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Te { ee _ SS LAL ll oy JUSTICE?! SORIPT JOHN JACKSON ee OF THE OLD ART BRIAN CHING coLors MICHAEL ATIYEH LETTERING MICHAEL HEISLER COVER ART BRIAN CHING MICHAEL ATIYEH 1 of seul Beiohed enant has acted as the galaxy’s _ secret defender for decades, rounding up danger- ow gua g against the return of ior The Covenant finds a nemesis in the unlikely form of the renegade Padawan Zayne Carrick. Suspected of potential ties to the Sith, Zayne has been framed for murder and marked for elimination by his own masters, led by Krynda’s son Lucien. THE OLD REPUBLIC ‘The Old Republic was the legendary government that united a galaxy under the rule of the Senate. In this era, the Jedi are numerous, With the innocent Zayne and his con-artist partner and serve as guardians of peace a ee r and sere @ guaran: [7 Gryph threatening to expose their secret society, comics series takes place in this | the Covenant may not be what it seems, either . . . ra, chronicling the immense wars fought by the Jedi of old, and the ancient Sith The events in this story take place approximately 3,963 years before: OESIGNER KRYSTAL HENNES assistant colon FREDDYE LINS the Battle of Yavin, corroR DAVE MARSHALL rusuiser MIKE RICHARDSON SPECIAL THANKS TO ELAINE MEDERER, JANN MOORHEAD, DAVID ANDERMAN, LELAND CHEE, SUE ROSTONI, ano CAROL ROEDER Ar TALK ABOUT THIS ISSUE ONLINE AT: WWW.DARKHORSE.COM/COMMUNITY/BOARDS ADVERTISING SALES: (S03) 905-2370 » COMIC SHOP LOCATOR SERVICE! (BBS) 266-4226 WWW.DARKHORSE.COM » WWW.STARWARS.COM STAR WARS: KNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC #32, August 2008, Published by Dark Horse Comies, Inc. 10956 SE Main Street, Mil- ‘waukle, OR 97222. Star Wars ©2008 Lucasfilm Ltd. & ". Allrights reserved. Used under authorization. Text and illustrations for Star Wars ‘re 02008 Lucasflim Ltd. Dark Horse Comics® and the Dark Horse logo are trademarks of Dark Horse Comles, Inc, registered In various Categories and countries. All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted, in any form or by any ‘means, without the express written permission of Dark Horse Comes, Inc. Names, characters, places, and incidents featured inthis i Ieation elther are the product of the author's imagin ‘events, institutions, of locales, without satiric Intent, is coincidental, PRINTED IN CANADA LT THE LADY GSNDAS IN SHE Hee UbPeR CHAMBERS,” BE DISTURBED — IN MEDITATION WITH (4 BUT J CAN EXAMINE: LEAVE GRYPH ARN POR OA HE. MUU TALISMAN WAS: D BY THE “SECURING THEIR ‘STOREHOUSE: ARTIFACTS HARM ie AND LUCIEN MADE IT POSSIBLE. Hig POSITION ON THE EDI COUNCIL GAVE Us THE ACCE . A ee Ree TALES OFTHE y= Bd YA Why have you not switched the year to "3962 before ANH" yet? It does not seem plausible that with fifteen or so comics and three story arcs, we shouldn't be see- ing more evidence of time passing. Did you forget 10 keep time in accordance to these events? There were only twelve issues ithe first “year” of the series. Also, I am waiting for Zayne to toughen up! We need to see the revenge of Zayne Cartick—that’s of topic on hich ‘you've held out for far foo long. Now is the time! People need to stop b Masters need to be punished fort Please, please. Please, please, p "xn 1 Rasen ior , Michigan « it’s not a new year, have you taken a look at Za these past few issues? He's definitely got a New-¥ resolution ... taking on all his Masters, andl even bn even thoug fight back to their headquarters! “Exalted” Part 1 is.angéXééllent atmospheric piec It exemplifies the slick pacing and fluid dialogue for Which John Jackson Miller is famous. From a purely literary perspective, it’s fascinating to watch Miller de- fine his characters through subtle gestures: their styles of speech, their reactions to one another and to their These delicate touches have made Knights of the Old Republic the most fascinating and the ‘most endearing of Dark Horse’s ongoing titles. Bong Dazo’s art is rich with texture and shadow. The depth of his drawings is absolutely dizzying, like tumbling headfirst into the page. His rendering of es- tablished characters is more exact and more regular than in previous issues. Issue #29 is indubitably Dazo’s Star Wars project—perhaps even equal to his work in The Irregulars. environments Sean R. Moorhead “Grand Admiral Seans’ 1 have to be careful that John doesn’t rest on his lau- rels—as he might be inclined to do with that flowing and flow- ery statement you've just made! And Bong! You'll be pleased to hhear that he will be back with more of his incredible pages in issue #33, next month. I'ma new reader to Knights of the Old Republic, and I read that you are trying to get new and casual readers to en- joy “Vector.” Well you've certainly got me! I enjoy read- ing Star Wars with a sort of caricature art. I see on the new arc of Ko(OR, “Exalted,” you've still managed to keep that (again) caricature art—but with a new artist! Knights of the Old Republic and Legacy are my favorite Siar Wars books. I'm looking forward to following “Vector” to the end! The dang suspense fs killing me! Jordan Bechor ng him, id his DARK HORSE Comics 10956 SE Main ST. MitwauKie, OR 97222 STARWARS@DARKHORSE.COM DARKHORSE.COM/BOARDS/INDEX.PHP Glad to have you officially aboard! If “Vector” is what drew you to KotOR. you might not know that Bong isn’t completely new to us, or Knights; he was also the artist on issues #19-21, ‘and, he’s one of the talented artists who were a part of creating the upcoming graphic novel The Force Unleashed! I must say I am loving the “Vector” storyline so far. I am a great fan of Star Wars since the first movie came out in ’77, I have one question about this era of Star Wars: how come Nomi and Vima Sunrider are not I in this new Knights of the Old Republic se- ¢ stories take place only twenty-two years SOAs will we see a future na in thi ? Please put Vima in to know what has hap. nm... we haven't had questions about Nomi or Vima in a Robert Burns Michigan gg while: I'm sorry to'say there aren't any plans to have either of them show up in KotOR, Can we possibly distract you away from those hopes? ‘Next month, we've got an amazing side story all about Hazen and the sad, dark road he's traveled Freddye Lins assistant editor MADE & BROUGHT TO YOU BY SKOTINKA

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