibly a small temple; 6: temple of Hera Antheia; 7: western side of the southern Stoa; 8–10:
excavated road remnants; 11: one of the suggested positions of the temple of Apollo Lyceus; 12: road defining the northern border of the
ancient Agora. A–C (at site 1) and D–F (at site 2) mark the measuring grids of the magnetic survey.

constitutes a joint initiative by the IGME and the archaeologists have taken place from the late 19th century and continue
of the 4th Ephoria of Prehistorical and Classical Antiquities intensively up to now. Noteworthy are the excavation
towards the development of a systematic geoarchaeological campaigns, fruitful collaborations between foreign teams of
survey in the city of Argos. archaeologists and the Greek Archaeological Service, carried
out by the French School of Archaeology at Argos (Courbin
2. Outline of the archaeological problem 1974, Philippa-Touchais et al 2000), the British School of
Athens at Mycenae (Tourvavitou 1995), the American School
The Argolis Prefecture (figure 1) is one of the most active of Classical Studies at southern Argolis (Jameson et al 1994,
regions in Greece in terms of archaeological excavations that Runnel 2004), the Swedish Institute at Berbati (Wells and

I Zananiri et al

Ecroth 1996), the German archaeologist H Schliemann at

Mycenae and Tyrins (Schliemann 1880) and others (e.g. (a)
Caskey and Amandry (1952) at Heraion, Koumouzelis et al
(2001) at Klisoura Cave). Moreover, extensive rescue
excavation is taking place by the 4th EPCA at many sites
around Argolis Prefecture (Piteros 1998a, Barakatri-Gleni and
Peppa-Papaioannou 1999, Banaka-Dimaki 1988, 2003, 2008
and references therein).
The city of Argos (13 km far from Mycenae), today an
agricultural and industrial centre of the Argolis Prefecture, was
one of the most prominent city-states from the beginning of
Archaic Times (c. 800 B.C.) and through to Classical Times.
After the Dorian prevalence, political interest was transferred
from Mycenae and Tiryns to Argos (figure 1), which evolved to
one of the most important Dorian centres, reaching its peak at
the beginning of the 7th century B.C. (Karpodinis-Dimitriadis (b)
The main part of the city is nowadays covered by the
alluvial deposits coming from the activities of the Xerias
(Charadros) river. Thus, the ancient ground surface has been
elevated by 1.5–3.0 m on average, while at some points the
alluvial deposits reach more that 5 m height (Courbin 1963,
Pitéros 1998b). The modern city of Argos is mainly built
on this elevated surface on top of the ancient habitation
ruins brought to light during excavations of the French
Archaeological School and the 4th Ephoria of Prehistorical
and Classical Antiquities. The most important archaeological
remnants are the ancient Agora (figure 2), formed during the
5th century B.C. and destroyed by the Goths in 395 A.D.,
the Acropolis of Larissa on top of the hill and the secondary (c)
Acropolis ‘Aspida’, the ancient Theatre and the Asclepieion.
Piteros and Spahos (1986) reported the results of a geophysical
prospection to locate part of the S circuit of the city wall;
moreover, geophysical investigations (Sarris et al 2008) at
Portitses area in Argos indicated regions of interest related to
architectural relics that may be correlated to the location of the
ancient Stadium. However, the most famous building of the
city, the sanctuary of Apollon Lycius, referred to by Pausanias
(Pausanias II, 19.3), is yet to be found.
The purpose of the geophysical exploration in the city
of Argos was to reduce the archaeological risk by clarifying
areas of archaeological potential at an early stage and thus
assist archaeologists in excavation planning.
Figure 3. (a) Remains of occupation structures revealed during
excavation by the 4th Ephoria of Prehistoric and Classical
3. Methodology, data acquisition Antiquities at Argos, near the study area. The remnants were buried
at about 0.5 m depth. Site 1 of the present study is seen in the
Based on historical and archaeological evidence, two sites background; (b) foundation detail from an excavated construction;
(figures 2 and 3) were chosen near the ancient Agora of Argos. (c) general view of site 2, where the layout of the measuring grid is
The magnetic method, most commonly used in archaeological
geophysics (e.g. Tsokas et al (1997), Gaffney et al (2000),
Lopez-Loera et al (2000), Smekalova et al (2005), Schmidt data. Magnetic sensor level was set to 0.5 m above the Earth’s
(2007), Argote et al (2009), Eppelbaum et al (2009)), was surface. Magnetic measurements were carried out using a base
applied. Total field magnetic measurements were acquired station magnetometer, which kept track of the Earth’s magnetic
using the Geometrics G-856 equipment, with a resolution field variation every 2 min in an automatic mode (Weymouth
of 0.1 nT, over six 20 × 20 and 30 × 10 grids; in each and Lessard 1986). In grid D, vertical gradient measurements
square, the measurements were made along parallel traverses were also taken with the sensor level located at 2.44 m and
1 m apart with a sample interval also of 1 m. Three (3) 1.22 m above the ground surface. The magnetic survey covered
readings were taken at each point to ensure accuracy of the in total an area of 2300 m2. Representative soil samples

Geophysical investigations near the ancient Agora at the city of Argos, Greece

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 4. Magnetic survey results from grid B: (a) raw data of the total magnetic field (after diurnal correction and despiking); (b) reduction
to pole; (c) residual field and (d) 3D mapping of the residual magnetic field. The letters B1, B2 and B3 denote areas having high positive

were collected for laboratory measurements of the magnetic techniques were incorporated for the correction of the
susceptibility. The measurements were carried out with the magnetic measurements due to the diurnal variations of the
Bartington MS-2B magnetic susceptibility meter (operated at Earth’s magnetic field.
0.465 kHz frequency) at the Palaeomagnetic Laboratory of the A preliminary filtering and simultaneous smoothing was
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. performed to remove spikes observed in the magnetic map, due
Geophysical data were assembled and interrogated using to the presence in the subsurface of small metallic objects or
Geographic Information Systems (GIS). To accomplish this other sources of magnetic noise. The IGRF model provided us
task a geographic database was created, including all available with the magnetic inclination and declination angles necessary
information for the broader Argos area: local geology, for the data treatment. The data were analysed and plotted
topographic features, aerial imagery and archaeological data. using MagPick (Geometrics) and Surfer (Golden Software
The GIS module of the project was achieved through the use Inc.) software. Processing of the data was carried out with
of ArcGIS 9.3 (ESRI). kriging gridding techniques. Reduction to the north magnetic
Online tools, such as those pioneered by Google EarthTM pole was performed at the first stage of processing, followed
(GE), are changing the way in which scientists and the general by an upward continuation, where the Tikhonov regularization
public interact with geospatial data in a virtual environment; (Tychonoff 1963) for an elevation of 1 m was applied.
GE has found numerous applications, in geosciences as well The difference of the reduced-to-pole minus the calculated
as in many socioeconomic disciplines. In the present study, continued field represents the residual anomalies. Finally, to
critical information from the compiled geodatabase for Argos obtain a more informative, integrated picture mosaics were
was imported in Google Earth and stored as a Keyhole Markup created from adjacent grids (A+B and D+E+F).
Language zipped (KMZ) file, rendering a 2D layer in GE The following data maps were compiled:
directly, to facilitate dissemination to the archaeologists. • raw magnetic data contouring, after diurnal correction and
4. Data treatment • reduction to pole of the total magnetic field data
Temporary magnetic variations were removed using the • contouring of the residual magnetic field;
conventional scheme (Telford et al 1990); time interpolation • 3D mapping of the residual magnetic field.

I Zananiri et al

Figure 5. Multiple layers from the Argos geodatabase: (1) topographic sketch with archaeological information and hypotheses (modified
after Pitéros (1998b)), (2) topographic sketch with archaeological information & hypotheses (Courbin 1963), (3) topographic map scale
1:5000 (Geographic Service of the Hellenic Army), (4) aerial photograph, (5) geological map (Papastamatiou et al 1970). The arrows point
to the residual magnetic maps. The figure was compiled with ArcScene 9.3 (ESRI) software.

Table 1. Mean volume magnetic susceptibility (Km ), range of values and number of samples (N) from the Argos study areas and observed
construction materials.
Material Mean Km (SI) Km range (SI) N

Topsoil—grids A, B, C (< 30 cm depth) 67 × 10−6 32–95 × 10−6 36

Subsoil—grids A, B, C (30–40 cm depth) 52 × 10−6 30–69 × 10−6 5
Topsoil—grids D, E, F (<30 cm depth) 155 × 10−6 54–221 × 10−6 36
Subsoil—grids D, E, F (30–40 cm depth) 103 × 10−6 48–195 × 10−6 9
Limestone material 95 × 10−6 25–112 × 10−6 4
Bricks (clay) 3215 × 10−6 2850–3560 × 10−6 4
Tiles (clay) 2123 × 10−6 1850–2430 × 10−6 2

An example is presented in figure 4, where the results as well as on samples from possible construction materials.
from grid B, at site 1, are shown. Several discrete strongly Observed magnetic anomalies, either positive or negative, are
magnetized anomalies (B1, B2, B3) can be observed in this directly related to the soil’s magnetic susceptibility. Thus,
figure; being regularly spaced they denote possible building taking into account the measured magnetic susceptibility of
foundations similar to some excavated pillars (figure 3(b)). soil and construction materials, we can qualitatively estimate
Moreover, subtle linear anomalies can be identified and it
the nature of the expected magnetic anomalies for each grid
is possible that they represent the remains of anthropogenic
and use this information during magnetic maps interpretation.
rectilinear structures.
The residual magnetic field values in the surveyed grids For example, positive magnetic anomalies may represent
vary from −60.5 to 101.4 nT having a standard deviation of the remains of brick walls, while negative anomalies can
7.0 and a zero mean. correspond to limestone constructions in a relatively high
Low-field magnetic susceptibility measurements were susceptibility environment. The average and range values
carried out on samples of the top-soil and sub-soil layers, observed are given in table 1.

Geophysical investigations near the ancient Agora at the city of Argos, Greece

Figure 6. Residual magnetic field data from grids A+B (for a detailed view see figure 7) superimposed on an aerial photograph from the city
of Argos. Dashed lines indicate suggested position of main roads in ancient Argos (after Pitéros (1998b)); solid lines within grids A+B
denote linear magnetic anomalies.

5. GIS mapping and analysis The information stored in the Argos geodatabase,
namely the local geology, topography, magnetic field data,
Being designed specifically to manage and visualize spatially magnetic susceptibility data, archaeological information and
referenced data, a GIS is the best data management tool interpretation features, were exported from ArcGIS as a KMZ
available today for archaeological remains and local spatial file. This file is in a .zip format supported by Google Earth and
information (e.g. Kvamme (1989), Stine and Lanter (1990), includes all related files required for display of the data. The
Donoghue et al (1992), Maschner (1996), Sarris et al (2006)). virtual globe represented by GE, allowing the user to ‘fly’ from
The geophysical maps compiled from the magnetic survey at space down through layers of progressively high-resolution
the city of Argos were registered on the topographic layout data sets, facilitates dissemination of data in a format easily
(1:5000 scale map of the Geographic Service of the Hellenic accessible to the average user.
Army) and the aerial imagery of the wider region; layers
with local geology and archaeological information were also 6. Results and conclusions
incorporated (figure 5).
The GIS developed allowed the interactive management The residual magnetic maps reveal interesting features in
of all available layers and was used to facilitate correlation grids A, B and C; the observed magnetic anomalies, mainly
between geophysical data and archaeological information, indicating the presence of linear and geometric structures, are
allowing us to interpret the observed magnetic anomalies. mostly related to inhabitance ruins, buried at shallow depth,
An example, for grids A+B, is presented in figure 6, where according to data from neighbouring excavations (figure 3).
the residual magnetic map shows a series of parallel linear Moreover, as can be seen in figures 4, 6 and 7 (grids A+B
anomalies aligned in the NW–SE direction, which coincides and C), the general anomaly directions of site 1 trend NW–SE
with the suggested, by archaeological evidence, direction of a parallel to the suggested positions of the main ancient roads at
main road (number 1 in figure 2) leading to the ancient agora of the city of Argos (figure 8).
Argos. It is possible, thus, for the above magnetic anomalies Prior to the geophysical investigation at site 2, we
to represent the remains of that road. suspected the existence of a buried big building in this location,

I Zananiri et al

possible to extend the survey grids further to the east, where

archaeological information indicate another possible location
for the sanctuary (number 11 of figure 2).
The case study presented in these pages comprises a
preliminary geophysical survey at the city of Argos and
aimed to assist the archaeologists for excavation planning.
The magnetic survey provided indications for the location,
and absence in some cases, of occupational remnants, thus
allowing several conclusions to be drawn regarding the
architectural plan of the ancient city. Finally, the geothematic
information stored in the created geodatabase can contribute
to the design and realization of geoarchaeology projects in the
Argolis Prefecture, ensuring at the same time the spatial and
geological coherency of the entire data set (maps, geophysical
measurements, etc).


This study was funded by the Community Support Framework

2000–06 (Operational Program ‘Competitiveness’). We are
especially grateful to Professor Andreas Georgakopoulos,
former General Director of IGME, and Dr Panagiotis
Tsombos, scientist responsible for the project, for their support
in the development of geoarchaeological research. George
Efthimiou, Dimitris Mitropoulos and Alexandra Zervakou are
warmly thanked for assistance during geophysical field work.
Professor Despina Kondopoulou is gratefully acknowledged
for allowing the use of the facilities at the Palaeomagnetic
Laboratory of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. We
would like to thank Mrs Anna Banaka, Director of the 4th
Figure 7. Residual magnetic field from mosaics of grids A+B and Ephoria of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities at Nafplio,
D+E+F and individual grid C. for her support and encouragement in the application of earth
sciences towards the rescue of cultural heritage. Finally, we
thank the two anonymous reviewers for their constructive
comments and suggestions that greatly improved this paper.

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